On an unrelated note: Jacinda Ardern announced resignation.


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Some operatives are being replaced...

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Yep my thought exactly

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Interesting. She will go in hiding.

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She might meet Jeff Epstein, though she's a little old for his taste.

"It's a great big exclusive club and (we're) not in it".

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There are too many in that club. She's gonna blow!

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and no soros or klaus the louse at davos. janet yellin rumbling that the US is about to reach its debt limit, meeting with the chinese today. which was a bad day for equities markets.

more on topic, re: whitney's tweet: scott gottlieb on increasing the role of the CIA in future plandemics https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-cia-may-be-more-useful-than-the-cdc-in-next-epidemic/

"Historically, the national security agencies wanted to avoid public health issues. And the public health community didn’t want the clandestine services anywhere near its mission out of concern that everyone with a white coat would be perceived to be a spy.Covid-19 showed us that the intelligence agencies need to be involved in gathering information about emerging infections around the world. This information is held by soft targets."

what is a soft target? a hard target is a military installation. you do the math

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I think Klaus is there, after reports of him not being there.


But then Bourla is precious. https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost/status/1615772348849979392

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interesting! thanks. psyched that ezra is there, he was onfire during the canadian convoy

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Yes, and that Bourla bit is just so good!!

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had a dream last night, walking down ave. a. it was unseasonably warm. benny's burritos was open again. they had picnic tables on the street. there was a group of people at a couple of tables and one of them was a woman wearing a brown outfit with a hood, like a monk's costume. but very stylish. as i was walking past them i did a doubletake and looked back and the person in the monk's outfit looked up and it was you. but you were busy with your friends and i didn't want to be rude so i kept going...

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That is very flattering, thank you!! And you should have said hi :))))

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Experiencing huge pressure.

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Maybe conscience sets in for Jacinda?

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Or they want a more likeable puppet.

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I feel I am ‘right’ just because I want more people in high places to realize their actions and quit or speak out. :) In esoteric spiritual circles (mine at least) we call it “the weep of conscience”

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Anything is possible!

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I added the second video to the article that I had accidentally deleted before sending.

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Please permit me to recommend Ms. Caitlin Johnstone as an author and (dare I say, activist) who has been writing about the manufactured reality that TPTB have been constructing for us for years. Her perspective and writings about the dystopia we have already been living in are insightful and directly on point; she has been warning us about the level of propaganda we are subjected to, particularly in an effort to hide the warmongering that our country has engaged in, for decades, with more accuracy and urgency than nearly any other author has. She's an Australian author; who knew the Aussies would have a better perspective on endless wars and propaganda than most others in our own country?


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Thank you Joe!! I remember Caitlin's work when she just appeared, it was very refreshing. I stopped following her work closely after 2020 when she chose to ignore the manufacturing of reality in the name of biosecurity, and I think in 2020 she even debated those who asked her to react, saying it just was not that important. So I have not been following her work for the past 2.5 years, I will check it out!!!

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I had (and still have) the same reaction as you to Caitlin, and also to Chris Hedges, for similar reasons. With finite resources, I'll support you on Substack (in a flash), but not them. For geopolitics and propaganda discussions there are plenty of other high quality voices. At least be grateful they didn't go full Chomsky (as far as I know) and support ethnic cleansing of "the unvaccinated."

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Thank you Howard!!!! Now "go full Chomsky" has a new meaning. Wow, that's a linguistic gem!!

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Geez, it just came out of me ..........

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Great line :)

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I understand. I won't say I had the same reaction to her reluctance to address what was happening, but I did stop following her during the same period you did. I sort of regret that I did that, but I'm glad I've reconnected.

FWIW, I find Caitlin to be one of the most focused authors I have read over the past few years, and I admire her for that laser-like focus, which is, basically, anti-war and anti-imperialism. Given that, in retrospect, I understand well her reluctance to almost abandon what has become her life's work to focus instead on something that has little to do with what she had been writing about, even though, to us, the urgency of yet one more voice of sanity was something we were craving (at the time). I'm glad you're willing , and have the time, to reconnect with her. I hope you find it as enlightening as I do.

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I’ve always liked Caitlin too, and still read her Substack from time to time, but I feel she’s a little behind the times with some of the current issues (like Great Reset) and her message is a little less poignant these days. And btw she’s an ex-pat living in Australia, not from there originally.

