Hi Tessa,

Watching the Rumble video (at 1.5 speed) now before heading to work as the token foreigner for Japanese public schools. I am writing this as much to myself as to you.

For some time now, the criminally corrupt and insane behavior of our institutions appears to have been exposed, and those who do not see it, are those who choose to be willfully ignorant ... probably to protect the illusion of what remaining autonomy they have. Data and rationality appear to be no longer viable as tools for protection, much less flourishing or personal growth.

I have no answer to the immediate threat other than that nature eventually wins, and as their narratives are built on a warped denial of how nature works, the ruling class's plans will eventually fail. The only question is at what cost to the best of humanity?

At 1:04:00, I like Alexandra's suggestions about what to do. But Japan is such a collective-authoritarian society, there is no fighting the corporate nation-state at any governmental level ... national, prefectural, or city. I can only see hastening the fall of empire through other means of subversion.

1 — As much as possible, forming empathy-driven communities that are as independent of institutions and those infrastructures they control as possible.

2 — Continue putting out the data for the young and/or naive. Now having passed my expiry date as a useful-idiot/former Professor, I am ousted from any former positions of authority (social currency) and now seen as no more than a disposable, token-foreigner, Assistant Language Teacher ... and despite being able to speak Japanese (been here 40 years), am restricted to 'teaching' how to pronounce 'How are you today?' or 'May I have another slice of pizza?' to about 3,000 Japanese public school students. I am frustrated in not being able to talk about much of importance with even sympathetic Japanese handlers (oops ... I mean 'colleagues') ... much less students.

3 — Continue subverting corruption through another underground, the subconscious to unconscious underground, shuttling and sharing values and information through art. At about 1:10:00, after you complemented Alexandra for her painting skills, she said she'd like to return to painting 'after the war'. Just a modest suggestion ... along with her insights into the corrupt belly of the beast, perhaps she could follow the enemy's mind-set in that 'what can be weaponized, will be weaponized'.

For example, that's a nice painting of cattle. Cattle? Aren't they being weaponized against us? I can think of at least two ways ...

1) The Davos crowd presumes we will save the earth by eating crickets ... while they reserve the right to dine on filet mignon.

2) Interesting 'Fact Check', probably funded by Phizer ... https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KQ68B Yep. If former African leaders could detect the Corona-virus on mangoes, goats, and motor oil ... you can be sure beef cattle are a source of pathogens. Even if the planned inject cattle to treat them for other diseases, why in the name of all that's holy would they be using such 'effective' mRNA gene therapies?

I realize there are only 24 hours in a day, and we have limited time and resources, but another option ... rather than thinking of painting cows for pleasure — separate from and after the war — Alexandra might think of weaponizing her skills and talents, and attract more flies with the honey of humor (e.g. Gary Larson) AND information. A brief net search for 'Gary Larson Cows' will be time well spent. At least one 'sacred cow' should be drugged and dragged to the slaughter house ... the corporate nation-state herding us to 'follow the science'. Maybe combine that with a new song from you?

JMHO ... but there will be no 'after the war'. Just take a deeper dive into history. This has always been a forever-war of mankind against its own worst nature. We may be approaching the end game and answer to the Fermi Paradox ... 'human intelligence' by definition, contains the seeds of its own self-destruction.

Despite it all, cheers Tessa and Alexandra.


ps. Now taking a break between classes, and reflecting on how the English language classroom is a microcosmic fractal of Hayek's critique of top-down, centralized control ... the controller has little to no knowledge of on-the-ground information. My 'boss' for 2nd year Jr. High classes is a housewife and mother who barely has time to get to school and enter the classroom a minute before class starts. She takes her lesson from the textbook and has no idea of what the students already know from after-hours cram-school, or what I know from graduate school or published research. They are students, I am the token foreigner, and we all await her orders to open the text book, repeat after her, etc. Though the students and myself are all masked, I really had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing when the teacher 'explained' that past tense in English is more polite than present tense. Why? Because 'Could you please show me the way?' is more polite than 'Can you show me the way?'. I was only permitted to stand in silence and wait to be called on to read a sentence for students' pronunciation practice. I guess it could be worse. I am glad I am not a former physician.

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"Ouch", "Itai" , Steve.

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LOL. Hi John.

I had to read through all my typos to get to the punch line that elicited that 'itai'.

