Makes me proud to be a conspiracy "theorist". How anyone can call anyone speculating about *anything* surrounding "covid" over the last 2 years a "theorist" at this point is beyond me. If it's really happening, it's not a theory.

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Good! I count the reason as a victory :-)

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If the reason is that the "conspiracy theorists" have annoyed him enough for him to strike it, then so be it. Wonder if "conspiracy theorists" have friends in Australia... But I first want to see him actually strike it!

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*lol* Good question.

And yes, I’ll believe it when I see it. Words mean nothing from pathological liars.

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we'll take what we can get.

Still don't know if I can go to the supermarket anymore. Tomorrow I'm going to do just that but my neighbour says I will no longer be able to.

Since I refuse to watch the standard media I don't know yet.

I know the whole thing is going down, but I have seen nothing in the internet media I consume yet suggesting that Spain is locking the unclean out of even the supermarket.

Seems like a major story if true

Tomorrow will tell.

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Off-topic, but it is important:

"... his team has been able to replicate international findings that HEPARIN can block the transmission of COVID-19 and prevent infection.

The spray coats the nose but does not go down into the lungs. The researchers say it is cheap, easy to distribute and is expected to be effective against mutant strains of the virus including the Omicron variant.

"It won't matter if a new variant comes along, this drug will block that protein from infecting the cells," Professor Campbell said.

"I'm very confident that we can demonstrate that it will work, and people will be using this before they go to the shops and before they go to school."


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Nick Perry's Twitter post is getting ratioed into outer space.

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Maybe he's just vacating the already-dangerously-wrong-side-of-history...


If things don't make sense, then the narrative is running counter to reality. That's what we see now. The narrative of (gene-therapy) "vaccines" only seemed potentially OK in March, but we did not know about the deaths, adverse events, and reversal of benefit (becoming detriment) after 6 months.

The narrative of fearing the virus enough to surrender one's own rights, and trample the rights of "the unvaccinated" was not present in March. It arose in the summer, a thing we had never anticipated. The lie about "approved vaccines" being mandated seemed odd, but we began to see a broad context within which this all made sense.

Getting the peoples of the world accustomed to a new compliance regime, compliance to the powers-that-be, increases the security of those in power, as the post-war financial regime of Bretton Woods shudders down to the cliff without brakes.

The acceptance of the fearful compliance narrative is spotty, and it is being pushed very hard to make up for lost time, especially in Europe, as the pandemic closes out it's second year, which looks like its final season to me.

Most of Europe, certainly Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece is mandating "vaccination"-or-else. Loss of job, big fines, imprisonment.

This is clearly a wartime measure, but with a false context. The context within which it fits is class-war against the citizens of Europe, by their owners.

Australia, New Zealand and Canada seem pretty close to that, the UK a little more distant, and parts of the US are clearly returning to normalcy, while New York tries to be Canada with mandates, firings and penalties for non-"vaccination".

The WEF ("Build Back Better", Davos crowd) have long advocated for central banks to take over and issue a digital worldwide smartphone currency, which would be tied to identification and a social-credit-score, where one would need to keep a good rating to buy, sell, travel and have access. Accounts would be credited and debited, held or eliminated by central authorities. All individual initiative would comply with central authority, or be excluded from the economy through shunning.

All of us are accustomed to financial freedoms, freedoms of speech, of association and travel. These are being eliminated by the social experiments currently underway. Most of Texas is over COVID. I hear that Florida is over COVID. It's not just statistics but the common-knowledge of an area. Rural Texas is clearly over COVID, though some older folks wear masks at the grocery store, while Austin might be more evenly divided. It's hard to tell, because people are not being strident about masking in public, now that it is 50:50 and officially optional.

In Austin Texas, the narrative seems to be in decline, after a resurrection in late summer for the Delta-variant third wave. People had gotten out of the habit of fearful compliance already, and only partly returned to it.

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot has been torn between business interests and federal policies, and has navigated the minefield pretty well, taking the right step early a few times, and proving his detractors wrong. It has still been a hard 2 years of thankless work for him. Businessmen are still mad about his mask mandate in 2020, and shutting down the bars and strip clubs that summer.

It does not seem like Texas will want to comply with a global central bank digital currency, and has already outlawed vaccine-passports and vaccine-mandates, at least enough to block them this year.

