It's 05.00 in the morning and I can't sleep. It's hot and there's an insect bite on my leg bugging me. I'm drinking redbush tea and contemplating what the horrible ones are cooking up next to extract my joy for their stockpile and checking what's around, I see your post. Thankyou. I feel hugely strong and generally cheerful through it all and I know they can't drag me down no matter what they do. It is good to hear from those who have awakened from The Lie and whose spirit is strong. Take care.
I enjoyed your comment. I'm glad you found Tessa's post. I think this community has kept us all afloat at one time or another, helping us not sink too far into "what the horrible ones are cooking up". Take good care. 💜
“The truth shall set you free” has profound depth of meaning.
Truth is more than fact; truth is THE living reality, and is tightly interwoven with beauty and goodness to form the fabric of Love — not selfish human love but the Divine Love upon which all of reality is founded.
Seeking truth is more than pursuing fact, it is the continuous effort to integrate the Divine Love into your life at a fundamental, foundational level.
Each of us has the potential to serve as a conduit, a channel, of the Divine Love. To so serve is entirely voluntary and its consequence is to integrate each into reality in such a way that they may be possessed of eternal life. Not life on earth, obviously, but life in a greater reality.
This eternal life is real, but God wants only volunteers, never conscripts. The truth, beauty and goodness of life on earth in a general sense is directly proportional to the number of people who step up to the Divine Way.
But each individual may and must discover, and commit to, the Divine Path in their own heart. Starting down this Divine Path is immensely liberating, and this experience of liberation is exclusive to those who sincerely embrace the truth — the Divine Love. The truth sets you free. There literally is joy in Heaven over each “sinner who repenteth” (in more modern phraseology, each individual who commits to the Divine Way).
"The machine requires broken spirits in order to exist." Isn't that the truth! And speaking of true happiness, I learned long ago that what we have accepted as happiness (especially in the first world) are just surrogates for happiness. A great big brand new pickup truck that makes a guy feel and (supposedly) look "manly" (even though it's not even paid for before the "new car smell" wears off) instead of driving a beater with a family inside with you. Dining out at 5 star restaurants. Clicking "buy now" on everything a person wants, and so many other things are *not* happiness. In fact, most of it is just vanity disguised as happiness. Once I realized that it was impossible to buy true happiness and started finding that happiness in the giggle of a child, the cooing of a precious baby, the sound of Robins singing before the sun comes up, the sound of bees busily finding their next dose of nectar, the chirps of crickets as the sun goes down, the memories of family and friends who've truly loved me with their whole hearts, the sound of wind through the trees, and a myriad of other simple and *free* pleasures. Only then was I able to begin the process of rejecting the machine that wants every piece of us. It's my opinion that as bad as things may seem in the world, we are being *forced* to make a choice of the kind of happiness we want. The material "happiness" we've become reliant upon will no longer be there and so there really will only be two choices: Finding happiness in the simple things like our ancestors did. Or joining with the machine and living in darkness, division, fear and misery for the rest or our time on this earth. For me... I'm choosing the singing of Robins before the sun comes up. Thanks for sharing your heart with us Ms Tessa.
Wonderful writing Tessa, so true. A reality has been groomed for us our whole lives, where we are debt slaves and hand over our sovereignty power and autonomy to others. The silver lining of these terrible times is that it's forcing us to wake up to the new reality creatively emerging in each of us. How will we live together? Will it even be based on money or currency, or based on what we can do for ourselves and others. Possibly moving away from a transactional interrelationships to creative ones.
Yes. The truth can be lost sight of, but never truly lost for what truly lives is not come to birth or death but is a continuing or unfolding of love. That we are love is also free to give love to idea of division and conflict in which a special or exclusive sense of self runs under the social masking of shifting and arbitrary mutual agreements by which we persist a conflicted sense of our own genesis or creation - that runs as a 'genetic control' or machine of 'survival' that is in truth a Self-evasion, of a mind-set for Getting.
