if that isn't enough ptsd - or if youtube takes down that one - https://rumble.com/v41ovur-must-watch-grabiens-covid-retrospective-series-volume-1-2-3-4-5.html

vial ingredient research may be unsexy but it's the only way we're going to find out how many versions there are and how we can cure those who took them

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The retrospective series is painful to watch, indeed!

And there is so much more to this than the ingredients of the vials of the past three years! The biological contamination I have been pondering likely goes back decades, and provides plentiful mechanisms for a wide range of vaccine injury (and also explains one of the ways how the people who got the shot can potentially spread the issues around. With the genetic shots, they are a gift that keeps giving, they have a slew of additional problems. But they also likely have the same issue the traditional ones had, times a million, because warp speed. And it is not a controversial topic even, it shouldn't be. We really used to know to distrust the pharma bros... stunning how they became so "trustworthy."

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sorry to keep circling back to "this is all an experiment" but i think there were many different versions: slow kill/medium kill/fast kill. we know from the pfizer document dump that they're keeping a close watch on lethality and injuries in israel so it makes sense that other populations would be monitored as well.

katherine watt has considered the idea that there are quotas to be met - which would explain the deagal projections.

and then there's the garbage soup that sasha talks about. somebody in the crew gets high and kicks the pee bucket into the brew.

this goes way way back - fort riley kansas, 1918 and probably earlier

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The pee bucket, as a symbol of a dirty environment, is not a rarity, based on what I have been looking into. The only way to push back is to have common grounds with the mainstream folks, who are in the majority, whether the dissidents like it or not. There may not be a lot of people taking the boosters now but the bad guys employ very talented mind control specialists, and if there is a new scare, people will be lining up. The unsexy biological contamination on its own has probably harmed hundreds of millions over the years and possibly even in the recent times. People need to be looking into that and pondering that. That is something that does not require overcoming a cultural disagreement to understand, it is rather universal. It really is very important, both in practical terms because bugs can be treated, and in terms of having impactful conversations, as opposed to preaching to the choir and yelling at the "normies" amongst ourselves. "The normies" are human beings just like us. Among the dissidents, there are just as many spell-bound people over different other topics. So it is good to talk across divisions, and stand up for each other.

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i've been worried about how the normies will react to the scheduled 2025 plandemic too - the real catastrophic one.

and the miracle mrna cancer shot - the one that makes you live forever - and without which you can't get health insurance or go to school (same gunk different label maybe?).

i think lots of us (me included!) are still furious at the normies. you know the meme, "your compliance is just prolonging this insanity." nobody's in the mood to protect them considering how badly they screwed up.

but nobody deserves to be murdered just because they made a mistake.

btw i owe you a big thanks for elektronik. did you ever see ZPG (zero population growth) - very prescient 1972 dystopic sci-fi movie where childbirth is punishable by death. everybody has their own "elektronik" https://www.bitchute.com/video/h8CuvmHKEtaZ/

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I'm preparing for the world to end. Trying to warn a normie friend I'm still on good terms with. But the majority who WILL not see must be written off as we try to live outside the slavery system which THEIR willful folly and cowardice is dragging the world into.

If they have learned nothing yet and refuse to apologize you might want to avoid them as things progress. They will turn informant and snitch on you. This insanity has revealed who they are. Prepare for the next psy opp by distancing yourself from the statists. They will betray you again. Count on it.

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problem is that we will soon see millions of very desperate people willing to try any snake oil that's offered, even if it comes from the same cabal that poisoned them. that's a huge part of the op. 2020 was the beta test.

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I think that the next (military grade) Psychological Operation will involve some sort of a poly-crisis, ie a combination of real crises (the threat of war, people dying from the poisonous injections and from radiation [Have you heard of Acute Radiation Syndrome?], malnutrition) with fake crises (faked cyber attacks, fake man-made climate change, fake pandemics of New.Dangerous.Germs).

As for the end of the world, I think that this global Pathocracy is just getting started.

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A crime against immunity

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Just shortening the statement to, "nobody is safe" works for me.


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I hear you, Brother John!!

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But if we had a vaccine against BS, Don, it would kill news anchors.

I pointed out to people how if vaccines saved lives and prevented illness in those who took them it shouldn't matter to the vaccinated if we opted out. We were the ones at risk. Not them, since according to their own narrative they were protected and safe.

I had made a similar argument about letting grandma lay low for a few months while the world continued since a giant economic downturn on her tiny pension might hurt her worse than Covid. It was like talking to a brick wall.

The vaxxholes can take their "polite society" and shove it. Let them enjoy their oxygen deprivation and antisocial distancing. They can also get free access to the sleezy medical profession guilty of lying to the public and killing patients for government money. Using protocol that they knew to be deadly during the "Covid" insanity.

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Nobody is safe until the current ruling class is gone.

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Regarding the video and retrospectively looking at the footage: it’s a good thing that I don’t have the power to act as judge, jury and executioner. I just want people like that to be dead and in hell. My response to “Fuck your freedoms” is “Fuck your lives”. Yeah. It kindles my (righteous?) indignation. Yeah, I really do want the justice of the wrath of the Almighty to crush them into ashes and dust. And to think that I used to believe that women had more wisdom than men and that men were more sociopathic than women. God forgive me, but I hate them. I have nothing but contempt for them. Have any of them admitted that they were mistaken? Nope.

