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Of course they don't work. They were never meant to 'work' if what you mean by work is stop anyone ever getting sick with covid and prevent anyone ever dying from covid.

Were they now?

They only start up your immune system. I keep saying that to try to get the message out to those who don't seem to understand it. (please excuse my using your post as a platform, I grab any opportunity).

And that is simply supposed to 'increase your chances'. Not guarantee anything.

And the vaccine is doing nothing - your immune system is supposed to do it.

They cunningly twisted the narrative to make people think vaccines themselves are doing something and therefore the more vaccines the better... like more pain killers or something..

But it is not true.

And the 'increase in chances' was only ever 0.1% on Pfizer's own figures.


How many people do you think realise they're lining up for a possible 0.1% improvement on their chances?

By using an untested, unproven substance with it's own risks and dangers?

I'll bet very few.

And now it turns out they don't even do what they advertised they'd do.

And now it turns out their dangers are very real and growing all the time as we learn more.

People should, I think, be informed, educated and strongly encouraged to avoid the vaccines.

Yes, you're absolutely right: no basis in reality.

The reality, why can't everyone see it? is that governments are NOT trying to help.

That is very, very obvious because of two things:

. Total lack over two years of any offer of any education or help.

. Gratuitous prohibition of use of a freely available anti-viral.

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Tell it, arthur :-)

Do you have a source for that 0.1% figure? I haven’t come across that yet.

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It was a sleight of hand. The difference between ARR and RRR.

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Thank you for bringing up the difference between ARR and RRR. Malone posted a lot about it.

Here is a link that I found off the top of my head.

"Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines".


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Thanks for the link, Tessa!

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Sorry that was flippant. I’ll try to find a link.

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I can’t find it anymore. Basically there two ways to calculate vaccine efficacy. I think it’s absolute risk reduction (ARR) and relative risk reduction (RRR). *please don’t take me to task on any of this. I’m just going by memory.* So there’s a number that is the chance of getting Covid - it’s pretty small as we know, so you multiply that number the ARR which for the Pfizer vaccine was touted at 95% or something (dubious to begin with) to get the RRR. The resulting number is very small. Eg .5% change of getting it x by 95% = 0.475%. The RRR and the effectiveness of a vaccine at protecting you is greatly reduced. You can see how this produces a .025% benefit from taking a vaccine. Does that make any sense? There’s a great video floating around out there by some female doctor. I just can’t seem to find it presently.

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Fascinating, and that’s pretty good just going from memory!

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Oh, but I forgot, you’re “stupid” 😆

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It’s a bit mean isn’t it when your own mother calls you stupid? But that’s how they were brought up - cold and loveless and it’s not their fault. As Tessa would probably say - they have their ghosts. Your blog is excellent and your “Letter to a Tyrant” was great. If I had any money I’d give you some. You’ll have to settle for my praise for now. It’s a pale substitute for cash I know … sorry.

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I am so sorry, it must hurt!! I am sure your mother is just being insensitive because she worries about you, so it is rooted in love, filtered through the ghosts (as you mentioned).

I came to believe that likely, one of the big existential tasks of our times is to transcend the trauma given to us to our parents (who in most cases are giving it enthusiastically and with the best of intentions), grow bigger than our trauma, scare our trauma away, and from that place, love love love our parents and forgive them for acting sometimes not very wisely due to trauma of their own. It is a very difficult process and requires finding ways to let out pain and frustration in a productive way as one is working through the difficulty of it. But I think that is our way out, at least one of the ways.

And many hugs to you!!!! Many many hugs. You are a beautiful soul.

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It is indeed cruel, but you are coping with it in a loving, forgiving way, so that’s the best way to approach it, especially considering you’ll haver to live with them ;-)

So glad you enjoyed it, and I’m perfectly content with praise 😆 I’d feel guilty taking money from you under your circumstances, anyway.

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Oh, I didn’t take it that way. I just found it intriguing.

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