I listened to the video. The most painful part were those that believed that the ones that faired best during Covid were the areas with the most "efficacious governments." So they completely ignored Sweden at the beginning of the pandemic, and it sounds like they all have blinders on in the wake of it.
Tessa, I believe there is a large probability the Elite$ are using Hallmark Christmas movies to implement the NWO. I sense a pattern, and feel we need to dig in.
My wife wants to be bold, but is watching A Dickens of a Holiday! and told me to stop pestering her about NWO conspiracy theories. She's captured. Help?
I think the people in high chairs have been using films to implement whatever they wanted to implement all along!! I think that when people don't want to hear about something, especially when it's someone close, it's life providing an opportunity to learn patience and confidence at the same time. I have found that the only force that make it possible is love. You can think about every occasion when you took your time to figure something out, and pray for the best resolution and the best way, and do everything you do with love..... I don't think there is any other way!!
I still remember George Bush Sr. on 9-11-1990 with his New World Order comment.
Now this was before the "Official" collapse of the Soviet Union, but I got on my Harley Chopper and immediately went to get a drink at the bar. When I walked in the lovely young Barkeep asked me what was wrong, I guess she saw it in my face.
I told her "That was the shortest peace dividend ever!" What I did not know was it was destined to be the most expensive ever as well.
The funniest thing about this is that the algorithm on YouTube made sure to tag it with a Wikipedia (ahhahahaha) citation, stating that NWO is a conspiracy theory.
There are enough of us who are not willing to play their game.
I hope they all die when the a/c goes out in Neum. Really, I do. I know that's not how you roll, Tessa. But I have nothing but an equal and opposite amount of loathing for the herders and the sheep.
It's an older video and YouTube didn't remove the disclaimer.
Shows how they really don't pay attention to detail in their plans.
It's like how now they're pushing this RSV nonsense, when it's supposedly infected many people and has no symptoms. But SOME people who are sick test positive for it, so lets make a vaccine for it! Never mind that there are many other things that cause these symptoms, so why the focus on RSV? $$$
They can't even follow their own virology scam correctly these days.
Hi Tessa. I was watching Mathew Crawford's live coverage about election results last week on Bou Bube and I made the comment in chat that I first heard the term New World Order in the early 1990's. His live streaming was inexplicably stopped suddenly to Mathew's and Liam's confusion and surprise. No mention of "forbidden" medical stuff was discussed. I went to Rumble where it went unimpeded. Your post today showing that this term NWO is now "controversial" might be the reason for the unplugging. Just gets weirder and weirder. These people planning the future are so thin skinned with their megalomania.
1. Zeez useless eatahz vill be SHOT an' "serfed" mit tender baby (greenZ) und EX-otick kukui nut oil -- Pleese kind vaiter, I do nut vant the fet--the fet uns... they dis-Gust me. My leetle Yuval (pats leetle's shiny kopf) likes the fet -- skeeeny leetle pet, he DEVOURS it! Ha ha my leetle Harari is not so "co-cher" these days..
2. zwei hourz lat'uh... Ach, that vus a gut meal...I liked earrink zem zinging on ze replay vile I conzumed them. Viel fahrspaß! NOW ich bin "lei-ed"!!! Ha ha! (Schwabby dons a flower lei from vun've the dead "zingers")--it veels eggzellent!
3. Zis is ze life! Vaiter, clear avay zis "feast." We ahr DONE jezt, today!
Tomorrow, how-effar, ist anuver day, und there moost be a Great "Rezet" uv all zese tables. Guests vill ahrrive! New linenz und gut Chynna fer auer global table mach schnell!--"Ze Great Rezet" happinz again tomorrow!
Vienna Boysse Choir vill zing...zen zey vill be "presented" at zupper... I look vorvard...
I must be kind of dense because I still don't understand where this comes from. Is that really the head of the Atlantic Council, and is the One World Government logo not photoshopped, and if so, did they think that was funny? Sorry, but this democide is making me grumpy.
So, it is only a conspiracy to the people not involved in the conspiracy. Got it.
I listened to the video. The most painful part were those that believed that the ones that faired best during Covid were the areas with the most "efficacious governments." So they completely ignored Sweden at the beginning of the pandemic, and it sounds like they all have blinders on in the wake of it.
This entire site reads like it was written by a bot. Seriously. It can't possibly be real. No?
”Those Who Resist the New World Order Will Have the Help and Protection of God”
– Italian Archbishop Vigano
It's going to be a battle, but my line is drawn
Somehow, I do not feel comforted by this! --Jesus of Nazareth
Tessa, I believe there is a large probability the Elite$ are using Hallmark Christmas movies to implement the NWO. I sense a pattern, and feel we need to dig in.
