Organic Neem powder for parasites

and Terpentine for fungi.

It takes a long time to get rid of it but it does dissapear!

Look at Greg Reese's recent Substack piece and see the patented nanobots delivered to us; er's even Lyme in it.


Go to 3:12 and see all the diseases our bodies have to cope with!

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Thank you, Piki!!

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Great analyses. Thanks.

I mentioned the Natural Asset Company before - the Wall Street attempt to monetize everything in our ecosystem including the air that we breath. I am sure that it is an integral part of the same shenanigans that the One Health initiative is involved in.

..."A NAC would “hold the rights to ecological performance,” giving these companies license to control the management of both public and private lands through quantifying and monetizing natural outputs such as air and water. In other words, NACs would use the air you breathe as currency"...


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My voice teacher, Hina Spani, a great Argentine diva, taught me how to clean vegetables, avoid aluminum pots for cooking, how to store wool rugs with pepper corns and bay leaves for the summer, and many other things. Household vinegar in a pot of water will do for washing veggies. Others at the opera house taught me about herbs: mint for digestion, camomile for babies with colic, linden for calm and many others. I learned from a German doctor about Cystis Incanus tea from Sardinia for health, four times a day, broccoli sprouts as well, to protect against viruses. learn to make your own Thieves Oil. I wash my wooden floors with it. Delicious smell and very effective. No chemicals. Get rid of your chemical cleaners and switch to neutral stuff. With vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, salt and liquid soap you can clean just about anything.

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A plethora of good advice here!! Thank you

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When I moved to Argentina I was astonished to hear the singers at the opera house, always super careful about health, talking about parasites.

Mt ex was a doctor and he confirmed that their concerns were real. They had diseases I had never heard of. Some of the diseases cam to the city through the migration of people from the country. And some of the problems had no cures!

I don’t doubt in the least that people from other countries have different microbiomes.

In fact, in the States we do not even have testing for a lot of these diseases.

What is more, these health smart individuals talked about avoiding the few shots kids were given.

I moved back home in 1976, and in those preceding ten years I learned a lot from my colleagues.

They soaked their veggies in kosher salt and water before consuming. They drank water from glass bottles: Mineral water.

No pesticides were used on their food. They grew 5 crops a year on the rich soil from the Rio Negro. No soil enrichment necessary. Unfortunately Monsanto (Bayer) is killing everywhere now.

What we need to do is find ways to boost our health. I have a distiller for water in my apartment. It costs a lot less than bottled water and leaves no garbage.

Some people drink four cups of green tea. Black cumin seed and organic oils are worth investigating. Find a product that gets rid of metals. Broccoli sprouts are protective. Start finding products that will boost your immune system. Do it sooner rather than later.

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Yes, yours are the words of wisdom here!

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But Big Pharma is the parasite?

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I am so grateful for the way you integrate hope and harsh reality. Thank you.

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Thank you Ann!! xoxo

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It is hard to forget about the rats while walking outside in New York! :)

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Wow a very insightful piece....Thanks Pax

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Thank you, Roget!

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Another great article Tessa! I really appreciate the fact that you always encourage your readers to think from the inside out. Considering all the moves employed by the tricksters going on that advice is especially pertinent now. I feel bad for those who have been completely fooled but I strongly resist the efforts of those who are trying so hard to divide us.

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Thank you, William! You are very kind! And thunking from the inside is perhaps one of the most important first steps to freedom!

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Nanotechnology makes use of mold pollen and fungal spores to transfect. It is called AI enhanced bionic carriers. So we will be dealing with fungal and parasite infections but that’s not all, they will be controlled by emf. I know this first hand after leaving an old house with mold. I was unaffected for 6 years in that house. Then suddenly in 2020 it became a torture chamber that made me incredibly sick… I wont explain the things I saw, but they seemed otherworldly defying the laws of physics….what changed in 2020?


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thank you for contributing your personal experience to the Knowledge base. Mold has always been a problem for me, but what happened to you is a real eye opener.

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There is no evidence that "fungal and parasitic infections in westerners are real, they are on the rise, they are causing suffering to many while staying largely undiagnosed." What would be evidence? Cases and cures. We know how to cure fungal and parasite infections. But we don't know how to count cures. Counting cures opposes a profitable "prevention is better than cure" agenda.

