Great article. I will add, however, that unless you are watching SNL as a researcher I recommend avoiding it. It hasn't been funny or relevant for decades. As for admitting that they were wrong, that will never happen. "We've always been at war with Eastasia."
Thank you Tessa for that emotional raw release about masks. How many humiliations I went through on airlines or stores being ordered to pull my mask all the way down, as if humans breathe through the chin? How many restaurants was I kicked out of for refusing to walk 5 feet inside with the mask on so I could sit down at a table with it off?
I watched the full SNL skit to get a sense of the mainstream zeitgeist. Yes, Tessa, the beautiful human being you always are is correct to say "And while I wish every fellow human the kindest awakening," I share your clear indignation by SNL daring to solicit laughter from how the powers that be divided our society.
I can drive from Virginia to St Louis spending less money and fuel than it takes to fly the same distance, it just takes 14 hours, but it can be quite a pleasant drive...
Love you Tessa! I’m afraid I will have a VERY hard time forgiving my friends and family for ostracizing me and my family for questioning the narrative. I suppose it will be my remaining life’s work to forgive. And you are right, that SNL skit made me want to cry and I don’t think it to be funny in any way. These past two years have been very difficult for everyone, but especially those who have been continuing to fight for what is right and true. Fingers crossed the narrative will continue to unravel and those who misled the WHOLE WORLD will be held accountable.
Peace to you Tessa and thank you for all that you do. ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear that your family ostracized you for simply asking questions and standing your ground. My son and DIL are both jabbed and I was absolutely horrified to learn they gave my precious 5 year-old grandson that poison! My SIL was forced to get it because he's in the Air Force. Fortunately, my daughter, who is pregnant, knows the truth. Regardless, not a single person has pressured me even if they disagree with my decision. My prayer group of 4 other women ALL got it! I couldn't believe it! One said it gave her "peace of mind." I said, "Isn't that the Holy Spirit's job?" They think I'm nuts, but they still love me, and I them. And yes, please forgive--even if you have to do it over and over. Remember the famous saying, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Do it for yourself, not for them.
Similar to my story. My wonderful daughter has a boyfriend who is in med-school. They are true believers in the medical system despite its perversion by corporate criminals. Our daughter had very odd side effects from her stabs and booster--but apparently nothing too serious so far--god willing. But what is most painful for me, is the censoring of even the most civil discussion of alternative information or data. Anything that contradicts the narrative ends the conversation immediately. It is mass psychosis for real.
You might see if they would read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s bombshell of a book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." The boyfriend might even leave med-school and become a naturopath!
I have a copy. Over the holidays I put it out. My family members paged through it and dismissed it out of hand. College educated too. Very bizarre. I think vaccinations are like a sacrament for modern believers in technocracy. We grew up taking them as children, on faith, and they made us feel safe. Today, challenging a vaccine is like saying there is no god to a religious fanatic. (BTW, I am opposed to all fanaticisms because they make us blind to the beauty and sacredness of the world.)
Reiner Fuellmich had mentioned early on about 13-20% actually understand a peace of mind and right action- flinched vhard grunting ugh loud ly un hidden like gross burp belch negative contraction; relaxed finally-
Maybe in the Planet Lockdown initial interview of Reiner circa when Tessa created her monologue regarding the present insanity[then]
Groundhogs are cool :: please don't blame the "woodchucks"
Tessa, I know how soul-crushing it feels to be discriminated against and abused and to know that we've lost two years of our lives and we still have plenty in front of us to claw our way out of. But your lungs are not full of cancer-causing graphene,, your brain hasn't died from slow strangulation and your big huge heart is free of spike proteins!
I haven't had a tv in ten years plus so I missed that stupid skit (the one that sent my blood pressure through the roof was the Jimmy Kimmel anti-vaxx Barbie). There's the argument that we should pay attention to the corporate media in a "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" strategy. I say unplug from all that BS.
BTW it's been common knowledge among musicians that an appearance on late-night corporate tv does absolutely zero for growing the fan base or selling tickets and hasn't meant a damn for ten years or more. I wonder how few people actually saw that SNL skit. On the opposite side of that equation, take a step back and look how vast your influence has become. Karma can be a bitch but it works the other way too!
