Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I have not been shy to develop theories of my own but have not shared with anybody including my husband because they were so far out but logical to my way of seeing things. There were heavy clusters very early on in specific places around the world pretty much at the same time. Doesn't seem natural to me but nevertheless possible to explain away by people movements but not so fast. I am sure one day in the not too distant future, in line with Zach Bush and Bruce Lipton, we are going to learn that viruses are nothing like the majority of scientists have believed them to be. And the baloney that is AIDS will be revealed. I am sure they are the necessary 'updates' to keep our body tuned to toxins, whether new or in overload, as they come up in our environment. In an ever evolving world I see this as the reason we have managed to stay clear of extinction to this point.

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Ditto! My husband and most of my family already believe I’m insane. Albeit, my husband has loosened up and no longer trusts most of what he formerly clung to. I’m still not “ allowed” to express my thoughts unless somebody else first expresses theirs. Because I’m”obsessed and driving everybody else crazy”. His logic is “ What the hell can anybody do? It’s over!”. Which makes me angrier. It’s so damn defeatist.

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I was shocked to hear Drs. Cowan, Kaufman and Sam Bailey pointing out the utter lack of foundational empirical evidence for some of the “science verbiage” being bandied about by the “professionals.” I thought those scientists were keeping each other honest by challenging each others work. Kary Mullis’s account of beginning a job investigating something about HIV and asking around for where he could find the paper that substantiated a certain prevailing assumption in the field was hilarious. It didn’t exist! He was stunned and embarrassed for the fools that were just going through the motions.

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Theories abound. As it always does in these matters, it comes down to scientific proof.

Here is another great discussion of the topic between Couey and Eric Coppolino. 3 hours and worth every minute.


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The "lab leak/targeted spraying/GoF" theories do not hold water and cover up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide. All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.

Analysis has been done on multiple adjacent states in the US as relates to the "viral spread" of the supposed "highly transmissible novel virus." What was noted was that certain states had zero excess in Spring 2020 while a neighboring state had that 6 week spike.

The disparity illustrated without question that there was no viral event. The difference between these states was noted in radically different public health policies and mandates.

Further it is noted that even in these states which had the 6 week spike this excess occurred in tightly circumscribed areas- hospitals and nursing homes located in urban centers. For example there was excess in certain NYC hospitals and nursing homes BUT NOT in suburban NY or beyond.

Does anyone want to explain that? Same story in every single "hotspot."

BEYOND THAT these excess deaths came from people who were mainly residing in institutionalized settings- the fragile elderly and the mentally disabled. The virus did not impact middle class or wealthy people. Nothing like this in epidemiological history and counter to all official biological science.

BEYOND THAT none of this excess kicked in until the WHO officially declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. Anyone here really believe a "suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus" waited for a government decree to create excess death.

As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.

The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Kirsch, etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.

We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.

They couldn't explain away the fact that NOTHING was happening right outside the doors of where these "outbreaks" were (not) happening let alone a few miles away so they made this crackpot theory up out of thin air.

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I don't think it's an either/or situation - it is likely both. An actual lab leak of a GoF viral product AND weaponized 'health care' that, as we now know, was financially incentivized to 'euthanize' patients.

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Excellent comment, thanks! Hopefully some readers will notice it.

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The lab leak theory also allows for the possibility ‘this’ could happen again. And again give cover to mass murder of ‘useless eaters.’

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This is such a great comment, had to screenshoot it.

"As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable." Spot on.

There's been a renewed effort to try and shift blame from ventilators, Remdesivir, and hospital protocols to some mysterious chemical weapon or 5G energy waves, (which there is no evidence for). COVID was 100% theatre.

There was a "spike" in deaths in places like NYC, solely due to very aggressive hospital protocols. I've been compelled to include the transcript of Governor Andrew Cuomo's infamous speech in order to further support this comment and to add to the record. These words must never be forgotten.

March 26th, 2020. New York Governor Cuomo:


"Ventilators, ventilators, ventilators. I didn't know what they were a few weeks ago, besides the cursory knowledge, I know too much about ventilators now.