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Bloody Hell. That’s the third time I’ve suffered through this video, and each time I’m anticipating the faces of these Vaxxed, criminally-insane talking-heads to cave in on itself. Their PsyOps definitely works, because they still make many unvaxxed patriots feel boarder-line suicidal and completely alone on this icy-cold planet. I’ve been saying for years now that I feel like I’m totally alone, trapped on a Borg-infected world surrounded by synthetic bots, for real.

Over and over hundreds of professional reporters, doctors and government officials repeated, and many others are still spewing this nonsense as of today: ‘If you’ve been vaccinated—you will NOT get infected or transmit the pathogen—which we all now know is total bullshit. They insisted this pathogen was “naturally occurring” by other animals, like bats, which of course are assumed to still be infected, and of course Un-Vaxxed and will never need to be Vaxxed or destroyed. So, if the logic still remains true, that if you’ve got either natural immunity or you’ve been Vaxed-protected—how does it make sense that they keep insisting “the unvaccinated people are a “danger” to the Vaxxed-protected?

It does not make sense, unless you’ve managed to pull your head out of your ass, wake up and finally admit that the Vaxx-protocols are a combination Gene-Altering/Bioweapon-Tracking devise being installing into people under the threat of a manmade pathogen-weapons and guise of National Health Security to force the entire world to comply to the Vaxx-track-weapon.

Think, people. Is it really possible they didn’t, and still do not understand how insane that message was, and still is? And is it really possible at this stage of “their” Genocide that both the wealthiest, pharmaceutical-paid Investigative Reporters on earth and the very best Top Cops are all still unaware that this has been a well-planned crime against humanity evolving over decades; that the “true story” of both the coronavirus and Vaxx began it’s development by the DoD and CIA in the late 1950’s? Is it possible anyone with two brain cells still does not understand this yet?

If my one brain cell understands these “facts,” and if my well educated followers & subscribers understand these truths, is it really possible so many professionals with advanced degrees working in state-of-the-art forensic crime labs all around the world are oblivious, still, or are they all complicit-guilty? All of them are obviously guilty, and so when are those of us who’ve been warning the public for decades, not just the past three years, and have been locked down, isolated and tortured for so damn long getting our freedoms restored and fully compensated? Never?

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Tessa, a quick note to wish you a very Merry Christ-as-Life Christmas. Thank you for your contributions to the writing community of Substack. I look forward to enjoying your posts throughout the year 2024. Thanks for being you! -Stephen Phinney

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the fear porn video is intense… what a wave of insanity we faced when we refused the kool-aid….

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Until Covid came along fear was never fomented during any crises situation. Being told to stay calm was always the approach.

Clearly fear was being used to motivate people to give up their will and run blindly to their exists which included their needles.

This was a gang/cult initiation tactic. Using terror to break your will, roll up your sleeve and take part in a ritual of penetration.

The masks were akin to a gang face tattoo. Showing the world your allegiance to the cult.

The symbolism at hand is powerful and their trauma based mind control was out in the open the whole time.

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Wow… This is a powerful, lucid statement… a diagnosis of the mass hysteria intentionally provoked by stirring up fears of death…

The gang parallel is especially apt… and revealing….

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Thank you. It occurred to me that it’s been well known for a long time that trauma both large and small initiates powerful allegiances.

That’s why fraternities haze new recruits. Gangs take it to another level. Friendships made during wars last a lifetime.

Bonding formed through trauma is an age old human trait.

So I asked myself why did they want us afraid? How could fear be useful to them?

Why is it that even in the face of mounting evidence of harm are so many unwilling to see it the harm their “solutions” caused?

The answer is, the vaccinated have been indoctrinated into a cult. They can’t see it. They don’t know it. And they’ll never admit it. But that’s exactly what it is.

The perpetrators knew exactly what they were doing. That’s why they pushed so hard to penetrate as many as possible.

They had to beat the clock in case too many people woke up before they surpassed the threshold of resistance. They were smart. This was planned.

They’ve set us up for more.

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Tessa sei grande!!!!!♥

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This is a fine example of the danger of following the herd, being ruled by fear and those who use fear as a motivator. These people should never be trusted again about anything. They have shown their true colors and which side they are on, and it's not yours. They are all proven liars.

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I didn't make it half way through the video, it was too effective. I'm dead now because the video convinced me that I'm the problem. Nevermind what my vaccination status is, it convinced me that I killed granny for just thinking about not getting this super safe and effective, experimental, emergency use authorization, messenger RNA, untested on humans before Operation Warp Speed, injection.

Its amazing I was able to type all that being dead

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Time to tell Biden it will be a dark and deadly winter for the vaccinated.

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From Klaus to you..... Klaus Schwab presents: VaxxMas Hits '23 🎄🎄🎄 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wCoXGMxJnk

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I haven't had cable since long before COVID, so I didn't see all of this real-time, and I can't watch it all. It is too painful. I absolutely felt it real-time, though. I live in the southeast, where the unvaccinated were somewhat tolerated, but I worked (past-tense) for a Company based in New York. I told my family - I would be transported across state lines when I walked into my home office. All of that hostility toward the unvaccinated came when I entered my home office. My religious and medical exemptions were denied, and I was terminated. God's will be done. I have prayed by name for many of the individuals involved with my termination, and that has brought me some peace and brought me close to a place where I can forgive - but I will never forget. And I pray that the courts offer me justice. Only time will tell. Watching this, once again, I thank God for his incredible clarity about what was right for me. I thank God for giving me COVID before vaccination was available. I thank God for the critical thinking skills and for helping me not forget what I knew to be true.

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naïve people. Romans 16:17-18

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