Thanks for putting all of this together! I was planning to share it with folks who are still believing the mainstream narrative, but there are a few claims/hypotheses (e.g. that the virus may or may not be real, or that the Pfizer/Moderna jabs constitute "gene therapy") that I think are more likely to close minds than to open them. For now I'm trying to stick to the science that lockdowns and masks don't work to stop the spread, and that we don't have nearly the level of control over this disease that we think we have, so we really ought to relax and stop trying so hard.

Here's my take, which is admittedly a bit more reserved than what I actually think but I'm trying to awaken people without triggering them to shut down. http://www.luterra.com/blog/?p=1198

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Thank you Mark, and thank you for your take!

There is nothing in my article that is not backed, I made sure of that! If you notice, I link to the studies that show that the virus has been isolated, as well as to arguments as to why others say that it has not been isolated properly. And then I honestly say that it is impossible for a layman to come to a definite conclusion. However, it seems documented (not a hypothesis) that at least some (I don't know if "all" is correct.. it could be but I don't know that given how many manufacturers have jumped on the wagon) tests were NOT based on the isolate but instead, on a derivative from a synthetic sequence. I am happy to see evidence to the contrary, I am all about facts!! So theoretically, that shouldn't scare anybody, they can dig and see.

As far as gene therapy, this is rather well substantiated. I forgot to include a link to David Martin scientific and legal arguments. He cannot be accused of a lack of mainstream credentials, and he is a very sharp guy.


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With regard to these two particular issues, it is common to base a genetic test off of a synthetic sequence and then apply it to detection of a genomic/viral sequence. That creates some concerns regarding false positives/cross reactivity/etc., but it is not fundamentally bad scientific practice. There is definitely a school of though in Off-Guardian etc. about the virus possibly not being real because it hasn't been purified. At the same time we have people sequencing it all the time and detecting new mutations etc. This strikes me as possibly a high-level quandary regarding viral germ theory in general - perhaps the way that viruses exist and function doesn't match our models entirely, sort of like the way light is both a wave and a particle - but I'm not sure it has much bearing on the observed reality that this detectable and communicable RNA sequence correlates with a particular suite of symptoms and a certain risk profile.

On the vaccine front, it seems that the legal definition of a vaccine (i.e. an antigen introduced to stimulate an immune response) differs from the common assumed/lay medical definition (i.e. any medicine which stimulates an immune response to prevent or reduce the severity of future disease). So while it's true that they are legally not vaccines, bringing this argument out of a legal context to a general audience is a bit like insisting that tomatoes are actually not vegetables even though they are functionally treated as such.

So I'm not questioning the truth of what you write, only the strategy of using statements that are technically true to make an argument that conveys a somewhat different meaning or assertion, and that runs the risk of alienating readers who are using different definitions by which they judge the statement to be false and thereby stop paying attention or judge the author as less credible.

I'm 100% with you on the suppression of effective treatments (which seems more criminal than anything else in the past year) and the unprecedented fearmongering and disruption over a disease far less severe than the last real global pandemic in 1918-1919. Initially I believed this to be an outgrowth of our obsession with Progress (i.e. we believe we have conquered infectious disease death) as well as a sunk-cost fallacy (i.e. once we committed to a lockdown, it was much easier to double down in the face of failure than to admit it was a mistake), but increasingly I agree that it is being driven by the Great Reset agenda.

Again, I look forward to reading all that you write. So much of the "alternative" technosphere these days is full of strange right-wing dogma/assumptions, which I see as equally problematic as the mainstream false consensus. You just speak from your heart and wish for a world in which we are all free to live without fear and to become our best selves. Thank you!

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Thank you Mark!! And I hear you!!

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Of course "... people sequencing it all the time and detecting new mutations etc. "

The "genome of the virus" was cobbled together by computer modelling. If I recall only 37 base pairs out of 30 000 were actually physically identified :0.1%

(I took this information from award winning veteran journalist Jon Rappoport's website: https://nomorefakenews.com)

Matching to a generic coronavirus computer model is obviously a futile exercise.

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Thank you Flan! He offers an interesting perspective. I find myself sometimes more nuanced than him (and I insist on the right to not be 100% sure of anything :) except that the tests are flawed, that the asymptomatic transmission is not a significant vector (and hence treating healthy people like they are all potentially diseased is more neurotic than reasonable), that treatments and dissenting opinions have been suppressed or banned, and that lack of an honest scientific debated doesn't convince me of good intentions. And of course, it seems completely aligned with the whole market restructuring effort.

I like the idea reading everybody and then figuring out what makes sense.


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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

"I like the idea reading everybody and then figuring out what makes sense."

Yes!. The mainstream consider the public to be stupid wards for which "experts" and anti-science consensus. is sufficient.

There are of course some domains of knowledge where the devil lies in the detail AND where domain language would need to be learned in order to have a valid opinion. Those cases need to be flagged as such. An example would be the EM drive that appears to break known physical laws. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmDrive

These cases are rare. The NWO engendering "science" issues of Covid19 and "Climate Change" are not these rare cases. Conclusions can easily be drawn in these cases.

The issue of the existence of a pathogenic virus is beside the point. From official statistics, there is no pandemic. Friends of fiends who died is not a pandemic, especially when the medical profession and politicians (World Bank and IMF) are paid to lie. A pandemic is when many people in your neighbourhood are visibly dying. There are many other medical issues much much worse than "Covid 19"

We clearly have an Plandemonium designed to lock down humanity hence forth.

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> 'We clearly have an Plandemonium designed to lock down humanity hence forth.'

This part of the drama is only for a limited period of time. Every act comes to an end, and then the next act begins.

All of this evidence of fraud was specifically put there for people to notice, and to repeat to their friends and family. It is *desired* for everyone to become aware that this was all a fraud. All of these conversations and arguments, occurring in person and online, are part of the process. It's all by design.

For the past year, the 10% who are more aware than others have been soaking up this evidence (specifically placed there for their consumption) and preaching it to their friends and family. A large percentage of these people are getting their information from what you would call "right wing" sources, while the "left wing" sources are mostly are on the fear and panic hype train. All by design.

When this is all finally exposed as a fraud, the resulting intense public anger and blame will be pointed in the desired direction: against Democrats and "leftists", who are being set up to take the fall. This is to facilitate a hard right shift in the country, which is a necessary prerequisite for the coming World War.

It's true however that the "virus" represents the next stage in removing the people's rights. The freedoms and liberties that have been and are being eroded during all this won't be restored, even after the fraud is shown to be such. Just like how things changed after 9/11. It's a slow, steady process, with many twists and turns in the narrative along the way, all inevitably leading to the desired end goal: World War.

> 'There are of course some domains of knowledge where the devil lies in the detail AND where domain language would need to be learned in order to have a valid opinion. Those cases need to be flagged as such. An example would be the EM drive that appears to break known physical laws.'

The EM Drive is fake, as is approximately 100% of all other grand pronouncements of "ground breaking new technology" that are shown to the public these days. The real innovations are few and far between, and are kept strictly secret.

It doesn't take any special knowledge of physics to understand this, and indeed that could be unhelpful. Many of these announcements are specifically designed to get such people all worked up, eager to pursue a fruitless course of research that might waste their time for years or decades.

What is really needed to see through such lies, is detailed knowledge of the Liar.