We're still shopping for ventilators all across the country, we need more. We have approved a technology that allows one ventilator to serve two patients, what they call 'splitting', which is where you add a second set of tubes to a ventilator to do two patients. It's not ideal, but we believe it's workable.

We're also converting anesthesia machines to ventilators. We have a couple thousands anesthesia machines in our hospitals, and we are converting them to work as ventilators. Why is there such a demand on ventilators, and where did this come from? It's a respiratory illness for a large number of people, so they all need ventilators.

Also, non-COVID patients are normally on ventilators for 3-4 days. COVID patients are on ventilators for 11-21 days. Think about that, so you don't have the same turnaround, uh, in the number of ventilators. If somebody is on a ventilator for 3 or 4 days, that's one level of ventilators you need. If somebody's on a ventilator for 11-21 days, that's a totally different equation. And that's what we're dealing with, the high number of COVID patient s and the long period of time that they actually need a ventilator. We're also working on equalizing and distributing the load of patients. Right now, the number of cases is highest downstate New York, so we're working on a collaboration where we distribute the load between downstate hospitals and upstate hospitals, and we're also working on increasing the capacity for upstate hospitals."

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Science is supposed to be a rigorous methodology.

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Emphasis on "supposed to be".

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena


some random observations

there is a growing consensus in egypt that cancer is a parasitic infection. if i can remember the specific paper where i first learned this, i'll send it

remember how much aircraft activity there was over manhattan the weekend of 3/21/20? and the suspicious fires on the 1/2/3 line (my neighborhood!) on the 27th. were airborne toxins released?

wuhan was ground zero for the chinese 5g rollout https://xochipelli.substack.com/p/china-the-pandemic-never-existed

the lockdown cabal in the uk seriously discussed mass slaughter of pets in 2020. at the time i thought this was just sadism. was there another motive?

love the haircut btw

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Yes, indeed, there were helicopters galore!! And thank you :))

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There is a Japanese manga named "Blade of the Immortal" (無限の住人) where the protagonist has his body infested by worms that confer him invincibility and immortality, as the worms cure him of every wound.

That is fiction, of course.

The idea that cancer is caused by parasites could also be fiction: people diagnosed with cancer are simultaneously diagnosed with parasites. Correlation does not imply that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


You weren't expecting that.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I haven't read your theory, but here's mine.

If humans can form a variety of poop (hard round little stools, diarrhea, banana shaped and textured), surely human cells can generate a variety of exosomes. This variety has been labeled "viruses", but it's just cell poop. In addition to the variety of human poop, there's animals and their poop. It's interesting that hunters and woods-folk can identify what kind of animal left certain droppings. And variety depends on intake and exposure and probably other things. So that relates to terrain theory.

I do also believe in germ theory, as bacteria are very easy to grow. If I recall correctly, the size of a virus compared to the size of a bacteria, is similar to the size of a bacteria compared to the size of a human.

I don't really know where I'm going with this. I need to learn more about the different theories.

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Speaking of Poop, Pfizer chose E coli Bacteria for mass manufacture of the DNA that codes for the mRNA that takes over your cells to manufacture Spike.


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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

AND they put in some antibiotic-resistance genes as markers, but those genes turned out to be capable of trading that antibiotic resistance with other regular bacteria in the body.

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Thank you. Between what Tessa said and your comment, I'm understanding exosomes much better. 👍🏽

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Yep, poop err viruses poop up in cultures that never had viruses applied to them


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Terrain folks don't deny the existence of deadly pathogens. Bacteria are relatively easy to culture, thus their existence is not in question. Their role in disease remains to be examined.

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💬 If I recall correctly

No you don't, not even close 🙂 In rough approximation, the size ratios you describe are off by some 4 orders of magnitude (ie, tens of thousands times) 🤷

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I think you mean “sprayed” and not “spayed, but they may be the same thing in this case.

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Yes, thank you for catching the typo!!

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Either way, Humankind appears to have been neutered. :-(

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Thanks for this great interview. I really appreciate JJ's perspective and how knowing the real biology explains a lot about what's possible and not possible.

