I call the monsters and mobsters “psychopaths” and their form of rule “a pathocracy”.

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"Pathocracy" is a great word!!

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Yes, it is. Appropriate AND Descriptive.

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Tessa, you have touched my heart and soul deeply so many times with your wise and compassionate words. I recently watched an interview between Naomi Wolf and Edward Dowd concerning the extreme numbers of people dying. I have no doubt that the shots are involved; however, I also believe countless people are depressed and full of despair to the point that their hearts are just stopping from the weight of fear and loss of hope. As Freedom Warriors we must nurture our spirituality to continue on in spite of the pain and grief. I know you also believe this.

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Thank you so much, Diana!! I agree with you, I think a lot of people are in despair, and there are lots of stresses, and everything around us is poisoned, and that doesn't help. And the shots are contaminated through the roof. And yes, without joy, what are we doing this for? For badges of suffering? That is what I ran away from when I ended up leaving Russia for America. Back home, the glorification of suffering was to hard to bear. It was not me, and I ran away. We need joy!!!

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Are not the big BIG mobsters in control of both sets of mobsters, and the clash of the mobsters is actually theatre?

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I believe there are mobsters of different level, and I think there are theatrical clashes and real clashes. Plus, they constantly lie to each other and betray each other, that is the nature of playing by the rules of selfishness and betrayal!!

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Nice reply!

Sound like poetry you can make this into a song!

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The outer world is a reflection of our individual and collective inner state.

Our inner state has become disordered and deranged and the outer world can't help but follow suit.

Our entirely unique individual sense of self has become estranged from the ground of our being.

The ground of our being is a much larger consciousness with a much more holistic view of life that we are meant to be able to share freely in.

Instead, we are at odds with the ground of our being and subsequently the otherwise perfectly balanced and harmonious wholeness of things is coming apart at the seams.

Our own inner state is the only one that we, personally have the ability to change.

We can perhaps provide a good example for others by doing the work of changing our own inner state, but we can't change anyone else's for them.

At best we can encourage them to examine themselves more deeply and make any changes that they might deem necessary. We can show them the door, but they have to walk through it themselves.


Free your mind

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I agree that the only person we can really really change is ourselves. We can inspire others though, and help them heal, that is certain also. xoxoxo

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We are meant to be as free as a bird only moreso...


Time/Space and the Laws of Physics are meant to be the loosest of frameworks if at all applicable.

We are meant to grow beyond the temporary and extremely limited description of the world that we have been taught up until now.

"We are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime."

(Tales of Power)

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The Secret of the Universe

There's nothing hidden or esoteric about it. It's just that the mind of the world obscures and can't see it even though it's right there out in the open…

It simply has to do with Creation by mere thought - mind over Matter. All of this is Consciousness made manifest.

Our thoughts determine our lives.

Unfortunately, for the most part, our thoughts have become disordered and deranged and what we bring into being follows suit.

We have been beguiled and led astray. We have believed in a mirage and run after it. We have been intentionally brainwashed when it comes to who and what we are, what we are capable of as Human Beings and about the nature of reality altogether.

There is a larger consciousness than our own that we are meant to have a symbiotic and synergistic relationship with.

This larger consciousness can and will heal, purify, illumine, reorient and reintegrate our entirely unique individual sense of self into a greater whole allowing us to create at will in complete balance and harmony with All-That-Is.

At that point the ‘governor' of Time Space and the Laws of Physics that we have labored under begins to recede, becoming the loosest of frameworks, if at all applicable.

We were originally created in the image and after the likeness of God, created to be ‘like' God and to become gods in our own right.

When we reach the bottom of our own ability to help ourselves and the end of all earthly assistance, we are ready to meet the Unmoved Mover with who's help all things are possible.

One picture is worth a thousand words. You've had the thousand words, here's the one picture:


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The current Governor of New Mexico made a business trip to Azerbaijan while Congresswoman and made an ethics violation in the process.

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LOVE the image of the We Are Our Mountains monument made from red tufa.

The haunting music you linked to is perfect accompaniment.

Thank you for your post, Tessa Lena. It makes one feel deeply and think deeply in the same moment.

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Thank you, Brek!!

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Thank you for this, font of kindness. I do love this attitude to geopolitics. Your constant reminder is invaluable: that all we can do as individuals is to stand up to the bullies-- in our own hearts and in the way we move in the world. And we will prevail. But oh, how much useless suffering must there be until enough of us say no!

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Yes, my dear, and thank you for being a talented courageous ray of light! And sadly, a lot of suffering is likely to happen before enough people stand up to the bullies in every way!

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We share almost the same opinion about the state of geopolitics, Tessa. As someone born in a country that is nowadays a "friend' with the U.S. and many years before, it was a better "friend' with Russia/USSR, I know how exactly nebulous, deceptive, and pathologically colored these friendships are. Many small countries don't really have the choice: they either have to be friends (proxies) with the big bad wolves or they will be devoured in the next meal. Of course, this is supportively played out by local adjutants, payees, middle managers, assassins, trainees, etc., who are groomed to be rewarded or applauded by the pack leaders.

I wouldn't disregard the roles of China and the UK, especially, for many reasons. They are the most advanced in terms of propaganda and know-thy-enemy wars.

Geopolitical connections are all toxic and abusive, mostly because behind the 2D nation-defined chess, there's a 3d chessboard, and behind that a 4D and probably 5D chessboard from which players jump on and off based on the most prevalent opportunistic interest. We have many World War 2 examples in which the arms manufacturers collaborated with both sides. The mobsters are the owners of the military industrial complex, the corporate venture funds, remnants of bourgeois family trees, banksters, cults...as for someone here calling on putting names and faces to the mobsters, many are hidden in plain sight (in the news, in 3 or 4 letter international organizations, in fancy shrines, in royal castles, in corporate centers, and so on.. everywhere where power resides). And for those that are truly hidden, there are decent stacks here exposing the octopod's arms. Here is one:


Just follow the money ... sometimes it's as simple as it gets.