The self of learned abilities under fear and division can serve a true function, when the false is recognised false and released. This is not a matter of demonising the false or eradication of a sin, but a decision to wholly accept and extend the true. In any instant of such willingness, we remember who and what we are at a level the mind may filter - yet the quality is clear.
That we can be freely aligned whole is a basis for releasing the coercive or manipulative mindset of control, for a living guidance that restores trust in self Self and Life at its source and nature - so as to gift ways of seeing our world within life rather than as denying or cutting us off from life - such as to seek to cope within a realm of darkness of fear and threat.
I think it's a collective habit, plus structure people put in place. It's like an electrical field in a way, a two-way street, it is fed by the people but then it also feeds back. So it takes great clarity and love to go against the grain and act according to the internals, as opposed to peer pressure and collective ideas that might not correspond to reality, etc. No matter what it is, still boils down to non-fancy things, like love.
Another story about the forests is contained within a story about Bill Goats and the Forest-
Props to James Corbett for widening the exposure of the beautiful story for children of all ages- I am a sixty year old child-
Apologies to Tessa for the slight hi jack- I will listen to the interview but knot until I run in the forest, and the valley toward the lake for a swim where no loggers will ever tread...
Plug that inn correctly and write me if at all disappointed ...
I absolutely loved this piece and discussion. Thank you so much. It so rang true to the depths of my being. I could relate to both of your experiences growing up and as far as the religious aspect goes, I just could no longer follow that of my parents. I recall going to church and hearing "blah blah blah..." I just couldn't get it as a kid- yet multiple elder members of my extended family were nuns. I kept feeling something was wrong with me because I didn't get it. Later I realized the wisdom of going within. Also I don't have words for it, but the closest I've felt is what the shamanic practitioners say as direct revelation- you just need to go to an intermediary when sincere. You just know...kind of takes me back to a Harry Potter episode where Harry said he just knew (Malfoy was responsible for an act) and Snape responds......with pregnant just know.? Sorry for the divergence, but couldn't pass it up- really liked that Snape Character- always felt he was misunderstood- hadn't read the books until later.
Another thing- mention of religion was made and it made me think of the term "religious exemption"...I always felt it was misnamed. Probably intentionally. I feel "Conscience" is more appropriate to refer to. That itself is what I consider sacred/holy, what have you. Very much a gift to be actively used. Religion sounds too 'rigid" and rule-bound. Rigid rules- machine-like. I realize there had been conscientious exemptions- not sure if they still exist, but that sounds more appropriate to me. Like the ultimate betrayal is self betrayal. That seems to follow the direct revelation concept. It is like following synchroniciites, receiving confirmation with awe and depth right to the heart. One just knows. Or feels....or senses. I lack a word appropriate for it. I personally get such "signs " regularly from nature/ just needs to pay attention and be watchful. Tears may follow when truly touched
Johnny had made a comment about religion at age 11 and then he stopped attending church afterwords. The wisdom of a child... Made me think of something my sister said to my mother who attended confession daily at her catholic school growing up and forced us to go during Lent each year. My sister asked why we would have to go to confession if we can just pray on our own instead of to a priest to give us forgiveness. My mother never made us go again.
Tessa, you mentioned your being with your mother again brought things to revisit or with fresh eyes. (sorry if I misstate this, I am attempting to recall from earlier listening and brief notes I took.) I had a similar experience with my mother when she was on her death bed about 19 years ago. she and I connected as never before- it was the first time I truly felt I had a mother- although brief, I was grateful. Ram Dass had a similar experience when he was tending to his father as his father was dying- he mentioned in some of his books. Now, this whole ordeal going on in the world has helped me to realize for myself how my own feeling of being rejected and the emotionally abusive, and a couple nearly dying experiences I underwent growing up- helped me to be so very discerning and vigilant and to notice when something is "off". Those "bad" events ended up being the perfect ones and the perfect training ground for me. Also, I truly believe no one is born hating themselves and that they may learn to do that once here. I truly believe that one can figure that out even if "hypnotized" here.
You gave me much food for thought. Thank you so much for this! Needed it!
