God bless people like Dr. Day!

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Amen to that!

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Double amen!

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Thank You, Sasha. I am getting a cramp in my clicking-likes finger from all of the kind comments here. A lot of people just subscribed, too.

We all have work, the same work, to do, helping people to become aware that they are being fired-upon in a war, which is against them.

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Thank you for this presentation of yours:

"Lara Logan & Sasha Latypova on DoD vaxx coverup w/ FDA theater"


I'd already read your related substack post (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their). For some reason, I had previously glazed over all the detailed documentation in that posting. But while watching your presentation I paid more attention, this time.

I love your observation at the end of the posting that there would be no adverse events and deaths and the product would look perfectly cGMP compliant, had they just used saline and skipped the whole depopulation scam operation. COVID would have gone away on its own, and these demons would have looked like s/heroes.

Reality has sadly been otherwise, of course.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

The fasco-Marxist, amoral left is too stupid, too arrogant, and too evil to understand this, but this story is *precisely* why these vile leftists, WEF/Soros/Biden lackeys will lose, for arrogance, paired with stupidity and compounded with evil *can* never win this battle, by the very nature of the universe and its God. To wit: Adolf Hitler.

So have at it Pfizer, et al. You literally have no soul now, and are in a type of Hell, with a literal Hell awaiting you... and for which you are much deserving.

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Oh my... I'm going to get vain now. What have you done!


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It's all you. Thank you again, John, both for your courage and for the interview!

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Now that I can respond to you, how I wish you were in charge of medicine instead of the cabal. Thanks for this interview.

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God bless you Dr. Day. You are the epitome of what a doctor should be. I wish you were mine.

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I am hopeful to soon be practicing medicine again. The wheels are grinding slowly.

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I will pray for that, dear healer.

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Thank You, Sister.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

LOL. And to think we were chatting earlier today about climbing Mt. Fuji, fishing under its slopes, and Yokohama International School on Sasha's page. It took me a few minutes to match the name with the face. Nice to 'meet' you face-to-face, John.

It appears that you, Tessa, and myself have come to similar conclusions about fundamental human psychology ... particularly how our collective cleverness has outstripped our collective wisdom.

Maybe 'the great filter' that solves the Fermi Paradox?

Well, we 'herd primates' will not be the first (or probably he last) species to have self-destruction built into our genes. But crows are cool too. And belugas. Yes, I like belugas. 😂

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"...our collective cleverness has outstripped our collective wisdom." Amen to that.

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We thank you.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

An awful-awesome wail! 🤩 Completes the exceptionally extraordinary person's Gestalt just beautifully 👌

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What a sweetheart, this guy!

And thank you Tessa Lena also for your story about the Soviet death-ploy (threat of death in brutally subfreezing winter weather of entire families to force compliance of any bystanders or witnesses to atrocity who might otherwise want to push back).

As ridiculous and painful as COVID-ClownWorld has been (continues to be, actually), it is easy for us to forget that distant history had brought down much, much, MUCH heavier tests of integrity onto the shoulders of so-called average and not-so-average people. For me, Dr. Day's example of courage and strength of spirit under fire has shown not only that it didn't have to go the way it has with so many who decided it was somehow okay to be 'good Germans' this time around and sell us out, but that maybe there really is a way to forgive and move on with our lives, for those of us who've been attacked for not complying. He is moving on with his life.

I was not going to comply, either way, with the killshot, and it's encouraging to remember that nobody put an actual gun to my head on this one. I just lost a lot of friends and my career and have been dealing with the resulting isolation. So far, I'm still alive and with my integrity intact. And that's the point.

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John really is just a beautiful soul. We all wish that if we ever need a doctor, we have a doctor of such integrity.

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Brek, extra hugs to you, and thank you for your courage!!

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Go Breck! Have you discovered your next assignment inn life yet?

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As the Palestinians say: "Existence is Resistance."

I am focused on staying alive. The symptoms of blood cancer (CLL) hit exactly when the COVID bioweapon was unleashed on the populace. (Talk about confusing!) And as I had been the poster boy for clean living since teenage years, this just didn't make sense to me as any sort of "fated" outcome. (In other words, I don't think that this was necessarily my destiny.)

Meanwhile, the fight for ALL our lives continues! The clowns behind COVID-ClownWorld are not taking a day off. We need to remain vigilant:


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Sending you big hugs and prayers for healing!

And yes, we need to remain vigilant, indeed!

