Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Just like the War on Terror. They defined (and updated as they liked) what terrorism is and who is to be labeled as a terrorist. Their first task of establishing the need for such a WoT was an instrument of fear. And like now, they used a massive Psy Op. 9/11. Covid-19.

It used to be the T word.

Now, it’s the V word.

These Ops have root methodological commonality: control the terms and how they are defined, because enabled by this, they are able to craft all manner of unproven, illogical—yet viscerally convincing (for many)—fantasy to achieve other ends.

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Linguistic wars are serious business, deceit depends on swapping the real meanings of words for gibberish. You are right!

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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Brain washing....

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I just find this so mind boggling that more people don't see through these word games. For crying out loud! Or, if it is brought to their attention, they don't smell a rat! Perhaps they didn't have sufficient preparatory life experiences to hone their alertness. It is frustrating to observe.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

In the Mockingbird Synonymous Lexicon:

Vaccinated = Patriot

Unvaccinated = Potential Terrorist

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

The words and framing fundamentally shape understanding. I know you know this. Certain words and phrases are like those programmed through hypnosis. “When you hear the word (blank) you will awaken and….” Terrorist. Vaccine. Pandemic.

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When you start calling every male of military age an 'enemy combatant', it's amazing how many you end up killing with drone strikes!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Enemy Combatant is equivalent to Asymptomatic Spread

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To continue the war metaphor, in the war against the virus, a lot of soldiers are getting killed by friendly fire.

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Yes, “friendly fire” and “collateral damage”.

When the metaphor is not longer figurative, but literal…

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Great article, although I have a minor quibble about this part:

"Virus or purple macaroni, it is true that people have been getting sick with something, and it is also true that there is no reliable way of diagnosing it."

PCR tests COULD be used to confirm a covid diagnosis, if they would simply 'dial in' the amplification cycles to only find people who are actually sick (consensus seems this is somewhere between 27-33). The fact that they COULD do this but AREN'T (keeping it at 40 or higher), is further evidence that there are goals other than 'public health' at work.

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I agree with you. I have written about this so many times in the past that I just made it a quick reference to an abysmal situation with the use of PCRs. But then we also have a question about what they are using as a comparison sample. Lots of murky stuff there!! Regardless of everything else, a computer-generated sequence is a computer-generated sequence. There is no science in the traditional sense about any of it!!

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Yes. The first rule of being a 'case' was -- you have to be sick with whatever you have. If we went around looking for tiny bits of the flu in people, we'd find it everywhere as well! We literally changed all the rules about counting so that the numbers would be inflated. And there was never any reason at all to do it.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

trouble is, pcr is not a diagnostic tool. it's an assay that picks up bits and pieces of genetic material. says so on the label. useful as a guide for further testing but nothing more. total fraud during the aids "crisis" and now as well with the completely dubious corman-drosten protocol that you mention.

btw would be curious to get your reaction - or your mom's reaction - to this guy andrei fursov. i had never heard of him but he makes some very intriguing points: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NqvM6YyaT8XX/

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Yep. True that.

And I will check it out!!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

True! PCR is not a diagnostic test.

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Exactly. Confirmation only.

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Diagnosis, officially, requires a doctor's judgement. Except for COVID?... In most of cases of COVID, there is no medical diagnosis. We should not be surprised. The same is true of most cases of the common cold, influenza, food poisoning, malnutrition, and many other diseases. When there is no money to be made from diagnosis - there is no interest. But... If we can sell PCR testing, that's a worthy fiinancial proposition.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Let's be accurate; this would be true only if they completely sequenced the result, or used truly UNIQUE segments for the test -- not ambiguous sections that exist in multiple genetic sources.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

Let's be accurate; even then it wouldn't 😏 B/c doesn't relate to clinical outcomes. Which were the very definition of sick throughout literally ages... until just few moments ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Having been a person who has dealt first hand with addiction i was intrigued by this essay. The similarities between what has happened and street level drug dealers is incredible. The first one is always free, then they tell you how much better you feel if you only have another, then when you mentally start to get addicted, you think I’m not quite getting there but maybe if I have another? Then they start asking you to give up parts of your self to pay in other ways. Bring other people into it, make those people think they have a problem not you, and before you know it you realize how dependent you are are, mentally and physically on what they have to offer and you start to just want to not think about it any more and just indulge, telling yourself I’m alright, this isn’t affecting me, it’s for the good, they’re just trying to help. I digress a little.

Think a little here moving down the road a bit, these addicts are going to have other issues, already seeing spikes in cancers, heart issues, and many other maladies out of nowhere! Where will these addicts now seek assistance? To the same people who got them sick in the first place. What other liberties, freedoms, etc. will they be willing to give up just to get another dose of whatever they are told will make them feel better?

How long before there are regional requirements to get what they need? ie.. to get help for this you need to go here, but you have to take this first. How long after that are these addicts then going to be willing to give up everything else, access to there finances, food choices, shelter arrangements, just to get their next fix and think they won’t be cut off.

I sometimes go back and what some of the conspiracy and science fiction movies of the 60’s and 70’s and think, well they were trying to let us know where they were going with this.

Thanks for this site and Tessa and all who contribute, maybe we can together be the character in the white hat who rides off into the sunset victorious, after a seemingly impossible encounter with the villain hell bent on destroying the world.

Thanks for indulging my rant, I pray for God’s will and wellness for us all as me journey through this epic adventure known as life.