You're welcome....I just reread what I wrote and oh my gosh....that was really long! Yikes! Yes- I was thinking aloud (or in type) ...I am known to do that! I found Ram Dass to be a true gift. He left this plane right before this whole fiasco.....the winter solstice 12/22/19. To me, there is much wisdom even in his shortened slowed utterances post stroke.
I'll bet! I wasn't aware of him that far back, but late in the 90's, then with his One-Liners and Fierce Grace.....I was hooked! LIstened to every cd/tape of his I could get my hands on. Food for the soul. :)
I can relate! I saw his One-Liners book at a fav. book store on a vacation and was drawn to it. When I read he had a stroke and was aphasic, I had to get it....I was a speech-language pathologist working with stroke survivors- mostly neuro-rehab.. and aphasics. I did have a few patients or family members who benefited from a loaning of his Fierce Grace video- I had to be really selective- the ones who felt right- really loved his message. One patient's family member said he had met Ram Dass - years ago on a retreat in the midwest...I think it was Iowa. I thought I could make a connection with my father once and he showed an interest- to watch the Fierce Grace dvd with me.....HE FELL ASLEEP DURING IT! So much for that! On the dvd topic....another amazing dvd- "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly". I feel all MD's should have to watch that one. Yes, Grist for the MIll... :)
I think that once one fully realizes how unnatural this is, one starts pedaling toward freedom and praying for it from the deepest, most passionate heart.
"The entire lie depends on the availability of a large number of willing zombies, feeding it." I call them "graphinos" - due to my suspicion that the zombie part you describe is real stuff, and not propaganda, in spite of its incredibly difficult to accept bizarre nature. Graphene is quantum, and quantum is atom-to-atom, molecule-to-molecule, neuron-to-neuron based stuff. Any nano-particle exhibits quantum behaviours, and this is evidenced by experiments done on many of them, including graphene.
There is evidence that the so-called magic angle of 1.1 degrees is coincident with both supramagnetism and superconductivity in bilayer graphene. What is often not mentioned is that the same magic angle produces entangled atoms, molecules, photons, and - yes - neurons via graphene mono-atomic (quantum) mesh. IMO this is a quantum "crystallographic" percolation as opposed to a transverse wave, and I believe that experiments have shown atom-to-atom "connections" are possible between graphene transducer quantum elements (or other quantum-enabling crystal substances) when they are separated by as many as 1200 miles!
Consider graphene-to-graphene connections, and then consider what I earlier mentioned about the early mRNA trials, then apply some extrapolation!
"The entire lie depends on the availability of a large number of willing zombies, feeding it." I call them "graphinos" - due to my suspicion that the zombie part you describe is real stuff, and not propaganda, in spite of its incredibly difficult to accept bizarre nature. Graphene is quantum, and quantum is atom-to-atom, molecule-to-molecule, neuron-to-neuron based stuff. Any nano-particle exhibits quantum behaviours, and this is evidenced by experiments done on many of them, including graphene.
There is evidence that the so-called magic angle of 1.1 degrees is coincident with both supramagnetism and superconductivity in bilayer graphene. What is often not mentioned is that the same magic angle produces entangled atoms, molecules, photons, and yes - neurons - via graphene mono-atomic (quantum) mesh. IMO this is a quantum "crystallographic" percolation as opposed to a transverse wave, and I believe that experiments have shown atom-to-atom "connections" are possible between graphene transducer quantum elements (or other quantum-enabling crystal substances) when they are separated by as many as 1200 miles! Consider graphene-to-graphene connections, and then consider what I earlier mentioned about the early mRNA trials, then apply some extrapolation!
It's 05.00 in the morning and I can't sleep. It's hot and there's an insect bite on my leg bugging me. I'm drinking redbush tea and contemplating what the horrible ones are cooking up next to extract my joy for their stockpile and checking what's around, I see your post. Thankyou. I feel hugely strong and generally cheerful through it all and I know they can't drag me down no matter what they do. It is good to hear from those who have awakened from The Lie and whose spirit is strong. Take care.