Our bodies are complex biological systems in a complex biological environment, as you pointed out Tessa. So it can get very complex. I really appreciated how you kept-stating things in a simplified manner, and I love you are simplified breakdown in this post. I also created a simplified version of JJ's perspective with lots of pictures to help people absorb the basics. Check it out if you'd like.


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Thank you, Soulbee!!

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Great to see that JJ Cuey gets the attention he deserves. I have written a portrait on him in Norwegian, German and here's the English version https://open.substack.com/pub/tjacobsen/p/zoonosis-or-lab-leak?utm_source=direct&r=p0tzp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for sharing your article!

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

The simplest way to make lots of people sick is to eliminate immunity. That's the exact goal of EVERY step taken by the tyrants. Absolutely everything known to help immunity has been specifically broken by the monsters.

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I agree!! I actually wrote about this very thing 2 years ago. https://tessa.substack.com/p/war-natural

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Dear Tessa thank you ka-jillions for all of the brilliant contributions you’ve been making to aid our understanding of how this might all work. I’m sure you’ve gotten onto the exosome theories of Dr Andrew Kaufman and heard what Sam Bailey and Tom Cowan have chipped in. Maybe you could connect and expand theories together with these other great free thinkers? Please keep on SHINING! Love

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Thank you, Sabre23!! Yes, of course I have looked into their theories as well!! I think connecting it all is a long-term task, and I hope people with different views and rigorous training in the methodology start talking to each other with eyes on the truth, as opposed to just talking a little louder in order to win the argument :)) Hopefully one day will have a much better idea how all this works!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes, I love this and know we are all working toward it together. Thanks for your grace in unveiling truth and your tremendous courage in taking active leadership ❤️We can do this!!!

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I've watched about 8 variants of this @JJ lecture, trying to absorb it. It's a lot of novel questioning of assumptions, very technical, to make what seems at first like a MORE complicated explanation, rather than a more "parsimonious" one as he claims. Def feels like treading / wading into a murky area of new science. What disprovable predictions would this interpretation make? JJ hasn't answered that yet.

BTW been following JJ GigaOhm since the bicycle days... he's pretty ranty, but sincere, ... I had to take a break for a while but find this #InfectiousClones scenario another important piece to keep on the table, evaluate next to all the other contradictions, coverups, theories.

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I've been watching JJ for a couple years. I created a simplified version of his perspective for lay people. It has a lot of pictures to help people absorb the basics. When he goes into lots of complexity it can be hard to follow, and I wanted to help people have a home base to come back to. Here's the link if you want to check it out.


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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

great work. thanks for this soulbee

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Thank you, Tessa! We need this curious yet balanced view, not just for 'viruses' but for everything. Isn't this what science is supposed to be about? The more our collective state of affairs goes on, the less I align with the medical world in general or even their usefulness in regards to health. It seems one big money-making fraud at this point.

I'm a nature boy at heart, a treehugging dirt-worshipper in love with our sacred Mother Earth. I'm also at home in a city, which makes me a weirdo. But only for a certain length of time, which has become shorter as 5G gets bigger. There's only so much I can take. Here in London, I'm blessed with loads of green space and trees and oxygen. But still...

I'm headed out into the country on Tuesday for a month or two for some regeneration. Isn't that what health is about? Our sacred connection to Mother Earth, to the natural flow of our bodies and the seasons? Our bodies contain so much wisdom, far more than I would trust from a 'doctor', whatever the hell that is.

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Thank you Navyo!!! And good for you!!

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Glad you found JJ! Just a quick note on your summary. I believe his explanation re: replication fidelity applies specifically to RNA viruses. It’s not really a minor point, but essential, and underlies the logic of his comparison between CDs vs cassette tapes, and why he believes RNA viruses cannot be the source of long-lasting global pandemics.

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Thank you, TFish!! An important note. We didn't focus on the distinction in the conversation we had, I will definitely look more into it!

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

You bet. I was going to link a good vid for you, but all of JJ’s videos on Twitch seem to have vanished. 😳

The short version is RNA makes a lot of errors in replication, but DNA has high fidelity. So RNA viruses, exosomes, etc. produce a lot of noise, even in a single round of copying.

