Sep 30, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Let's anticipate the objections:

1. no-one could have seen this coming so it's just monady-morning quarterbacking

2. there's no proof these injuries were caused by the vaxx

3. ok, so a handful of people were injured - but that's a price worth paying for stopping Covid

4. shut up.

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Sorry, I was alive and fighting to help people the whole time.

Everybody says it's good, but this was my life-lived, treating as many people as I could early, with ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, quercetin, vitamin-D, baby aspirin, etc...

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I think Malhotra is uncorking a cork that has slowly been working itself out. More and more folks around me who have been contemporaries in the alternative fields and/or who have come to the realization decades ago about the harms and lies of modern medicine. These people are becoming increasingly angry. I think it might be some of the impetus driving the Breggin et al hate agenda against Malone and McCullough and the rest. Even though I stand up to defend these folks, I understand the anger building. Iā€™m angry some days, too especially when they whine about having had their lives upended for the last 3 years. Many of us have endured decades of hate and humiliation and disbelief (one of the kinder responses) to our non-conventional forms of medicine. We have seen the harms; held the crying babies and sobbing mothers in our arms from vaccines and medicines and botched protocols and on and on. We have seen lives destroyed by all of this and more. We have struggled to find the causes and then find and apply the remedies and to share them. We have fought among oursleves, too since greed infiltrates any human group. But doctors and the modern, pharmaceutical system has killed and maimed millions of people around the world for decades. And there are many of us out there who have been fighting this fight for a very long, hard time. Weā€™ve lost friends, family and standing in our communities. We have worked for peanuts and often for free. Struggling to pay our bills just like everyone else has and sometimes wanting to throw it all out the window as we read about a news media jerk putting us down for the umpteenth time. Expected to teach for free. And then knowing the real science as the lies regarding this ā€œpandemicā€ start. And the horror of seeing our world dissolve in our lifetimes and trying desperately to speak out against it all. Encountering the same hate and rejection. But knowing if we donā€™t, THIS time, it wonā€™t just be our small group licking our wounds once again. It will be the whole world dissolving.

And who gets the glory and love? The same doctors and groups who brought us here to begin with. Yes, their eyes have been opened. And yes they have the credentials and the ā€œbig gunsā€ to speak out. But damn it. They also brought us here. They are part of the system that has and is breaking us. And as we offer our advice and our years of experience in countering these harms, they still clutch their ā€œitā€™s not proven in our peer-reviewed papersā€ to their chests and turn away from the fact that we have been helping people and can help them now. Look at Dr Mercola. A man who has helped so many. Reviled, still, and not just by the far left and pharm companies and government agencies. But also by the big name docs who ought, by now, to be seeing that their entire system has been wrong.

So the anger out there is real and itā€™s honest. And I think, unless this part of humanity is finally accepted as more than just snake oil peddlers, the hatred and frustrations with these docs finally seeing the light is going to grow. It is hard to support them some days even though we need to. Hard to accept that they are doing good when itā€™s almost too late. I know many folks right now who believe the accusations being hurled by the Breggins and the podcast interviewers who are as much sensationalists and wanting to stir the pot as they might be wanting to bring the truth and light to the fore. Karma does funny things and I fear our karma as a whole will bring us to our knees for awhile before any forgiveness and love can be used to heal the rifts. I generally counsel my contemporaries to be patient and remind them they once believed, too. And that causing infighting isnā€™t going to help us. They get angry with me for saying such things. Itā€™s true. But I also understand why they feel the way they do and why it might be hard to support those that have contributed to our sicknesses in the past and helped get us to this point, now. The mighty egos out there are still at it. Working hard in their new conversions, itā€™s true. But denying us our due and more importantly right now, our help. With respect.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I donā€™t know how you stay so loving and open in these dark times..

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I had not seen it, but I watched the link from your post.

So heartbreaking.

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Sep 30, 2022Ā·edited Sep 30, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Well as a data-driven anti-vax guy I am definitely not the target audience for such a film.

And anything with the posh british narrator voice talking over 'concern piano' is an immediate turn off.

But yea there's some who still need to get the message, and this is the way to IV-drip it into them.

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Thank you for explaining our automatic, unknowing, one foot after the other, self-destructive, robotic behaviour so succinctly, Tessa xx

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Powerful documentary. The testimony of the young man who used to do weight training brought tears to my eyes, as I have a young son whoā€™s training as well. We remain all unjabbed. The years ahead will be rough.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Does anyone know if pharmacists received inducements for the number of shots they recommended or sold?

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Thank you for sharing. I encourage all to watch. I've already watched it twice.

More than 200,000 views in 48 hours, approaching 2,000 comments

Here's link to the entire movie from the beginning.


Please watch and share with at least one other person. It is excellent.

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Oct 1, 2022Ā·edited Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Pure evil by those 'selling Covid dangers', deadly Covid medical treatment (injections) are depopulating the planet. LIABILITY must be accepted by the makers of these deadly 'cures', instead of expecting gullible Governments to accept LIABILITY for the purpose made Coronavirus. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready!

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I watched this earlier this week. It was excellent and extremely well done. The side effects are not rare, and I'm sure they'll be even more obvious, but denied caused by the jabs, in the coming years.

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Right on target, thanks...

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I'm going to be honest here... I've been struggling like crazy to feel compassion for people who have taken the *EXPERIMENTAL* gene therapy shots. Films like this do help me find that compassion. But I still have a long way to go.

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And to add to what you've posted Tessa this what Dr. Malhotra said very recently. Slowly, slowly, two years so far stuff is seeping through to the mainstream...suppose I shouldn't be impatient, as this kind of evil has been going on for centuries.


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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa THIS. This was TRUTH:

After all, after centuries of forcedā€”and then internalizedā€”separation from nature, many people are broken. The societyā€”under the initial and ongoing trigger by the influential opinion-shaping financial interestsā€”does condition us from childhood to betray ourselves, to sleepwalk, and to feel ā€œsmartā€ for acting against our long-term interests.

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