I enjoyed your comment. I'm glad you found Tessa's post. I think this community has kept us all afloat at one time or another, helping us not sink too far into "what the horrible ones are cooking up". Take good care. 💜
“The truth shall set you free” has profound depth of meaning.
Truth is more than fact; truth is THE living reality, and is tightly interwoven with beauty and goodness to form the fabric of Love — not selfish human love but the Divine Love upon which all of reality is founded.
Seeking truth is more than pursuing fact, it is the continuous effort to integrate the Divine Love into your life at a fundamental, foundational level.
Each of us has the potential to serve as a conduit, a channel, of the Divine Love. To so serve is entirely voluntary and its consequence is to integrate each into reality in such a way that they may be possessed of eternal life. Not life on earth, obviously, but life in a greater reality.
This eternal life is real, but God wants only volunteers, never conscripts. The truth, beauty and goodness of life on earth in a general sense is directly proportional to the number of people who step up to the Divine Way.
But each individual may and must discover, and commit to, the Divine Path in their own heart. Starting down this Divine Path is immensely liberating, and this experience of liberation is exclusive to those who sincerely embrace the truth — the Divine Love. The truth sets you free. There literally is joy in Heaven over each “sinner who repenteth” (in more modern phraseology, each individual who commits to the Divine Way).
I hope you did not lose the forest for the woods....
Good one. :)
One of your best pieces
Thank you Pradeep
"The machine requires broken spirits in order to exist." Isn't that the truth! And speaking of true happiness, I learned long ago that what we have accepted as happiness (especially in the first world) are just surrogates for happiness. A great big brand new pickup truck that makes a guy feel and (supposedly) look "manly" (even though it's not even paid for before the "new car smell" wears off) instead of driving a beater with a family inside with you. Dining out at 5 star restaurants. Clicking "buy now" on everything a person wants, and so many other things are *not* happiness. In fact, most of it is just vanity disguised as happiness. Once I realized that it was impossible to buy true happiness and started finding that happiness in the giggle of a child, the cooing of a precious baby, the sound of Robins singing before the sun comes up, the sound of bees busily finding their next dose of nectar, the chirps of crickets as the sun goes down, the memories of family and friends who've truly loved me with their whole hearts, the sound of wind through the trees, and a myriad of other simple and *free* pleasures. Only then was I able to begin the process of rejecting the machine that wants every piece of us. It's my opinion that as bad as things may seem in the world, we are being *forced* to make a choice of the kind of happiness we want. The material "happiness" we've become reliant upon will no longer be there and so there really will only be two choices: Finding happiness in the simple things like our ancestors did. Or joining with the machine and living in darkness, division, fear and misery for the rest or our time on this earth. For me... I'm choosing the singing of Robins before the sun comes up. Thanks for sharing your heart with us Ms Tessa.
Thank you Rob, and you found such beautiful words to describe happiness!!
Tessa, I had a good laugh at your reference to dildos at the beginning of the interview. I almost always refer to politicians and the powerful as as dildos—tools that can, certainly, fuck others but mostly used to fuck ourselves.
Great minds.... :)) thank you
Thank Tessa...Zombies, we are not!
Thank you!!!! xo
Wonderful writing Tessa, so true. A reality has been groomed for us our whole lives, where we are debt slaves and hand over our sovereignty power and autonomy to others. The silver lining of these terrible times is that it's forcing us to wake up to the new reality creatively emerging in each of us. How will we live together? Will it even be based on money or currency, or based on what we can do for ourselves and others. Possibly moving away from a transactional interrelationships to creative ones.
I look forward to watching the video. 💕🌈🙏
Thank you!!
Yes. The truth can be lost sight of, but never truly lost for what truly lives is not come to birth or death but is a continuing or unfolding of love. That we are love is also free to give love to idea of division and conflict in which a special or exclusive sense of self runs under the social masking of shifting and arbitrary mutual agreements by which we persist a conflicted sense of our own genesis or creation - that runs as a 'genetic control' or machine of 'survival' that is in truth a Self-evasion, of a mind-set for Getting.
