Sep 10, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

New reader here. Thanks for everything you do. I will never comply with the mandates. Never. It is a hill I will die on if I must. Stay strong everyone. RESIST!!!

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A wonderful letter - thank you for sharing Anais and Tessa. Our individual acts of courage (such as this) are crucial to our collective resistance. Such courage inspires others to act both individually and collectively.

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Yes, and thank you Gary!

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Thank you for sharing this eloquent, highly principled statement. All blessings on Anais, her family, and all those impacted by these dreadful authoritarian measures. They will fail; love wins!

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Thank you, Chris! Anais is such a beautiful human being, I am in awe of her courage.

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Fantastic letter, so thoughtful and clear. Thank-you for sharing this (for all your posts, really; I read but rarely comment because when I do I find myself writing 1000-word comments). We need refusals such as this one more than ever, after yesterday's announcements.

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Thank you Michele!! And I welcome 1000-comments. :)

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Thank you

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She makes the best point at the end:

Even though SHE can work around these stupid things by homeschooling, many other parents can't and it's VITAL these parents are informed.

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Sep 11, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

One of the books witch changed the world…. Tessa, yes, there are one or two. One: Picturing Hegel An Illustrated Guide to Hegel's Encyclopaedia Logic by Julie E. Maybee (Hegel considered himself an encyclopedic culmination of Western philosophy in some ways, and indeed his work summarizes many of the presuppositions of Western philosophy. By picturing Hegel's logic, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves.)

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Excellent !

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Thank you!!

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I admire your friends’ intelligent and moral approach to this awful problem and am glad she’s able to home school her kids, but it’s a shame she seems to think there’s something called SARS Cov-2 plaguing the planet when of course there isn’t, or perhaps she feels the need to use these unscientific terms to appease the school board…either way, bravo for her actions!

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She is indeed a force to reckon with!! As far as the virus, I personally stay agnostic. There are arguments this way and the other way, papers about isolation (I know, I know) and papers disproving the isolation; papers showing a trace of patents and responses to FOIA requests saying they could not produce any record.... to me this might as well remain a mystery for a while but what's undeniable is that whatever this virus is or isn't. the abuse around it (or the concept of it, or whatever it is) is monstrous, and we have a lot of work to do regardless of individual answers to this underlying question.

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it is a plague, in much the same way the emperors new clothes were a textile mill

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Thank you

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She lost me when she said she was an activist against Trump. I didn’t finish the letter!

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I would love to know how the school officials responded, although I can probably guess.

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From what I understand, they didn't respond with anything useful. I will ask! This was some time ago.

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Trump was right

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PROOF that the entire 2020-concocted pseudoscience of lockdowns, masks, antisocial distancing, paper-phobia, and hand-wringing gave NO DISCERNIBLE REDUCTIONS of mortality (and by implication of morbidity) - www.pseudoexpertise.com/clarke-covid3.pdf. This is the official data of actual deaths in nine whole countries, and completely trumps all other evidence about these things.

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PROOF that the entire 2020 concoction of lockdowns, masks, antisocial distancing, paper-phobia, and hand-wringing gave NO DISCERNIBLE reduction of mortality (and by implication morbidity) - www.pseudoexpertise.com/clarke-covid3.pdf. This is the official actual deaths data from 9 whole countries and completely trumps all other "evidence" on the matter. Please pass on. If it is true in Europe and China then we can assume it's true in all countries.

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Hidden behind curtains…. Today, after rabbit hole explorations, I found that I was “a little” Orthodox( closed mind to think dialectically) long time ago. Had Brain laziness not to get informed of other angles? How, when everything was screwed from beginning? Same as with Klaus Schwab, jabs, masks, Lockdowns, Great Reset, NWO,201, 2030, NGD,…Headaches …

George Soros Leftist? Smoke and mirrors…

USA English Wikipedia TO SHORT on his “ Open Society “ activities in Central and Eastern Europe between 1979-2016….. Much more on German Wiki! And here censored:


From around 1985 to 2017, Soros donated around US $ 12 billion worldwide to initiatives that reduce poverty, increase transparency, and strengthen human rights. This made him an enemy for nationalist and anti-liberal governments. Soros has been a philanthropist since the 1970s. In 1979 he founded the Open Society Foundations, which he directs and promotes. By October 2017, he transferred around US $ 18 billion to this foundation, most of his fortune. This made it the second largest foundation behind the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [21]

Party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński insinuated that Soros was trying to “destroy traditional societies” through a “multicultural orientation” and was striving for a “society without identity” that was “extremely easy to manipulate”. ( Smells same as Sarajevo Attentat and results of destruction of 16 traditional monarchy’s and empires in WWI? End justify the means?)

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Actually, isn’t censored, just taking to long. https://www.newstatesman.com/international

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https://www.newstatesman.com/economics/economics/2014/04/ns-profile-george-soros Actually, shocking article is from 2003, but it is seeing lights again in 2014. It gives clues about Klaus Schwab and his “ Young Global Leaders”?


How many persons are educated by Klaus in this list? New GAME. Can you add to

this list? Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Angela Merkel, Emanuel Macron, Jack Ma, Tony Blair,XX,XX,XX….etc


Jack Ma( Alibaba), opened mouth to much in one conference, asking for more power to Oligarchs and disappeared in January 2021 for 2.5 months. Hause arrest? Klaus should told him about MultipolarWorld… Not Jet Jack…

It would be nice to have possibility to edit or delete post.

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