Can the whole western world swing one way or another? Will there be an attempt in Europe to go full-totalitarian, as is planned and announced, or will that be abandoned? The Euro is in crisis, but is there any way at all to keep it on life support? Crashing Italy seems to be one scenario to keep inflation at bay for a little while, but how much crashing of European economy can be imposed for how long? It seems like this winter of discontent will be testing that limit.

Some change in currency, with some debt-jubilee, seem inevitable, and in the near term. The real economy cannot support the debt burden at negative real interest rates. There is such absence of trust that gold seems a safer standard than Bitcoin-like schemes.

Devaluation of currencies against gold seems overdue to me. Central bankers don't prefer it, but they certainly know how to manage such a transition, and are well prepared. Russia, China and the non-aligned nations of the world are also prepared for a gold-standard.

Central bankers stay prepared for that, whatever they say.

The Davos crowd has been playing a hard game to get global central bank smart money poised as the "solution" to the looming crisis. I wish them failure in this new year, for their own human benefit, as well as yours and mine. This clear and decisive plan needs to be scrapped in favor of a big mess for the next 20 years as we figure out how to live and work together in a world of declining cheap energy and disposable manufactured goods from far away.

The time for local food production and sufficiency is almost upon us. Plant vegetables this spring.

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I don't trust this will happen... there will be excuses... and how come it can be ONE guy that removes a bill... did he write it?

Anyway, theres another bad bill that removes religious and personal exemptions from work and school clot shots.

UGH one day these politicians will be licking our boots..

And hopefully we will be able to lambast doctors and the medical field for their decades of fraud and abuse. Virology is a real conspiracy of bullshit: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Dr-Tom-Cowan-Pandemic-Of-Not-Thinking:d

Physician, heal thyself!

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They heard: "Physician, deal thyself."

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Hmmmm......since when do politicians capitulate to tin foil hat crazies? I smell b.s.

He's black. Black folks have a history (and present) rife with brutality and oppression. As do tribal peoples. This means they generally are not so trusting when politicians speak and act to "Protect and Serve".

My guess is that he would have been fine sneaking this bill past everyone if his own community weren't outside his door with torches and pitchforks. By doing this he is no doubt attempting to save his own political arse from having to actually go out there & get a real job like everyone else.

As if it matters anyway. The legal system is entirely useless at this point as a tool to keep bully powers on a leash. It can only police itself with itself-- and we all know how well it does that.

We are on our own from here folks. I wouldn't waste too much energy expecting this slavering dog (gov't, finance, corporate media) to suddenly drop the chunk of meat (us) that it worked so hard for a very long time to get this firmly in its' jaws.

If you got heart, that's all you need. If you don't, then only fear remains leaving you stuck hoping things will change for the better.

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E.A. P., I certainly agree with most of what you are saying concerning the politicians, and the rule of law being thrown out like last week's debriss. And I also agree with what seems like a nihilistic statement about being on our own, although I don't believe you meant it as nihilism, but as realistic and pragmatic.

"Our own" is many more than we can imagine, and as I've heard told before, sometimes there are people who are part of the militarized police, military , National Guard who will awaken to what kind of treachery they are dealing with when ordered to take violent measures against peaceful dissidents. I am hoping for some bravery and integrity on that front.

Your point about us taking heart is right on. We each are going to have to "do the hard inner work" of deciding what liberty is worth to us, and understanding that a life without natural inalienable rights and individual sovereignty is worth the sacrifices it takes to refuse to accept these crimes against humanity , even if it means losing one's existence here.

I can't tell you what to decide , nor can either of us tell anyone else what they should do when faced with circumstances that are unforeseeable.

I'm still wrestling with the idea myself, of giving up this life, if it is unavoidable, for the sake of liberty.

The idea that has been on my mind concerning all this solo inner work to make the decision within our own sovereignty, to make a commitment

to resisting, no matter the cost , is the paradox that once we've committed to liberty, we join millions of others in that unity.

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Hi Frank-

You words are heartening, thank you. And you bring up some heavy points! To be, or not to be....(rounded up, caged and shot like a dog).

Can't say I've come up with an answer to that. One day I'm ready to bail on the whole thing, the next I feel absolutely sure that there is some kind of purpose to my existence during all this, regardless of whether or not I know what that actually is.....

I also really want to watch it all play out! Horror movies, murder/crime drama stories, people abusing each other and taking revenge-- for some twisted reason I find displays of human depravity absolutely captivating.

