Thank you Tessa for taking the time and energy to share how you see things -- always enlightening, in the wisdom sense and also in the making-life-feel-lighter sense.

I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much crap. And I'm inspired by the way you still show up in love. Not pushover doormat love, but a profound love that can be felt from afar.

Deep gratitude, and wishing you well on the path ahead! <3

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This is me .. & it’s making me miserable 😖. Thanks

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Amen 🙏

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I’ve been meditating on this exact subject for weeks, you summed it up perfectly!

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Thank you Michael, and so glad to see you here!!

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Persevere, Tessa. Your writing here helps a lot.

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Thank you, kapock. I am very happy that it helps, it brings me joy. And of course! xoxo

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I love what you said about focusing on truth and being honorable and do no harm. I believe we are living in a time when more people than ever before are being so badly manipulated by the tricksters. And that is why your work is so important. You always focus on how we can best cope and I place great value on that. As always, thank you and bless you Tessa.

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Thank you, William!! And blessings right back to you, my dear! xo

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There are 2 prominent MFM factions that are fighting over money and growing internet media platforms, so the power of propaganda influence. Including sole licence over products that help with the amyloidosis/inflammation of the technology platform and it's assimilation. If they spoke truth, they would be promoting the Chelation of heavy metals and hydrogel, as well. Alas they're not.

So yes, they're eating each other. Your right they may not even know.

One MFM faction is more libertarian and the other are kinda closeted medical facist. Operation Warp Speed yehhaw. So you know who the DOD and DARPA are backing...

Obviously it's better to side with the libertarians, if they don't speak truth of the technology platforms, well it will be for naught in the end.

Fungal and parasites, yeah they're bad so is synthetic biology, what is worse is when it works synergistically together to make you sick, I mean to say synthetic biology and natural biology. Lyme's disease being one of the earliest escapees of synbio. Now I have understanding of it and how to get rid of it. It's very nasty stuff. Morgellons suffers, causing immune deficiency, very nasty.

Anyhow enjoy the show, as messed up as it is.

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I think, there are indeed wicked witches, but there are more good ones. My son directed my to studio ghibli, and This story of theirs is a good one for teaching girls and boys about objectification and how it ends happiness. it may be a fairytale for our age.-The Tale of The Princess Kaguya , 2013 by studio Ghibli. an object is not a person. an object can never Be happy. humans hust stay human...tho we live in a machine world. the machine worlsdand its tricks convince many to ignore their hearts. they learned to love the machine that cannot love them back. that will divour them at a moments notice. that is devouring them now, and they are willfully ignorant that they give IT their power, their life energy. we need to support the good witched and maximize their power instead....Didn't we learn this from the lord of the rings? I did. bless you for your work.

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Good movie!

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Love everything from Studio Ghibli!

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GOD bless you Tessa - I've been betrayed by many - what I now realize (thru lots of prayer & meditation) is that I did not betray myself. I continue to speak Truth to tyranny & trust in our Creator for guidance & protection. I practice leading with Love & surrender those who are lost. I thank you for being you ...

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Thank you, Susan!! You are so kind, always!

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Hi Tessa, I’ve been reading your enlightening articles for a while and this is my first comment (I’m not in generally that habit). I had a thought a few weeks ago very similar to yours and it has to have come from God-Love. It rises up into my consciousness often and it makes me smile... here it is: like a slow-train-coming all the minions doing the dirty work for the unelected crooked fat cats come to realize themselves (!) that what they are doing is wrong. That their every day efforts are feeding the dark machine and it’s making them sick in mind, body and spirit. They start to reconsider. This is HUGE! From US Govt workers doing nasty deeds to puppets of the dark forces WORLDWIDE they are ALL are having a change of heart ... and this starts the Earths ascension into Light✨. It’s like a wave of the highest vibration flows into the darkest areas and changes energy and that leads to change we can see, feel, and experience. Oh my. It’s not my thought, it’s Divine. Imagine if everyone started thinking, feeling, believing is true. It is.

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Tessa i also had a rude awakening after my own collaboration with people who turned out to be infiltrators in the MFM. after 2020 i thought my bs detector was infallible. hurt and betrayal on top of the hurt and betrayal we already had to deal with that year will crush your soul...and the way you didn't let them do that to you inspires all of us.

the biggest tell with these people is that they leech your time and energy. 24/7 drama. and they lure you in. it's a LARP spy adventure and you get to star in it!

seems to me our efforts are best spent on figuring out where we should be growing our food and what alliances we should be making in the real world. in other words, the same things you're doing.

btw totally o/t never asked you, are you familiar with viktor schauberger's work on copper? https://infinityturbine.com/search/waste-heat-to-energy/viktor-schauberger-work-explained-002.html

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Hugs to you my dear! And no, I am not familiar with his work, this looks interesting, I will check it out!

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very interesting guy. bulgarian electroculturist in the 1940s who became an advocate for copper tools and farm implements. he found how useful copper coils were, on the electrical side of water purification. and also how copper coils in soil increase agricultural yields. it's a deep rabbit hole!

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Very interesting! I know that nano-sized copper is supposedly antifungal, antiparasitic, etc. Thank you again!

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some of his rural experiments were carried out under very primitive conditions. many of the village women couldn't afford livestock and consequently did the plowing themselves, and not very well. yet those poorly tilled fields yielded spectacular crops.

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Very good. May you be blessed with peace while you continue such valuable work from which we all benefit. I try to keep my focus on the substance, not petty side shows, thus when things devolve into emotional rants I don't waste my time. It's too precious.

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Thank you, Sadie!! And I hear you!

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Tessa, all I can say is you are a much better person than I.

