Speaking of Ed Dowd, the whole thing looks more and more like a dot-com bubble/Enron/Subprime power 10. Or even worse probably. The sooner it happens the better in a way.
duck and cover was the surgical mask of 1956. Klaus the Louse would have been college age at the time. Question: if those mean professors hadn't made Klaus hide under his desk, would he have grown up into a dorky but otherwise normal guy who made his living writing gnomic analyses of rust belt manufacturing?
I have long believed we simply move too much, and impose too much on the earth by doing so. We jet about, drive about, import our food and our belongings. I am glad if that is over in whole or part. Charles Lindbergh, at the end of his life, came to realize that ushering in commercial aviation was perhaps not the best idea after all. He later became very supportive of the Audobon Society and is buried on Maui. Maybe he rolls in his grave every time the jets and planes scare the birds away.
I am old enough to remember the first two D&C messages, and other propaganda. Don't want to watch the newest. I grew up to work for scientists in my 30's who were part of scientific exchange w Soviets and one of them joined the int'l movement to free Andrei Sakharov. Then I married one of the few radiologists I've known who supported antinuclear activists, because he knew how terrible nuclear war would be. I used to think Russia was pro-WEF, but now I wonder if they are Alexander Duganites, which the DC loons & West Wing LARPers haven't figured out yet, because of their own obsession with ruling the world. Yes, I do believe people should shift the narrative on any level they can, even if we die trying.
I don’t believe the great resetters will eat each other. At the highest levels they are actually networked to each other within various secret societies that are organized under intelligent evil. Of course there’s always some infighting, but ultimately it’s these against the masses, who are the ones who always suffer through all of the diabolical schemes.
And this is the element of the story that almost nobody wants to touch: there are supernatural entities sitting above all of these events and they are the ones controlling the Klaus Schwabs, the Putins, the Bidens, the Trudeaus etc. to do their evil bidding. “The Plan” is pushed out to the conspiracy minded as a great reset, Global government controlled by technocratic overlords. But there are a few who understand this for what it really is – The Beast System. It’s coming, and people need to know. And they need to know their only real defense is to be covered by the blood of Jesus. There is indeed power in the blood. The Satanists know this, that is why they do blood rituals. Unprecedented supernatural activity is coming and people without a compatible paradigm will be easy pickings.
Let me propose that the reason we are ruled by sociopaths is that they provide a service to the species, which is that they kill off a lot of the people when the people overgrow the resource base that feeds them.
Look through history and see if that holds water, please.
This is what any manager of livestock does when there are signs of over-grazing.
We are the herd.
The herd has to be "herded" towards the population reduction with ideas, memes, feelings, fears... This appears to be happening.
A lot of scary and disorienting things can be thrown out at us. With social media and AI, our herd-responses can be very well tracked in real time. If we start to stampede in the wrong direction, adjustments can be made.
Look! Where did COVID go?
Some outliers are starting to go towards vaccine-"democide" (as in video, death by government).
It is getting to be time for the all-powerful WAR! narrative, the narrative within which anything "necessary" can be imposed on anybody. Anybody who disagrees is a "traitor" and can be dealt with in any way, without any rights. It helps to have a class of internal enemies. Jews won't work this time, and "unvaccinated" lost momentum, so there is always RUSSIANS, though there are hardly enough of them for a good meal.
Maybe "White Supremacist Nationalist Domestic Terrorists" can be used. It's getting beta-tested. There are a lot of them, and they do make trouble for the owners, but they also do a lot of the necessary work.
Such a quandry...
This will keep having to be adjusted based on AI feedback and message-shaping.
"Sadly" there is no other way to reduce the herd rapidly enough to save the system, and it is the unique responsibility of those who like killing the herd to do this (otherwise) unpleasant job.
Get in line, please and start moving forward slowly.
I’m actually old enough to remember that THAT was the real LBJ (in the Daisy propaganda ad). It makes me cringe when I hear younger people who actually believe that LBJ was anything but a power hungry sociopath and absolutely used civil rights to change the D narrative.
Why bother with Nuclear fallout, when the Geo-engineers are already spraying all kinds of dusts up there? Gates suggested some kinds of dust (he didn't specify) could be used to dim the sun... to avoid global warming????? All the fools who wish to play god are at last being exposed to full view, so we can take their measure.
Those videos you showed, Tessa, are what I saw as a teenager. They put me in a permanent state of disaster expectancy for decades, I always had a survival arsenal of tent, fire tools etc where I lives, whilst trying to carry on a normal life, earn a living, bringing up my child etc.
That propaganda affected my mindset for so long. It's still a part of me, once more exacerbated by what 'they' are up to now.