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Sorry was in the middle of something when I was responding, hence the laconic nature of the comment. :)

I guess the main point I wanted to bring up when talking about the isolation of the virus etc. is that even during peaceful times, entirely honest scientists often completely disagree with each other about methodology or conclusions. Debate is an integral part of what science is. Therefor, when a scientist (or a layman) says, "Hmmmm but was this virus properly isolated?" it is not a sign of crazy behavior, it is a sign of a healthy thinking process (something both of us agree on obviously). ESPECIALLY when you look out of the window, and the world looks insane. My ambition is to bring back an environment in which we can relax and debate, and where it's okay to ask questions and ponder different (sometimes mutually exclusive) hypotheses.

I completely understand your sentiment, the obsession with talking points has gotten mad, and you can't even.... But when I step outside of the current conversational / thinking climate, and look at it from the outside, I feel, wow. It IS true that the world is so crazy that having a perfectly pure-hearted, open-minded conversation and asking honest questions or saying that you don't know the answer 100% is considered a thought crime!!!! Like wow wow wow.

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The worst kind of thought criminal is the one who DOES know the answer, and has the audacity to speak as if he is an authority. :)

"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties. " - Francis Bacon

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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Mark, I am giddy to read your analogy to the wave and particle models conundrum, because I was thinking of referring also to exactly that myself. I continue to be delighted with the quality of Tessa's work and also with the evident talent of those drawn here. As to the relationships you discuss in your column, I too am trying to decipher meaning. In prior work I have conducted a number of failure investigations of complex systems and often ended up finding meaningful flaws in the basic data or its interpretation. The pcr tests appear to be a potential source of total inconsistency.

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And it is the amount of absurdity that the post is really about. Wherever you poke, there is bad science, corruption, corporate agendas, compliant journos, and just betrayal of basic integrity. In a normal world, it is possible to discuss in honestly, for the sake of figuring it out. But we are in a very strange world right now. And yes, I think there is some kind of a virus (or what the scientists of today define as a virus, etc. etc.) But even so, the absurdity of discrepancies is obscene.

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Feb 13, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

WOW. Great job Tessa! I'm impressed and share your views. You put a ton of work into this article and all of the research....If I had more money, I'd give you some...like $10,000. You deserve it way more than the MSM clowns.

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Thank you Elizabeth!!

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I can sense the frustration you must feel with this friend who is "on the fence" about this important knowledge you want to share. It's truly frustrating to spend so much time reading and learning, only to find that learning was the easy part; transmitting the knowledge gained is far more difficult.

I won't be getting any cybernetic implants when they are invented, but I do admit it would be nice in times like these to have a sort of "human USB cable", so that one could plug oneself into someone's mind and in seconds download all of one's knowledge directly into theirs, thus enabling instant understanding. But if people ever do invent such a thing, then I guess new problems would be introduced with it, like viruses being transmitted from mind to mind. There is no free lunch, sadly.

Just as you are trying to reach your friend to explain what you have learned, I would like to reach you also, to explain what *I* know. I must get you to understand, one way or another, that most of what you're talking about in this article is *theater*. I have to repeat this point over and over until it is fully understood and digested by everyone. That is the key to moving all of us along to the next level of understanding. Unless we all advance together, then we will inevitably fall apart.

I would like you to understand that all this evidence that you have spent so much time and energy compiling, was put there just so that you would find it, and share it. All of the emotions you feel in response to gaining this knowledge, were planned for you also. The resulting arguments between you and your TV-watching friend were likewise planned, years ago in a smoke-filled boardroom. Even your article here is a source of pleasure to these people--because you don't yet fully understand that this is all theater, causing you to inadvertently repeat some of the propaganda.

To name a specific example, the "alternative cures" for "the virus" which were "censored by the media." Yes, that's how it is made to appear, on the surface--but in reality, this is all scripted. They *wanted* you to notice that these "alternatives" were being "censored"--and to come to the conclusion that you would inevitably reach. All part of the mind game. The gaslighting of an entire planet. The leading of sheep to slaughter.

Likewise, if video has been deleted from Youtube for "spreading too much truth", what actually happened is the video was created by the same people who deleted it, who then published an article on one of their "alternative" news sites to inform the world that it was deleted. ALL SCRIPTED.

What I would like more than anything is to just cut through all the bullshit with a sword. If only we could stop having our time and energy wasted by the liars, and instead get straight to the truth. That's why I'm here.

On the subject of the "virus", it seems to really be *bacterial pneumonia*. Not a virus--bacteria. Just like the so-called "Spanish flu", which seems to have actually started at Fort Riley, Kansas during an experimental vaccination campaign of soldiers who were immediately afterward sent to the front lines.

Think about the implications of this. It means for example that the wearing of masks isn't a preventative, but causative agent. Warm, humid, dirty masks act as a sort of petri dish to grow bacteria, right in proximity to their nasal passages. It also means that putting people on ventilators with oxygen is not a cure, but a prescription for almost certain death. And so on.

Yes, it is meant to kill--but more importantly, to scare. To cause various reactions in various people. To divide and confuse people in various ways. The killing of "useless eaters" is only a side benefit, in the eyes of the psychopaths who unleashed this.

It is a mistake to think "this is it, this is the Great Reset, they are killing us all here and now." No, they are not. Not yet. This is all theater, all scripted, meant to provoke a *reaction*; to move the herd in a desired direction. The real killing comes with World War. Everything happening right now is a step in that direction.

Soon this virus will be outed to the public as a the obvious fraud that it is. We are almost to that point. People have grown sick and tired of the masks and the mask enforcers. The evidence for fakery is piling up left and right. The masses of commoners are meant to "learn" that this was all a big conspiracy between China and "leftists", the same ones who also "stole the election." Meanwhile there is a major economic crash about to be triggered soon, under Biden's watch. All part of the show.

The blame for all of this will land entirely on China, Democrats, and "leftists", who are increasingly demonized in right wing media as being the source of all evil. In the end, the hard right element will take total control over this government. These various inept Democrat and women governors will be swept from office and replaced with hard right MEN. We will then be ready for the next act, on the path to World War. All according to plan.

That, in a nutshell, is the big picture of what's happening here.

Sadly, by accepting this knowledge and integrating it into your own understanding of the world, you will as a consequence move even further apart from this friend you are trying to drag along the path of learning. The sad reality is, different people learn at different rates, according to their inbuilt abilities. When we were equally propagandized, hoodwinked and deluded peasants, we could all be equals; but as some set out on a path of learning and others don't, or struggle and fall behind along the way, a distance inevitably grows between them. Bridging that divide is by no means guaranteed.

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Dave, thank you for offering your perspective. Not sure if I agree with everything but important to share ideas! And overcoming the divide is crucial!

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I certainly wouldn't ask people to blindly trust what I or anyone else says. Blind trust, with a lack of independent thinking, is what has gotten us all in this situation in the first place. Everyone must do their own thinking and come to their own conclusions. It's a slow and painful journey, which is why most never even attempt it.

I guess the main point to emphasize is that it's important to always be focused on the "big picture", and avoid getting bogged down in the details. Then one can foresee what is coming, instead of just reacting to what's happening right now in the moment.

I respect all of the work you put into collecting all of this data and writing your articles. You truly have an exceptional mind. I hope your friend will read this article and learn something from it.

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can you list your research that backs up what you are saying? someone else on here mentioned covid is the 1st stage of a 4 part PsyOp - are you claiming the 4th stage is WW with China and Russia? Can your list your research of "the plan" which you refer to?