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I remember when she just came out, she was just so sharp and on point! Not commenting on COVID, while in Australia that was going fascist, was very strange to me. I try to follow the general principle of "be and let be," so once I lost interest, I just lost interest, without making a big deal about it since each of us has the full right to say what we want to say, and the others may read or not read, depending on whether they are attracted to the message. So I just kind of stopped reading after a while. But I am now curious, thanks to this thread. So, thank you and I will peek!! :)

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Haha, I assume Tessa means she is "now curious" rather than "not curious." I just finished reading Caitlin's latest, on the US prodding Ukraine to attack Crimea, and its brinksmanship toward nuclear war. I'd say it's Caitlin's primary issue, and she's right to focus on it--I don't think anyone else is doing as much. From her perspective, with the end of life as we know it hanging in the balance, I can see why other things aren't as important.

When Caitlin writes in poetry, though, she's as confident that things are going to be okay as Charles Eisenstein, whose latest Tessa and I praised. They're both like Tessa's prison epiphany, which is going to stay with me forever. So I think Caitlin could keep her eye on the armaggedon ball and still take a closer look at other things.

And yes, Australia has been the test ground for what they can get away with. One of my Australian readers, Maria, asked me to watch Battleground Melbourne. I cried through it, I cried in the video I made about it (https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/down-under-torn-asunder) and I still tear up thinking about it. So inhumane and unthinkable. I wouldn't have known anything about it otherwise. And I was reading Caitlin every day.

I would like to see Caitlin's sharp mind applied to the question of whether these are coordinated or opposing, because I think it's something we need to figure out: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-reset-and-ukraine-same-or-different.

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Oh you are right!!! I meant to type "I am now curious." Perhaps I was feeling a little less curious than I was hyping myself up for, and my honest typing fingers gave me out? :))))) Jokes aside, I intend to check out her latest. I think my perception is impacted by the fact that she has not (at least as of late 2020, to the best of my memory) commented on the most important thing happening at the time, in my opinion, even even fought the point about its importance. But then again, I won't know until I read, so... :)

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I read Caitlin also and really like her work on Ukraine and propaganda and taking down the empire. I also like that she puts in a more spiritual perspective from time to time. Tessa is right, that she is refreshing--having someone take the gloves off and be as blunt and scathing as she is. In my last episode, she was who I primarily meant when I talked about female journalists with very masculine 'in your face' styles, who attracted predominately male audiences.

However, I wish Caitlin would read Tessa, both for better information on The Great Reset (which she sometimes ridicules as conspiracy theory, if I remember correctly) and to give people more generosity in trying their best. I know that Caitlin has a wide multiplatform audience, and she's frequently attacked, which can make a person less generous. Yet I like Tessa's community approach, rather than one-direction journalism. Here's the episode that talks about her (and Tessa and others): https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/tonic-masculinity-and-feminine-wiles.

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And also thank you for sharing your episode!! xoxo

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Thank you so much Tereza!! I think Caitlin and I followed each other on Twitter before COVID so we probably both were reading each other, I suspect things since 2020 got very intense and everybody got distracted, so.. But yes, I remember her sharp wit from before COVID

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Thank you Tessa

I lived through a 7 year CIA sponsored dictatorship in Greece (1967-74) and I know first hand all John talks about, CIA is the biggest drug cartel in the world.

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That particular interview, I like because he is so straight in your face about how fully fake stories were being planted, and how common it was. I think for most people, it is hard to accept that it is not a one-off of some sort, that it is "business as usual," and that our "news" could be just a stream of propaganda. It is of course more obvious now but even so, for a lot of people, hard to accept.

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Oh wow, I have never thought about Greece in this context! Something to think about, and I am sorry you had to live through it!!!

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I have an intellectual crush on Corbett.

And the SGT report guy. Whitney is great too.

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Wow!! That John Stockwell interview was something else! I've heard though that one never leaves the CIA...he must have been allowed to say these things - I guess they have their reasons.... but wow! Reposting!

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Yeah, I remember that video from some time ago but I forgot his name, and so I couldn't find it. And today another video came up that had his name, so I was able to search for it. It really is striking. And yes, we can only be guessing about the rest of the story but he did write a book, I believe.

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Thanks Tessa, great videos. And here I thought this stuff never happened before Trump Derangement Syndrome and that Elon was the first brave pioneer to tell us the truth.

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LOL!! Thank you, Howard!

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Of course!

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Well, that Mr. Stockwell would certainly be in gaol today, as a domestic violent extremist and naturally a white supremacist. Such a conspiracy theorist as he would likely be skeptical about public health these days, and possibly even be deficient in passionate patriotism for Ukrainian Nazis. I also feel confident that he would be a DENIER regarding the climate crisis, and anyone would advocate for him being banned on social media.