John Ward looks at those American bioweapons labs in Ukraine, and specifically at the development of graphene as a bioweapons technology, but also as a critical technology in creation of transhuman (Terminator?) cyborg warriors with super-powers, a very concerning avenue of military exploration.
It is at this point in my analysis that the reader should be clear about just how interconnected and revolutionary the applications of graphene nanotechnology and biowarfare are.
*It is a bioweapon in its ability to cause serious and probably mortal danger to human beings. Think Wuhan, Covid19 and vaccines that aren't vaccines.
*It arrives at a crucial point in physics where reduced mass can enable the beginning of interstellar travel, because it is only one atom thick. (See previous Slogpost on this - scroll down to final item)
*It can effectively turn a fragile 3D human soldier into an invisibly indestructible transhuman killing machine. Think Davos and its nightmare futures.
Ultimately, however, what most observers have failed to grasp is that graphene nanotechnology and transhuman development are interdependent: "vaccination" debris has shown conclusively that graphene is a bioweapon in its own right, but it is also vital for transhuman brain development, skin grafting and the 2D "invisibility" that makes a "humbot" hard to kill in battle, and hard to see during espionage ops.
Don't let others make you feel guilty. Those others who've told us how selfish we are for not wearing a mask, for not getting this Jim Jones-style jab, have bought our entire government out from under us - and it wasn't that great to begin with. They want laws that enable them to hoover down evreything in sight while the rest of us struggle for survival. I think that's hella more selfish. I'm 83 and my entire life we've been assailed by germs that may or may not cause us harm. But until now we've always believed that we were responsible for our own outcomes. We've never had to quarantine to protect anyone - unless we had something that was deemed to be contagious. Personally, at 83, I'd choose death by contagion to life in a world transformed into a medical ward. I still feel that only I am responsible for my health. I want young people to be doing young people things; learning, studying, dancing, flirting, laughing just as I did. I don't want or need anyone to hide away to "protect" me. We need to take care of ourselves, avoid the garbage we're offered as food, eat healthy foods, keep oneself as healthy as possible. That's all we can do. We all die sooner or later. It's heartbreaking to me how many young people are suddenly dying - and I doubt if it's from lack of a mask. If we want to be healthy, my best advice - avoid doctors and grow your own food. I don't wear a mask either, don't obsessively wash my hands, or avoid contact with others (ridiculous!). I also recently nursed by adult daughter back to health when she had pneumonia - didn't get it. And three other things I don't get - flu shots OR the flu OR why people would be so willing to believe they are being protected by drug companies that have already all been convicted of crimes against humanity even by the U.S. Supreme Court!!!
You are a blessing. My grandmother passed at 102 a few years ago and she NEVER had shots for anything. (Except antibiotics for a cut that wasn't healing in her 90s). I live the way my ancestors did on both sides of my family... No pills, no shots, get outside once in awhile, deal with stress the right way, love God and your neighbors. Seems to be working! Thanks for your comment. It warmed my heart.
Many of the world leaders and celebrities are dictating reality with a straight face. That false world becomes complete when comedians write skits portraying that as if it's funny.
For many of them, it's pitifully sad to watch. Heck, I might die in the chaos of all of this, but I will not have looked so willfully retarded in my sense of humor. That's something like the true barrier between dignity and dehumanization.
Mustafah came in the store without a mask on, and immediately told me i was killing the old man at Pine and Jones for not wearing my mask. He was yelling at me , which he has done for decades, for driving taxicab, whether i was doing it legally or not, and now he was yelling at me for not wearing a mask.
The owner of the store had stopped wearing a mask months ago, and i'd asked then, Did i need one, and he said, "Do you see me wearing a mask?"
So i stopped wearing one and gave them my business.
When Mustafah yelled at me about not wearing a mask, i asked the cashier, also not wearing a mask, why did i have to wear one when he himself wasn't doing so, and the response was, well, he was just coming in for a few minutes...something different from what i was doing?
