Aug 7, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

My kinda people!!!! 🙏🏻👍 Can they come over to North America to give us some lessons?

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Aug 9, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

The way they are implementing it here in the US is more insidious. By strong arming private business and going piecemeal, major cities first, they slowly boil the frog. Once a critical mass has been coerced or willingly accepts the shots, the remaining minority will be heavily outnumbered. I really hope we wake up before that. Although I imagine such protests here won’t be treated as nicely as BLM last year. Think Jan 6th.

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The mountains of video taken of the encounters with police show evidence that not all of BLM police violence was a put on.

There were an abundance of bad actors from different quarters including agents provocateur.

That said I agree with your other statements and have the same concerns. Jan. 6th had the telltale signs of a false flag, just as the alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer did.

We need to understand we're being played against each other and unite. Just as France, England, and others are.


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Aug 8, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Westcoastjan, you and Tessa sure are my kind of people! For starters, sending this to North Americans is remedial because I am certain many are information hypoxic.

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Aug 8, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

So wonderful!!! While here in Amerika "thought leaders" are firing up the scapegoating, dehumanizing and mob mentality. Which is of course ironic given how ineffective the vx are proving to be with no difference in transmission from vx'd vs unvx'd nor in those hospitalized.

See also fantastic essay https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/mob-morality-and-the-unvaxxed

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Aug 9, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I’m glad that so many people are choosing to reject the endless propaganda they are receiving. Jung likes to focus on the dark side of human nature but maybe there is a side of us that wants to be free. Maybe we don’t have to displace our anger but aim it at the correct targets. The world has been subject to the most extensive propaganda exercise in history. It’s awesome so many of us aren’t psychotic

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This is a powerful rebuke of the narrative and a public revocation of consent.

This video looks specifically at how elites use repetitive waves of crisis & confusion to create cognitive dissonance, to which they offer relief with a mass delusion, like Life will be normal...

(After The Donald is gone, after everybody gets the v-word, insert next mass-hypnotic-command)

It is a Jungian how-to video on Totalitarianism, which is not yet an AI-Censorship word.


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This is such a superb video, John. Thanks so much. I am sending it far and wide. Cat

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Right On, Sister!

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Wow, this is so good to see. I just had two such experiences within the last few days with jab'd folks, one with a small group of long-term friends and the other with a stranger outside a coffee joint.

"What this really is.....deep down, it's a test......" said I to the stranger, not finishing my sentence.

"Yes! A test of our humanity." said he. "Are we going to love one another and respect everyones' choices regardless of our fears? Or are we going to give in to our fears, slip into judgmental hate and thereby create a new class of outcasts, millions upon millions of them, through shunning and denied access to any and all in-person social environments?"

The stark, frightening reality here is that the fate of the unjab'd are now (or soon will be) in the hands of the jab'd. In order to prevent this nightmare essentially everyone who is not self-employed will have to take a stand against these "mandates" (which are, in truth, no stronger than a house of cards or that fabric curtain that the Wizard of Oz bloviates behind).

My life (along with countless others out there) is in your hands, dear jab'd people. I understand that I have made a choice that you do not understand. You have made a choice I do not understand. You feel that my choice threatens you. I feel that your choice threatens me. Given my values, I can only respect your choice and leave it at that in the interest of simple human decency. I can only hope you are able to do the same and not join the ranks of those who feel that I should be punished, shunned, and made into a social outcast for daring to think for myself and choose as I see fit.

I also understand that in order for you to stand for my right to make my own choice you must contend with and overcome your fear of death, of others' disapproval, of becoming destitute yourself, and so allow me to exist socially alongside you as you know basic human need requires.

I cannot prove to you that I am not a threat to you, nor can you prove to me that I am a threat to you.

So here we are then, face to face, together in this moment of dark uncertainty with what we both feel are grave consequences hanging over our heads. The only real difference is that my choice has a less than 1% chance of killing you, while your choice, given sufficient time, has a 100% chance of killing me because any human social environment where my body and mind are considered property of others subject to their control is going to be highly toxic and deadly to my health and well-being.

My neck is on the chopping block and you hold the axe. Standing behind you, jeering at me with contempt and derision while yelling at you to bring it swiftly down are minds that will shape the future of humanity. And along with it dictate to you your place within it. It will be a global social system designed and created by, and for, murderers such as yourself should you choose to bring down the axe. This "new" system— no doubt presenting itself as “enlightened”— cannot, and will not, be anything other than this.

So never mind them. In this moment, you can’t help but see yourself clearly. Here is where you decide what you are. I know that you are not a killer robot only doing what it’s programmed to do. You are a human being with a mind of its’ own. Drop the axe on the ground and put your head next to mine.

My neck is your neck, is all our necks.

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a day a week of spending no money by all citizens globally until they get the message is about the only way i can think of that will wake their sorry asses up

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Devvy Kidd writes an analogous article that appears to cover the basics of the topic here, whether her thesis has merit here requires a little heavy lifting but nonetheless is in my opinion a worthwhile read....https://newswithviews.com/covid-19-the-canadian-the-walk-outs/

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