Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

I don't have anything that talks to me. I turned the bell off on my washer and dryer. My vehicles are all at least 18 years old, but still have the door/key/lights/seatbelt bells. I roundly curse out my microwave when it beeps a second and third time if I don't open the door right away. Computer voices? Immediate execution...

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Good for you! :)

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Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

Neurodivergents arise!!

Great idea! I want a “fuck off” button. Other types of machines additionally need a MYOB button. For the kiddies: that’s Mind Your Own Business.

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LOL, "Mind Your Own Business" :))

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Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

I have avoided appliances that talk, and I have avoided ones that connect to the internet as well. I do have a microwave oven that dings when it is finished, but that is pretty old school. I am with you that talking devices that you are expected to "interact" with is an intrusion we don't need. And stuff that connects to the internet of things is a whole 'nother Pandora's box.

One way of avoiding all this is to only use older devices, either by keeping the ones we already have, or buying used if we need something and don't want the new "bells and whistles". In my case, I drive an eleven-year-old car, it works fine, and I am not trading it in for anything newer. There may come a time when staying with old devices is not practical, but for now, e-bay, craigslist and the like are useful resources.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

I think most devices they sell right now are "smart" or trying to be. So yes, your approach is reasonable! :)

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Very good theory. Though, I think it might be a chicken and egg situation in terms of increasing numbers of people finding themselves on the spectrum.

The appliances, car doors, opening of a computer etc etc make disturbing sounds that stress the nervous system with unharmonious loud off key buzzes to ridiculous, also loud, jingles that repeat too many times. How about those Christmas tree lights that pierce the soundscape with irritating high pitched mechanical ‘Christmas’ tunes. Those would put anyone on the spectrum, but imagine being a brand new baby with Virgin senses exposed to all this unnatural loud frantic voice box noise vs the voices of family members and lullabies of older times.

The environment is putting people on the spectrum, quite intentionally I believe. They have massively studied the effects of Frequencies, rhythm, tones, intervals etc. on the human nervous system and employed this research in advertising jingles etc. it is well know how the quality of sound affects the human nervous and system. That said, I also agree with your parasite, viral load theory as well.

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Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

Here’s another conspiracy theory along the same lines. Many cartoons directed at toddlers and young children do not have dialog. Just the characters making noises. Or background noises with the images. The story line may be wholesome messaging (some are in your face conditioning propaganda to be a good citizen) but the soundtrack is not speech. My granddaughter is somewhat speech delayed but she makes these exact noises when doing anything.

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Wow, Mike! I hope your granddaughter is healed and learns how to talk the soonest!!!

I once saw a kid at a laundromat (the mom worked there, and took the kid to work) watching stupid cartoons, left to her devices, and then laugh exactly like the cartoon characters , in a very unnatural laugh. I found it so evil on the part of the people driving the culture this way on purpose!!!!

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Her older brother from another father is like that kid. Watches Tiktok and YouTube without any oversight. Got the ghetto language down. Devious little shit. Look you in the face, say yes sir and then do what he wants anyway when you’re out of site. A psychopath in training.

Granddaughter will be fine. She’s smart and catching up fast. As long as we can keep her away from her narcissistic, Facebook, TikTok mother and older siblings.

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Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

I have no devices that talk or make sounds. Old School refrigerator, washing machine, toaster, etc. Thank Goodness.

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I avoid smart appliances.


We still have our wedding-gift coffee-pot from 1985.

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Good for you! I think even "dumb" newly made appliances make incessant sounds. evidently a lot of people are driven crazy by it, but manufacturers keep doing it anyway...

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The on-off switch is a simple electromechanical device; On or Off.


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I agree :)

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Tessa Lena

I agree about the noise (you can't even pump gas without the pump yammering at you), and the machines creating learned helplessness in people. I want my washing machine back that I could open while it agitated. It was simple too. Hot, cold or warm water. Fast or slow. Now they have 15 options. all of which do not wash well anyway. I cannot open my washing machine and add a forgotten item. I cannot reach and feel the soapiness I want, nor wring certain extra dirty items. I want a washing machine that will wrench your arm off if you do not know how to keep out of the way of the agitator! Dishwashers, same thing. I can do in ten minutes what my daughters dishwasher does in two hours. No kidding. And with a fraction of the electricity.

Alll of these endless options on a pad, as if it really matters. It doesn't. Wash your dishes in hot soapy water and dry with a terry cloth towel. Done. Drape your cloth on the stove handle. It dries by itself! SIMPLE! I was fortunate enough while I was traveling last year to have an old microwave in my motel room. The type you turn a dial and it cooks. No particular "level". And when it stops, ONE ding. That's it. No 22 options. On my daughters microwave I have to push the pad five times to get it to start. Then when it is done it dings...and dings...and dings, until it finally says, "Get off the couch, bitch! and open my door!" Just kidding. It doesn't talk. But it will not stop dinging until you stop whatever it was YOU were doing and dutifully open its door.

I miss the old fashioned voice mail machines. You come in the house. If there is a light on the machine you push ONE button and it played your messages, without talking to you, and without telling you first what it is going to do... On my iPhone I must touch the pad 7 times to hear my messages and be subjected to her slow spiel. I never asked to have a passcode to access my voicemail. It's sad but the machines will NOT let you do what you want with them anymore. However, I did learn how to hack my car so I can drive without the seatbelt alarm going off when I don't buckle up tp drive down the driveway to get my mail...

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

A car service I used years ago had a bunch of affable older Eastern European drivers. One used to snarl back at his navigation system (which had a pleasant female voice) "Aw shaddup you stupid cow..." every time it spoke a direction! But I can now see the therapeutic benefits of this "conversation'! No device will call the cops on you for verbal abuse. Yet.

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Jun 13Liked by Tessa Lena

alone the lines >> along the lines

I don't have appliances that talk, but my washer and dryer do make noises that indicate they have completed the jobs that I told (mechanically) them to do...HOWEVER, if there was an appliance that talked like Lister from Red Dwarf, I'd seriously consider buying the smegging thing. On further review, it would be difficult to say no to one of those advanced Japanese toilet seats if it was outfitted with the voice of Red Dwarf's Rimmer...or Ella. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CbVy1NnB4g

Cake, please... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unkWbEmtYXs

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With the noises and bios and naps and rings to tell us that the Digital Universal wants you to respond, and immerse yourself in life and consciousness with the Global Digital Directors, think Operant Conditioning and Pavlov’s Dog.

We are in a fight for Control of Self.

May you be well and safe. May we who are more or less aware, keep each other safe.

Thank you.

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