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Seeker, this is such a beautiful and important comment. Thank you for this. I hope your troubles with addiction are well behind you, and I am sending you big hugs and support!

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Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate PCR, made it clear that PCR can ONLY test viral sequences, NOT whole viruses. So, for example, the common flu has many of the same sequences as SARS. HIV has similar sequences as Hepatitis. Viral sequences are also interchangeable, which can mistake similar viruses especially if you dial up amplification. Kary Mullis died just before the outbreak of SARS-2. That is the real elephant in the room!

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

It was never a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

The health agencies were counting those cases, hospitalizations, and deaths within 2 weeks (in some countries 3 weeks!) As unvaccinated.

So they funneled the jab deaths and hospitalizations which usually happen shortly after getting the shot into unvaccinated category... Statistical bullshit manipulation lol

The endless variants are called scariants by Mike yeadon, PhD.

I'll add to that.

Variants were used as an excuse to explain why the jabs didn't work.


Variants were used to cover up for the sicknesses from the jabs.

Genetics is a broken science, you can sequence 2 samples of the same batch and get variations.

It's not an exact science.

But the propaganda worked for a while!

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I thought it was a given they would pivot to indefinite boosters once the market for the initial dose was saturated.

Anyhow, could you please take a quick look at this article, skim to where the meme of Tedros is and note the dates marked on it :)


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And just like you point out, the strategy has been to convince people to take a product that clearly doesn't work, not to make the product work. :)

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Sadly that describes the majority of American marketing :(

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Absolutely, infinite boosters make perfect sense, business-wise!

And thank you for the link, as usual, beautiful work. I'll add it to my article.

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The second part I wrote (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-do-vaccines-consistently-fail) was a lot more detailed (and got a lot more shares/views).

When I saw the Washington Post article I went that is amazing, and double checked it matched the meme's timeline. That was what I wanted to show you. I just can't imbed images in comments. Were you able to see it?

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Yes, thank you, and I remember that meme! Whoever made it was very prescient! I didn't pay attention to its timeline before, that's amazing!

On a side note, there is always "poor man's immortality," also known as "digital twins" or "continuing to live as data." So maybe those who got the shot and die not only get to go to heaven but also simultaneously become immortal according to the new definition?

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The last part of it is the most interesting, partially for the reason you mentioned (especially since a lot of DNA was also likely harvested during this campaign), partially because there is a religious faith in many people this vaccine is salvation (so ultimately it's an expression of it giving your the religious validation for taking the shot even if you don't) and because there are people who believe the vaccine was designed to trap the soul and prevent you from going to heaven (I linked one example of that), which would be a completely different direction the end of it could go in (the intentionally left blank section of what happens when the final promise fails to be fulfilled).

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

sage did a provocative and spot-on piece which dovetails with a lot of this - you may already have seen https://sagehana.substack.com/p/monopoly-money-the-global-oligarchs

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That is a very deep-going rabbit hole.... :)

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

In the beginning, it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated because, wait for it, EVERYONE was unvaccinated. Shocking I tell you!

And then there were the people who were too sick to be jabbed who died ... more unvaccinated people dying!

The real pandemic, all along, has been a pandemic of deceit, abuse, and manipulation. Some things never change.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I also love intellectual integrity Tessa and that's why I look forward to receiving your articles. Thank you so much putting the truth out there. Keep up the good work and happy thanksgiving.

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Thank you William!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Sometimes, a post is so good and such a self-contained truth, there's nothing to add that wouldn't seem gratuitous or superfluous.

Your post is such a one. Thank you.

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Thank you Rikard!! xo

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Thank you. Yes, I think understanding and seeing how the magic trick is done is vital, so thanks for highlighting the Hooked book, will read. Another good source for understanding how they make us addicted to junk stuff is Dr Anna Lembke, I reviewed her book "Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence" recently https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/book-review-dopamine-nation-finding , and following on from this, the role of the Habenular part of the brain is a key part of the puzzle https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/the-role-of-disappointment-in-chronic

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Gary, thank you for the links to your articles, this looks so interesting!!

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Hey Tessa. One more thing. Maybe you're not aware. No vaccine ever has been "scientifically tested (much less proven) to stop transmission." In fact, many vaccines, like the babies first vaccine for Hepatitis B, does not aim to stop transmission. Even the vaccines most credited for stopping disease through "herd effect," the measles and the polio vaccines, have never been scientifically tested, much less proven, to stop transmission of the disease.

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Thank you Tracy, yes, I read about that. I haven't looked into it in great detail but I saw convincing works on this. So thanks for bringing it up!

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Neither any has been 'scientifically tested' against placebo, let alone normal saline. Would be unethical or smth, as the routine talk-back goes 🤬

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I think with these ones, they were the first "vaccine" actually tested against saline placebo, all thanks to Del Bigtree's team who made a lot of noise about it. But the data was abysmal anyway. More people passed in the vaccine group than in the placebo group (Pfizer), and then they went right ahead..

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

The local mainstream media here in Australia was paid $$ millions to push the hideous lies of the corporate multinational “health “ mafia , my hard earned tax $$ , truth and love will always shine way above this level , we are here !!!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, you are wonderful! You crack me up but sadly also point out the absurdities of modern living. Have a great Thanksgiving and looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Thank you Alison!! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Excellent writing again Tessa...you nailed it!

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Thank you Michelle!!

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Yep.. disgusting indeed!!

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I couldn’t even make it through that one, it was just too much.

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