Chief Seattle (Suqwamish and Duwamish).

“All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the Children of Mother Earth.”

Mahalo Tessa, Above and Beyond WORDS. Excellent article !

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Thank you, Larry!! If only more people took the interconnectedness of things more seriously instead of assuming that it's possible to rob others and hide from consequences forever...

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Re: "Outside of emergency medicine and surgeries, what we thought was a shiny palace of western medicine is a mob-run hut. It is better to have the situational awareness though, and it’s a start."

Yes, and well said!

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Thank you, Transcriber B!! And alas, this seems to be the case!

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Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life...am I a simpleton?...to live by love action is to not react to fear, fear being the absence of love. Love being....beyond words...a mystery...accept the mystery...

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David Whitehead (formerly of "Ancient Aliens" on the History channel until he go kicked off of everything because of his stance on "covid" and the shots) did an amazing 9 part series called "Cult of the Medics". It's amazing. https://www.cultofthemedics.com/. It's worth every minute and shows how everything we're seeing now has been done before. Thanks for the great post Tessa. :-)

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Thank you, Rob, I'll check it out!

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I think you'll like it. He starts from ancient times right up to today showing the control of ancient medical systems over populations, how rulers use medicine to steal "power", etc. I have went through it twice and plan to watch the whole series again. It's well worth it. :-)

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Thank you Tessa

First, for our times, the best medicine (and I am serious on this) is a loving heart.

Second, no one, doctor or whatever can heal another human, our own wise body only can heal itself, and our body pays great attention to our thought process, loving thoughts = health in all our bodies, physical, emotional, psych.

So, Love our body and stop treating our stomach like trash bag for Christ’s Sake!

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I think a loving heart helps greatly. I suspect that depending on the person and the situation, other medicines may be necessary at times as well :) but without a doubt, inner peace is very good for health!!

And thank you, Vaios!

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Thank you for being brave and placing your concerns more on the soul and less on the body. A small note: if by ‘medicines’ you mean the homeopathic remedies, yes I do agree, but the pharmaceutical drugs (yes drugs all of them), if any of them seems to ‘work’ is the placebo effect and not the drug, and in addition, on the spiritual plane they ‘cool’ the liver, with the detrimental outcome that the ethereal substances are not incorporated correctly in our energy system and that brings physical and mental illness.

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My father's cardiologist looked at his scan and privately told me that he sees that inflammation on a lot of his patients who've had covid (or the vaccine).

I'm asthmatic, have been since toddlerhood, but I'm normally in control. However, since covid, I've had attacks and been hypersensitive e.g., wheat products weren't good for me, but I could have them with only small consequence. Now my nose gets clogged like glue for more than a day after toast, and I find it harder to breathe. One person smoking in a room with windows open notably affects me. Spices, gardening and dairy make my life worse.

Sounds small but its been a helluva difficult month. I've got boring diets and avoidance ahead of me.

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I am very sorry you are dealing with this, Mike! Do you have access to a good naturopathic doctor?

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Yes, you can call him Dr Mike :) No riches so I've accepted that I'm damaged, and will do what I can to not get worse with walking and diet. I've cut out wheat, dairy and crisps, and will only drink two beers per week. Curry and soya milk will be rare. I already enjoyed veggies, and never drank artificial juices or citrus. Besides, that's a good diet for everyone, and we don't have as many options as you overseas folk. At least my dad has medical aid.

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:) You may benefit from looking into antifungal or antiparasitic herbs, but of course it is much better to go about it with the help of a trained naturopath who knows about such things. And I hope you feel better soon!!

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No income, consequences of activism, and our hospitals would laugh at me. My father's previous medical aid went bankrupt (government's fault ), I took him to general hospital. He's had two heart attacks in his life and a triple bypass. To see the heart hospital, a general hospital has to refer you. The doctor wouldn't do that. He said he had to be visibly in trouble. I asked if he meant he needed to be having a heart attack to get a referral. He said, "yes".

I'm learning acceptance and making do. Besides, I watch enough documentaries to know other people have it much worse. Even in my own country, our mortality rate is almost 20 years younger than the USA's (because half the country is unemployed, and life in the townships is fucking hard).

Life is relative to corruption. What we can do is not be our own worst enemy, fight for justice, and sometimes be kind to others.