Great as usual Ms Tessa. What still shocks me is how many people trust any agency just because they have 3 letters. CDC, CPS, FBI, CIA, NIH, WHO, WEF, SNL (haha) and one of my favorites: FDA. People blindly trust an agency that gleefully approved cigarettes, booze, and a list of chemicals longer than my arm that is in our food and water...ALL which are deadly if not in the short run, definitely in the long run. I trust my gut, my common sense and my belief system first. None of these agencies play a roll in the decisions I make for myself or my loved ones. It's time for the entire world to break ties with these monstrous, greedy and corrupt agencies once and for all. Thank you for your tears. We should all be feeling deep sorrow and regret for the misplaced trust we've placed in organizations and agencies that have *never* cared about us. The good news is, we can pick up the pieces and move on. We've got our work cut out for us, but if we learn from what has taken place and vow to never let it happen again we can still have a bright future. If not for us, for the generations to come... which is what we should have always been fighting for. The decisions we make without thinking of unintended consequences to the future humans are the epitome of selfishness. Keep up the great work!
I know our humour on this side of the proverbial pond can sometimes be very different, but the restaurant sketch made me laugh. Your phrase, "Just like that" reminds me of the catch phrase of a British comedian, you are probably far too young to remember. His speciality was to send up stage magicians for the frauds they were, which I think is somewhat appropriate, and highly illustrative, of 'following the science' in the way that we've all been urged to do:
Thanks so much for your Video ‘You Are Not Crazy’ - I love how you creatively and authentically express yourself, and I also see myself getting better at courageously speaking out against abuse - it is not okay❣️ Also, yes, I guess the villains have their part to play, and have always been a part of human living - so we will just have to make sure we stay alert to their tactics then.
Like many, I haven't watched SNL for decades. But I actually laughed a couple times watching that skit. I found it starkly revealing of the essence of "follower mind": laden with constant low-grade anxiety, dread & fear. Fear of dying, fear of being sick, fear of fearless people, fear of being "wrong", fear of being stupid (or perceived as such), fear of feeling the shame/guilt of having acted horribly to ones' fellow humans, fear of having willingly allowed poisonous substances into ones' body....sweet Jesus, where does it end?
It doesn't. There you have it. These folks are frighteningly fragile ~ literally living fear-drenched lives, constantly on edge, constantly unsure, huddling together for dear life, trembling in like-minded packs, all the while ready to blow at the slightest unforeseen turn of events. These folks live on the edge of madness, barely able to keep it together inside themselves let alone reckon with anything painful that might allow them to come up with sincere apologetic feelings.
Seems to me this skit was a brilliantly designed pressure-relief valve inviting withered, dispirited minds to (at least momentarily) take a break from themselves and have a laugh. Can't help but feel this is a mighty good thing.
Some might even have a moment of reflection and take a hard look at how they live?
Interesting how some out there still cling to the mask. As if they take it off something is lost. But, what? The thrill of it all? For those whose inner lives are dead miserable, a 2-year long "worldwide life/death struggle", however illusory, might have been heartily embraced as a welcome, enthralling diversion.
Beautifully said. And something new that didn't used to bother people so much: Fear of death. Oh man! I've never seen anything like it. It's like no one ever died before 03/2020. I'm glad I have a belief system is all I can say. I love life. But I would choose one day of life as a free person over a lifetime of tyranny and slavery.
You knew that when Maher started to tweak the orthodox Covid narrative, the "cool kids" would starting to squirm under the absurdity of it. Not that he is a bellwether of anything other than jackass-ery. Now these clowns are trying to create a safe-space for themselves. At this point, SNL is irrelevant and watching it is cruel and unusual punishment.
You don't need to know the science behind something. You only need to know these things:
Have they lied before? Are they deceitful? Do they stand to lose or gain by lying? Do they conceal information, obfuscate it or play semantics with it?
And most crucial: are they protected against the consequences of their own actions?
The more the answer is "Yes" to any of these, the less should you trust.
Great article. I will add, however, that unless you are watching SNL as a researcher I recommend avoiding it. It hasn't been funny or relevant for decades. As for admitting that they were wrong, that will never happen. "We've always been at war with Eastasia."
I hear you loud and clear! I don't really watch them, I saw a few clips and they were horrible. I happened to see this one because somebody posted it.
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence,” wrote that connoisseur of wit, Oscar Wilde.
I swear, the number of people who identify with Colbert's bloviating, right-wing pundit as legit discourse never ceases to amaze me.
See for commentary...
Thank you Tessa for that emotional raw release about masks. How many humiliations I went through on airlines or stores being ordered to pull my mask all the way down, as if humans breathe through the chin? How many restaurants was I kicked out of for refusing to walk 5 feet inside with the mask on so I could sit down at a table with it off?