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This is something people sometimes ask, but I can't really point to any one particular source. My research is drawn from countless sources over the past 10-15 years, since I first became aware of this. Before that I was naive and clueless, as most all Americans are.

I remember somehow forming the thought, "there is a war coming, and Russia and China are our enemy." On reflection I realized there had been a steady drip, drip, drip of anti-Russia, anti-China propaganda on "the news" which had influenced me to reach this conclusion. Every month or two, they would blame China or Russia for something. Over the years this has been steadily increasing, to where now it's every single day those two countries are in the news being blamed for one insidious plot or another. And the people eat it up like ice cream, not seeing how they are being manipulated.

The way I research is by just by reading constantly, always taking in new information, screening out the bullshit, integrating small clues here or there into a larger understanding which steadily grows over time. I can't point to any particular source which understands things so well, because there really aren't any, not that I've found anyhow. I always keep hoping to run across someone who understands things better, and sometimes I do meet people who have a significant understanding (like many commentors here, for example), but few to none seem to really, truly understand the big picture of things.

Back in 2014 I met a hairstylist from a small, rural, hillbilly town here in Alabama who remarked to me "I think World War 3 is coming soon." I don't know how she arrived at that conclusion, but she must have picked it up somehow.

If you *don't* think a war is coming, or are not sure, tell me why and let's have a discussion.

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What's the result of this War that is coming. What's the end result look like from your research? If not "nuclear" then how will it be fought?

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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you so much sister! I love you!

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Thank you Jon! Hugs

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1. Do you believe that the virus is real?

Which one? Covit 19 has only identified in the media, not in the lab.

2. Do you believe that the virus came from bats?

My brain hurts. It assumes that the answer to 1. is positive

3. Do you believe that the disease can lead to bad consequences, if not treated properly?

That’s true for ANY disease including mental ones eg. (exempli gratia) jumping off the cliff.

4. Do you believe that no matter what, it helps to invest in one’s health, including a robust immune system?

Health is a condition of natural functioning of the algorithm of life. Without good (relative term) health you cannot function effectively. Old age is a good example.

5. Do you believe that there are effective COVID treatments?

Please refer to question 1.

6. Do you believe that the PCR tests in use are functional diagnostic tools?

The INVENTOR of the test emphatically said NO.

7. Do you believe that asymptomatic spread is an important vector?

You are spinning wheels on this one. The best way to reach an erroneous conclusion is to start with a erroneous assumption. (Refer to question 1)

8. Do you believe that masks worn by healthy people prevent the spread of respiratory viruses?

ANY people wearing a mask can spread or get infected by ANY virus. The masks are equivalent of a chain link fence stopping mosquitoes.

9. Do you believe that closure of small businesses and lockdowns are justified?

For political, financial and psyop population control are justified by those tyrants who impose them, of course not for the reason stated. It is very difficult to do evil in the world without presenting it as a vehicle for good.

10. Do you believe that prolonged stress and disruption of social fabric can significantly damage your natural immune response?

Yes !!!!!!!

11. Do you believe that Big Pharma would rather have you depend on their most expensive products than possess a healthy, free natural immunity?

“Big Pharma” is not the problem. It is a power of the gun behind it (government) who allowed them to operate outside the free market.

12. Do you believe that there have been dramatic precedents of companies or Western governments knowingly poisoning people or experimenting on own citizens?

This is a complex question. The short answer is yes, but as a means to an end.

13. Do you believe that your demographic is exempt?

From what? Children are naturally exempt already.

14. Do you believe that you live in a country where state officials would never betray their citizens?

Like any organism governments act in self preservation mode. If their preservation demands honesty instead of betrayal they would practice honesty.

15. Do you believe that in 2020, the world underwent a qualitative change in terms of how biology works, and it is now wise and justifiable to start treating healthy people as biohazards, something that science has never previously suggested we should do?

As Marx stated quantitative gains would result in qualitative accomplishments.

16. Do you believe in v-s?

I don’t know what v-s stands for

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Thanks Casimea. I like your qualifications and comments.

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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Another great article, Tess! Thanks!

I read a lot about a subject like anyone else on this blog and somehow it still blows my mind and I still feel I don't grasp the real agenda here.

I mean, what I know for sure is that covid19 is a HOAX, no matter if the virus is real or not, it's clear for me that the total destruction of the Western economies and societies is done in lockstep according to Agenda 2030, this I can clearly see.

What makes me suspicious is the fact that they made everything so visible, Klaus Schwab published a book, the entire agenda is on WEF website, the manipulation and propaganda are so blatant, the clown measures such as 2 masks, anal tests, and others are so f. evident that it makes me wonder why would they do that KNOWING that a part of the society will wake up and see right through the entire scam?

They could have made everything very real, professional, maybe using a more deadly virus? I'm sure they have an entire collection of viruses so that at the end they would have had 95% of people 100% on-board.

It's true that in the current scenario most people still can't see it but, there are many who CAN see it and each day more and more start questioning the entire plot.

Of course, most of the people will remain oblivious as they've always been but if you reach a critical mass of people who are aware of the scam (I'd say 20-25%) then you really have a problem with a real rebellion. 25% means 100M Europeans and 75M Americans....so I'm not sure you can coerce or force so many people to obey, take the jab, take the covid pass and peacefully accept the Great Reset and NWO.

So that's why I'm thinking...maybe they design it this way, maybe it's a play to show us how utterly corrupt are the Governments, the MSM, the BigPharma and BigTech, the medical system and when enough people will realize this and take the streets, then all these institutions will crash, opening the way for a rebuild. The more time passes, the less I believe this theory as it seems that all the Governments went totally mad but people don't seem to react accordingly.

I don't know, my biggest problem is the fact that they said it too bluntly to be the real end goal.

I find it hard to believe that they will vaccinate the entire planet with something that will potentially kill or disable more than half of the world population, I find it hard to believe that a world of total tyranny will have a "sustainable" future.

I don't even talk about the % of the depressed population. You can't progress with half of the population disabled and another half depressed to the bones. Even the idea of a permanent lockdown for "climate change" reasons will lead in 10 years to total destruction of (at least) all the Western societies in terms of human capital.

Remember, the end goal of each species is to find meaning and happiness. A World of senseless machines won't have a purpose for progress, just execution. No matter what you do, the end goal must be a form of progress and species development.

There must be more to this than the Great Reset or maybe it's me who refuses this Catch 22 world.

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> 'I don't know, my biggest problem is the fact that they said it too bluntly to be the real end goal.'

You are on the right path. You are correct to notice that all of this is way too blatant and obvious. Things are not as they are made to appear on the surface.

"The Great Reset" IS the real end goal, but they never do proceed in a direct path to the end, but instead take a meandering course with many sudden twists and turns. This throws people off and makes it as hard as possible for truth researchers to make predictions about what is going to happen.

Things are set up so that "their" predictions always seem to come true, but people like us make mistakes because we don't have a full understanding of the plan. When our predictions seem to be disproven, or made to look like an overreaction, this causes us to lose credibility. It also causes us to accidentally repeat and reinforce some of the propaganda. For example, how they get us sucked into the debate of the "official" virus treatment vs the "alternative" virus treatments, when in reality it has been *bacteria* the whole time.

