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Happy 4th birthday. Thanks for all your research and insights, and heart.

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Thank you, Ernie!!

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Thank you for your BRAVERY HONESTY AND GRACE!! 🙏

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Thank you, Margaret!! xo

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Wow, I found Substack maybe a little over a year ago. Through a link on Moon of Alabama and my second introduction to it was A Twitter post linking to a quote Chelsea Clinton ruminating with her reptile, friends on how to subvert and destroy Substack.

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I am so glad you found it, thank you Raphael!

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Really glad you’re posting I Enjoy your content.

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Badass woman. New to you but love your tough passion!

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Thank you, Bill!!

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You are a beacon of light Tessa! Congratulations on your 4th anniversary!

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Thank you, Jeremiah!! Oh and so are you :)

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May the Fourth be with you always, Tessa! 🙏🏾💗✨

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Thank you my dear :)

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I'm so glad you wrote that first article and kept at it. Thank you for sharing of insights and valuable information!

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Thank you, Kelly!!

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congrats on sticking it out there for four years , and on being one of the first to find a way to bring some truth, and a lot of love, to light

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Thank you, Joe!!

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"on this day four years ago, I posted a Substack article about how they, the they, were trying to take the beautiful world around us away from us—and replace it with a fake, cold, touch-free virtual world, in which we are surveilled and controlled 24/7. "

I'm glad that this story is becoming more cool to state because honestly, we have had tons of surveillance and harassment for decades already. It just didn't matter back then because it only affected certain minorities or those who were against the system.

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Yep, a very good point, Rob!

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I'm just happy that more people are against surveillance and other violations. I was clueless about how far it went into the past until covid woke me back up. I think this current surveillance and counter protest time is even weaker than the past because people's opinion on it changed.

9/11 was the beginning of the dystopia hell for me, but covid and the genocide opened up the doors to ending the dystopia because more and more people are seeing how crazy things are.

They currently pushed for a law that doesn't need warrants, but the warrants they got for fisa spying were rubber stamped. They weren't even stopped by needing to get warrants, so why did they try to eliminate it?

Reminds me of this:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

-Frank Zappa

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Happy Substack birthday, Tessa! It is a wonderful community we have, the sane among us (I think the majority), whose hearts are filled with kindness and love. We are unfortunately ruled by psychopaths. In all my 75 years, I have not seen the level of horrors we see today. Makes me wish I believed in the afterlife (for the thugs).

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Thank you, Gary, and yes, the times are trying. But we are getting stronger by day, that is the good news!

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hola, tessa and congratulations on the 400 year anniversary because that is how far away 2020 seems now. may 1st 4 years ago i moved into a wonderful little house at -25ºC in whitehorse canada and was totally ignoring the idiocy around my as my partner and i went deeper and deeper into yoga bliss. isolation? it was opportunity to do yogic shadow work, even with working in telecom engineering at a 'safe' corporate job. lol!

thank you for being a beacon. i found you quickly after my wake-up in 2021 when the job-jab mandate came. it was through dr. mercola originally, i think. and i remember reading your 1st article around that time too. your writing caught my heart and awareness and i think you were my first paid substack subscription!

and parasites. i loved your article on parasites. it had some synchronicities in other research at tht time as well.

i'm excited to be living this single day that without a moments breath will be the next 400 years. i am awed and honoured to be on this journey with you and those around you of like mind, clear eyes and loving hearts.

all the best with what is changing — everything changes.

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Thank you, Guy!! For this comment, and for so many of your wonderful and original thought processes and contributions to the conversation!

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igualmente, tessa. igualmente.

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Thanks. Your writing here is always straight from the heart, and it's deeply appreciated. Some of your pod conversations are too complex for my Ockhamite taste, but that's my problem!

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Thank you, Polistra!! And thank you for your sense of humor, I am appreciative :)

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Happy Anniversary, dear Tessa! May you thrive for many, many more returns of this day. So grateful for your thorough research, intellectual honesty, insights, and soulfulness. Sending all good wishes for peace & joy to you!

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Thank you, Meg!! Hiugs

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Thanks for your fantastic contribution! There is isn't enough time in a day to go over all the information that requires our serious attention. You help us work through not only facts but ethical and philosphocal issues. Thanks for helping us remain human.

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Thank you, Jeanne! I so love what you said. Hugs!

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Feeling disturbingly restless and tired, but perhaps like me, waiting for this period within the eye of the volcano/hurricane to end.

To experience the Next Step in the re-construction of Humans and other forms of intelligence. Creepy but fascinating.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

And by the way, I think you are more optimistic than me, CounTessa Lena, the marvellous raven-haired modern Russian mystic of resistance and scepticism.

Sometimes it really sucks to see-know too much but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We won't be bored.

Love and hugs.

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