Will there be an actual awakening amongst people out there, ideally amongst people with legal sanction to shoot & incarcerate people? I don't rule out a miracle, but seems to me the likelihood that centralized power institutions will be dismantled if this were to happen is pretty much nil. Despite what may appear to be an "awakening" happening, our attachment to the way of life we're accustomed to will inevitably seduce us into assuming control of the machinery should this opportunity present itself.

The Machine of Domination and Control (predatory finance, gov't, controlled media) was conceived and built by poisoned minds. It can only function accordingly. Only the foolhardy believe it possible to assume control of it and not be poisoned.

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You have made very solid arguments concerning institutional power and the odds.

I'm not sure I can make any predictions about the foolhardy, which might include me, I am certainly capable of foolhardiness, I need no witnesses to substantiate that, I've looked at myself and seen that particular trait many times.

I guess the only argument I have, and it's not an argument if there is no hope but to ride this particular wave of authoritarian overreach to its inevitable end, seems obvious when thought about in terms of the logical.

However there is nothing logical about many things in this existence.

For example, that which is seen is created and has its being in that which is not seen.

It seems you are making an assumption based on what you can only see with your natural eyes- a classic David and Goliath scenario which casts David in futility when faced with the reality of Goliaths size and armor.

This is all the "follow the science" ilk can see, as "Mr Science" has instructed us all to believe, , despite the proof of treatments being readily available to stop this hoax in its tracks.

So far, through censorship, smearing the worlds foremost experts in epidemiology , immunology, and virology in the media owned by the Pfizers of this world, he has kept many from seeing the truth of the matter.


I am encouraged by the willingness of millions to take to the streets in protest of their freedoms being taken on the basis of lies.

I am not trying to inject "hopium", so called, of an intervening hero changing our circumstances, especially not one from this rotted edifice of a government in corporate capture and the technocrats who support it.

What I am saying is there is much more to this life "than dreamt of in our narrow philosophy". So I will continue to speak truth and revel in the hope of the unseen with the natural eye. Which is what many are waking to, and finding the courage to stand against this juggernaut of some twisted dream of domination and control by people who are infected with the lust for power and money.

Thanks for chatting , I enjoyed it.

Thank you ,Tessa, for allowing the opportunity for discussion, and for your courage, perseverance, and the encouragement of others.

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I feel honored to have enjoyed this discourse with such an intelligent, passionate man, Frank Stevens.

I do admit to having completely abandoned hope that all this will play out favorably and not merely repeat the same old scenario where we force the beast to retreat into its' cave only to watch it reappear & resume serving up its' ancient treachery wearing yet another new mask.

I guess my personal experience grappling with all the very numerous & subtle ways the human mind can deceive itself and remain stuck in old patterns colors my view when prognosticating where we are headed.

So this is where my focus (and hope) now lies-- to speak to the individual, the aspirant, the rebel heart, to any & all seekers of deeper realms of human existence that may be out there slogging through the foggy bog of these dark times. I certainly can't save everyone on the Titanic but maybe I can steer one person toward their own courageous heart to jump clear with me and avoid clinging in hypnotic terror to the hulking, sinking wreck.

Yes-- we jump clear and still die. But we die free with a joyful heart filled with the boldness of love. We leap into the great waters of this wondrous planet on our own terms, returning to the salty waters of our birth, our bodies food for wild creatures.

To me, there is only this-- to know, love and keep intact our individual human soul. Only this has the power to bring true sanity, beauty, peace and prosperity to our existence on this earth. If one does not know what "soul" is, then this means one doesn't yet know it and one must find it. Either we do this, or we can't help but fall into the vapid pit of the lost masses.

Here's to the re-birth of the sun! (my way of saying Merry Christmas)

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Excellent! Merry Christmas to you EAP. That was a treat, a gift, to encounter civil discourse such as you have given me in these conversations. Thank you, more than I know how to express. Perhaps where and when words fail me, it is the beginning of a higher communication that we may once have possessed collectively, and may again.

To the rebirth of the Sun! Cheers!

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When do we start doing something about it? I am a person who knew this will happen and warned everyone for years prior and so for me at this point its starting to feel like way too much talking about how bad this is and not enough doing. Im getting so tired of everyone complaining but not taking action. Honestly to all you people who replied here - if you do not have your own blog or a newsletter by now, where you are spreading what you have said here out to everyone you know, then you are a part of the problem. You are right -we are here for THIS. Not to complain but to build a better world, be a part of what you want to see! The victim mode is what will truly kill us, start something that shows real change in YOU. Start discussion groups on social media, zoom, a local coffee shop if we dont take over what we have left they will.

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