We killed people by overreacting to a virus that had almost certainly been circulating in the country for months without a huge death spike.

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It's a tragedy and a crime no matter how one looks at it (as long as one is honest). Some people will say this virus does not exist per se (personally, I like JJ Couey's theory about clones). But even if it does, people were murdered by breaking the social fabric, banning treatments that worked (for whatever reason), and treating live human beings very poorly in hospitals. And of course, environmental toxins didn't help. A tragedy and a crime!

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Yes. Depriving people of their support systems, shutting down their jobs/schools, isolating them - all of these things are KNOWABLY bad for people, yet the lockdowners pretended there were no downsides. "You care more about money than people! It's only two weeks, just enjoy it!"

And that's before we even touch on ivermectin, or the hospital protocols that told you to just go home until it was serious enough they could throw you on a vent.

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The worst crime against humanity ever.

First, the deliberate creation of the virus in Wuhan by Fauci and Daszak.

Second, using hospitals as murder factories to amp up the fear.

Third, demanding that everyone inject a very dangerous and utterly ineffective experiment.

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Not any more, the worst crime now is the vaccine

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just add it to the list of "conspiracy theories" that were anything but. These hospitals were death factories. Scared patients wheeled in. Nobody allowed in to advocate from them. Staff afraid to go near them. I said it before and I'll say it again, I didnt see them pulling dead bodies out of peoples houses. Didnt see dead homless all over the streets. It was iatrogenesis tha killed the majority, plain and simple.

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Yeah just wait until you hear about the combination of Medazolam and morphine. They've been killing patients for years if they present a drain on the financial system. If they go in for knee surgery like my Dad, oops- 'He seemed to go downhill so quickly!'

It's Mammon's end game. Diabolically clever- makes one wonder if there isn't a bigger purpose to it all...

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Yes! Couey. Transfection.

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It wasn't "overreacting" but was planned this way, to kill as many people as possible. Nurses tried to tell us about this; they were cancelled and fired. This was the plan.

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The deliberate suppression of antibiotics and steroids to cure the pneumonia that killed so many Americans is a crime, our medical and pharmaceutical boards are mass murderers, as are our Governors and State Legislators who are still allowing it.

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Years of hundreds of coronas, with the exception of releases of replication incompetent synthetic clones ie: Biowarfare a little dose here and there to scare up the masses. All those usual ILI’s and bacterial pneumonia’s never went anywhere. Variants, nothing new. Novel virus, nothing new. No pandemic. No get ready for the next one. Stop the shots.

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Oh, so many testimonies of this, of basically, a positive covid test but also bacterial pneumonia left untreated, add remdesivir, no food, not enough water, ventilator, inadequate personal hygiene, isolation, the end.


Covid 19: A Second Opinion

Discussion Panel Hosted by Senator Ron Johnson

Livestreamed January 24, 2022


Clip of just Nicole Sirotek's testimony:




NICOLE SIROTEK: Thank you, Senator, for giving me an uninterrupted opportunity to represent the harm that is coming to the patients in the American hospitals and the lack of early intervention.

My name is Nicole Sirotek. I'm a registered nurse. I've been a registered nurse for over a decade. My specialty is critical care trauma and flight. Since the start of the covid pandemic I've actually been rebranded, I guess you can say, as a leading expert in early intervention strategies executed on a large mass scale using the FLCCC* protocol as well as ventilator or covid patient ventilator protective strategies to optimize covid patients on the ventilators.

My story actually begins back in May of 2020. I was one of the original nurses that went to NYC to help with the covid pandemic because as we remember, they needed nurses, and most importantly they needed ventilators. Well, I was the whole package, a flight nurse that can manage ventilators.

And when I arrived there, the gross negligence and the medical, you know, malfeasance that happened in there and the complete medical mismanagement of these patients is what has led us to the situation that we're in right now. The pandemic and the hysteria that was created from poor public health measures and poor execution of appropriate early intervention strategies and the handicapping of medical professionals doing their job has led to where we are right now and into the crisis situation that we are in.

I will use several key case studies that will represent larger descriptive statistical information heard I'm going to speak of. But when I was in New York, and what continues to happen today, is that many of them are not dying from covid.

Now many people don't know about me is that I'm actually a master's prepared biochemist and I have worked extensively with the HIV virus tracking genetic mutations, so I feel very comfortable going toe-to-toe with some of these doctors here, although I am not a doctor, I'm just a nurse.