The self of learned abilities under fear and division can serve a true function, when the false is recognised false and released. This is not a matter of demonising the false or eradication of a sin, but a decision to wholly accept and extend the true. In any instant of such willingness, we remember who and what we are at a level the mind may filter - yet the quality is clear.
That we can be freely aligned whole is a basis for releasing the coercive or manipulative mindset of control, for a living guidance that restores trust in self Self and Life at its source and nature - so as to gift ways of seeing our world within life rather than as denying or cutting us off from life - such as to seek to cope within a realm of darkness of fear and threat.
The machine is culture?
I think it's a collective habit, plus structure people put in place. It's like an electrical field in a way, a two-way street, it is fed by the people but then it also feeds back. So it takes great clarity and love to go against the grain and act according to the internals, as opposed to peer pressure and collective ideas that might not correspond to reality, etc. No matter what it is, still boils down to non-fancy things, like love.
Great video. included. Needs to get a boost on BitChute.
Try to get one of those mirror sites to give it a plug. -IMO -
Thank you xo
Another story about the forests is contained within a story about Bill Goats and the Forest-
Props to James Corbett for widening the exposure of the beautiful story for children of all ages- I am a sixty year old child-
Apologies to Tessa for the slight hi jack- I will listen to the interview but knot until I run in the forest, and the valley toward the lake for a swim where no loggers will ever tread...
Plug that inn correctly and write me if at all disappointed ...
I absolutely loved this piece and discussion. Thank you so much. It so rang true to the depths of my being. I could relate to both of your experiences growing up and as far as the religious aspect goes, I just could no longer follow that of my parents. I recall going to church and hearing "blah blah blah..." I just couldn't get it as a kid- yet multiple elder members of my extended family were nuns. I kept feeling something was wrong with me because I didn't get it. Later I realized the wisdom of going within. Also I don't have words for it, but the closest I've felt is what the shamanic practitioners say as direct revelation- you just need to go to an intermediary when sincere. You just know...kind of takes me back to a Harry Potter episode where Harry said he just knew (Malfoy was responsible for an act) and Snape responds......with pregnant just know.? Sorry for the divergence, but couldn't pass it up- really liked that Snape Character- always felt he was misunderstood- hadn't read the books until later.
Another thing- mention of religion was made and it made me think of the term "religious exemption"...I always felt it was misnamed. Probably intentionally. I feel "Conscience" is more appropriate to refer to. That itself is what I consider sacred/holy, what have you. Very much a gift to be actively used. Religion sounds too 'rigid" and rule-bound. Rigid rules- machine-like. I realize there had been conscientious exemptions- not sure if they still exist, but that sounds more appropriate to me. Like the ultimate betrayal is self betrayal. That seems to follow the direct revelation concept. It is like following synchroniciites, receiving confirmation with awe and depth right to the heart. One just knows. Or feels....or senses. I lack a word appropriate for it. I personally get such "signs " regularly from nature/ just needs to pay attention and be watchful. Tears may follow when truly touched
Johnny had made a comment about religion at age 11 and then he stopped attending church afterwords. The wisdom of a child... Made me think of something my sister said to my mother who attended confession daily at her catholic school growing up and forced us to go during Lent each year. My sister asked why we would have to go to confession if we can just pray on our own instead of to a priest to give us forgiveness. My mother never made us go again.
Tessa, you mentioned your being with your mother again brought things to revisit or with fresh eyes. (sorry if I misstate this, I am attempting to recall from earlier listening and brief notes I took.) I had a similar experience with my mother when she was on her death bed about 19 years ago. she and I connected as never before- it was the first time I truly felt I had a mother- although brief, I was grateful. Ram Dass had a similar experience when he was tending to his father as his father was dying- he mentioned in some of his books. Now, this whole ordeal going on in the world has helped me to realize for myself how my own feeling of being rejected and the emotionally abusive, and a couple nearly dying experiences I underwent growing up- helped me to be so very discerning and vigilant and to notice when something is "off". Those "bad" events ended up being the perfect ones and the perfect training ground for me. Also, I truly believe no one is born hating themselves and that they may learn to do that once here. I truly believe that one can figure that out even if "hypnotized" here.