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I think you are being modest, Duchess! :) And thank you!

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Thank you, Tessa. God Bless.

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Thank you, Pirate Studebaker!! xo

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As long as people think dis-ease is something "out there", and totally disingenuous from themselves? "I got Covid." "I got cancer." "I got diabetes." "Woe's me––I blame ________________" (anybody but themselves). Obviously, lessons to be learned will continually, regularly visit until perhaps a dawn breaks through that milky consciousness.

Early in the build of humanity when we were immature children, we walked and were compassionately guided by the Gods (as they prepped us for the next evolutionary leap). That's here; training wheels off. Due to some fallen god mischief, perhaps the ideal timeline was acerbated. But you're solo now, and calling upon/trusting continual unseen help from beyond the veil? Time to take responsibility for the immense creative power now available at your fingertips.

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"Time to take responsibility for the immense creative power now available at your fingertips."

I am very curious as to how your, yourself, have taken responsibility for and accessed the immense creative power at your fingertips and what those powers are?

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Pirate, I stick with fundamentals (Plato's three virtues: Wisdom (Moon), Courage, Self-Discipline [since incarnation of Christ Consciousness, those all now hyphened "-Love"]. Our souls struggle in the material world, can get easily distracted (totally lost) and flummoxed boxed in a body. So, via my ego, I stand outside my body and remind my soul(s) to keep their eye on the ball and remember where their true allegiance lies...

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I suppose I was thinking along more concrete lines, but I understand your points.

I personally don't adhere to the idea we are flying solo as that's not been my experience.

When you say your ego enables you to stand outside your body, can you "see" your body? Separately as an observer of your body?

I don't think I have more than one soul as I only know one, so I have trouble conceptualizing the "their" you refer to. You have multiple souls? A collective of sorts? Where did they come from and how did they all end up in your one body? Have they always been with you or did you become aware of them at various points? How many are in you?

Also, not sure what you mean by "true allegiance"? Allegiance to what or whom?

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{YOU}When you say your ego enables you to stand outside your body, can you "see" your body? Separately as an observer of your body? [ME––Speaking metaphorically: So, no. Ego allows self-consciousness (this is God-level capability), which allows us to create "thought body" in our "mind" "thought" to see us "separate" from the physical (soul percept, which is the only "real" thing)]

{YOU} I don't think I have more than one soul as I only know one, so I have trouble conceptualizing the "their" you refer to. You have multiple souls? A collective of sorts? Where did they come from and how did they all end up in your one body? Have they always been with you or did you become aware of them at various points? How many are in you?

[ME––Recall, physical body just outer "sheath" to house sense organs. Behind physical we have ethereal, astral and ego thought-body. The latter two house your soul-essence through astral realm/super sensible/super spiritual realms after you "die" (just your sheath returns to mineral/soil/Mother Earth). So some people count all those as souls, i.e. your physical/ethereal "souls" die with the physical. You can look at it however resonates with you.]

{YOU} Also, not sure what you mean by "true allegiance"? Allegiance to what or whom?

[ME––The soul only "knows" spirit realms where it's indigenous "power" is tethered. So physical, material realms totally alien and scary. But?...here we all are...encased in a physical existence (for now; we will transition out of this experience maybe after learning everything there is to learn about this strange experience?) It's a challenge for sure. But good news––there is a Divine blueprint plan. Always forward and upward with human organic evolution. Inevitable some will be left behind. They just need more eternity to contemplate the plan's thrust towards humans becoming gods and angels.

[Me––speaking from my perspective of perceiving and then thinking (another God quality). Humanity is truly VERY special, and I am grateful to be part of this creation. Joys]

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Speaking of depth and complexity,incredible website IMO,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Alien_Hybridization

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Agreed John. Lisa Renee amazing woman. Human history has never been at this point where so much esoteric material available at ends of your fingertips. Very symbolic. Victim claims "I just didn't know"..? Decreased awareness hinders any forward progress in enriching the soul. Your life getting drug down, that negative polarity, can trigger a person to subsequently investigate why?

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As immortal spirits we are gods,there are many more realms and dimensions to experience.I have had a lot out out of body experiences,especially the last 5 yrs.Our bodies are our vessels not the main game.We have never been told the truth about anything,the science and history books have been rewritten,religion created for divide and conquer and covering up the truth.I think Len Kastens theories mostly right,we were created with 12 strand DNA but over the last 50,000 yrs or so we have been genetically altered at least 20 times.lets start there,I've done a lot of research on this topic,it seems never ending depth and complexity.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0VgUBikjM

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Someday you will become a god or an angel?

Some of your souls will not become a god or an angel but some will?

That's the "goal" if it can be called that for lack of a better word?

When you say some will be left behind is this a kind of rapture theory?

Why do you think the Divine blueprint Plan wants humans to become gods and angels? What does this serve in the Divine blueprint Plan? The Divine blueprint Plan seems to be an entity of some sort?

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Pirate, The Bible axiom is very true: Ask, seek, and it shall be given you. We're probably off topic on this post, and I don't want to usurp this space that Tessa sponsors. She has an excellent Philosophy Club on Fridays (tomorrow) where these and other topics are widely discussed. Much can be learned there.

At probably no other time in human history has lots of "mystery school" teaching been readily available via the Internet. There's a reason why that's happening now. Enjoy what you seek and learn.

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Thank you, Steve! Personally, I think that blaming doesn't work too well altogether, no matter the direction. As far as health, my opinion as of this moment is that it results from the combination of internal and external factors, physical, spiritual, and so on. All very complex as usual!

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Tessa, you are such a bright light! Thank you for sharing your loving and insightful thoughts, and for lightening my day.

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Thank you, Susan@

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