By the way, a common side effect of the anti-malaria medicine HCQ (one of the "alternative treatments" that they "really don't want you to know about"--thus ensuring everyone will want it), is nightmares and even *psychosis*. I happened to learn about this 15 years ago, when I was given these pills for an overseas trip. Someone warned me not to take them, because they cause horrible nightmares.

Now why in the world would these psychopaths want to trick people into taking a medicine that is known to cause terrible nightmares and psychotic episodes, at a time like this?? I think that question pretty much answers itself.

The true end goal is written on the Georgia Guidestones; "The Great Reset" is just one step along the path. To really destroy us, first they must involve us in a devastating World War against Russia and China, which will kill hundreds of millions, just as the previous wars were designed to do. But before such a World War can even be possible, the fat and complacement people of the western world must be brought to their knees in total economic and societal ruin. People who are well off generally aren't interested in total war. Only desperate and frightened people can be led to the slaughter.

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WW2 was a total war and it "barely" led to about 50-60M deaths, that's nothing for a "depopulation" program.

For me, the best way to reach Georgia's Stone 500M people is through mass forced vaccination using an experimental, gene therapy jab that will lead to an explosion in cancers, auto-immune diseases, and other related illnesses over the next 10 years. This will also make Big Pharma the richest entity in the World. For the moment, about 170M people worldwide have been injected with the poison and the side effects are not at all neglectable.

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They can't kill everybody all at once; it's impossible, for various reasons including general practicality. Even as stupid as people are, they would wake up quickly if everyone started dying en masse. It has to be a slow and steady extermination, in stages, a little bit at a time; all of it "explained" by a long trail of evidence that they have planted; a fake history that people will believe.

"Mass forced vaccination" won't work today, in this moment where we currently stand. There are too many who would oppose it to the death. It would lead to a major rebellion. Only after a major world war could such a thing be forced on the defeated and destroyed remnant.

WW2 had much more than 50-60M real deaths; possibly 100M+ plus. In either case, it was a significant percentage of the population. And look at the result: the formerly strong and independent nations of Germany and Japan were brought to their knees, in total prostration and subservience to the NWO. Today they are caricatures of their former selves.

This is how they do it--destroy one strong nation at a time until there is noone left to oppose them. They did it to France, during the "Reign of Terror." It happened to Russia with the Bolsheviks, and to Germany, Italy, Japan. The United States is next on their list.

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"they would wake up quickly if everyone started dying en masse."

The deaths will be media farmed as CoVid 2022 and lead to even more harsh measures, These will be carried out diligently by Covid Followers.

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"all of this is way too blatant and obvious."

Not to 80-90% of the population.

The Controllers do not care about blatant - they know they can bamboozle the vast majority.

My theory for "blatant, obvious" and speed of events is that projects for safe and unlimited energy (thorium, pebble bed reactors, fast breeders, fusion) are coming to fruition. Unlimited energy = abundance and problem solving for all humanity- anathema to the Controllers. Before abundance comes on line, the Controllers MUST lockdown humanity, otherwise their game is up.

Aaron Russo (film America: Freedom to Fascism) who networked with Controllers for a while, said as much.

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Feb 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

what makes you so sure about World War against Russia and China and when will that timeline occur in your opinion. bring the "fat and complacent people of the western world" who "must be brought to their knees in total economic and societal ruin" "only desperate and frightened people can be led to slaughter" - how will you personally plan to escape the slaughter, as I assume this WW will be nuclear?

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Nuclear weapons don't exist. Yes, I know--sounds crazy. But it's true. There is no such thing. Only nuclear power exists; the atomic bomb does not.

If there is one distinguishing characteristic of the 20th century, it was a century of lies from beginning to end. Everything we were taught about everything is a lie. It's all a Hollywood creation. The power of cinema, used to brainwash the people en masse.

Try this experiment: search on Google for "Bikini Atoll picture fake." Note that you will find zero evidence whatsoever for this assertion on the first 5-10 pages of results, at least.

Now try the same search on DuckDuckGo, and you will find this as the very first result:


Read that and prepare to take a deep dive down the rabbit hole.

Some out there reading this may be nodding their head knowingly, about the difference between the two search engines and the results they return. But many of them are still deceived also. There are many, many layers of deception. They don't realize that Google and DuckDuckGo are owned by the exact same people. The difference in search results is all part of the theater.

Miles Mathis' site is an absolute goldmine of information. But be warned that he is a liar also, as the discerning researcher will discover. He works for "them." He is what is known in "intel" lingo as "controlled opposition", or a "gatekeeper." Nevertheless, his articles will bring a person much further down the road of knowledge.

While we are on the subject of exposing huge lies of the 20th century, read these two books also which expose the moon landing fraud for what it is. You also won't find these on Google unless you know exactly what to search for:



The next level of understanding, after digesting the above sources, is to realize that this fraud was not exposed by accident; it was done on purpose. They *wanted* people to know that the moon landing was fake. Just as they *wanted* people to discover that JFK's "assassination" wasn't as it appeared. And just as they want people to discover also that COVID is a fraud. If they wanted to keep these things truly secret, they could have easily done so, but they did not. Why?

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On the timeline of war: the first move in that direction is to install the "hard right" in absolute control of this country. This is a necessary prerequisite--just as it was in Germany in the 1930s, and elsewhere.

The people of the nation must be made to feel as though they are under attack and constantly threatened by internal and external forces. The left-right dialectic that has been amped up more and more over the past few decades is at the center of this.

Notice how the presidency has shifted every 8 years like clockwork from R to D then back again. Picture a kid on a swing, going back and forth, kicking his legs at just the right moment to gain more and more momentum, swinging further and further in each direction. Finally when he's reached the furthest extreme, he jumps out of the swing and goes flying forward. That is analogous to what's happening.

Each swing represents a movement of power from left to right and back again, growing stronger and stronger in each iteration. One party is in power for a time, seemingly doing everything in their power to piss off the other "side." Meanwhile the other party is scattered, in disarray; at the end of their rope, etc. Then after eight years the one party is removed from office and the other party gains power, and the same pattern repeats.

All through this, the hatred and division between the two sides steadily grows, until we reach the present time, where both "sides" hate each other with extreme passion. They are at each other's throats.

One side, "the left", has been over time manipulated to be more and more the party of urbanites, of the elite, of weakness and cowardice, while "the right" has been made to represent The People, freedom, liberty, standing up against enemies of the nation, God and country, etc.

Gradually the sympathies of the majority of the nation are shifted more and more toward "the right." Now here we are in the end stage of this process. The weak puppet Biden has seemingly been placed in office through election fraud. He then immediately sets out on the important business of "climate change", "transgender athletes", and other such things which are calculated to alienate and piss off as many people as possible, among both left and right. His "vice president" is on the phone talking with foreign leaders, which is unprecedented. He is claimed to be under the influence of the Chinese. Everything is arranged to make him look weak and even a traitor.

Also, there is a major stock market crash building and building as we speak, which will happen within the next year at the latest, or perhaps by the end of March, which likewise will be blamed on him and "the leftists"--thus furthering the goal of total economic destruction--bringing the rich people of this nation to their knees, and setting the stage for the hard right strongman to take power. He will make the trains run on time again.

The next step, after this has been accomplished, is a "false flag" attack against the country--like Pearl Harbor, or the attack on the Maine, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or the sinking of the Lusitania, all of which were caused to happen in order to have a pretext for war.

