If people like Hancock want us to die with dignity, why don't they ever, ever, ever live with dignity?

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Apr 30Liked by Tessa Lena

That is too much to ask of someone who can’t even pick his suit size.

He evidently outgrew his role…

He should be long behind bars, yet he still has an audience…

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...or set an example and lead the way? Seriously, you never find them eating ze bugs or killing themselves to free up the planet or anything.

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Thank you for exposing these .... these ... I don't even know what to call them anymore, Tessa.

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When I was writing a long article about the push for euthanasia, I nearly threw up, physically.. It was the hardest article to write.

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Every single path into massive population-reduction and weakening of the political power of "citizens" will be carried out and carried out and pushed, finding the paths of least resistance, like an advancing army against exhausted defenders.


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Murderous hypocrites? I agree, it lacks punch.

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Re: "to induce a compassion-rerouting spell."

You're onto something mammoth, Tessa.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Author

Thank you, Transcriber B! That is all they are doing, that is how they convince good, well-intended people to accept and encourage horrible things, by hijacking the natural sense of compassion and rerouting! For example, I talked to a friend of many years who went in the direction of supporting mandates. A brilliant, compassionate person he is. And he felt that because COVID was so bad, and "vaccines" were such a great preventative measures, mandates were human and noble. So in his mind, he was the "good guy,? and the antivaxxers needed to be protected from. And that is how the metaphorical vampires trick good people!! It is the job of each person to work through it, throw out the distortion, and be vigilant in disallowing further tricks! And because they are full of tricks, vigilance against them is a job that is always there!

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Yes! The mandates were an astounding stupidty on mutliple levels, but I know, I have friends who bought that Jab Crow shale, and they consider themselves fine, upstanding, and very compassionate people (and I have heard them expound on the "selfishness" of the unjabbed, etc & etc). They've had on average 5 - 6 jabs by now, some even more. I have some nice memories of our times together, but they weren't the people I thought they were, and they aren't the people they seem to think they are, either. One reason I pay attention to your words and your music, dear Tessa, is that I can see that you can see with the heart. That is not at all what these supposedly "compassionate" people are doing— quite the contrary. Their hearts, beautiful as they may be, are trembling behind an iron door, which is slammed closed. So it seems to me that the "compassion-rerouting spell" works by addressing not a person's heart, but saying it's for the heart when it is in fact an appeal to vanity.

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This was posted on Stevie Toth's fb page. Observation ostensibly from Michael Crichton (Andromeda Strain, Jurassic Park).

What makes you think human beings are sentient and aware? There's no evidence for it. Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told-and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists.

Any other view of our species is just a self-congratulatory delusion. Next question. ~Michael Crichton

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Apr 30Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for helping to make more people aware. There really is evil in this world.

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“I believe that taking one’s life is a very bad idea no matter the suffering because, based on my understanding of how things work, trying to leave this world before one’s time puts the soul in a limbo with no place to go, which, to the best of my understanding, is more unpleasant than any suffering one can feel here.”

Thanks for this. I have a sister who is going through this right now. She has fully bought into the current narrative. She just found out she has ovarian cancer, quite possibly enhanced by the jabs(Sv40)etc. she now says she wants to get euthanized!

I feel totally helpless in trying to reach out. When I talk to her it’s like talking to a ghost from my past-she moved away from home as a teenager and rarely visits or communicates with me.

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I had ovarian cancer a few years ago. I had a huge tumor removed and a hysterectomy. Life goes ON after cancer and it is NOT a “death sentence”!

Wake up humanity! ✝️🌞🕊️🙌✝️✝️

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It’s a kind of karma on the deepest level to go through it, learn from it, and go beyond it. The soul is eternal.

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hola, tessa.

the manner of your presentation is eloquent and connected a dot with austin-fitts's point that the financial structure doesn't support the volume of [strikeout] livestock [/strikeout] people being artificially kept alive. in my economics debunked studies in the early 2000s it became clear to me that gdp was improved by keeping sick people alive because more gdp measurable activity is present that way. and even creating sickness is a positive benefit for greater gdp. for example, someone dies in a car accident is far less valuable to gdp than someone being made quadriplegic and kept alive. hence the huge push, imo, to keep everyone artificially alive out of 'compassion' regardless their condition. at the time i saw clearly that that compassion was a lie used to transfer wealth to ... well, your current jargon is vampires. (all those stories of american families going bankrupt etc.) now i'm not saying that we don't do our best to keep people alive and yet... there is some kind of balance there between crazily killing people who are no longer fit to live even if their bodies are still reasonably healthy, and crazily keeping people alive in bodies that are no longer able to support being alive.

something has shifted from on high! now it is compassionate to kill people before they are dead. hmmmm. and so this, in my way of looking at it, is in line and complementary with your vampire analogy and austin-fitts's economic argument. it suggests that the monetary requirements and benefits to the vampires has shifted: the monetary benefits of stimulating gdp by over-medicating/treating people made profitably sick in various ways has now become less beneficial to the them financially profiting from having created the sickness and extending life than creating the sickness and terminating life. in both cases, the life-energy benefits to vampires is seen by them as a 'good', i'm sure. vampirism actually reflects, in a weird way, how the bad stuff is often the biggest positive measure of gdp.

back when i was actually in an economics programme at university, i explained to one of the masters students who was ta-ing the course about how hurtful to society is using the harmful nature of clear negatives to society (sickness, disaster, accidents) as positive measures of gdp. 'yes,' he agreed, 'i used to think that too. now i don't.'

an interesting look at the 'evil' nature of gdp as a measure of positive measure of social health is in the interesting exploration called 'Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics'. https://youtu.be/WS2nkr9q0VU?si=DB7JCa5_mNAUodlr

muchas gracias!

p.s.: small typo.