But what we saw on these front lines we knew what was happening, and when we asked for the ibuprofen they said, no, it was contraindicated. When we asked, like, why aren't we giving them steroids? Oh, well it's not. We're just following orders.

Following orders has led to the sheer number of deaths that has occurred in these hospitals.

I didn't see a single patient died of covid. I've seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance.

[audience members around her all nod their heads, yes, vigorously]

When I was on the front lines of New York I'm unfortunately known, globally viral, as the nurse that was in the break room sobbing, saying that they were murdering my patients. The pharmaceutical companies had gone into those hospitals and decided to, um, practice, I guess you can say, on on the minorities, on the disadvantaged, on the marginalized populations that we know that we had no advocates for. Because the very agencies that should have been protecting them were closed because we were [makes air quotes with fingers] sheltering in place.

Now while I was there and I saw that the pharmaceutical companies were rolling out remdesivir onto the patients, I tried to get a hold of the IRBS* I try to get a hold of my appropriate chain of commands, I tried CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid], I tried Department of Health. And they rolled out remdesivir onto a substantial number of patients for which we all saw it was killing the patients. And now its the FDA approved drug that is continuing to kill patients in the United States.

As nurses we've collected a statistical or descriptive amount of information that you may not get from the doctors because for more they do quantitative data, we do qualitative data with a humanistic phenomenological approach in nursing research. And so we've collected the data from all of these patients across the country from which we have been helping patients, because I formed the organization American Frontline Nurses and the Advocacy Network so nurses could advocate for these patients. And all of this data pool shows that as these patients get remdesivir, they have a less than 25 percent chance of survival if they get more than two doses.

Now they're rolling it out on children as well, and into the nursing homes or school nursing facilities as early intervention, when as Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Merrick*** have already demonstrated that there are cost-effective medications out there. And we are going to see the amplification of death across our country.

And we haven't even touched on the vaccines, for which all of our expert panels have already very well described that situation, so I won't touch on that since many of them are by far superior to me than than even I could ever hope to be.

But I can tell you that two days ago I I flew out my first 10 year-old with a heart attack and I had to fight the doctor in the ER because he's like, 10 year olds don't have heart attacks. And I argued back and forth for 30 minutes to force his hand to get an EKG to find out that he was, had almost a complete STEMI, which is ST-elevation myocardial infarction**** for which you could see it lit up on the 12-Lead EKG. And he's like, well that's not possible. And I'm like, well, he was just vaccinated yesterday. It is very much possible.

At any given time people are getting a hold of me and the nurse advocates at American Frontline Nurses to help advocate because, as you've seen, there is victim shaming that it, oh, it's anxiety, oh, it's this. But in actuality, if they put down that it was a vaccine injury, the physician, the corporation, the hospital, the clinic, they actually won't get reimbursed, so it gets labeled as anxiety or neuropathy or Guillain Barré syndrome, when in actuality it's very realistically a vaccine injury.

Now I'm not, even though I founded American Frontline Nurses, I've traveled extensively to South America, India, and South Africa working in hot zones stopping the spread of the virus and working with early intervention, and nowhere in those countries and developing nations do I see these issues that we see here in the United States. It's actually, I'm a very proud American citizen, I come from a family of immigrants and my mother told me that the United States is the best country in the world, though granted, I am biased being an American, and our level of health care has been deteriorated to substandard, third world nation health care, whereas I tell people, you are better off in South America in a field hospital than you are in level one trauma designer hospitals in the United States.

As nurses we are getting reports across the country from our American Frontline Nurses about patients not getting food. Patients not getting water. How come a patient hasn't been fed in nine days? Why do I need to get a court order to force a hospital to feed a person who isn't intubated, and who's literally telling you they would like food? Oh, well you can't take your BiPAP map mask off. Well that's what US nurses are for, we're going to help you take that off, we're going to help you eat, but we're not allowed to.

If, you know, if they're on a ventilator they're not getting basic standards of care. I've had patients that haven't been bathed, haven't been fed, haven't been given water, haven't been turned. And if you ask me, this isn't a hospital this is a concentration camp!

[audience clapping]

Absolutely it is. Nowhere in the United States do we isolate people for hundreds of hours at a time with no human contact. It's not even allowed in the prisons. You are not allowed to isolate a prisoner for beyond a certain extensive amount of time because it is, again, it is horrible for their mental health, and is considered inhumane. However, in these hospitals now, we're allowed to isolate patients from their families for days, and you have to say goodbye to them over an iPhone, as Jennifer Bridges has just demonstrated to us, or she has to shuttle people in to see. And personally, I was fired for sneaking a Hispanic family in to say the last rights to their family.