Or to dig deeper, follow the 'stories'.

'He, who tells the stories, rules the world."

Who tells the stories of our today's world, spiritually, and in all other ways?

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I adore you Tessa, and I get your point and perspectives. But I “understand” the world’s problems not so much as a “coming and going,” but a Generational “transforming and transferring” of stolen property, wealth, science, political powers & courts and the souls of slaves (us the sheeple) by monsters (professional slaver-thieves controlling all media, trade & money) and their bought house-slavers (various professionals, mostly scientists & lawyers) repeating itself over several thousand years, not just a few centuries…which could be ended at any moment we, the mezzed peoples (sheeple), would snap out of it, stop fighting & killing each-other , stop insisting we should all think, live and believe the same, and then, do the right thing: imprison the wealthiest mobster’s and their bought lawyers. It won’t be easy, but much more simple and cheaper than any war of history—and everyone on earth knows this is the absolute truth, or they should know it by now.

So why don’t we the sheep just snap out of it and finally “Do The Right Thing,” like Spike Lee used to say, but without the rioting and raising shops & cities to flames? (I’ve cross-posted conclusions to Notes: https://substack.com/profile/105331799-jeffrey-p-lubina/note/c-40538503?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1qpmjb)

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Sometimes it feels like you are my aunty and trying to talk sense to me before the corrupted adults come home. Like my Romanian grandma was too damaged to convey.

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I am honored, my sister niece :)

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You make me think of the Simpleton at the end of Boris Godunov - the barbarity is everywhere, even the oppressed get off on being cruel, the bleakness is apparently endless. 150 years after Mussorgsky we still can only fend off the bullies for a short space.

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Sadly, that is very true! And thank you, John!!

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This is a radical view — in the original meaning of the word 'radical' — at the root!

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Thank you yet again, Peter!!

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Very good music, thanks.

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She is super talented, that's for sure!

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Strange things these humans.

Marcus Aurelius

“Think, let us say, of the times of Vespasian; and what do you see? Men and women busy marrying, bringing up children, sickening, dying, fighting, feasting, chaffering, farming, flattering, bragging, envying, scheming, calling down curses, grumbling at fate, loving, hoarding, coveting thrones and dignities. Of all that life, not a trace survives today. Or come forward to the days of Trajan; again, it is the same; that life, too, has perished. Take a similar look at the records of other past ages and peoples; mark how one and all, after their short-lived strivings, passed away and were resolved into the elements. More especially, recall some who, within your own knowledge, have followed after vanities instead of contenting themselves with a resolute performance of the duties for which they were created. In such cases it is essential to remind ourselves that the pursuit of any object depends for its value upon the worth of the object pursued. If, then, you would avoid discouragement, never become unduly absorbed in things that are not of the first importance.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations. Emperor of Rome.

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Human beings are indeed prone to strange choices. It's not necessary, human beings are also very capable of beauty and wisdom, but we are in these times when the latter are discouraged, and bad habits are promoted... alas!!

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There are some numbers that tell a more nuanced story. How many overseas bases does each possess. How many countries has each invaded. How many aircraft carrier battle groups do they each have, hint carriers are offensive weapons.

Then count up how many times the USSR and the Russians have very seriously said stop advancing NATO, especially since you promised you would not. I could go on. Which weapons system is their strongest. Air Force and Submarines for US. Russia makes excellent air defense systems. Putin is known internationally for keeping his word, hmm do I even need to give our side of the story?

If we don't back the f off we will soon experience the speed and power of the Russian missiles recently developed and deployed that our military guys admit we cannot stop or yet duplicate. Try to forget all the movies we've gotten our education from. One last final stat. During WW II Russia lost somewhere between 25 and 30 million. The US just in excess of half a million. The Russians lost more at Stalingrad than we did in the whole war, including the Pacific.

So lets not pay lip service to our lying dog media. I'll end with this. What topic does our MSM tell us the truth about?

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And you don't have to convince me about World war II. The USSR won it, really. The losses were tremendous, and the trauma that was created lingered for a long time, and perhaps still lingers. And all that war was for shame, monsters / mobsters fighting each other at the expense of the people.

I actually grew up torturing myself with thoughts about what I would do if I were in the shoes of the heroic Soviet kids fighting the Nazi, how I would behave, would I be able to withstand the difficulties, etc. Do this day, the sound of the German language makes me a little jumpy for a second because of all the movies about the war. Horrible all this, just disgusting. It was all for shame, even that war. Money, money, money, power, land..... and millions dies and many more suffered.

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Sadly, both sides are pretty damn horrible. Like I said, no mobster cares about the people. As far as keeping one's word, it's debatable. COVID policies alone.... plus the treatment of pensioners... and let's face it, the USSR (and then Russia) and the Western masters have historically had very similar ambitions and both did whatever they could get away with. Alas!! Both are my homeland, so it's important for me to be honest about it!

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Weighing the issues I raised rather than the dismissive both sides horrible. Lets look at who used Mrna? Compare overseas military bases for a measure of ambition. US 800, conservatively, how many does Russia have? Yeah honest.

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Have you read my article? I even mentioned the bases.

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“Big fucks small”

-Alfie Solomons / Peaky Blinders

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I agree, but the police thing . . . "We live in a simulacrum!" And I mean - word is out.

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