Jul 19·edited Jul 19Author

Here is the article I wrote for Dr. Mercola two years ago.. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/09/16/chronic-active-toxoplasmosis.aspx

There is a German doctor who has been working on toxo for a while, he has developed an interesting diagnostic techniques. He was working with mainstream treatments mostly but lots of interesting research.

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Very interesting article. Hmm. Cats. Rats. Raw food. Cats. MK. Uses the autophage. Yes, yes indeed. Interesting article.

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How reliable do you think the available tests are for identifying toxo? My doctor wrote tests for toxoplasma IgG (CMIA) and toxoplasma IgM (CMIA), but not for the PCR test. They both came back "not detected". Just reading your article above and it seems they are not likely to be adequate tests, but I am also guessing that my GP might be reluctant to write more radical tests given we have nothing indicating I might actually have ANY parasitic infection.

I am not sure, at this stage, whether to give up again on chasing down the FMS, or if there is potentially another parasite implicated that I can either get tested for, or treat anyway in the hope that symptoms go away. I have to run continuous anti-parasitic protocols in the background anyway to ensure the two cancers, melanoma and the carcinoma, do not regrow or metastasize. I have been doing this since December 2023, so I am happy to continue to just cycle through anti-parasitic protocols on the off-chance they may get underneath the FMS, the long covid, the melanoma or the carcinoma - or potentially all of them.

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I think the tests are wobbly, meaning that if you have an old infection, the tachyzoite-specific antibodies, both IgM and IgG, may wane, plus strain specificity, etc... If you have something with the eyes, it is possible in theory that an eye doctor will be able to tell you something... and also in theory, an MRI of the brain may show toxo-specific lesions, but how badly do you want and MRI of the brain if you already have other problems to deal with?

Pine essential oil has a very good reputation, you can diffuse it and it has broad spectrum action against molds and protozoans. Antimalarials are reported to have action against toxo because toxo is also a protozoan, like sweet wormwood, etc.

I wish you the speediest recovery!!!! I hope you feel better very soon

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I had an MRI when hunting for metastases. Not found but I have no idea what broader issues may have been found but not communicated. I will review and see if these lesions can be detected. I used sweet wormwood for a few months post cancer diagnosis, to treat the cancer, but not using it now. I have no idea how long it would take to disrupt the toxo life cycle so perhaps I should cycle back to the artemisinin as my principle anti-parasitic.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

I think IF you have it, it may take you months and months and months to get rid of it, assuming you figure out the exact recipe (herbs, supplements, essential oils, homeopathy, diet, etc.) Hope my articles are helpful, if you have any questions, please feel to reach out any time, and I hope you feel better the soonest!

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Thank you, Chistine, exactly. It is one of the reasons for the so called "long COVID," and even vax injuries could be partially that. It is not the only infection that can do that but it is a prevalent one. I've been looking into it for the past couple of years, writing about it, and screaming from the rooftops.

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Agreed Tessa! Vax injuries and deaths are getting so rife they've now introduced a new name for Vax induced long term injuries = "Co-Vax syndrome'.

They'll simply try to imply Long Covid, caused by the jab, is quite an ordinary and just an everyday occurrence - like 'Myocarditis', which has suddenly become an everyday expression since Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck jumped on the opportunities bandwagon to increase their fortunes using amateurishly bodged injectable preparations they pretended were 'cures'. They're useless at best!

They simply don't work and are more likely to leave vax recipients with immediate health issues or worse still DEATH by VAX! Or, perhaps, long term or permanent health issues.

Those who took the Covid Jab will never know that, by doing so, they reduced LIFE EXPECTANCY by between 3 and 5 years for each jab! (My unqualified calculations - let's compare notes in 10 years?)

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil Big Pharma intervention.

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Has texoplasmosis been made more lethal and dangerous by Gain of Function lab experimentation?

Pfizer vs Moderna = RUSSIAN ROULETTE! A no brainer - but some still take these poisons.

NO MORE JABS until they ACCEPT LIABILITY for Vax injuries and Vax related DEATHS!

So, not only is the SAFE and EFFECTIVE experiment useless on both counts, it can also kill you. Perhaps that was all part of the Plan?

They tried to poison everyone with Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) to maximise the Coronavirus, along with a pretend 'Vaccine', but many people soon realised it was a Depopulation Plan. So, instead of modifying Covid still further, they've switched to modifying the 'nearly harmless' BIRD FLU. They could open Pandora's Box with their evil experiments and then we're all doomed.

The WEF's New World Order, along with the NOW OBSOLETE and CORRUPTED World Health Organisation are trying to justify the NEXT SCAMDEMIC = Lab modified Bird Flu along with another DEADLY injection (which they'll again pretend is another (deadly) mRNA VACCINE') to complete the carnage!

The know we've sussed their Control and depopulation Plan and are retreating back into their pathetic existences, under the slimy Davos slime pit from which they operate.

We're ready next time and they'll be lucky if 20% of the surviving world population will believe their Bird Flu lies.

Maybe half will accept the lies about the associated BIRD FLU VACCINE which has probably been formulated simultaneously in an adjacent laboratory.

Their MASS MURDER will not go unpunished.

No doubt the Bird Flu VAX will come with ZERO LIABILITY CLAUSE, but they know we're coming for them so they'd better be scared. Their MASS MURDER will be dealt with by the most aggressive punishment imaginable and the main protagonists will be PUBLICLY terminated.

We the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick - UK (I'll live longer without evil medical interference.)

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There has been official research to make it even more "successful," yes. There are presentations about it out in the open, it is likely that some of the researchers bragging about it do it out of the desire to experiment and don't even think twice about the consequences, but it is a very bad idea in any case!

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GOF & viruses are only a small part of the overall scheme of things, but they scare the poop out of the unaware masses.

No more jabs regardless of their safety claims or liability. I would bet that one day they would agree to accepting liability only to make sure they were releasing the ultimate kill shot so never trust them.

The gutless bastards are not retreating. They are continuing on with they plans as usual so remain vigilant.

To me, their main weapon is frequency through which they can achieve mind control, fear & sickness. They use multiple frequencies to simultaneously lower your inflammation whilst attacking your health among a raft of other combinations.

The continual media bombardment is just a never-ending smokescreen to divert your attention.

Be aware, raise your vibration, become part of the greater consciousness & have no fear.

Stay fit, well strong.

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Thanks Max!

I'm 80 next birthday but refuse to be bullied by the evil who think they own the planet! Bring it on!


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Hi Max! I think the vast majority of 'vaxxed' have never heard of the inoccuous term 'Gain Of Function', so they're unlikely to be 'scared' about it. (Lambs to the slaughter'?).

Even though the EU Parliament demanded a copy of the CONTRACT they signed with Pfizer for millions of vials of useless crap that kills more than the disease it was supposed to cure, Pfizer sent 100 pages of unintelligible redacted nonsense. They claim the hidden stuff related to highly sensitive 'commercial secrets'.

How ridiculous - on two counts - 1, Why does the EU not have a copy of something so expensive and critical to their regime? and 2 , Why did they ever sign such a nonsense Contract with ZERO LIABILITY? Imbeciles!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without injected medical intervention.

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Many do know & they are too scared to talk about it.

Paragraphs 2 & 3, they knew, were told what to do & did it.

Glad you are aware, live longer, stay young & strong.

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