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Your strength is admirable. The people in power who created this situation have no shame.

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Not that strong. 11 years fighting took a toll. State has kept me silent for 2 years, with prison waiting, and they could easily add more time with our courts serving the politicians. Need chest to improve in case I do go in, 'cause conditions are bad inside. besides the overcrowding and violence, tuberculosis is as bad-arse as the Numbers gangs.

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I really like your side bar on suspicion regarding modern genetics . It is a very succinct way of expressing a layman’s difficulty navigating the whole “does the virus really exist?” arguments.

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That, too! :-) And thank you

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Thanks for writing this informative piece. I always appreciate your insight (and hard work)... you are amazing !

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Thank you, Heike!! Hugs!!

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Tessa, as I lay drifing off in last nights heat, I wondered why I have not gotten any notifications from you for 2 weeks plus. When I look at your output seems I should have seen more, just fyi. hugs from Portland (On Protonmail, (where i keep getting a message about deleted messages when I open email).

Anyway, now I have to catch up.

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Oh wow Thank you for letting me know. Lots of odd things have been happening, hard to say if this one is a technical glitch or not.

Hugs back at you from New York!

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I love that a Rus expat is holding down NY. bALANCe strikes....

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"I believe that habitually, we define “good” and “evil” in terms that are relative to us." It's not a "habitually," it's a simple reality - although one is often ignored. I can make it a bit clear with an example from the bible. Image Adam, the first person in the garden. Could he be "evil"? Nope. There were no rules, no observers, no judges, because there was no community. Adam was alone. But not for long. God spoke, bringing forth a community: Adam and God. And God said "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." This was the first community (according to the bible), of God and Adam and from it came the first law, and the first judge of good and evil. This occurred before the arrival of Eve, the next community. Eve and the snake created a community, which with prompting from the snake, decided to break God's law. In essence, Eve made her own morals, different from the Adam/God community's goals and swayed Adam to join her community. Once they ate the fruit, they became aware of their nakedness - a new moral issue, and decided to wear fig leaves. God then punished the snake, and Eve, and expelled Adam and Eve from the garden. Think about the 'crimes' of the ten commandments. It was not possible for Adam, or anyone else to commit those crimes without a community. The first four are about honoring God. The next, honoring mother and father - our first natural community. Next, murder - is not possible without a community as are adultery, theft, false testimony and coveting thy neighbor's possessions. Communities define good and evil. When is it OK to not honor God? When your community believes it is OK. When is it OK to kill, steal, etc.... When your community says it is OK; when a country is at war, when a family is at war. Good and evil are essentially about communities, about behaving within specific communities. Different communities have different rules - it's OK to KILL our enemies, but not OK to kill our own. It's OK to steal from those outside our community, not OK to steal from those within our community. But... Humans are complex. We each live in many, many communities and many layers of communities. Morality is complicated because different communities - of which we are members - bring different judgements to specific cases. And they bring rationality and rationalization.

to your health, tracy

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This is an interesting analogy. A part of it would be also who decides on who has the most correct idea about God. For example, if a devout Christian and a devout Muslim both think that their Book has the most correct story about God, and the other guy is misguided, who is correct, or is any of them correct in thinking that God is insistent on Books?

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Communities decide how to interpret the bible and the Koran. Both books are interpreted many different ways by different "devout" groups. Individual morals are of no consequence in a community. Individuals can rationalize anything easily. But if the community disagrees - the individual is not seen as "devout", more likely as deviant or even insane. Take a devout Christian or Muslim from one community and put them in a different Christian or Muslim community - and in some cases their behaviors will be judged immoral. Even taking an individual from one time-period and placing them in the "same" community in a different time period is likely to result in judgements of moral misbehavior. also.. if we put a non-religious person into many Christian or Muslim communities, they might be treated with distain or respect. The community decides the morals. Communities (and non-community groups) also judge the morals of other communities - even of individuals they classify together (like anti-vaxxers) who are not a real community judged by "pro-vaxxers" who don't even have a community name.

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That is great description of how things work, Tracy! I love it.

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Are misogynistic religions evil or good?


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My suspicion is that human beings love putting their own thoughts into the mouth of God and then demanding compliance.