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Not true. As a sufferer of both doctors don’t know their ass from their hands when you ask for help in this area. In fact they will be curt and dismissive just as you are being. Most people don’t know they are suffering because they don’t link their chronic fatigue digestive issue wrong gain and systemic inflammation to fungus or parasites Candida mold ect. They go to the doctor who treats they symptom and would benefit from the cause continuing.

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I disagree with you, can you please provide the basis for your opinion that fungal and parasitic infections are not real? How does this view deal with the existence of people who have mold and parasitic infections hurting their health?

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I'm not saying they are real. I'm saying they are not "on the rise." Do you have evifencr that they are on the rise?

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Ps. Thanks for the challenge - and allowing me to clarify my understanding.

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Absolutely. Thank you for the challenge as well, I appreciate a sincere exchange, and it helps everyone to clarify our own understanding!

I think they are more evident. I think a lot of "severe COVID" was in fact due to fungal and parasitic infections, and some of those infections jumped into a high gear in 2020 due to a combination of factors. People seem to be sicker now. There are many things contributing to that but in my opinion, formerly "latent" infections are a driver behind much of it, with many external factors exacerbating them.

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I do think pharma wants us to believe there is more sickness - because it raises the fear level and sells preventatives, eg., vaccines. I also suspect that the truth about fungal infections is similar to the truth about COVID. Most cases are easily cured. However, like the common cold, in current medical theory "there is no cure."

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I think that both things are simultaneously true. Pharma benefits from people being sick, it also operates on a theory about a bunch of fictitious syndromes. At the same time, fungal and parasitic infections are very real, and impact a lot of people (while pharma-shaped doctors diagnose them incorrectly, assign fictitious syndromes to them, etc.) I think that the theory about it being not a big deal is wishful thinking. We can have differeing opinions about that, we are our own human beings with our own thinking processes, and I certainly respect yours! But I disagree.

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If there's fungal and parasitic diseases, why won't they promote a great drug that works for that, Ivermectin?

Oh right, because it's off patent.

Same with depression drugs...

Over the counter cough suppressant, dextromethorphan aka dxm invented in the 40s, works as a rapid anti depressant.

But they managed to get it in a patent by combining it with a mediocre Wellbutrin, 😂


And so on

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You have a point there! Exactly. And while IVM is not a panacea for everyone in every case and (honest) doctors exist for a reason, it sure does the job better and safer than about everything the establishment has offered us in the past few years

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In case you wonder where their ideas come from - they steal them from nature

Zombie Moths


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Thank you for the link! There are many parasites who control the thinking of their hosts. If you are curious, I wrote about it for Dr. Mercola a couple of years ago https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/mind-controlling-parasites

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All Mercola links are behind a paywall.

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This is so ridiculous! The very people creating the problem now insist on their toxic solution. They are spraying us with mold and parasite eggs.

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Here's a snapshot of the time we are in : Revelation 11:18  And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

There are those who are destroying the planet and the people on it – who love neither their Creator nor their fellow men. An excellent read on historical events since the early first century AD to the present with behind the scenes insights is available here: https://archive.org/details/greatcontroversy0000elle_a7z8/page/n17/mode/2up

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We ain't buying no more 'HEALTH cons'!

Until Big Pharma accept LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their medicines and injections, whether they be 'Experimental' or supposedly proven Safe & Effective. Verified SAFE BY ANY OTHER 'Verifier' than the manufacturer themselves!

I visited a Vax centre to see if I could find obtain genuine evidence of 'INFORMED CONSENT' relating to DANGERS from INJECFTIONS (inappropriately referred to as vaccines).

After they tried to have me thrown out for 'causing trouble', they eventually gave me the only evidence of supposedly believable proof of SAFETY - IT WAS PRINTED BY Pfizer!

And still this deadly farce continues unabated and Big Pharma (Pfizer) enjoy immunity from culpability.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I suppose it was only a matter of time before they attempted this linkage. It’s pretty insidious. Fungus, plants, animals, and environment biome has the landscape covered doesn’t it? And nice touch recognizing the immune system they destroyed over the last decades is now compromised. Sounds like a great idea to anyone not paying close attention and just wants a “safe” environment for everybody to be “happy” in. We have to stay ahead and recognize the tactics for what the are (or are not?). And yes John Trudell is correct. Energy vampires going to

vampire and it’s up to us to redirect to genuine solutions. 1st solution being withhold their energy and drain their power away with our bullshit flags. Then we can work to rebuild our own immunity and restore harmony as per Nature’s original intent. This is our way to create a better landscape for “One Health”.

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