'... less convincing *that* Greta .... ' that —> than'

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"In some countries, it is legal to euthanize kids."

Of course it is: if you first make it legal to kill a fetus just on the say-so of the woman, why not after it's born too?

Ideas-wise, euthanasia does not come from any sentiment of mercy or anything like that; the idea originates with the eugenics-movement in the UK and US in the late 19th century, a movement which was funded and run by capitalist industrialists, bankers, futurists and which saw the founding of Mensa and inspired and informed the german national socialist party in their racial/eugenics-policy.

Since sentiments like "improving the breeding stock of workers" or "keeping the race pure" or "improve humanity" no longer works as selling points, at least not when put in plain language, the exact same sentiments and ideas which informed the nazis have been re-phrased using words like "mercy", "dignity" and so on.

Always parse their words to glean their meaning, not just what it appears that they are saying; treat them as salesmen (not that you need telling I suspect, and the advice obviously applies to my words too).

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Well said

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Apr 30Liked by Tessa Lena

very telling, thank you Luc

"Spot on Andrew. The woeful response reinforces the fact that we have incompetent cowards running our government"

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Even more ghoulish is that they remove the organs from euthanized patients to sell at brain death - but the person is still alive because they're still breathing - what they don't tell you is that they can't remove organs from a truly dead (non-breathing) person, because decomposition starts at real death, making the organs useless.

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May 1Liked by Tessa Lena

Good one 🤩

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Witnessing the suppression of conscience is so weird and sad…

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This is the second article I read on Substack this morning regarding Human "euthanasia." The evils that be must be truly running scared if they are ramping up the overt-murder gambit this early in the game!

As a DVM and farmer, I have performed this "procedure" on animals many times. While I can actually appreciate how some well-meaning people could actually support this, we are seeing now that the "slippery slope" concept is not only being borne out, but that the "slope" is actually a vertical drop off a cliff. Simply put, Human "euthanasia" does not exist in a sane and rational culture, and there are damned good reasons for that. What is striking about the current situation, however, is that we seem to have skipped any sort of period of "normalization" of this concept and rushed straight to the inevitable horror show of extremes. More proof, in my opinion, that these measures are being promoted and pushed not by anyone ACTUALLY well-meaning, but by the leaders of an overt death cult.

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I think you’re on the right on point here. Sounds fishy to me too.

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Physical poison isn't necessary when the monsters control the cultural poison. Machiavelli didn't advise changing the diet of peasants, only changing the rewards and punishments for behavior.

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So good. Thank you for addressing this topic, Tessa. I love your view that "taking ones own life puts you in some sort of limbo" instead of being at peace with what would happen naturally.

It seems to me that all these terminating strategies from conception through old age have been so destructive and against the medical oath that was once kept (what happened to that Hippocratic Oath anyway?). I think society and life would blossom if we would instead give honour and value to every precious living person regardless of their abilities. How we treat the weak is a good measure of the presence of love.

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I don't care so much about dying with dignity. I care about LIVING with dignity. As I age this issue is starting to make me panic. I cared for my mother for almost ten years, before and after her disabling stroke, and her final months in government funded Long Term Care were absolutely horrible because she only had DNR not MAiD. I was forbidden to enter the nursing home to care for her from March 2020 to January 2023 because I refused to poison myself with two doses of the WHO's bioweapon. So she had a 'natural' death in June 2023, rotting from the feet up from scurvy, malnutrition, dehydration, pressure sores and infected skin injuries due to their neglect of her while following those wretched IPAC pandemic control rules from Bill Gates/WHO. If I had been allowed in to provide fresh food, companionship, stimulation, music, memory care and physiotherapy for her as I did daily before Covid lockdown i.e. a life with some dignity and pleasure, I believe she might still be alive. If I could have used Power of Attorney to ask for her to be euthanized with morphine and midazolam in January 2023 when I first saw her appalling condition, I would have. I did everything I could to reverse things but she was too far gone. She wasted away before our eyes day by day for five months and it was torture for her and us. So if it's my turn in ten years or so, and I have no more hope of living with dignity on my terms, am I supposed to just accept living without dignity at the mercy of the sociopaths running the nursing home industry like my mother had to?

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I am so sorry about your mom!! May she rest in peace.

I am sending you hugs. If you have a faith of any sort, play for clarity, and to be guided what to do that brings you dignity. And keep doing it until you know what to do (and then keep doing it anyway modifying your prayer for clarity and guidance on how to be happy and dignified, depending on how you feel.)

If you find it helpful, there are some ideas https://tessa.substack.com/p/dealing-with-uncertainty

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