Thanks again for your stack ❤️

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Thank you!! xoxoxo

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Videos are back up (whew). Here’s a particularly good one, where he lays it out nicely. But it is long! But worth it.


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Thank you, TFIsh!

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I have wondered if nefarious scientist/virologists have found a way to infect airborne parasites with pathogens/viruses (gain of function) and then mastered numerous ways of spreading them on a massive scale. ( maybe this is why ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine work on ‘Covid19’.)

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We may never know but the thought has probably crossed somebody's mind...

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

They're probably working on infecting pollen. If there's funding for it, they working on it.

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There doesn’t exist a single scientific experiment which proves these “viruses” make people sick. Virologists cannot make a healthy person or lab animal sick by exposing them to a “virus”. How do you go about manufacturing artificial viruses and making sure they cause illness when nobody has been able to accomplish this feat WITH REAL VIRUSES??

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Have you listened to the interview?

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Of course I didn’t listen; I read your notes. I listened to this man’s 3 hour convo with Eric Coppolino and I’m not sure I have the stomach for that again. All I heard was emotional, irrational outbursts from someone calling himself a doctor and insults to those who disagree with him. Tessa, do you actually believe one conversation with one doctor solved this issue? I know it couldn’t possibly be so because this is about the principles of the philosophy of science and virology is a dogma. Can you prove how someone “caught a virus” and can you prove who transmitted the virus to that person? If not, it’s a hypothesis that’s UNFALSIFIABLE and falsifiability is a necessary component of scientific qualification.

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Viruses/germs are perfect weapons rulers use to scare people into receiving 100% unnecessary treatments by big Pharma. They are perfect weapons because you can’t see them, measure them and have no idea where they are at any given time. So, you should just be scared at all times. Seeing an extra cellular vesicle with electron microscope tells you absolutely nothing about that particle (which btw, is at rest; NOT FLOATING AROUND MENACINGLY). Cell cultures in no way mimic what takes place in living human bodies and dying monkey kidney cells tell you nothing about intact human lung cells.

Babies are born with 40 trillion viruses and bacteria on their bodies and if germ hypothesis was true, these babies would alll be dead by the time they were born.

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I have a question too... going back to Coppolino's interview with JJ. He keeps going on about 'cloning' in his narrative description of the alleged particles in question. On one hand he states that it may just be a bit of loose genetic material floating about (there is no scientific proof of anything else). That sounds to me like cellular break down products (after starving and poisoning the cell in lab soup). There is no scientific evidence that that genetic material 'does' anything, especially anything to do with alleged "virus" super powers and abilities...

Why make a "clone"/copy of dead cellular debris? You are making a copy of nothing- taking pictures of trash bags by the curb. Suddenly the copy version has supernatural powers to make people sick? Sounds like a bad movie.

What is the provenance of the ORIGINAL? Was it identified by use of the scientific method? If there isn't any original, you can't make a copy of it, and it certainly doesn't do anything of consequence. End of movie.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

Not necessary. All that is needed is a theory that gets catapulted. The "truth of the fact" is irrelevant to the movie's plot line. Good luck getting people off the viral porn flick.

The mundane truth about politicians, scientists and billionaires creating mass hysteria through the owned media and implementing their money laundring mass murder schemes through doctors and nurses isn't as sexy as "bioweapons" labs and constantly changing theories that give dopamine rushes.

Any predictions on what the next esoteric theory will be once the aerosolized thingie's shelf life expires? We've got books to sell.

Now on to early treatment for my fictional disease!

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I've been following both JJ & Kevin, I'll admit the point of contention between the two definitely goes over my head.

From what I understand, the most important takeaway is that "pandemics" as most people understand them are themselves impossible. They're pure fiction invented to justify obscene tyranny.

This doesn't rule out the fact that there are hostile bio-warfare programs aimed at the public, just that the totalitarian measures are the goal, rather than any attempt to mitigate disease.

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I think you are exactly right, it's important to understand worldwide pandemics are not possible. So there's no reason that the WHO should have any authority to make countries do anything.

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If bio-weapon researchers could make ricin infectious, they'd have a winner.

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