Those who have abused power should also be held accountable, not merely be prevented from continuing some specific abuse.

Impunity is a very dangerous condition for the powerful.

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If they can sue Alex Jones for his opinion, these corrupt companies and the politicians and other crooked people with power should get it tenfold.

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Ten times a trillion is still an "imaginary number", isn't it?

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This is a wonderful victory. Kudos and respect to all the city workers who stuck it out come Hades or high water, and were willing to fight back despite the threatening coercion penalites imposed / life upheaval / financial precariousness / emotional stress / health damage from that stress. You're my kind of peeps! Savor this moment. Love and Hug to you all!

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Your birthday story.

Meant a lot to me, and I'm sure, to all of us who have felt the bizarre discrimination coming out of a quick dystopian script.

One minute we were sisters and brothers, friends, aunts and uncles, beloved grandparents and small children, customers and clients, daughters and sons and patients.....and in a blink of an evil eye we were contagious selfish killers.

Undeserving of civil behavior much less love.

I am eternally grateful to all the strangers here, they are now my beloveds in writing.

God has given me all of you for comfort through this time.

I am changed forever.

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Sending you many hugs!!!! We have all been abused so much, recognition is owed, and self-healing is in order immediately!!!! We can help each other heal!!!!!

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срасибо большое! это правда!!

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Пришлось прогнать это через DeepL. Возможно, это один из способов обойти цензуру Facebook... пока.

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может быть

(From Reverso)

Mais bonne idee!

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Oh wow! C’est la première fois que je vois Reverso. La mise en page ressemble tellement à DeepL, mais avec plus d’options. Merci!

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de nada!

Pero nunca recuerdo qué traductor me gusta más, así que los uso todos al azar........

DeepL is nice and clean and easy

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Well, "contagious selfish killers" was pretty much how Democrats were labeling anyone deemed to be a Trump supporter for the four years prior to covid, so really not much changed. I wasn't even a Trump supporter and yet lost friends because I'd point out the pervasive Democrat hypocrisy. The covid tyranny was easy to see coming for years before it happened. Covid just gave them the excuse to begin blatant persecution of those they'd already been hating.

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You are right. I didn't appreciate all that was happening in that arena and for once, wasn't that involved in politics. Probably because I didn't fit anywhere.

I think it must be very human to be oblivious to persecution until it happens to us.

I have always tilted at windmills for other people, animals and trees - and I have often run up against small minds as I defended the teenage students I taught and the landscapes I defended from obliteration. And I'm not unfamiliar with snarky condescension in my own unorthodox life - for not having an abortion, not having money, not having a degree, not going to doctors, and being fond of, gasp, tobacco.

But this was a whole other science fiction type of discriminatory craziness, yes, as you noted, not unlike Trump derangement syndrome but with injection deadliness!

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Too early to celebrate--although it's a big step forward. First of all, Governor Hochul and her AJ Letitia James announced that they plan to appeal. They have not yet filed the appeal because they don't want any of this to become public. They know that vaccine mandates are hugely unpopular and might even risk loss of the midterm election. Censorship of mass media ensures that no one even knows that Hochul is trying to build concentration camps. Don't worry too much about the camps. Hochul is building them to get big bucks in donations from real estate companies for her campaign. NY is all about real estate. Camps have nothing to do with public health. Once she gets the donations, she probably will only use the camps for dissidents. She knows that mass incarceration would blow her claim to be our religious savior who really wants to protect us and keep us healthy. AFTER the election (I assume she will get elected. After all her campaign war chest is about 5 times that of her opponent.) she and her AJ will then put forward their appeal. Perhaps they can get a different judge who will be more amenable to mandates. I don't think this is over.

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I agree. These are two different lawsuits, as I am sure we all know. The info about the isolation camps laawsuit is in another story that I linked to https://tessa.substack.com/p/isolation-camps-new-york

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It's not just censorship from media. I was trying to hand out flyers about Hochul's camps yesterday on the Upper West Side, and it was amazing how many people would look at it and then hand it back. I would hold it before then and say, "you're saying you don't want to know, right?" "So then, you don't want to know." and they would just stand there, looking blankly at me or past me. I keep wondering if that blank, smug look was found on the faces of people living a mile or so from German concentration camps, who insisted they had no idea.

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Where on the UWS were you? Maybe I'll join you at some point if my schedule allows.

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Just trying to hand out fliers is not going to reach them. Even my Republican relative didn’t know about the camps.


Or photos of CCP’s, Australia’s.

USE FEAR just like they did.

How about ‘I guess your ok then with your children being taken away from you to go into containment facilities’ SAFETY

PS I will probably need to be saying same soon with GloboCap coup in UK.

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I admire you! It's only recently that I began to speak out. Only to people I knew. They listened reluctantly. In one case I started listing all the negative effects of the spike protein, all the VAERS, the lack of necessity to vaccinate because we ALREADY have safe and effective treatments for Covid. I WAS ON A ROLL. My friend was overwhelmed. Then she weakly shook her head and replied, "But I still love vaccines." I felt like a mother trying to wean her daughter from dating a corrupt heroin addict."