The coming attack will manifest itself, I believe, by the destruction of coastal cities. My theory is that the San Francisco Bay area and nearby Silicon Valley will be the primary targets of this attack. This will likely be blamed on North Korea, and of course China, Russia, etc.

Then we will be at war. And there is no stopping it, by anything we learn or understand here or post on this blog.

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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

As I see it, this compendium is a treasure chest gift to our world. Thank you so much, Tessa! As to my own my own perception and experience, alas, this rich trove answers many questions but surfaces so many more that I feel a bit dizzy, like I've just found myself dropped altogether disheveled and disoriented right into a haunted house where the smelly guts of corruption seem to be all over the place, where the inadequacies and misdirections of science cast light and shadows in uninterpretable ways, where Escher seems to have drawn the up staircase of nobility with the down staircase of depravity. And it almost seems like there is an unknowable beast watching, and gaining strength from my every move. Is it possible that this is just Son of SARS, revisited, on a finer grid, where I again see myself as the observer but am in the larger field simply the observed?

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Thank you Dirck!! I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to insist on clarity and honesty (somehow). All this is horrible but I think it is also an opportunity to find something that had been lost.

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Feb 14, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I can't even imagine the amount of work behind this post. I am printing this out and will read it carefully to the end.

All congratulations you get are well-deserved Tessa. This goes far beyond a mindful artist's duty to society. You are organizing your insights in useful ways for everybody to use.

Where to start? You included nearly everything in this article.

You are always right about the way these insights have to be communicated to the others. Our fellow citizens are not the enemy. As you said, most of them are good people, with moral standards who have been led into believing a perverted version of what is happening. You treat those delicately, exposing them gradually to reality.

Some are collaborators, because they gain something from this, or they think they do. Be wary of the preachers. Don't engage this category, they will only hurt you, if it suits them.

Don't forget that the fight is not against a current social phenomenon or a recently invented global scam. This has been for years, decades in the working. People, at least in the West, have been conditioned to think in a particular way, which leads them to accept the current narrative easier.

It becomes nightmarish if you think about it, but e.g. consider these aspects of “common knowledge” and how they are used against us now:

- the cult of “science”, the infamous scientism. The idea leads to the ability of a particular class of “experts”, the scientists, the “technocrats” to establish the absolute truth which cannot be disputed or challenged. Science is a process of acquiring and modifying our knowledge and not an excuse for the “absolute truth”, which is more akin to the infallibility of the church mentality of the Middle Ages

- the development of the current model of medicine, a product of the first half of the 20th century in the US, which “inoculates” us with the belief that the only way of fighting a disease or a condition is with a product of the pharmaceutical industry of, usually, dubious and possibly dangerous chemical composition. I remember reading a book from the 1970's called “Rockefeller's Medicine Men”, where the author describes the campaign of this oil mogul to bribe the medical schools of the American universities into changing their curriculum in order to agree with his version of medicine.

- the campaign against those expressing reservations for the vaccines, bagging them altogether as “religious fanatics'' or whatever else. This began in the 1980's and the concept of “science” against any concern, real or imaginary, was used ad nauseam. Although today's COVID vaccines are not real vaccines, but something else – we could call them, e.g. “gene therapy” - this Anti-Vaxxer meme comes real handy now, doesn't it?

Tessa, the next step could be to compile an etiquette of how to approach a “hypnotized” person. This word is not meant as an insult, we have all been there. The do's and dont's from your insights, to which all can contribute. It sounds mundane, but, believe me, it could open minds!

I think that all the readers of this blog would be willing to help you in this!

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Thank you!!! Well yes, it took a while. :-)

I love your idea about sharing stories of how we all talk to different people about this. It is probably the hardest conundrum and also very mysterious in some way. Perhaps the most mysterious thing about the situation, since the abuse is so obvious, and so many people see through it but there is also such an attack on the ability to breathe and think without yelling. Let me think about your idea, thanks again.

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Feb 20, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

It's a war of minds... and the other side (really, how should we call them? We' ll have to come up with a name for them. Your "Robots" is definitely a good idea! There is this inhumane quality about them) has spent an incredible amount of time to find ways to control our thoughts. Really, why are they deriving such a satisfaction controlling their fellow humans? What's so great about it and what's wrong with them? I think they deserve becoming an object of study by the rest of humanity. That's what we are dealing with. Them and their drones...

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> 'Our fellow citizens are not the enemy. As you said, most of them are good people, with moral standards who have been led into believing a perverted version of what is happening. You treat those delicately, exposing them gradually to reality.'

The following quote from Morpheus in The Matrix is directly applicable here:

"The Matrix is a system, Neo; that system is our enemy. And when you're inside and look around, what do you see? Businessmen. Teachers. Lawyers. Carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system. And that makes them our enemy. You have to understand: Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." — Morpheus

Unless and until a person is fully unplugged from The Matrix, they are most definitely enemies of the truth.

(This movie is and was intended to be a direct analogy of the times we are currently living in. It was written by insiders.)

By the way, did you hear that "The Wachowski Brothers" are now known as "The Wachowski Sisters", and are reinventing The Matrix as a transgender story? Read up on that and have a good laugh. ALL of this is scripted. Everything is. The whole world is a stage, and these people are actors; playing a role, reading from a script.

There are plenty of innocent people who will go to their graves in the near future, at the hands of these well-meaning clueless schmucks that you call "good people."

Most people ARE NOT "good." To call most people "good" is to dilute the meaning of goodness. The majority of people are in fact far more selfish and evil than they will care to admit, or than anyone likes to notice. You'll observe that most evildoers believe they are actually good, which is part of what makes them so dangerous.

Some of these clueless masses are capable of being reached, of course. But will you reach them before they cause your own destruction? That's a question which will only be answered on a case by case basis, over the course of the unfolding nightmare, with a lot of pain and suffering shared by all participants at every step along the way.

People don't really reason; they rationalize. They were mostly born with their opinions, and then over time they create a system of arguments to rationalize their in-built opinions, calling it "logic" or "common sense." It's a system of gut feelings dressed up as logic.

The cult of scientism is the same as the cult of priesthood. Same thing, different form. You noticed this yourself, but you have no power to dispel this simply by noticing it, or by arguing against it. Most of these people were BORN to worship "authority." It's literally in their blood. They will kill you, or take actions that will result in your death, before they will ever see any flaws in their own life-strategy, which is built in to their genes. They are literally incapable of noticing such.

The best way to approach a "hypnotized" person therefore is, in most cases, to stay the hell away.

It's not a coincidence that the Bible tells us that the road to hell is wide and well paved, but the gate to salvation narrow. Few will be saved--and it is also explicitly stated that the only ones who will be saved are those who survive to the very end. You don't survive times like these by getting yourself put in a concentration camp, naively trying to "awaken" your enemy.

Furthermore, you are making a mistake in thinking that "they" are fundamentally different from "you." What makes you think that you yourself are not, at least to some extent, hypnotized? The essence of being lied to is *not knowing* that one is being lied to.

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Dave, you seem to have the quality of preaching upon most people who comment here. Perhaps it is your personality. But please. The world has everything. It has dark things and it has amazingly beautiful things. No need to equalize everything toward the floor level. For real!

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What is your problem with my argument, exactly? If you disagree with something, tell me what it is, so that I can respond to it specifically.

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My disagreement is with the vibe of bringing conversations down consistently. It is obviously possible to have a different opinions and debate but my entire purpose is to bring as many of us together as possible, for the sake of love, courage and kindness. With a good vibe. Turning multiple threads into "Nice but you are all naive and I know the best" is just counterproductive!!