And so thank you, Senator Johnson, for giving nurses the opportunity to come and represent our patients because, as you can see, we're not often thought of as leading professionals, though we are the missing link between the doctors and the patients. So thank you so much for this time.

[audience clapping]


[audience clapping]

Thank you for being a nurse.



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Nicole Sirotek is founder of American Frontline Nurses.


US Senator Ron Johnson (R - Wisconsin) https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/

*FLCCC Protocol


"Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID, and to help patients take charge of other areas of their health." -- source: https://covid19criticalcare.com/about-the-flccc/

** Institutional Review Boards.

See https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/institutional-review-boards-frequently-asked-questions

*** Dr. Pierre Kory "Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Developer of effective, evidence/expertise-based COVID Treatment protocols with the medical professionals and science giants of the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance"


Dr. Paul Merrick "Prior to co-founding the FLCCC, Dr. Marik was best known for his revolutionary work in developing a lifesaving protocol for sepsis, a condition that causes more than 250,000 deaths yearly in the U.S. alone. Dr. Marik is an accomplished physician with special knowledge in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Pharmacology, Anesthesia, Nutrition, and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is a former tenured Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) in Norfolk, Virginia."


**** STEMI Heart Attack

"An ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a type of heart attack that mainly affects your heart’s lower chambers. They are named for how they change the appearance of your heart’s electrical activity on a certain type of diagnostic test. STEMIs tend to be more severe and dangerous compared to other types of heart attack." -- source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22068-stemi-heart-attack

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Another nurse, this one in South Africa, reports something substantially similar:

Whistleblower l Nurse reveals C19 patient mistreatment and vaccine injuries


TrialSite News

August 7, 2022


"In this first episode of Whistleblower, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed speaks with a veteran registered nurse who has chosen to speak out because she believe medical practices "are killing people" and "we need to save lives". To protect patients, 'Susan' shares harrowing experiences of C19 patient trauma and post jab injuries including heart attacks, brain damage and death. According to Susan, 300 C19 patients who died could have been saved had the hospital changed their protocols and avoided drugs like Midazolam. Adding to the impact, is the targeting and victimisation of staff who dare to speak out for their patients."


SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Susan, how many of these patients do you think would have survived if they'd used other types of protocols, other types of treatments and other types of regimen that didn't for example include proning? Of the 300 that you said passed away, how many of them do you estimate would have survived with a different treatment, different approach, different regimen?

SUSAN: Know what? We would have got all of them out. We would have. Because they were all basically severe pneumonias. They just needed the right treatment, like we used to treat pneumonias all the years in ICU.

And the biggest mistake was the ventilation. Because once they were ventilated, they had to be sedated, and when they sedated, that is when everything just went boomeranging gone.

SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Did any of the families challenge the hospital management, you know, the directors, the shareholders, the staff, ask questions, talk about any legal action, anything of the sort?

SUSAN: No, they never mentioned it because the fact that they were told no autopsy can be done, they knew if they couldn't do an autopsy they never had a case.

SHABNAM PALESA MOHAMED: Is that still the case 5 to 6 months later you haven't had any corona virus patients, are autopsies still disallowed at the hospital?

SUSAN: They don't talk about autopsies anymore because now we've had a few cases now like I was looking, I watched when the patient is admitted from the emergency room, so I know exactly who's vaccinated and who's not because I write it in my notebook I have in my pocket. And now recently everybody that's getting sick is fully vaccinated.



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Yet one more-- another similar story from veteran pulmonary nurse Albert Spence, testifying before the South Carolina State Senate in September 2021.


Original was uploaded to YT and removed by YT.



Nurse Albert Spence Testifies Before South Carolina State Senate: Covid Policy Was Killing Patients

"Let me just tell you guys, if I get sick, I am not going to the hospital!"

COMMENT: It's a long and gruesome testimony but if you can read one, in my opinion, this is the one.

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This makes a lot of sense. I had the Alpha strain in January 2020. I battled a bad cough and shortness of breath for a couple of weeks. Something I’d never before experienced. Was given azithromycin and in less than two days was feeling markedly better. Never understood why an antibiotic would work such wonders on a virus.