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Brek, my husband has had CLL for almost 20 years. When he was diagnosed, the oncologist had nothing to offer, saying "when you become symptomatic, let us know and we'll start you on chemotherapy." He walked out and never looked back.

One of the main therapies that helped him lower his WBC was to chelate the heavy metals that had accumulated in his body from being back at work three days after 9/11, two blocks from ground zero -- mercury, lead, cadmium, etc. He also had his mercury fillings removed.

I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through so much in the past few years. May you find healing!

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you, Mary.

I was already thinking of chelation therapy for other reasons (exposure to the current "bivalent" super-spreaders in public situations where I cannot avoid their sold-out behinds). Your suggestion encourages me to follow through with EDTA, if I can line up an infusion situation. (I already ordered a topical version of EDTA, which apparently has become very popular for the anti-super-spreader purpose, because it's on back order. I also had my mercury-silver amalgams removed in the '80s, so on that score I have been way ahead of the curve.)

I, too, have no patience for death-care 'medicine' and will not consent to the toxic mess they offer. I've witnessed up close the damage that it does...my wife passed away from their iatrogenic death care, many years ago.

Yeah, my story only gets worse if I continue telling it, so I'll stop there.

But the main point is I am grateful to Dr. Day for helping me see, by his example, that it is still possible to find bright spots amongst all the gloom continually dumped on those of us who feel an obligation to point out what's really going on around us.

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Sounds like you have had more than your fair share of pain and challenge. May more and more bright spots surround you!

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Heroes among us.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for posting Tessa - Dr. Day is a true Health Freedom Warrior. May GOD continue to bless him with all good things. This is spiritual warfare but what the evil cabal don't know is that our GOD lives in the Light of TRUTH ...

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The medical profession has been raped by Wall Street, big Banks, shareholders, patent royalties ... etc. At the helm, grifters who call themselves 'philanthropists', like Gates, Soros ... Klaus and all the pimps they have in their pockets, who have billions of prostitutes feeding from our healthy bodies. The food industry is also imbedded in this web. The FDA approves millions of products which have carcinogens and toxic chemicals. Make no mistake my friends, and I say that because you are listening, this is a revolution we are experiencing ... a turning point in history. Thank you Tessa, and to all the brave strangers who have come into my life. I was injured by a jab, when I was little; 3 months I laid in bed without being able to move from pericarditis; prior to that I was a health dynamic child, my daughter was injured by a jab, against my INSTINCTS, my grandson was injured by a jab; that's where we STOPPED! I'm not alone anymore. ( ' Vaccines are a lie; it's always herd immunity. From the Bubonic Plague, to the Spanish Flu, it was always herd immunity. They did thousands of studies, from autopsies, and found that is was our DNA which determined who survived. Like Biology 101, nature is brutal but fair. No matter what they say, it's survival of the fittest aka natural selection. Scientists were baffled, at how during the Black Plague, which wiped out a 3rd of Europe, some got violently ill, but survived, some died within 48 hours, and some never had a single symptom. These people were living in close quarters; all of them in the same room. How could that be? So they dug up the bodied, and studied the blood of the deceased, and found that the DNA of both parents, did not carry the immunities necessary to survive this plague. Then they studied the blood of those who got violently ill but survived, and discovered they carried the DNA of one parent, which carried immunity ... get my drift. Those who had no symptoms, carried the DNA from both parents with immunities and therefore were completely protected. This is not a bloody a conspiracy theory; I'm not a medical student or in anyway related to this field; I read and read and read! I am also the daughter of a scientist, so I grew up learning that science is questioning, not obeying. All these 'so called health experts', who have been spewing this 'Follow the Science' narrative, are a bunch of grifters.

Be well.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

💬 science is questioning, not obeying 🔥

🗨 What is right or wrong to do is never “The Science.” Which is why you must never follow “The Science”. You must do good and not do bad.

(h/t hon’ble Sgt Briggs --> https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/43906/ & https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/42048/) <-- lucid—and remarkably witty!—writing at its shining best 🤩)

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Keep your vitamin-D level up and eat fresh vegetables, too, Sister Alexandra.

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Yes, thank you! Sunlight and nourishment; which they did not advice, not once. Thank you for your courage.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, thank you for introducing us to Dr. Jay. There are many many stories of people like us, previously employed in the healthcare "industry" or in other occupations that were terminated for non-compliance. One of the built in excuses that my employer used to distance itself from the decision to terminate me was that medicare/medicade would not pay for services provided by non-injected health care professionals. I was wondering if anybody knows if that requirement is still in effect.

