Dr. Peter McCullough's Stunning Talk and More
In one corner of the ring, we have courage. In the opposite corner of the ring, mainstream journalism.
This story is yet another collection of striking and moving things. Also ironic things. And as it usually goes, in my head I am writing a couple of long-form essays but the news shows up, and here we go.
First off, here is a phenomenal talk by Dr. Peter McCullough.
Most of us probably know who Dr. McCullough is—but if anyone wants more detail, here is his CV, included in his Affidavit—and the Affidavit is for Aaron Kheriaty’s lawsuit.
The talk is about an hour long and worth every minute.
What I see is a conscientious human being who has achieved great mainstream prominence in the field medicine, who loves his patients, who has been working tirelessly treating COVID patients—and who somewhere along the way was faced with the crazy realization that things were no longer “normal” from any standpoint: be it public health, individual health, doctor / patient relationship, or the actions of the regulatory agencies.
Thus, in his talk, Dr. McCullough concludes: "We are in a free fall of a lawless state."
The illustration below is from Dr. McCullough’s presentation. It addresses the production of spike proteins.
What Dr. McCullough refers to is the following: In the advertised scenario for the product, the product was supposed to tell the cells close to the injection site to produce the spikes, with the “production line” limited to the injection site—and so the body would make antibodies, and hooray. However, it has since been discovered (or perhaps revealed) that the “production line” was not limited to the injection site at all, that the “factory” could run amok forcing the cells all over to body to grow spikes—which, in turn, were discovered (or perhaps revealed) to be dangerously toxic in their own right—and that it was impossible to predict or control the location or the amount of spikes grown. As a result, different people’s bodies reacted to the product differently, producing a wide range of responses and an overall large amount of short-term adverse events (with long-term effects still unknown).
So that’s the context for the technical slide below.
And here is the quote that goes with the slide: "By itself it's a deadly protein. It's a deadly protein It's the first time in human medicine where we are injecting the vaccines and asking the human body to make a potentially lethal protein."
Another phenomenal work. It is an essay by Charles Eisenstein called, “The Rehearsal is Over.” It is breathtakingly good and extremely appropriate for the moment.
One might say, “Oh isn’t it interesting that you are recommending a story by Charles Eisenstein right after he recommended a story of yours?” And perhaps it is interesting but I guess this is how synergy showed its face. The story is perfect. And that’s the dialogue (or monologue) I had with myself a year ago when I was pondering whether I should go public with my pandemic views, and ended up writing my first pandemic story (here it is with music).
And I have been thinking about this ever since from the standpoint of refusing to self-betray. I wrote a story about it some months ago called, “The Great Self-Betrayal and the Great Reset.”)
What I am trying to say is that Charles Eisenstein’s story is very special.
#3. The “newspaper of [dubious] record” was caught exaggerating child COVID hospitalizations by 837,000 cases.
To quote Yahoo! News,
In an article published by New York Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli on Wednesday, Times readers were told that “nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with COVID-19 since the pandemic began.”
A correction issued on Thursday notes that the correct number is 63,000 between August 2020 and October 2021, which means Mandavilli exaggerated the number of child hospitalizations by 837,000 cases. Approximately 500 American children have eventually died from the disease. The exaggeration was included in a report on the debate surrounding whether and how to vaccinate children.
This one is fascinating reporting by Citizen Journalists in Northern Ireland. The story is about their investigation into what they found to be a completely baseless—but none the less media-amplified—tweet by Emma Keelan who had tweeted that her hospital was full of young unv-d COVID patients on ventilators, who were regretting their medical choices.
According to the investigation, however, about every aspect of that tweet was false—which did not prevent the BBC from, in the words of Citizen Journalists, “amplifying the misinformation.”
This investigation is a good addition to the horse series.
According to WAFB, in Baton Rouge, LA, they are offering to potentially expunge criminal records in exchange for getting a you-know-what.
Sounds legal to me.
And finally, a blast from the past. A 2003 article published in Australian news and called, “Farce mask: it's safe for only 20 minutes,” talks about how it’s uncool and un-Australian to exaggerate the benefits of masks or to profiteer from anxiety.
Given the state of Australia right now, I don’t quite have the good words to add to this.
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(Thank you)
I opened with these two pieces because where we might go and how we might get there seem to be questions that I should personally work on, at street level, not a lofty perch. Right now, for the next 3 weeks, I am perched in a public health clinic, a Federally Qualified Health Center, which began in 1970 as "The People's Free Clinic" in a church basement across the street from the UT campus. I remember going by there as a student, and seeing people waiting outside the basement steps for their friends. A friend of mine at the co-op where I lived, Sam, was proud to go there. There is a black and white photo of the volunteer staff in that basement one day in the 1970s, with some of their kids and babies; one fellow not wearing a shirt that day. I knew some of those people, and I know one of the babies. She's a Nurse, now.
The clinic, now in a very expansive, open and expensive new building, is effectively an arm of the federal government, and compliance is far more important to the survival of the clinic as an entity, than is taking care of any particular patient. It has become incorporated into a nationwide compliance bureaucracy, even as it has professed it's earlier ideals, with earnest countenance..
There is no way out of this kind of success, not that I can see. It is what has happened to medicine. I cannot go see people for free, or what they can pay, because I would make about what a teacher makes, or less, and I would be breaking so many laws and regulations, that I would be a criminal for my efforts. I did something like this with support from Luling, Texas from 1992-1994. It was the hardest I ever worked. They paid 2 office employees and gave me half a mobile building for a clinic. I did hospital and ER work and delivered babies and did c-sections, and made what Jenny had made as a first through third year teacher. Texas Medicaid reliably paid me $19 per clinic visit and about $560 per baby delivered. Individuals and most insurance (Medicare and commercial) typically just failed to pay me.
Those were the good days. They are over. I'm older, too.
I am about to work the last 3 weeks before the vaccine mandate takes effect November 1, 2021. I am not seeing any job postings for unvaccinated doctors, and any place that is hiring now is in the "intermediation" business, and needs doctors to crank patients through the line, one-problem-per-visit, as if that's how people's needs are met. I've never been able to do that, and I'm sort of an old-dog at this point; unlikely to learn that trick.
Jenny is still working as a school librarian. I have vegetable gardening, the Yoakum homestead, meditation/prayer and am assessing and chronicling the patch of history we are navigating together. I'm a good doctor, but without a format in which to legally practice medicine.
I'll see if a practice opportunity presents itself I'll work on vegetable gardening systems for central Texas, and on "the economy" at a personal and local scale, with as little "intermediation" as possible.
Cash is going to work better than digital central bank currency, at least for the persons, not for the central banks. Vote with your cash transactions.
the freefall into a lawless state, some days it feels like it's greed based, other days like an ai program run amok , while at other times it seems like all the books and movies that were (supposed) to serve as warnings instead became blueprints. right now it's survival of the fittest on steroids. thanks for these incredible columns