Next case was the receptionist of my chiropractor. A really nice young woman (I'm 79) who is very friendly and helps me with my administrative tasks (insurance, making appointments, etc.) I decided to share my knowledge of supplements to prevent Covid. I gave her information about Cofix nasal spray, Listerine, reducing viral load. I noticed she was wearing an N95 mask (masks are required in the medical office). The sides of the mask were completely open (i.e. about 1/2 inch or more from her face) allowing the air free flow to enter. I pointed this out, but she stated that she thought at least her nose and nasal passages were covered by the mask. SUCH FAITH. I told her that the overhead ceiling fan and the door opening and closing probably provided enough ventilation to keep her safe. I did not keep arguing since she seemed somewhat upset and will probably end up thinking that I am crazy. Maybe I am. Early onset dementia caused by the stress of being unvaccinated in our increasingly polarized society.

In another case, I forwarded a hilarious comedy routine with Russell Brand imitating the mice squeaking as they were killed in vaccine trials. Only 8 mice! https://rumble.com/v1oz0uh-russel-brand-this-is-scarry-af.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FB3&ep=2 My friend immediately forwarded back to me a link to fact checkers disputing the Boston study showing that gain of function in Boston is using mice to perform deadly experiments.

I replied with a VERY LONG email showing all the dangers of the new booster shots and their damaging effect on children--ZERO EVIDENCE. I reported that my course on propaganda "How Not To Be Fooled" from ipak-edu.org showed that nearly every fact checking organization was funded by big Pharma, Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, Black Rock, etc. You can't believe the fact checkers!

I argued: We can't have it both ways. The new booster shots were validated based on results from 8 mice. If mice get enhanced antibodies from mRNA vaccines--that proves efficacy! Although we don't know the relationship between antibodies and Covid infections. Do antibodies prevent infection/hospitalization/death? No studies to confirm this although it seems reasonable. It's like using tumor size to predict seriousness of cancer. People still dying of cancer--even when the drug reduced their tumor size.

So if mice can prove boosters are OK--then mice can prove gain of function studies are continuing to be funded. Who cares what the kill rate is! We should not be funding experiments to weaponize viruses! It's crazy. One pandemic is enough!

I would advise you and Bob to postpone getting boosted with the new bivalent boosters as long as possible. I think you will see increasing evidence that these new boosters are extremely damaging to your health. Many countries are now banning vaccine mandates for people under 50. The rates of Covid deaths are now much lower for 3rd world countries who were (fortunately) unable to obtain mRNA vaccines due to refusal of Bill Gates et al to make them available. Unfortunately, Connie and my brother, Bob, are in their mid 70's, the population that is most at risk and most likely (according to the CDC, WHO, and big Pharma) to benefit from vaccine. They are no longer openly denouncing my attitude toward vaccines.

Connie earlier tried to persuade me that Ivermectin was useless and clogging hospitals with unvaccinated people dying of Ivermectin horse medicine. This turned out to be false, but Connie is still very protective of her granddaughter whom she wants to be vaccinated as soon as possible while her evil father is resisting this necessary public health remedy. The granddaughter DID get Covid, and so did her mother. They were all better in 2 or 3 days--but it was awful since the mother lost income since she works free lance and couldn't work for those days. (I suppose they will now all get vaccinated to make sure they are REALLY safe.)

You can't make this up! Well, yes, you can.

Here is a comment from Mark Crispin Miller's substack

COMMENT ON MarkCrispinMiller's substack:


Actually, the government’s ‘New History of Death’ explains that ALL deaths occur because the deceased did not receive enough vaccines. JFK was infected by an early variant of Covid by Lee Harvey Oswald; anti vaxxers later rewrote history and said he was shot. Same with RFK and Sirhan Sirhan, Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Boothe, John Lennon and Mark Chapman, Julius Caesar and Brutus, even Christ and Pontius Pilate. All were anti-vaxxers who transmitted deadly variants of the corona virus, and were deservedly infected and killed. Had they simply shut up and gotten all the injections they were ordered to, they would still be around. Vaccinations actually confer immortality; you just have to receive thousands of them. So everyone quit complaining and get AT LEAST 10 vaccines a day, everyday!

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There's a power in our assumptions (even a Law of Assumption). I'm assuming Zeldin will win...doesn't cost anything to flow my creative energy towards him.

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It was clear that an appeal would follow. But savouring the moment!

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Excellent news!! Good to know that you still have some honest judiciary! I am not sure if we have any left in Canada…😞

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Yay!! We're so happy and I send your works to try to red pill my friends. As an American, I really had trust in our government until covid hit. I watched a top notch ICU doc give testimony about ivermectin and I knew about all the lawsuits for Big pHARMa so we decided to hold off on the jab. I was stunned when they started to lie about ivermectin. Now after 2 years of looking into government corruption I am convinced our country is run by criminals. Whitney Webb and Corbett Report have really well researched documentation.

Once you see propaganda you can't ever go back. it's kind of sad to have lost trust and belief in the good will of the government, but I know for sure there are good guys fighting for us.