You gave me much food for thought. Thank you so much for this! Needed it!
You're welcome....I just reread what I wrote and oh my gosh....that was really long! Yikes! Yes- I was thinking aloud (or in type) ...I am known to do that! I found Ram Dass to be a true gift. He left this plane right before this whole fiasco.....the winter solstice 12/22/19. To me, there is much wisdom even in his shortened slowed utterances post stroke.
I'll bet! I wasn't aware of him that far back, but late in the 90's, then with his One-Liners and Fierce Grace.....I was hooked! LIstened to every cd/tape of his I could get my hands on. Food for the soul. :)
I can relate! I saw his One-Liners book at a fav. book store on a vacation and was drawn to it. When I read he had a stroke and was aphasic, I had to get it....I was a speech-language pathologist working with stroke survivors- mostly neuro-rehab.. and aphasics. I did have a few patients or family members who benefited from a loaning of his Fierce Grace video- I had to be really selective- the ones who felt right- really loved his message. One patient's family member said he had met Ram Dass - years ago on a retreat in the midwest...I think it was Iowa. I thought I could make a connection with my father once and he showed an interest- to watch the Fierce Grace dvd with me.....HE FELL ASLEEP DURING IT! So much for that! On the dvd topic....another amazing dvd- "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly". I feel all MD's should have to watch that one. Yes, Grist for the MIll... :)
"Why are we putting up with this?!"
Same reason a 50 kilo dog puts up with a leash, having to sleep on the floor and eating offal out of a bowl: it's comfortable.
I think that once one fully realizes how unnatural this is, one starts pedaling toward freedom and praying for it from the deepest, most passionate heart.
Let us hope so.
None can be a good master that does not know how to be a good servant.
"The entire lie depends on the availability of a large number of willing zombies, feeding it." I call them "graphinos" - due to my suspicion that the zombie part you describe is real stuff, and not propaganda, in spite of its incredibly difficult to accept bizarre nature. Graphene is quantum, and quantum is atom-to-atom, molecule-to-molecule, neuron-to-neuron based stuff. Any nano-particle exhibits quantum behaviours, and this is evidenced by experiments done on many of them, including graphene.
There is evidence that the so-called magic angle of 1.1 degrees is coincident with both supramagnetism and superconductivity in bilayer graphene. What is often not mentioned is that the same magic angle produces entangled atoms, molecules, photons, and - yes - neurons via graphene mono-atomic (quantum) mesh. IMO this is a quantum "crystallographic" percolation as opposed to a transverse wave, and I believe that experiments have shown atom-to-atom "connections" are possible between graphene transducer quantum elements (or other quantum-enabling crystal substances) when they are separated by as many as 1200 miles!
Consider graphene-to-graphene connections, and then consider what I earlier mentioned about the early mRNA trials, then apply some extrapolation!
"The entire lie depends on the availability of a large number of willing zombies, feeding it." I call them "graphinos" - due to my suspicion that the zombie part you describe is real stuff, and not propaganda, in spite of its incredibly difficult to accept bizarre nature. Graphene is quantum, and quantum is atom-to-atom, molecule-to-molecule, neuron-to-neuron based stuff. Any nano-particle exhibits quantum behaviours, and this is evidenced by experiments done on many of them, including graphene.
There is evidence that the so-called magic angle of 1.1 degrees is coincident with both supramagnetism and superconductivity in bilayer graphene. What is often not mentioned is that the same magic angle produces entangled atoms, molecules, photons, and yes - neurons - via graphene mono-atomic (quantum) mesh. IMO this is a quantum "crystallographic" percolation as opposed to a transverse wave, and I believe that experiments have shown atom-to-atom "connections" are possible between graphene transducer quantum elements (or other quantum-enabling crystal substances) when they are separated by as many as 1200 miles! Consider graphene-to-graphene connections, and then consider what I earlier mentioned about the early mRNA trials, then apply some extrapolation!