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it's a hologram.

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CIA has been playing this game since it was founded. Spies always play this game.

Many people recognized the game and wrote about it in the early '50s. The official radicals (Beatniks and folk singers) were NOT writing or singing about the game because they were a well-paid part of the game.

The game was discussed by an active newsletter movement centered around anti-Scientology and UFOs and astrology.


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i wonder if the interview was done in Balboa Park, in San Diego, California. It looks like it could have been.

This period was the last time there was a limited-hang-out for the CIA, the Church Committee hearings, which were held in 1975-1976.

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That, I don't know.. You could be right!

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Well, it seems that it has always been this way, and that they will never stop binding the minds of of us ‘ordinary folk’. Who’s driving the agenda, I wonder? It seems people like Gates, Schwab and all their connections to WEF, WHO, DAVOS etc. I only read yesterday that Gates has given £1.5million to a newspaper here in the UK. It’s a case of speculate to accumulate I guess. But what an empty life he must have? Does anybody even like any of these people?

They love wars don’t they? It seems that they think themselves like the gods of old.. Like Zeus throwing thunderbolts at his enemies, just to laugh at the poor mortals that he recruits on his side to overthrow the followers of another god, whilst all the gods together happily sit drinking wine and eating grapes on Mt Olympus with table-top battle scenarios laid out. It's just a game to them... No mortal knew why they entered the carnage back then. Do we know why now? I wonder.

Every now and again, us ‘ordinary folk’ will look at ourselves and see that we are in fact ‘extraordinary folk’. Creators of the arts, inventors of the wheel, true magicians that are strong when we are integrated as humanity in universal love, without any need to have to brainwash and manipulate each other. Better than being an automaton I think, repeating propaganda over and over just to ensure the people stay hypnotised, only to get scared again as more awaken from their ridiculous demands. I think Jacinda Ardern is an example there :)

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The natural world: real.

Ideology: not very real.

Klaus Schwab: unreal.

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I’m old enough to remember seeing Stockwell on 60 Minutes.60 Minutes btw was essentially in debunking “The Swine Flu” , the first example of using fear porn to prop up a phony pandemic https://youtu.be/4bOHYZhL0WQ Try to imagine 60 Minutes showing that today. I remember as a kid having hope for our country.But the nation I grew up no longer exists. The CIA and FBI swallowed it up. Even the WEF is the brainchild of Henry Kissinger. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/dr-klaus-schwab-or-how-the-cfr-taught-me-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-bomb/ We need to accept we are all politically homeless

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I was looking for his 60 Minutes interview, and couldn't find it (not immediately, at least). And yes, I remember that video of the Swine Flu on 60 Minutes, they certainly wouldn't show it today. And also thank you for the link to Johnny's article!

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"Ex-CIA turned whistleblower" - Please. As if the slimiest agency ever to be assembled in the history of mankind, the CIA snake-pit, aka The World's Most Efficient and Deadly Murder Cult would stand by and watch one of their own blithely reveal anything regarded as important.

The CIA is an organized crime ring that operates with treacherous, cold efficiency & with utter impunity atop an inexhaustible mountain of money. Like any mob organization, once you are part of it the only way out is when they murder you. Or you drop dead from old age.

It's important to remember that when we are watching so-called "bad actors" resign, or get replaced by "better" people, it's all theater. (And don't we all enjoy theater? I certainly do.) No matter what happens publicly, the underlying agenda-- maintenance of ruling power institutions-- is always firmly in place. Lurking in the wings at the side of the stage is the next player(s) ready to step up should the king(s) fall. Even if all the "bad guys" were suddenly rounded-up and jailed or even torn apart in the streets by avenging hordes, you can bet your arse that any power vacuum will be instantly filled by armed thugs "riding to the rescue" and claiming to stand for "the will of the people".

There is just no way to bash our way to a better world, is there? No way to fix anything for the better by fighting or pointing guns at each other. Ever. What we have (and may always have) is very much like a "Mexican standoff" where every crook in the room is armed and they all suddenly realize that their shaky alliance has dissolved under suspicious circumstances and nobody can be trusted. We all nervously point our guns at each other every which way in a tragic/comic scenario that cannot and will not end well.

"Live by the sword, die by the sword". Has not civilization always lived by the sword? Are we not all crooks? Do we not deserve to starve, sickened & self-poisoned upon this stinking pile of sh*t we've made ? Pretty sure we do.

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