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I give orders to myself :)

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the other day I slapped a link or two on some substacks about the biolab in Reedley Ca ….. with little to no response. While comparing various articles written over about a two week period some things bothered me about the ‘response’ by the 3 letter agencies. One article stated the Feds told the local Fresno Co personnel to suppress the information….. this lab was discovered in Dec 2022 and did not hit the press for almost 6 months…. Another issue I have is initial reports stated in the same warehouse where this occurred PCR tests were being manufactured or were present where at least a dozen pathogens and live mice were present. The FDA did a recall on the ‘PCR’ tests (see attached) which advised people to return them to the same company that distributed them. As a retired cop, this makes no f@#&$ing sense. Those test should be tested for the pathogens which were present in the warehouse.



While we’re at it

In the summer of 2018, one of China’s largest domestic vaccine makers sold at least 250,000 substandard doses of vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. It was the latest in a slew of scandals caused by poor quality drug products made in China over the last decade. In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States.

In 2008, the contamination of a raw ingredient imported from China and used to make heparin, a blood-thinning drug, was associated with at least eighty-one deaths the United States. According to an investigative journalist, fraud and manipulation of quality data is still endemic in Chinese pharmaceutical firms.

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Thank you, Jim! Do you have the links for the 2018 and the 2008 stories?

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Medicosophy, Pharmosophy,

Theosophy, Theosopher, Theosophical, Theosophic.

“If Phama drugs & vaccines make healthy people sick, why drug & vax sick people?”

Lantern Cove...

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"Outside of emergency medicine and surgeries"

I'm not even sure about surgeries. 15 years ago I tore one of my Achilles tendons. I was told that without an operation my tendon would only recover about 25% of its strength - in essence that the operation was absolutely necessary. This year I tore my other one. Science has advanced apparently so I was now told that without surgery there was a 90% chance of complete recovery, but that surgery was still the safest and best option.

I opted for the surgery because it "worked" the first time. Still I wonder if the surgery actually improved the outcome at all....?

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One gotta wonder!!! But the most important thing is that it worked for you!!

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I like the track you are going on. Your asking very good questions to figure out the puzzle. I just read Marks article on flesh eating bacteria before this one you wrote. There are connections to toxins causing this.

I think that myocarditis comes from starvation of the heart tissue because of the super clotting abilities of the 💉. When tissue dies, it needs to be removed and eliminated. But in a situation of little to no blood flow (and clogged up liver and spleen- key areas the LNPs linger in, the metabolic waste lingers. Bacteria, which only feed on dead cells, start to scavenge the waste. Depending on the waste, there's different bacteria that respond. The nastier the waste, the more workers needed.

I don't see an immune system, which is a war like security mentality. I see a system where we have tons of foreign bacteria, but they multiply only when they have a job to do.

Everything is a relationship in the body!

The increase in flesh eating bacteria, myocarditis, lyme disease, etc is from operation warp speed.

It's sad that they had to scam us this hard to wake people up from their blind trust in liars.

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Thank you, Rob. The part of the story that I left out because it was too long was that the impact can come from mechanical / chemical forces or living beings. it could also be a combination.

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"everything is a relationship" boom! right on, sister. fundamental truth. self-aware consciousness = power to choose action to affect an outcome as one sees fit.

every moment, every encounter, within or without, whatever we do, it's either kiss or kill (or run away) isn't it? sometimes both. how healthy/sane we generally are reflects how accurately we are able to discern friend from foe. with time + wisdom, any given friend may be revealed as foe and vice versa.

wisdom can take a long time to acquire-- usually at the cost of pain & suffering. luckily, we all have another readily available option: to live by love action, which has always been the ultimate destination of wisdom anyway. and always will be.

(intellectuals/brain-suckers hate it when i say stuff like that. it's too simple. if they acknowledge it as true they will lose their sense of being "special" or "gifted thinkers". tough sh*t. as young children may suck their thumbs to comfort themselves, lots of adults tend to suck on their brains).

EAP -- friend or foe? perhaps beneficial bacterium? ; ^ ]

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When my gut flora are unhappy, they let me know. Ours is an unspoken relationship.

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If they let you know, they kind of speak! :))

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They use actions instead of words!

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"Punching" is a verb :)

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Irregular verb?

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Better grammar, better reality... but when everything's irregular, it becomes regular.

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