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I had that exact same experience, treatment, and outcome. Never heard of an antibiotic curing a virus. We were lied to and many of us murdered. There will be hell to pay for this in this life and or the next one. Either way justice will be served.

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Very timely, I have included this in my own article of today "Chronic Stress/Fear Increases Susceptibility to Potentially Lethal Infections" https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/chronic-stressfear-increases-susceptibility

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Thank you, Gary!!

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This was also true of the REAL epidemic in 1918. At that time influenza was confidently attributed to pneumococcus bacteria, which were ALWAYS abundant in the patients.

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Yep. I almost mentioned 1918 but then just wanted to point my fingers at how sad it is that NOW they are saying, "Oh. So it was that." After three years of driving people crazy with fear and letting so many people pass to negligence and chaos and lack of good care. It is really so sad what we've lived through.

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In 2020 I wrote a report detailing among other items the successful case studies of using Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in Wuhan, in the Winthrop Hospital in Mineola NY small unrandomized trial with patients showing with MRI the day by day clearing of the ground glass opacity in their lungs associated with pulmonary issues. FDA denied EUA in mid 2020 for HBOT despite a 90% success in alleviating the hypoxia.

My report was ignored by my New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, President Nez of the Navajo Nation, Albuquerque Indian Public Health and even President Trump. Sad that we could have rolled out thousands of chambers for saving lives but instead did intubated mechanical ventilators with an average 80 plus percent mortality. Look at the 2020 excess mortality for the USA. It was as bad as Hitler culling hundreds of thousands of his own German people prior to WWII. Sickens me our inhumanity.

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Thank you for sticking out, and I am so sorry that they ignored your work!!!

All this carnage is really tragic. And ugly on the part of those who didn't do their part to prevent it. And tragic for all of us because there is so much healing that needs to be done now, in addition to healing the pain that already existed in 2020!

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Forgotten or ignored? The Great Influenza of 1918 had the same phenomenon; death from pneumonia.

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Yep, I wanted to mention 1918 but also wanted to keep it short.

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Your thoughts resonate with me. My question was directed at those PTB (powers that be) who directed the debacle. I highly recommend John Barry's book, The Great Influenza.

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Heard on NPR by a friend:

"during the peak of covid we heard that thousands of people were dying from covid daily, and that was scary, but did you know that thousands of people die every day in the US from a variety of preventable diseases? Over 1,000 die a day from diet related diseased like heart disease and diabetes and related complications."

Propaganda gaslighting at its finest.

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The fear mongering was staggering!!

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After 52 years, I can attest to this. There is no recovery after a loved one is murdered. Especially when your parents were complicit.

Those in denial will remain in denial to their graves. Their brains will not let them go there, will not let that information enter, because they could not withstand the pain. They will remain deaf to that truth to their graves.

The only ones luckier than they are are those who died suddenly & unexpectedly.

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Thank you for putting this into words. My daughter works in ICU as a nurse. I know her heart - she would be devastated beyond belief if she knew what I know.

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I am so sorry for the tragic situation, Penny!!! I hope your daughter finds both the truth and peace in the best, sweetest way for both of you!!

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Our neighbor questions whether her previously healthy 61 year old sister will commit suicide. She was hospitalized with Covid and given the Remdesivir "treatment." Now on dialysis for life. She was so full of joy, ran every day, now cares little about living. They won't consider that it could have been malfeasance on the part of the medical complex, in total denial. God help help her, and us all.

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This is so horrible!! God helps us all.

And I think there is always hope for human beings to see the truth. it's a mystery when and how though!

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End of life is a common time, when there is nothing left to lose & no recourse. Sitting in a sewage-filled foxhole with bombs dropping all around you -- no atheists on foxholes & all that.

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Betrayal by people you were taught to trust is a bitter, bitter pill to swallow.

We should only trust in God. Parents & governments -- all humans-- are potentially open to the satanic principalities.

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My brother died from 'AIDS' and I was rocked to the core from it for months. I think I had a nervous breakdown and had a hard time coming back from it, but I finally did with lots of help. Last year I read Kennedy’s book on Fauci and realized that it was probably the drugs that killed him and not the 'virus'. Plus lack of early treatment thanks to Fauci. But after barely surviving his death the first time I know that I can’t pick up the anger and pain again, but I do understand that he was murdered. Tens of thousands of people were deliberately killed and tens of thousands of surviving family members know who is responsible for it and yet he’s still walking free. I’m not very religious, but I hold on to the hope that Hell is real and one day Fauci will face justice.