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> 'It is obviously possible to have a different opinions and debate but my entire purpose is to bring as many of us together as possible'

Everyone except me, of course. INTJ personality type (less than 2% of the population) need not apply.

> 'Turning multiple threads into "Nice but you are all naive and I know the best" is just counterproductive!!'

All I have ever done here, or anywhere else, is share my perspective. Same as everyone else is doing, or so it would appear.

The way I think, speak, and post, is perfectly aligned with the same way that others of my personality type think, speak, or post. Nothing strange or unusual about it. Just yet another type of human that exists in the world, and a valuable one also, many would say. But then I must be arrogant to simply believe that my words are worth anything.

If you haven't heard of Briggs-Meyers personality types, it's interesting to learn about, as a way of understanding the many different types of personalities and the different motivations which drive them. I'd guess your type must be INFJ. But by simply pointing out this interesting (to me) knowledge, I guess that must be yet another example of "only I know best", right?

Fuck my life. Seriously.

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Your first novella, congrats ;)

But seriously, well done and based on solid research. I like that.

'Never let a good crisis go to waste'

I see the same elite abuse of this hyped pandemic that you identified here. Social engineering is in overdrive as the status quo forces are fighting to survive in a rapidly changing world. The Great Climate Scare wasn't working very well for the elite and then COVID19 came along.

The powers-that-be may be scheming, but they do not know how things are going to work out either. That uncertainty hopefully works in our advantage.

The majority of people stick with the herd because their instinct tells them that it is safe. The problem with herds is that they attract predators. Human herds are the worst kind, they invite the predators in to lead their herd.

Reason can change a person who is open to it and I applaud your efforts. I fear that many are beyond salvation; you can not wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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Thank you!! I think there is always hope, at least this is the only way I know to go about things. Sometimes things turn out to be very mysterious, and nature comes to help. Besides, I personally don't know how to live without trying, so we can try and hope that it will make things better.... and yes, we have plenty of predator-minded people among the "leaders," it's very true!

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This Off-Guardian article is written in a way that makes it a bit difficult to read, but to me it echoes your perception that state socialism (e.g. USSR, some elements of the Great Reset vision) and late-stage neoliberal capitalism are two sides of the same authoritarian coin, and that those who wish to maintain control are happy to allow the political pendulum to swing between those extremes.


I tried to express the same sentiment a few weeks ago:


Anyway, I'm glad to be seeing this awareness in more places. Perhaps the people are waking up :-)

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

One of the best essays I've ever read. Mirrors what I'm feeling/thinking. Thank you. Look forward to reading more of your work!💜💜💜

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Thank you Peggy!!! <3

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa forgive my lack of direct information, however, early in march 2020 i had read in several places that the virus, exposed to moist heat in excess of 133 degrees f for 15 minutes would die. i do not have sources.

but, i have MUCH anecdotal info.

i have spent the last 30 years with the Lakota Sioux. one of their main practices is the "sweat lodge" (a colonizers misnomer). stones are heated in a fire for a period of time them placed in a small domed structure and water poured over them by a long-trained medicine person or elder.

in many reservations the elders strongly advised against ANY gatherings. however, in a few pockets of which i have knowledge, we did not stop gathering for Lodge. in these pockets ( i know of 2 in northern colorado alone) where as many as 40-50 came together every week march 2020-jan 2021, i know of A TOTAL OF ZERO CASES OF SARS CORONA VIRUS COVID 19.


in that time i was in no less than 20 of these ceremonies. probably closer to 35 with utterly no concern for my heath.

again, i apologize for not having the articles from which i had read this info and not having a more scientific way in which to present this evidence.

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That is a very interesting story, in many ways! Thank you!!

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The Sioux, like many/most Great Lakes-eastward American tribes such as the Iroquois, are descendents of Northern European (Norse) immigrants from 1,000+ years ago. Sounds like they brought their sauna culture along with them.

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NO, white boy. just stop this GENOCIDAL BULLSHIT. this "THEORY" is utterly unproven and it is RACIST drivel.

there is PURE and DIRECT HISTORY of the Lakota and other tribes being on this land between 10,000-50,000 years ago.

so STOP with your LIES and white washed BULLSHIT. so typical of some "i think i am erudite" white dude to spout this bullshit. when will you euro-trash racist pigs stop?

TESSA: my apologies for the strong language. but, i will not have the history of my people denigrated like this racist FOP is attempting.

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Ha, my attempt at bringing out "divide and conquer" is clearly working.

Dave, again, there is no reason to talk down upon everybody commenting here. And why on earth tell anyone about their own ancestry if they likely know it better? Some things are better left as sacred.

As far as traveling, people have been in the Americas since time immemorial, and in parallel, there has been a lot of multi-directional traveling for centuries, long before people came up with the brilliant divisive idea of race etc.

And CGW, I would probably be quite upset myself if an outsider were pontificating about my ancestry with an indifferent, smug feeling. So I share the feeling, But it's probably better to do without eurotrash pigs. :-) Full disclosure: I worked with Indian Country Today for several years and God only knows how many miles of comments I have read about white people having no culture and no soul, as a generalization. That, too, is untrue. History is a mess of messes, and it seems like no one has escaped unhurt in this way or another.

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Have you ever met a polymath before, Tessa? This must be your first time.

I study EVERYTHING. And I've come to know a great deal about a great many different things.

Yes, I happen to know, as a matter of fact, that there have been many migrations to and from the Americas over the course of millions of years, by Europeans as well as other people. It's an easily provable fact. Nor is it a secret; all of the evidence is easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a desire to learn.

I've made it a point to study the history of all of this. Matter of fact, I do almost nothing other than to study such things. Knowledge is the one thing I'm interested in above all else. Which is how I came to know so much.

I can assure you also that my direct blood ancestor Tahlontisoge (whom you may know as Sequoyah) would approve of my learning and speaking such truth to anyone who would hear it. I have other Cherokee ancestors also, from both sides of the family tree, who also approve of the person I am.

If you, or the rabid commentator above have any problem with the provable facts that I post, that isn't a problem with me, or with my knowledge. It's a problem with your own perceptions.

It's a source of great pain and sadness to constantly be ATTACKED, JUST FOR SPEAKING THE PLAIN TRUTH. Can you imagine?

If you think something I post is wrong, then how about arguing against it, instead of blindly attacking the messenger? JFC.

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Dave, I am not attacking you. I am objecting to the manner in which you present your opinions. My work has a purpose, and it is not to debate over intellectual superiority. One can debate intellectual superiority until the cows come home, doesn't do much good. I am rather inclined to do anything I can to not turn this community into yet another place on the internet where people parade their superiority. It's a bad vibe, something I don't want. Do you understand what I mean?

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You are talented Tessa but I will not be returning. You fail to understand the law Love => Justice => Truth

'=> ' means 'depends on'

To arrive at truth, we must be able to freely argue. Simply calling for love and unity does not work.