I watched the full SNL skit to get a sense of the mainstream zeitgeist. Yes, Tessa, the beautiful human being you always are is correct to say "And while I wish every fellow human the kindest awakening," I share your clear indignation by SNL daring to solicit laughter from how the powers that be divided our society.
One flight was all it took for me to withdraw my support from the airlines. NEVER again. Between masks and tests and TSA... I'll walk if I have to.
I can drive from Virginia to St Louis spending less money and fuel than it takes to fly the same distance, it just takes 14 hours, but it can be quite a pleasant drive...
Love you Tessa! I’m afraid I will have a VERY hard time forgiving my friends and family for ostracizing me and my family for questioning the narrative. I suppose it will be my remaining life’s work to forgive. And you are right, that SNL skit made me want to cry and I don’t think it to be funny in any way. These past two years have been very difficult for everyone, but especially those who have been continuing to fight for what is right and true. Fingers crossed the narrative will continue to unravel and those who misled the WHOLE WORLD will be held accountable.
Peace to you Tessa and thank you for all that you do. ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear that your family ostracized you for simply asking questions and standing your ground. My son and DIL are both jabbed and I was absolutely horrified to learn they gave my precious 5 year-old grandson that poison! My SIL was forced to get it because he's in the Air Force. Fortunately, my daughter, who is pregnant, knows the truth. Regardless, not a single person has pressured me even if they disagree with my decision. My prayer group of 4 other women ALL got it! I couldn't believe it! One said it gave her "peace of mind." I said, "Isn't that the Holy Spirit's job?" They think I'm nuts, but they still love me, and I them. And yes, please forgive--even if you have to do it over and over. Remember the famous saying, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Do it for yourself, not for them.
Similar to my story. My wonderful daughter has a boyfriend who is in med-school. They are true believers in the medical system despite its perversion by corporate criminals. Our daughter had very odd side effects from her stabs and booster--but apparently nothing too serious so far--god willing. But what is most painful for me, is the censoring of even the most civil discussion of alternative information or data. Anything that contradicts the narrative ends the conversation immediately. It is mass psychosis for real.
You might see if they would read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s bombshell of a book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." The boyfriend might even leave med-school and become a naturopath!
I have a copy. Over the holidays I put it out. My family members paged through it and dismissed it out of hand. College educated too. Very bizarre. I think vaccinations are like a sacrament for modern believers in technocracy. We grew up taking them as children, on faith, and they made us feel safe. Today, challenging a vaccine is like saying there is no god to a religious fanatic. (BTW, I am opposed to all fanaticisms because they make us blind to the beauty and sacredness of the world.)
One silver lining story is that my son has met a wonderful girl through an online dating group of unvaccinated people. Such strange times, for sure.
That's awesome! Glad to know there are such groups! People who reject the narrative and think for themselves. Well done, Mom!
These stories similar are EVERYWHERE-
Reiner Fuellmich had mentioned early on about 13-20% actually understand a peace of mind and right action- flinched vhard grunting ugh loud ly un hidden like gross burp belch negative contraction; relaxed finally-
Maybe in the Planet Lockdown initial interview of Reiner circa when Tessa created her monologue regarding the present insanity[then]
Groundhogs are cool :: please don't blame the "woodchucks"
yes, patience, forgiveness, love & grace... everyone at different place on learning curve.
Tessa, I know how soul-crushing it feels to be discriminated against and abused and to know that we've lost two years of our lives and we still have plenty in front of us to claw our way out of. But your lungs are not full of cancer-causing graphene,, your brain hasn't died from slow strangulation and your big huge heart is free of spike proteins!
I haven't had a tv in ten years plus so I missed that stupid skit (the one that sent my blood pressure through the roof was the Jimmy Kimmel anti-vaxx Barbie). There's the argument that we should pay attention to the corporate media in a "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" strategy. I say unplug from all that BS.
BTW it's been common knowledge among musicians that an appearance on late-night corporate tv does absolutely zero for growing the fan base or selling tickets and hasn't meant a damn for ten years or more. I wonder how few people actually saw that SNL skit. On the opposite side of that equation, take a step back and look how vast your influence has become. Karma can be a bitch but it works the other way too!
Double blog sites since Google zeroed me out on the day Russia invaded, because I spoke without being called upon.