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I am so sorry about your brother, Sam!! May he rest in peace.

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It only became known to me last couple of years about HIV and AIDS. It is not proven that HIV causes AIDS or any illness. It was a practise run for today. Back then and probably still now, when they test and find antibodies they say person is HIV positive and needs meds to prevent AIDS. Meds that caused AIDS and killed them. Yet with all other so called diseases if they find antibodies, like after being jabbed, they say you are protected! My research has brought me to the conclusion, as no-one anywhere can actually produce one, is that viruses do not exist, cannot infect anyone or pass to anyone else. It's a great business model, invisible enemy. I'm sorry about your brother, I know someone who died of AIDS too. Check out John Rappoport and Celia Farber stacks. They uncovered the AIDS truth in the 80's.

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Somebody removed post pneumonia treatments, that is antibiotics which was standard in treating people with this condition. Somehow they were taken off the protocols? This Covid plot couldn’t look any more intentional if it tried.

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Two people I know of, relatives of my friends, both working in school/college, were admitted to hospitals in UK with severe pneumonia. A daughter of one flew home from Australia as her mother, early 50s, was so ill. I'm glad to say both were treated by usual methods and recovered. If their illness had occured after the pandemic announced, I am sure they would have died with "covid" protocols. It seems totally ridiculous to me that just because of a "label" doctors used inappropriate protcols rather than treating them with known meds for their symptoms. Happened with so called HIV+ patients, called so as they showed antibodies (doesn't that mean they are protected?) and then put on AZT which gave them AIDS!

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The hospital protocols (and lack of proper treatment) seem to have murdered so many innocent people. I find it one of the most atrocious and unthinkable things among all the atrocious and unthinkable things that happened in the past three years.

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Even one year ago it was still happening in UK. My ex mil, early 80s with dementia but still living at home, fell out of bed and my son went to help her up as even older husband could not do it. She laughed and joked how silly she was. She said she had a bit of an ache in her abdomen so family thought it best if she got checked out iin hospital. They examined her and x-rayed which showed a pelvic hairline crack. They decided to admit her but first she had to be tested and of course it was positive and she had no symptoms at all. She had only been out of her home to be jabbed. Family banned for 10 days. When family admitted, they found her dishevelled, unwashed, hair not brushed and her sedated with morphine. As she came round, she complained of hunger and thirst. I am sure she was left food but if drugged, you don't know it's there and they take it away thinking they don't want it! She was then diagnosed with pneumonia. Family got her out to a hospice where she was much better looked after and no restrictions with visitors so family with her but she died, damage was done. I looked up treatment for hairline pelvic crack and it says painkillers and rest as it will heal on it's own. If I had been informed, I would have said keep away from hospital! Very early on in the plandemic another old lady who had fallen and broken her wrist was also admitted, they said she contracted covid there and died. With these claims, it sure scared the public into thinking it was a killer virus. I was admin staff at the hospital where my mil was, worked off the stroke ward. Things have been bad for many years. Patients crying out for help and being totally ignored by nurses as they all stood round main desk gossiping, paralysed patients given baked potato with cheese, plastic cutlery and only one hand to try to eat it. I left because it was so depressing.

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Do you follow Brian Mowrey? He has been saying this for years.

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No, I don't know him, I'll check him out!

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So early treatment always had antibiotics. Brody protocol was early one.

Question was Cytokine storm/ bradycardia a side track?

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They are trolling people now...

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"Iatrogenic deaths" yet again. Hospital staff are run ragged by business managers everywhere. Things are so much worse than they used to be, worse than in many other countries I have visited, and there is impatience, denial and blaming the victim as the institutional response to valid complaints and concerns.

The wrong people are in command of the system.

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I didn't enjoy clicking "like." it was meant for you, not for the shameful thing you are accurately describing!!

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An additional aspect is that mechanical ventilation wasn't even needed anyway in most or all cases of COVID pneumonia. I remember Dr. McCullough writing early in the pandemic that "COVID pneumonia" was not pneumonia in the traditional sense. The oxygen exchange in te lungs was not the problem. It was a metabolic effect from COVID, affecting the ability of the patient's blood to make use of the oxygen. I remember him saying that it was akin to altitude sickness. That's what I remember him writing in early to mid 2020. I don't know if that finding changed later.

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There was a study in the early 2000's with Fauci as an author that looked at autopsies from the so called Spanish Flu. Apparently most of the people died from bacterial pneumonia not the flu.

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