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Whitney Webb is a national ... no, international, treasure. I only recently found out her James Corbett connection, but have been a fan of Last American Vagabond for awhile. Strange, I wonder why the internet (or provider) keeps dropping him from my feeds? 🙄

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Another good feed is the Solari Report and John Titus Best Evidence. They cover the baking and money crimes committed by the guv. The app Telegram has a lot of good news feeds too.

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Thanks for the heads up Candace!

Will check them out and probably follow them, but I am drowning in a flood of information. I think I've heard of the Solari Report.

Can't even keep up with those I follow.

Still, better to have too many options than too few.

Cheers from Japan!


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Hooray! I live in San Francisco and know quite a few city worker who have been fired. I'm actually a City employee myself—a Rent Board Commissioner. Since June of last year, the motherfuckers an have been threatening to fire me, but I never responded to their demand for my vax status. So far so good. Our meetings haven't public since 2020, so who knows? This city will be the last to fall, unfortunately...because we're so caring and progressive.

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Good for you!!!! Also appropriate language. :)

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Are you aware of our own lawsuit against the city? https://sfrights.org/

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Yes, but I haven't been keeping up with it. Any progress?

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Bhanu, our Muni driver & one of the principals in the case, recently informed us on our Sane Francisco Telegram group that "the city & county demurrer was overruled" by the judge. Not sure that it's quite discovery, but a step in the right direction.

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Huzzah! I'm tempted to revisit a few places that were not allowing the unwashed in, ask them how they feel about it all now. But of course... "we were just following the government's advice" will be their answer and any further exploration of the topic off limits. It is still mandatory for health care workers here in Australia.

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Now Sue everybody involved for back wages, emotional trauma, etc.

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Thank you for reporting about this! Finally some great news!

What happened exactly with this bartender? Do you want to tell us that story? You should not forget it at all. But you should not concentrate on hate either. This is only harmful for you. Not for this person. Unfortunately, a lot of people used the covid measures to (legally) live their sadism and to bully other people. These people are the real victims. They are emotionally/mentally sick.

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Thank you!!! I generally don't feel hatred toward anyone, and don't recommend it, either. :(

I wrote about it here https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/two-weeks-flatten-freedom-and-dignity

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Thanks for the scoop Tessa. It shouldn't be surprising, but I did a search to see how it was being reported elsewhere, and I cannot find a singe report from any mainstream media. Zero. This should be tomorrow's headline news, and yet complete silence. And people laugh at the idea that there's conspiracies. Nobody cooperating to hide truth from the public, right?

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What ever do we say to those thousands of employees who, against their will, accepted the poison into their bodies, because it was either take the hemlock or stop working? There is no cure; there is no antidote. They are poisoned for life and, if they had only waited until today, perhaps they could have saved themselves.

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I think some brave doctors are coming up with antidotes. Nature is usually many, many steps ahead of whatever arrogant people are trying to accomplish, so there are probably cures, the trick is to find the best ones!!!

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I hope so, and I hope they hurry. Judging by the numbers of "died suddenly" popping up almost everywhere, we need to work fast on this one.

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Homemade Pine Needle Tea (Shikimate) Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission, Shedding


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You do realize the mandates were made to "encourage" mRNA vaccination and promote other WEF/Agenda2030 ideals.... mainly normalizing the masses to fear at a moment's notice, breathing in stale air, transhumanism, owning nothing and putting up with it, CBDCs, et. al.

It was also a test of the collective will/conscience of the people.

My point here is not to celebrate yet. It's just the beginning of sorrows. Boiling the frog degree-by-degree.

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Also, i surely realize that. Here is my article from 2015 (actually I think I wrote it a year earlier but either way).


"As a very irregularly-shaped human with zero Google-readable nanoparticles running through my bloodstream and no desire to put Google in charge of my immune system ever, I have no reason to be excited about their idea of my future, and no reason to buy into their carefully worded, self-serving publicity bullshit."

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Jeezus ... you wrote that over 7 years ago?

Maybe add a middle name ... Tessa 'Cassandra' Lena.

As in the complex. 🤔

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We need to celebrate!!!!!

And also be vigilant because 4IR is still marching

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Two ways to look at it, really. Boiling frogs or pulling back curtains to see what has been there all along. First choice is gloom and despair. Second choice is necessary but very painful growth process. Also, the jabs are taking out the most obedient, not the warriors.

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Just like religious institutions have intelligent cohorts, so do many of those who played Russian Roulette err took the magic potion.

And to think. The next one "WILL get your attention this time..." https://odysee.com/@MasterKelz:9/That-will-get-attention-this-time--Bill-Gates---Pathogenic-priming---Viral-immune-escape:6

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Amen, from a fellow New Yorker. But I have not forgotten either.

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We have all suffered from being bullied by these pod people. Fight medical tyranny. Share these music videos.

1984 IS HERE. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in


YOU DIDN”T RECOGNIZE ME. A familiar figure is found to be behind the plandemic


CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. There’s a new church in town!


TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG. “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU

1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. The mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx8keLopGIM

POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Aliens take over peoples’ bodies and turn them into mask-wearing zombies


Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs and music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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