There is nothing objectionable in Dave Blanchard's comment but you support the invective and ad hominem of the accusing poster. Wow

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I respect your choice, and appreciate your sincerity about it. There is more to my choice than what the eye sees, and I stand by it. I reassure you it has nothing to do with any formulas, or PC, or anything like that (or even this specific thread). Hugs

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Also, I do not support any invective, for the record, and I said that out loud and I'll say it again. I think people say hurtful things when feeling hurt, and none of us is a saint. I certainly have no claims to sainthood whatsoever, and I am sorting things out in real time and trying to do my best, dealing with complexities and existential situations, just like any human being. Sometimes I am right, sometimes I am wrong, I choose what I think is right and deal with it. Asking somebody to leave after a situation keeps repeating and creating war is an imperfect solution to a mismatch. Other than that, anybody is allowed to be and think whatever they want. I can individually debate anyone on anything (well except things I know I know nothing about :)

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Actually, I found a better explanation (since this thing was really killing me). The entire purpose of what I do is to talk from the heart, and promote a conversation from the heart. From the heart, not from the brain. I don't think that the brain is capable of solving the existential issues at hand. It's not about what words are said, or whether they are politically correct or not, it's about the place where they come from. Obviously, the challenge is tough but it is important for me to keep the focus on coming from a good place of coming together, not just a scholarly argument about this or that. I hope this makes sense, I am trying very hard here and I think sometimes people either have compatible feelings or they don't, and life is never two-dimensional or purely logical. I have myself left brainy forums on more than one occasion, not because I can't compete in them but because I didn't like the premise and found them to be hopeless. So everyone is different, and sometimes things mix well, and sometimes they don't. Nothing I can do about that, this is how life is.

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Thank you for your support Flan. But more importantly, thank you for opposing censorship.

I made my comment with the most honest of intentions. In the moment I posted, my mind was full of wonder and curiosity. I thought it was fascinating how the "sweat lodge" he described sounded exactly like sauna culture. Research had already shown there was a lot of European ancestry in northeast American native tribes. So I just made the connection, and was like, wow! It was in that spirit I posted. Only to be attacked by a screaming lunatic. Who was then defended by the 'moderator.'

It's not the first, or even the thousand time this has happened. This is basically the story of my life. Over the years, people become more vicious, and it gets worse and worse. If there are any hard edges to me these days, it comes from a LIFETIME of being treated this way.

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I responded to you in another thread (reposting below). As I mentioned earlier, my conclusion is based less so on the latest thread, which, if it were just that, could be a genuine case of sincere expression gotten out of hand, but on a whole number of things that add up in a very peculiar way. It is extremely important for me to do things right and to be fair. I am doing this sincerely. I do not consider myself holy in any way. I am against censoring well-intended anything. In this case, it is the good intention that I am not convinced of, alas.

Dave, I am not going to take the bait. From your very first batch of comments on my website (after the private messages you sent asking for my home address and signing your name in quotes), I started wondering, "What is this man trying to do? Make everybody fight? Derail the community where people with different views and backgrounds are actually finding common grounds, no problem? Make me look bad, so that my soul effort of creating camaraderie at a time when our very survival truly depends on being able to unite, suddenly looks sour and suspicious? What is it?" Immediately, I had a bad feeling about this because I understand linguistic tricks rather well, and I know how language can be used to divide, as if accidentally. But I decided to see what happens. My instincts were correct. Then I had to delete your comment about "the Jews," which, besides being a comment about "the Jews," simultaneously made a friend of mine look bad, which she did not deserve, either. I asked you to please stop derailing the purpose of conversations (which is uniting, not pooping on each other's brains or vulnerable feelings). I did ask you that sincerely a couple of times. But it is almost like this is exactly what you are good at, getting the worst out of people. I have no regrets.

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funny, this guy is banned, but i just got an email from your server with this, from him:

Tessa Fights Robots

Dave Blanchard replied to your comment

Go fuck yourself.

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CG. You need to stop feeling offended. It's not helping you, it's hurting you.

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Rhodes said: "....You need to stop feeling offended..."


are you serious? this person SERIOUSLY just said this?

i won't stop DEFENDING my people until the day i day. especially from HATEFUL MODERATE WHITES that have no clue how RACIST they are in their white privilege and WHTIE FRAGILITY. "get over it"



after 500 years of GENOICDE, RAPE MURDER and CONCENTRATION CAMPS (326 concentration camps in usa today called "reservations") WE ARE STILL HERE.

maybe you need to stop being offended when a BIPOC person DEFENDS themselves.

and, again, TESSA: you want to censor me... up to you. but if you do, it would only prove my point even more saliently.

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CG, I don't think that Rhodes was saying "get over it" (Rhodes, if I am wrong, please correct me). You are fully entitled to feeling however you feel, and if you feel angry, you are entitled to it, no other person owns your feelings except for you. And history is a total mess. However right now, you are scooping people into your anger who had done nothing wrong to you. "White privilege,"as a catch phrase, just like the idea of "race" originally, was invented by the super rich keep people at the bottom of the social ladder to fighting with each other while those who are bathing is gold laugh at all of us. I reassure you that those who came up with it are not impacted by guilt one bit.

It is all extremely hard over comments, this requires a face to face conversation, really. And the world is extremely complex, and most people, if not all, carry a ton of trauma. But while you have the full right to feel however you feel, insulting others solves nothing. You are directing your anger at the wrong people here.

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no. sorry. totally wrong about "white privilege" and if you can no acknowledge this as a basic point, that you deny white privilege, there is nothing future to discuss.

when the "blacks" were freed, what were they given? NOTHING.

when white's landed here with nothing... THEY WERE ALL GIVEN LAND.


when a white walks into a store they are NOT FOLLOWED IN THE STORE. when a "black" or "Native' or "hispanic" is in that same store, they are FOLLOWED and scrutinized.

then we can talk about MURDER RATES especially by cops.

please. you deny privilege... we have NOTHING further about which to speak, ma'am.

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Feb 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Dave, Native American's (North and South America) go back far longer than "1000" years ago.

Yes, there were some Norse and Europeans (Welsh) who made it to North America before Columbus. But to make the claim that the Sioux and Iroquois are "descendants of Northern European (Norse) immigrants" is completely false.

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I'm well aware that native American history goes back more than a thousand years. Actually, I have clearly stated before that my interests lie in understanding the history of the past 5.5 million years, which is essentially the history of all of humanity. There are many time periods of interest here. The past three thousand years is one; the past thirteen thousand years another; the past hundred thousand years still another, in recent timeframes. Over the past thirteen thousand years there have been countless migrations to and from the Americas.

Yes, Sioux and Iroquois are descendents of European immigrants. I did not imply that they were ONLY descendents of Europeans. They did have Asian and African ancestors also, just as we all do. But the fact remains that there have been countless European, African, and Asian migrations to the Americas over many thousands of years, and one particularly large European migration to northeast North America had an outsized influence on 'native' tribes in that region. I don't know when that happened; most likely within two or three thousand years.

I saw a picture of one of these "native" Americans in a news article, something like "Faces of the Natives", who clearly and distinctly had European influence. And it was obviously from genes that had been mixed in long ago, not a recent mixing.

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By the way, the "Iro" of Iroquois derives from the same linguistic origin as "Euro" in "European."

Likewise, the "Creek" indians of southeast USA share common ancestry (and language and religious origins) with the Greek people. The main nation of the Creeks, the Muscogee, derive their name from the same origin as the word "Moscow."

The name of the Cherokee in their language is Tsalagi, or spelled differently, Shia-la'n-ke, which is an abbreviation of Shia-laman-ke. Shia-laman = Solomon. Their name means "people of Solomon." Yes, they are descendents of Hebrews who emigrated eastward across the Pacific Ocean in the past three thousand years, settling in what is now the southwest USA in southern California/Baja California region.