I will change that to 'former physician'. 🤣 — But judging from your video and our exchanges, you, as a physician, myself as an educator — maybe less of a career choice and closer to following a calling. A paraphrase from half remembered translation of Nietzsche ... 'In the end, we become what we already were.' — but now wondering if that was written before his final-stage syphilis-induced 'madness'? 🙃

ps.— Still playing a bit of catch up with comments and links, but thanks for the link to 'The Great Founder Theory'. A little more on the institutionalized side than suits my temperament, but meshes pretty well with some assumptions I've picked up from primatology (mostly Frans de Waal), my current read of political ponerology, dark-triad / cluster B personality types, and so on.

One variable that I have not seen in his writing so far (as well as not included in Jared Diamond's ''Collapse'') is tribal/group size. Just a guess, but Dunbar's number and neuro-biological (morphological) constraints to empathy might play a big role.

Although the small size of a nuclear family or neigborhood gang might not guarantee empathy-driven behavior (that Anna Karenina Principle thingy), large scale alone might be enough to exclude the possibility of empathy-driven behavior — thinking of military boot camp here ... and an old song we both probably grew up with — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrD14jqTtAE

Cheers John ... and yeah, mecha-mecha itai. 🤣

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The "itai" was for what you went through, having to stand quietly for drivel.

Thanks for the "Easy to Be Hard" video. I had never seen it. Reminds me of watching demolition-derby on TV as a kid around 1969, but the key was to slam into the other cars in REVERSE, at high speed. (Spare your own radiator) :-)

I wonder about group size, too. The group culture ha a lot to do with success, even if the group may be 20-40X Dunbar's #. That means people still have friends/family in common, nodes of direct connection to establish. I think good local culture and some good community-connection-nodes can work.

Somebody needs to be trustworthy to distribute food and fuel in hard times. I'm sure that can get dicey... It is choosing some to live and some to die.

I grew up seeing new recruits in training. No boot-camp for me, by the time I was 18. They ended the draft 1 month before I had that birthday, ended even signing up for it.

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Hey again John,

Just finishing a grapefruit sour, and watching the tail-end of ''Mississippi Burning'' — school doesn't start for me until the 12th, but I only have 3 months left anyway. Was informed my contract will not be extended. Funny and typically cognitive-dissonant story about how I was informed (for another time).

Demolition derby! LOL. Yeah I remember watching them on TV. We must be pretty close to the same generation (high school graduation class of '73).

And yeah, I agree with you about the 'fuzzy-logic' limits of a hard Dunbar's number, overlapping groups, nodes, and networks. After all, it took a lot more than Dunbar's number to build the Brooklyn Bridge. There must be an infinite number of variables including group sizes and dynamics, individual temperaments and degree of moral autonomy, measures of sustainability and quality of life. Wouldn't know where to even begin unraveling that Gordian Knot.

I didn't go through military either, but my dad was a lifer, so I still remember the strains of early Motown, drifting through the windows of the PX where dad would sit and nurse his beer ... and saw enough of the regimentation to recognize the same dynamics at work over here from about the first year of Jr. High 'juken senso' (exam wars).

Funny how Japan has such a high reputation for harmony and advanced technology, but an 'unexplainably' high reality of mental health problems, outbreaks of random (or not) violence, high rate of suicide, and unsustainably dropping birthrates. Kinda reminds me of another narrative going 'round. 😅

Take care buddy!

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Thanks Steve. It's hard to know if I should congratulate you or give my condolences for your non-renewed contract.

Congratulations! Omedetou Gozaimasu!

The Japanese cuntryside is different from Roppongi. I think Japanese people can be very good and insightful, particularly those who have traveled out of their local "water", and can see it better. Americans, too. Better if traveled (not merely "vacationed")

I agree with your comments. We are building our own models of how life works, and that's the key in the end, having a good working-model for life, though the books help, too. We've read some of the same ones, from your comments.

I think I hear "Taps" playing. time to sack-out.

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Excellent. Thank you.

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Thank you, James!!

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One of the best interviews of Alexandra I’ve heard.

Keep up the great work, Tessa!

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Thank you!! Sasha is so wonderful, I am in awe of her!!

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This work may explain why it has seemed like Jab Roulette and the luck of the draw...pun intended

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The Ethical Skeptic has a detailed analysis of accounting fraud carried out by the CDC in their reporting of deaths and causes of deaths. The system update took 7 weeks, instead of 2 weeks, and immediately made 25% of all COVID deaths be people with cancer, when it had been 5% previously. All of these people who now died of COVID-not-CANCER were all classified as "unvaccinated" in the new protocol.