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Capt. Coleslaw, I am sorry you had to deal with this nonsense!! So abusive.

I don't know about that requirement. What state is it in, or was it a federal one?

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Abusive lol? That's putting it mildly. Totally fucking despicable. The hardest part for me was the first year-2020. I had acquired some nasty bug in January (covid? who knows) and was out of work for a couple of days. We had no instances of patients testing positive for all of 2020 but yet patients/residents were restricted to window visits from family. That experience will live in my mind forever and we should all never forget the countless variety of abuses especially to the elderly that were "mandated" during this period. I am naturally an extremely observant person and that ability has always played an important role in my skills as an Occupational Therapist. The deaths and cognitive and physio/neurological decline that ensued after the jabs rolled out is a whole other nightmare I witnessed. Anyway, I'm in Maine and I dug this up after a little search.https://www.cms.gov/files/document/cms-omnibus-covid-19-health-care-staff-vaccination-requirements-2021.pdf

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I believe Medicare/Medicaid cuts funding to hospitals if a certain percentage of their employees are not jabbed (they’ve done this with flu shots for years).

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Yes, I knew about the percentage thing for flu shots in years past that's why there was always a push for them. In the years prior to 2020 they had been making it increasingly more difficult to opt out of the flu shot. But now, my understanding is that the percentage for experimental injections is 100% or you are terminated. They allow no waivers, either spiritually or medically in my state. Ethics are a thing of the past. The idea of wellness and looking at the human body as a whole, physically, spiritually, mentally, cognitively, nutritionally and how each of these interelates is also a thing of the past in health care settings. Both for patients and caregivers. How the hell can I educate on wellness if I am not allowed to practice it on myself likewise the patient can not make informed decisions that clash with what pharma and their advocates push. I'm ranting.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Phenomenal interview ! My two favorites together, Dr. John Day and Tessa Lena! As a foreigner in Chile for many years, trying to understand the place, the people, etc this conversation blew me away! Love you guys

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I had not heard of this Dr. before. Great interview.

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Thank you, and yes, John is just wonderful!

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

'Go down gardening.' — reminds me of a great movie and book, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078841/.

Simple, but complicated 'phase shift' as the atrocity is happening.

Yep, this is now reading like Lobaczewski's ''Political Ponerology'' ...


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Even a summary of Political Ponerology, or an article abut it, is useful.

It's happening.

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Indeed. I haven't read Desmet directly yet, and had hoped to do a compare/contrast with Lobaczewski, but pressed for time, I might just triangulate what I am getting out of Ponerology with what I've observed as a permanent gaijin to Japanese institutions. Margaret Anna Alice is looking forward to a summary because it is on her list of must-reads that she will never have enough time for.

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Praying for Dr Day, a hero.

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Prayers appreciated.

"God bless us, every one." tiny Tim

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Much thanks Tessa.

Forwarding your post directly to 'private' Fakebook links.

Cheers from Japan!


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Thank you Steve!! Cheers from New York :)

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And an infinite exchange of thanks to you Tessa.

While listening, I just realized that 'federal oversight' has become a euphemism for 'corporate capture'.

Great guest. Good man. Good human.

Both of you. 🥰

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Thank you, Steve!! You are warming my heart. :)

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I love learning about the courageous people who are out there, Tessa. Glad you found this doc. Great story about human curiosity and caring and its contrast to institutional curiosity and caring. Since I spent considerable time in Russia (1992 - 95), with real people, I like how you intersperse your upbringing and experience in these interviews. The vast majority, 99.999%, of Americans have either no clue about the former Soviet Union, Marxism, or the culture we are breeding or they choose to avert their eyes, lose their minds, change to the channel to the familiar. Personally, I believe it is more the later. Thank you for being you, Tessa.

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Thank you, Corey!! And wow, where in Russia did you live?

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa for introducing us to Dr. Day. People like him and you provide a great resource in our never ending search for truth.

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Excellent. Thanks to both of you.

A very simple yet effective telling of a story of unmitigated treachery that is ramping up daily. I see the new Speaker of the House is a WEF graduate. That should bode well for all of us.

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Is there a fund where we can donate to this hero and possibly other doctors who are ethical concerning Covid?

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Thank You for the fine intention, Carol.

The Divine will guide you to who you can help.

I'm sure of it.

You have helped me already, with your intention.

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