Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Lol. The FBI agents...

I too ponder these arc and seasons of our lives. I've seen a story about our lives being like the back side of a tapestry; we only see all the knots and loose ends in this life, but when we leave these bodies we will see the other side of it, many thousands of strands of threads in thousands of colors, woven into a beautiful, perfect picture.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Sucked me in with the prose and tricked me into reading poetry. Well done.

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Synchronously, this old post I wrote a few years ago came up again this morning, which strikes me as relevant to the deep themes you so elegantly cover here, especially "mostly a toxic soup, they are not the only poison going around, and the investigation is even more complex. Synthetic biology, geoengineering substances, glyphosate, chemical..." Anyway, here it is:

"A stress filled life. A fear fuelled existence. An addiction to adrenaline. Anxious thoughts, going round and round. The tightening of shoulders. Constrictions on the neck. Body-mind signals being mangled. Panic on the ascendant. Stomach muscles cramp. The gut upset. The bowels also burn, irritated.

The modern workplace. The mountains of work to be done. Bodies static. Fixed in physiologically wrong shapes. For far too long. Posture is not the priority. The hunching of backs. Back to neck pain. A pinch-point. Too much congestion in the tunnel. Too much strain on the superhighways passing through. Nutrient flows between gut and brain now disrupted.

The daily diet. The junk food. The processed chemicals. The gluten and lactose. The sweet, sweet sugar. Feeding the stomach’s stress symptoms. But the body’s needs are unsatisfied. Nourishment for anxieties and depression. But no fuel for brain’s proper functions. Stressful living feeding back to food. The comfort eating. See a serpent swallow its own tail?

A gut unbalanced. Too much sweet, sweet sugar. Too much yeast. Too many man-made chemicals. The H. Pylori. Not enough vital minerals. Amino acids never in abundance. A famine of natural nutrients. An infection. Bad bacteria on the rise. The excessive anti-biotics. The good bacteria on the decline. Mal-absorption of already only negligible nutrients.

Allergens in the air. Toxins in the water. Poison in the ground. The impossible plants made real. Effects unknown. Outcomes unobserved. The Great Experiment of the human race. The Natural World overflows with Un-naturals. New enviroments external to our evolution. The immune system put to the test. Straining whole systems of body’s biology. Permanent pressures to survive in this self-made storm.

The penultimate blow: one to the neck. An injury on the kinetic chain. The foot. The knee. The hip. The back. The shoulder. The neck itself. The jaw. Anywhere’ll do. Panic stations: permanent postural damage. A bona fide Bottle-Neck. More disruption to brain’s nutritional flow. Neurons mis-fire. Cells begin to die. No escape for their excesses and excreta. Toxins build and build. The grey matter perishes. The stressful cycle turns more vicious. A plethora of physical pain. More anx. More mental anguish.

The nail in the coffin is now hammered home! Healthcare and biological sciences systems centred on specialism. The myopic focus. The short sighted thinking. The Whole Picture unseen. This panoramic perspective not taken. Neuros only seeing the neurodegeneration. Announce “it’s brain disease!!!”. Musclo-skeletal experts eye-up the injury. Maintaining “but the brain rot is unrelated”. Scientists focussed on latest pet theory. “Ah ha! Its all in the stomach!” … this time.

Systemic syndromes misdiagnosed as definite disease.

Its a tragedy-comedy in the final act.

A series of unfortunate events.

The chronic illnesses of our age.

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This is one of those posts that suck because it's so good. I cannot even finish it. Maybe tomorrow. I'm sorry for all the struggles you and everyone have been through. Regrets are painful and I have way too many of them.

Blessings to you Tessa

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Relationships are temporal and if you're honest, hurt, tear

something out.

A woman deserves better than Relationships.

A good marriage, no family for several years or all time.

But a good marriage needs freedom, to be, be your own self.

We'll all do offensive things; knowing it's 2 way and drop it.

It is a long road and so many people are 'shut up', 'blocked'

and so many can't/won't take our reasonable complaints.

Let's make sure we are OK with it.

My mate and I have saved each other many times,

had wonderful times, and some harsh times, often

misunderstanding, too fast.

Women have a lot of mystery, power to a man.

Knowing that, using it wisely.

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Thank you Tessa for the story and poems!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

This really touched me. It's difficult to witness, to experience some things, to grieve...Life can bring deep pain. Also, unmeasurable gratitude. Personally, I've noticed when looking back in my life to previously very difficult painful experiences before these past few years, that I now have a different perspective. It is as though those experiences were training for what was to come. Even an emotionally abusive relationship I feel has been a survival course of sorts. What I used to weep with pain over, I've noticed myself weeping with gratitude over. Also gratitude for the awareness of the new perspective. A forgiveness (or discovery), but not forgetting. That would erase any learning/ purpose of it all. Reading what you wrote really made me deeply contemplate. Thank you! 🙏

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you so much for this, Tessa. I have just returned from a disappointing evening, feeling clumsy and rejected, wanting to cry but waiting out of necessity, feeling so sad for the man I love who will never love me as a woman, half a world away and lonely, and this was just the jolt of perspective I needed.

Sending love.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

As Garth Brooks sings, “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”. So true. So very true!

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, if you were here, I would give you a big hug. Many blessing to you.

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Wow you are the storyteller tonight! Thank you so much. The poems were great, too.

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prions came

and they tore the veil

but I found in hell

my heart and soul

and the strength to help

walk thru the abyss

with the light in my heart

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Hard stories, Tessa. Thank you for letting us hold them with you. Any lessons are left for God to figure out.

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Love the FBI poem - almost made me spew my coffee! Thanks, as always, for the thought-provoking posts!

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