John Ward looks at those American bioweapons labs in Ukraine, and specifically at the development of graphene as a bioweapons technology, but also as a critical technology in creation of transhuman (Terminator?) cyborg warriors with super-powers, a very concerning avenue of military exploration.
It is at this point in my analysis that the reader should be clear about just how interconnected and revolutionary the applications of graphene nanotechnology and biowarfare are.
*It is a bioweapon in its ability to cause serious and probably mortal danger to human beings. Think Wuhan, Covid19 and vaccines that aren't vaccines.
*It arrives at a crucial point in physics where reduced mass can enable the beginning of interstellar travel, because it is only one atom thick. (See previous Slogpost on this - scroll down to final item)
*It can effectively turn a fragile 3D human soldier into an invisibly indestructible transhuman killing machine. Think Davos and its nightmare futures.
Ultimately, however, what most observers have failed to grasp is that graphene nanotechnology and transhuman development are interdependent: "vaccination" debris has shown conclusively that graphene is a bioweapon in its own right, but it is also vital for transhuman brain development, skin grafting and the 2D "invisibility" that makes a "humbot" hard to kill in battle, and hard to see during espionage ops.
Don't let others make you feel guilty. Those others who've told us how selfish we are for not wearing a mask, for not getting this Jim Jones-style jab, have bought our entire government out from under us - and it wasn't that great to begin with. They want laws that enable them to hoover down evreything in sight while the rest of us struggle for survival. I think that's hella more selfish. I'm 83 and my entire life we've been assailed by germs that may or may not cause us harm. But until now we've always believed that we were responsible for our own outcomes. We've never had to quarantine to protect anyone - unless we had something that was deemed to be contagious. Personally, at 83, I'd choose death by contagion to life in a world transformed into a medical ward. I still feel that only I am responsible for my health. I want young people to be doing young people things; learning, studying, dancing, flirting, laughing just as I did. I don't want or need anyone to hide away to "protect" me. We need to take care of ourselves, avoid the garbage we're offered as food, eat healthy foods, keep oneself as healthy as possible. That's all we can do. We all die sooner or later. It's heartbreaking to me how many young people are suddenly dying - and I doubt if it's from lack of a mask. If we want to be healthy, my best advice - avoid doctors and grow your own food. I don't wear a mask either, don't obsessively wash my hands, or avoid contact with others (ridiculous!). I also recently nursed by adult daughter back to health when she had pneumonia - didn't get it. And three other things I don't get - flu shots OR the flu OR why people would be so willing to believe they are being protected by drug companies that have already all been convicted of crimes against humanity even by the U.S. Supreme Court!!!
You are a blessing. My grandmother passed at 102 a few years ago and she NEVER had shots for anything. (Except antibiotics for a cut that wasn't healing in her 90s). I live the way my ancestors did on both sides of my family... No pills, no shots, get outside once in awhile, deal with stress the right way, love God and your neighbors. Seems to be working! Thanks for your comment. It warmed my heart.
Many of the world leaders and celebrities are dictating reality with a straight face. That false world becomes complete when comedians write skits portraying that as if it's funny.
For many of them, it's pitifully sad to watch. Heck, I might die in the chaos of all of this, but I will not have looked so willfully retarded in my sense of humor. That's something like the true barrier between dignity and dehumanization.
the worlds leaders (can't spell their names) are actually comedians
i can see BidenHo with a clown nose and frizzy multi coloured hair
Mustafah came in the store without a mask on, and immediately told me i was killing the old man at Pine and Jones for not wearing my mask. He was yelling at me , which he has done for decades, for driving taxicab, whether i was doing it legally or not, and now he was yelling at me for not wearing a mask.
The owner of the store had stopped wearing a mask months ago, and i'd asked then, Did i need one, and he said, "Do you see me wearing a mask?"
So i stopped wearing one and gave them my business.