My wife wants to be bold, but is watching A Dickens of a Holiday! and told me to stop pestering her about NWO conspiracy theories. She's captured. Help?
I think the people in high chairs have been using films to implement whatever they wanted to implement all along!! I think that when people don't want to hear about something, especially when it's someone close, it's life providing an opportunity to learn patience and confidence at the same time. I have found that the only force that make it possible is love. You can think about every occasion when you took your time to figure something out, and pray for the best resolution and the best way, and do everything you do with love..... I don't think there is any other way!!
Pray . & play truth video when she’s sleeping?
This sounds like people I know who rather follow sports. Their response is I am crazy and there is nothing they can do about it.
Not crazy! But their denial makes me feel a little nuts
I still remember George Bush Sr. on 9-11-1990 with his New World Order comment.
Now this was before the "Official" collapse of the Soviet Union, but I got on my Harley Chopper and immediately went to get a drink at the bar. When I walked in the lovely young Barkeep asked me what was wrong, I guess she saw it in my face.
I told her "That was the shortest peace dividend ever!" What I did not know was it was destined to be the most expensive ever as well.
The funniest thing about this is that the algorithm on YouTube made sure to tag it with a Wikipedia (ahhahahaha) citation, stating that NWO is a conspiracy theory.
Absolutely!!! It's a 4IR style warning!!
Let them eat their own.
We're onto them.
There are enough of us who are not willing to play their game.
I hope they all die when the a/c goes out in Neum. Really, I do. I know that's not how you roll, Tessa. But I have nothing but an equal and opposite amount of loathing for the herders and the sheep.
*Happy currently out of stock
Take out the word 'secretly' from the Wiki explanation and you have the truth. Nothing secret about it at this point.
I have to agree :)
How Fashion Will Change by 2030:
Good one!!
Sometimes you just have to … laugh😂. I never thought that irl supervillains could be so damn… well… STUPID. It will be the death of them… 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Omg, you keep unearthing these videos I had forgotten about!
I find that one with the Hawaiian kids truly disturbing, full brainwashing in effect...
The Hawaiian video is quite horrible. The lifeless expressions for the most part. robotic choreography... and of course the lyrics!!
These people were kicked out of the circus because their jokes too lame and on the nose. Shit cannot even begin to describe their comedy.
Yep. It's hard to make it more boring and more stupid. They cannot even get their own narrative in order.
You can't make this shit up.
It's an older video and YouTube didn't remove the disclaimer.
Shows how they really don't pay attention to detail in their plans.
It's like how now they're pushing this RSV nonsense, when it's supposedly infected many people and has no symptoms. But SOME people who are sick test positive for it, so lets make a vaccine for it! Never mind that there are many other things that cause these symptoms, so why the focus on RSV? $$$
They can't even follow their own virology scam correctly these days.
Hi Tessa. I was watching Mathew Crawford's live coverage about election results last week on Bou Bube and I made the comment in chat that I first heard the term New World Order in the early 1990's. His live streaming was inexplicably stopped suddenly to Mathew's and Liam's confusion and surprise. No mention of "forbidden" medical stuff was discussed. I went to Rumble where it went unimpeded. Your post today showing that this term NWO is now "controversial" might be the reason for the unplugging. Just gets weirder and weirder. These people planning the future are so thin skinned with their megalomania.
Wow, I need to catch up on Mathew's podcasts, and that's very peculiar!!
Along those lines --- https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/constitution-v-novus-ordo-seclorum-4b2
1. Zeez useless eatahz vill be SHOT an' "serfed" mit tender baby (greenZ) und EX-otick kukui nut oil -- Pleese kind vaiter, I do nut vant the fet--the fet uns... they dis-Gust me. My leetle Yuval (pats leetle's shiny kopf) likes the fet -- skeeeny leetle pet, he DEVOURS it! Ha ha my leetle Harari is not so "co-cher" these days..
2. zwei hourz lat'uh... Ach, that vus a gut meal...I liked earrink zem zinging on ze replay vile I conzumed them. Viel fahrspaß! NOW ich bin "lei-ed"!!! Ha ha! (Schwabby dons a flower lei from vun've the dead "zingers")--it veels eggzellent!
3. Zis is ze life! Vaiter, clear avay zis "feast." We ahr DONE jezt, today!
Tomorrow, how-effar, ist anuver day, und there moost be a Great "Rezet" uv all zese tables. Guests vill ahrrive! New linenz und gut Chynna fer auer global table mach schnell!--"Ze Great Rezet" happinz again tomorrow!
Vienna Boysse Choir vill zing...zen zey vill be "presented" at zupper... I look vorvard...
I must be kind of dense because I still don't understand where this comes from. Is that really the head of the Atlantic Council, and is the One World Government logo not photoshopped, and if so, did they think that was funny? Sorry, but this democide is making me grumpy.