True history is much more exciting and interesting that the dry, watered down version that is taught in schools.

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Hi Tessa: We are indeed fighting robots, the human kind, the smart machine kind, and the developing SAI (Super Artificial Intelligence) kind. A Big Takeover of the social, emotional, and Spiritual natures of human beings is well underway, masquerading as the C-19 Plandemic. I have been fighting for individual freedom for many years. I won’t stop now. A university comrade of mine (she was a member of the German SDS) would make embroidery, with the message, “Don’t let the Motherfuckers grind you down.” I won’t.

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Hi Tessa: We are indeed fighting robots, the human kind, the smart machine kind, and the developing SAI (Super Artificial Intelligence) kind. A Big Takeover of the social, emotional, and Spiritual natures of human beings is well underway, masquerading as the C-19 Plandemic. I have been fighting for individual freedom for many years. I won’t stop now. A university comrade of mine (she was a member of the German SDS) would make embroidery, with the message, “Don’t let the Motherfuckers grind you down.” I won’t.

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Those pictures, hell on a stick, those pictures! Just throw some "tovarishch" and perhaps a goblin-looking kulak... erm... anti-masker in the background and we moved back in time. I think I know why you've selected that ones...

You've put unbelievable amount of work in this post, thank you.

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I am glad you found it useful! (And yeah took a while :) I know!!!! These posters were something else. Well, the style of Soviet art is back, too, in a surreal way, but that aside.... the question is, what was IN those posters!

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Feb 16, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

It is useful but I've stopped arguing with colleagues. For a moment you a glimmer, but then their eyes glaze over and they revert to thought-terminating MSM soundbites. I think I will go the 4chan route and start trolling. Wear triple masks, The Science says so! Oh, and The Doom can get inside through your eyes too, so wear triple masks over your eyes! Everything goes to shit, so I can have a little bit of fun.

Hmm, it has eluded me. What was IN those posters? Apart from blatant propaganda, so rough it hurts?

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I just don't wear masks, period. Chicks dig it.

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

"Your science is going to be shown up for what it is, nothing more than a pleasant metaphor usefully extrapolated into the production of toys for healthy children. That's what science is good for.

It is not some meta-theory at whose feet every point of view from astrology to acupressure to channeling need be laid to have the hand of science announce thumbs up or thumbs down.”

- Terence McKenna

When I was 22 my daughter was born with an extremely virulent form of cancerous tumor on her back called fibrous sarcoma. Because she was an infant the western medical establishment in the US could not employ chemotherapy or radiation (their two favorite and most profitable treatments) to treat her because their "cure" would have killed her.

After meeting with a cadre of researchers with PHD's in Oncology who only wanted to use my daughter as a human experimental test subject, I asked the surgeon to schedule the surgery ASAP., and told him "I will take it from there".

The surgeon warned me once again that if he operated on her it would expose the cancer to oxygen and because it was so aggressive, if he missed a single microscopic cell, it would replicate much more rapidly and kill her within a matter of weeks. I told him that was understood and to schedule the surgery. He asked me what I was going to do, and I told him I was going to the library to study alternative cures for cancer.

His reply was the usual skepticism about anything not pre-approved and given a "thumbs up" by "the hand of science" was useless. So I told him; "You don't have anything. What else am I supposed to do?".

At the library I found the book "World Without Cancer". Today my daughter is alive and well, and the mother of two.

I shit on Big Pharma and the western medical establishment. They can go fuck themselves.

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Wow, what a story. Thank you for sharing it. Wow.

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Feb 18, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

You're welcome, Tessa. But that was just the greatly abbreviated summary.

After found "World Without Cancer" at the library, I read the entire book while still at the library. Then I went straight to the local health food store to buy vitamin B-17 (aka, Laetrile). That is how I found out that Congress had just passed a law outlawing the sale of B-17 in the US. As a result, every store in the US that sold vitamins had to pull all vitamin B-17 off of their shelves.

Fortunately, I could still buy Apricot kernels. Which are extremely rich in B-17, and there are directions in the book how to use Apricot kernels if B-17 is not available. So once my daughter returned home from the surgery, my wife diligently followed the directions by increasing the amount over time according to body weight as my daughter grew. She ground them up along with almonds and fed them to her with cream of wheat.

The surgeon was so convinced that the tumor would come back that he had placed 4 wafer thin x-ray disks in her back around the place where the tumor had been so they could tell if the tumor had reappeared and was growing again. They are still there to this day.

After a year it became obvious to the Doctors that the fibrous sarcoma was gone and was not coming back. That's when they told us "It's a miracle". Because they were 100% convinced that it would return.

When I told them it wasn't a miracle, and that the Laetrile was why it never came back, they still shook their heads at me in disbelief and just said that we were "lucky". I told them that luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

Shortly thereafter I was in the middle of writing a long letter to Congressman Larry McDonald's staff (at their request) because the Congressman was fighting have the Laetrile ban reversed. As he was also a Doctor who had cured several cancer patients using Laetrile.

While I was finishing up the letter, KAL flight 007 was shot down with Congressman McDonald on board.


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Wow, I didn't know about any of this until I read your comments. Your story is so powerful. I am moved beyond words. So happy for you and your daughter!!

And I started reading the book, I knew the corruption around the topic was bad but I had no idea how bad!

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Feb 18, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I'm glad you're reading the book. Eat lots of Apricots and Garbanzo's.

To be clear, they didn't shoot down Congressman Larry McDonald's plane because of his support of Laetrile.

It was shot down because of this:


“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

- Larry P. McDonald [1976]

The covid canard is just one of the steps in the 4 step PsyOp they began in January 2020. And the majority of the western medical establishment has been complicit.

That aspect came as no surprise to me.

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what are the other 3 steps in the PsyOp of which you speak?

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1)The planneddemic

2) The BLM/Antifa violence all Spring and Summer.

3) The in your face election fraud. Which only someone with either no critical thinking skills, or severe cognitive bias (partisans) could not see.

4) Normalization. The MSM attacks and cancels anyone who questions the prescribed narrative. (I.E.: "the new normal" and "great reset").

Benzemov model:


Next up will be climate change. As evidenced by Bill Gates on 60 Minutes last Sunday.

Control is everything to these psychopaths.

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Feb 18, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Hey Tessa. My name is Dimitri. Great respect for your work. I totally agree with your views and I reached the same conclusions through my own research. I just want to give my little personal experience. I m a cancer patient. My doctors are not very optimistic. I don’t have much time left. I accepted that. I know that this is life. I would like to visit many places I haven’t been before while I still can. Unfortunately it’s not feasible due to COVID restrictions in traveling even within my country Greece. This is so frustrating for me. I have to spend my last months / year in my apartment though I still have the strength to travel. It’s heartbreaking and stressful. I gather that many ppl facing the same situation feel the same.

Hey Rhodes I’m so happy for your daughter. I wish her a long and happy life.

And ppl I beg you. Fight the good fight.

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Hi Dimitri, thank you, and I am so sorry you are in this situation, this is so... God I am sorry. I pray that you find a cure, even if it takes a miracle, and that this nightmare is overcome and you get to travel and see the world. Human body is strong, I am sending you a ton of good vibes and thank you for speaking up.

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Feb 18, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you so much. In these difficult times your kind words mean so much to me. God bless you girl.

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