When Mustafah yelled at me about not wearing a mask, i asked the cashier, also not wearing a mask, why did i have to wear one when he himself wasn't doing so, and the response was, well, he was just coming in for a few minutes...something different from what i was doing?
cruddy cruddy mask mask
i stopped giving them my business
i can go without whatever it is, fuck it
Great as usual Ms Tessa. What still shocks me is how many people trust any agency just because they have 3 letters. CDC, CPS, FBI, CIA, NIH, WHO, WEF, SNL (haha) and one of my favorites: FDA. People blindly trust an agency that gleefully approved cigarettes, booze, and a list of chemicals longer than my arm that is in our food and water...ALL which are deadly if not in the short run, definitely in the long run. I trust my gut, my common sense and my belief system first. None of these agencies play a roll in the decisions I make for myself or my loved ones. It's time for the entire world to break ties with these monstrous, greedy and corrupt agencies once and for all. Thank you for your tears. We should all be feeling deep sorrow and regret for the misplaced trust we've placed in organizations and agencies that have *never* cared about us. The good news is, we can pick up the pieces and move on. We've got our work cut out for us, but if we learn from what has taken place and vow to never let it happen again we can still have a bright future. If not for us, for the generations to come... which is what we should have always been fighting for. The decisions we make without thinking of unintended consequences to the future humans are the epitome of selfishness. Keep up the great work!
I know our humour on this side of the proverbial pond can sometimes be very different, but the restaurant sketch made me laugh. Your phrase, "Just like that" reminds me of the catch phrase of a British comedian, you are probably far too young to remember. His speciality was to send up stage magicians for the frauds they were, which I think is somewhat appropriate, and highly illustrative, of 'following the science' in the way that we've all been urged to do:
As the late Mike Ruppert used to say, always look for the man behind the curtain.
was snl funny once?
I always thought the Canadian version was much cleverer - I think it was called SCTV.
Lol. I thought so in the late 70s early 80s
In the early 90s.
Thanks so much for your Video ‘You Are Not Crazy’ - I love how you creatively and authentically express yourself, and I also see myself getting better at courageously speaking out against abuse - it is not okay❣️ Also, yes, I guess the villains have their part to play, and have always been a part of human living - so we will just have to make sure we stay alert to their tactics then.
oh, another Narrative is probable...
Like many, I haven't watched SNL for decades. But I actually laughed a couple times watching that skit. I found it starkly revealing of the essence of "follower mind": laden with constant low-grade anxiety, dread & fear. Fear of dying, fear of being sick, fear of fearless people, fear of being "wrong", fear of being stupid (or perceived as such), fear of feeling the shame/guilt of having acted horribly to ones' fellow humans, fear of having willingly allowed poisonous substances into ones' body....sweet Jesus, where does it end?
It doesn't. There you have it. These folks are frighteningly fragile ~ literally living fear-drenched lives, constantly on edge, constantly unsure, huddling together for dear life, trembling in like-minded packs, all the while ready to blow at the slightest unforeseen turn of events. These folks live on the edge of madness, barely able to keep it together inside themselves let alone reckon with anything painful that might allow them to come up with sincere apologetic feelings.
Seems to me this skit was a brilliantly designed pressure-relief valve inviting withered, dispirited minds to (at least momentarily) take a break from themselves and have a laugh. Can't help but feel this is a mighty good thing.
Some might even have a moment of reflection and take a hard look at how they live?
Interesting how some out there still cling to the mask. As if they take it off something is lost. But, what? The thrill of it all? For those whose inner lives are dead miserable, a 2-year long "worldwide life/death struggle", however illusory, might have been heartily embraced as a welcome, enthralling diversion.
Beautifully said. And something new that didn't used to bother people so much: Fear of death. Oh man! I've never seen anything like it. It's like no one ever died before 03/2020. I'm glad I have a belief system is all I can say. I love life. But I would choose one day of life as a free person over a lifetime of tyranny and slavery.
You know what gets me? People standing under EMF towers berating someone passing by without a mask. But they haven't been instructed to fear EMF's.
You knew that when Maher started to tweak the orthodox Covid narrative, the "cool kids" would starting to squirm under the absurdity of it. Not that he is a bellwether of anything other than jackass-ery. Now these clowns are trying to create a safe-space for themselves. At this point, SNL is irrelevant and watching it is cruel and unusual punishment.
*the "cool kids" would start to squirm under the absurdity of it (I'm hopeless at editing.)
You already know it but I'll say it anyway:
You don't need to know the science behind something. You only need to know these things:
Have they lied before? Are they deceitful? Do they stand to lose or gain by lying? Do they conceal information, obfuscate it or play semantics with it?
And most crucial: are they protected against the consequences of their own actions?
The more the answer is "Yes" to any of these, the less should you trust.