All of the "need-further-investigation" deaths, a category containing the deaths from heart attacks and strokes in young people now go into a holding tank, never to be statistically analyzed. He finds that 70% of these are heart-related

The huge rise in cancer deaths is fraudulently reduced, also.

The techniques used in this fraud are similar to techniques used by embezzlers, and this gentleman has investigated a lot of cases of embezzlement.

It is clear that this fraud serves the interests of certain government and industry elites who continue to push the false-narrative that COVID-19 "vaccinations" "save-lives" and that they do not have many side effects.

They are invested in this narrative, guilty of fraud and crimes-against-humanity...

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Thanks for the great article, but "deaths per 100,000 shipped doses" is not a good metric, IMHO, because we can't assume vaccine uptake correlates to shipped quantities. Using VAERS data by state, and then using a different data source for vax uptake per state, I calculated % injured by vaccinated population.

At the end of 2021, the top 4 least injured states while accounting for the percent of vaxed for that state weren't actually states - they were all US territories with tropical climates: Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands. All territories had very high reported vax rates, btw, well over 80% and yet had the four-lowest all-injury rate. That could be telling us that the vaccines degrade quickly in higher temperature climates, and then of course the shipping times are all going to be much longer due to their all being islands.

Adding in Hawaii, they had a 'middling' injury rate (35th worst out of 50 states), which may be accounted for by their being a state with frequent flights/shipments and also they are covered by "classic" US healthcare insurance companies and vaccines distribution sites while the territories tend to have different vendors for both insurance and for pharmacies.

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Thank you. Sasha talks about it i the interview

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Thanks, I hadn't had a chance to listen to it yet, I'll make a point of it.

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You are both amazing. You exemplify what is best about being American. Thank you for this information.

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My Mom would make a garbage soup years ago, she called it Bullets and Bombs. How appropriate.

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Fantastic--intelligent--science based--brave--and hope filled.

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Thank you, VJ!

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I appreciate how you always suggest love and community instead of divisiveness eg don't create religion out of thin air. I tried to donate to your site, I use a privacy.com card which I can use any name/details with (has worked that way for years) but it won't let me donate without giving an email, and when i tried a fake gmail account, it wouldn't take it said that email could not be verified - never have seen that before. Please post if one can ever donate anonymously. True anonymous donation is the only way I donate to anything.

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HI Amelia, thank you so much for your kindness!!!

Off the top of my head, I don't know if a way that is completely anonymous, I think they all ask for email address to send a receipt etc (I have reservations about true anonymity of crypto, too, and I have never used it, but that's a side note... we all do what we think is best.) Let me look into this, and most importantly, thank you!!

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Unimaginable that this can happen. And worse continues knowingly, just beyond words.

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From my upcoming essay Democracy for Dummies --- Those refusing to bend their knee to this ugly entity face the wrath of those who preach about equity. For example, medical professionals lose their licenses, employees get the boot, and people face healthcare rejection for not partaking in Messenger RNA (mRNA) clot-forming murderous liquid injections. The mRNA liquid death is an official self-sacrificial sacrament of democracy religion. It is for the greater good.

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That is demoncracy I think

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This is really awesome research! I have a friend who has been horribly injured. I found 3 out of 4 of his batch #‘s listed at “howbadismybatch.com” . It’s so good to hear someone talking about the product!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! This is historic. I’m so sick of the politics. I want to hear about the SCIENCE!!!

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Thx Tessa! Amazing info as usual! Does Alexandra sell portraits by chance? I’d be interested in getting her contact information if she does! I’d love for her to do one of my daughter. I love her artwork!

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Thank you, Bridget, and I will ask!!

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What is your email address? I'll send you Sasha's contact info

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Is there a way to privately message?

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I found it on the backend by your name, I'll email you, I think Substack doesn't have private messages.

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I thought you can see all subscribers email addresses on substack.

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True art.

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Thank you both so much for all this data. I wondered about the manufacturing aspect. Even though I knew a lot about the topics covered, making the connection between food allergies to vaccines and proteins is so clarifying. I am also inspired to push back...continue to push back.

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Thank you both for your courage and thought-leadership. 🙏

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