Playing on peoples fears has always been the way of despots, conquerors', war monger and control freaks, to put it crudely.
As long as we remain unaware of the games being played with our minds, of the manner in which we've been brainwashed by our education and a media made up of people who could, if they so wished, hold onto and propagate truths and ethics instead of playing into the hands of despots, we remain vulnerable to those manipulations.
It's so upsetting that many are still fast asleep to the games being played on them, especially as there appeared to be such a massive awakening in the 'Hippy' days of the 60's and 70's... Just read 'The Aquarian Conspiracy' by Marilyn Ferguson. Many of the sentiments voiced there are the same as those being voiced now by those with hearts and minds connected. The book was published in 1980, twenty years after 'Hippy' type thinking had been in the public eye... It's now another forty years on from the 80's and the public still believe the MSM who seem determined to carry on prostituting themselves to maintain their income, which is actually an insult to prostitutes, who don't do much harm, unlike the MSM lackeys who have helped in no uncertain way to keep people ignorant of what really transpires amongst those who we have allowed to act as our 'leaders'.
The only thing that seems to have changed for the better is that we can see the chicanery and evil being done and we can more clearly see who are involved in pushing that agenda, so I suppose I should be thankful for small mercies and carry on holding fast to the concept that awakening IS taking place and we will create a kinder more creative, beautiful way of life once we've worked out how to overcome the absolutely idiotic evil being manifested by those with mental illness and supported by the fearful.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest! I would love to see the positive side of the Aquarian Era more manifest than it yet is.
Hiding under a desk is on par with putting on a giant face diaper or having a picture of our naked bodies taken at an airport (for our safety). It only serves to make people "feel" like they are doing something. And only the ignorant fall for this. And, unfortunately, there is no shortage of voluntary ignorance in society today. Thanks for the great update Ms Tessa
this is quite long, but interesting about WEF and Klaus Schwab's mentors, Kissinger, Galbraith, and Kahn, background, https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/dr-klaus-schwab-or-how-the-cfr-taught-me-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-bomb/
Speaking of Ed Dowd, the whole thing looks more and more like a dot-com bubble/Enron/Subprime power 10. Or even worse probably. The sooner it happens the better in a way.
“I know that the universe is on the side of love. I know it because the whole point is love, and it’s not an empty phrase, it really is this way.”
Yes. And that’s the good that’s going to come of this.
A jewel of a paragraph in a gem of an article. Thanks!
Your name is how New Yorkers say "Long Island". :-)
Gosh. Imagine that. ;-)
Ya'll brangin' the chuckles! =))))
Unclear is an anagram of Nuclear xx
duck and cover was the surgical mask of 1956. Klaus the Louse would have been college age at the time. Question: if those mean professors hadn't made Klaus hide under his desk, would he have grown up into a dorky but otherwise normal guy who made his living writing gnomic analyses of rust belt manufacturing?
I have long believed we simply move too much, and impose too much on the earth by doing so. We jet about, drive about, import our food and our belongings. I am glad if that is over in whole or part. Charles Lindbergh, at the end of his life, came to realize that ushering in commercial aviation was perhaps not the best idea after all. He later became very supportive of the Audobon Society and is buried on Maui. Maybe he rolls in his grave every time the jets and planes scare the birds away.
I am old enough to remember the first two D&C messages, and other propaganda. Don't want to watch the newest. I grew up to work for scientists in my 30's who were part of scientific exchange w Soviets and one of them joined the int'l movement to free Andrei Sakharov. Then I married one of the few radiologists I've known who supported antinuclear activists, because he knew how terrible nuclear war would be. I used to think Russia was pro-WEF, but now I wonder if they are Alexander Duganites, which the DC loons & West Wing LARPers haven't figured out yet, because of their own obsession with ruling the world. Yes, I do believe people should shift the narrative on any level they can, even if we die trying.
Thanks for the invitation to return to our timeless hearts.
Billions of us are still naive enough to take this on face value 😳
I don’t believe the great resetters will eat each other. At the highest levels they are actually networked to each other within various secret societies that are organized under intelligent evil. Of course there’s always some infighting, but ultimately it’s these against the masses, who are the ones who always suffer through all of the diabolical schemes.
And this is the element of the story that almost nobody wants to touch: there are supernatural entities sitting above all of these events and they are the ones controlling the Klaus Schwabs, the Putins, the Bidens, the Trudeaus etc. to do their evil bidding. “The Plan” is pushed out to the conspiracy minded as a great reset, Global government controlled by technocratic overlords. But there are a few who understand this for what it really is – The Beast System. It’s coming, and people need to know. And they need to know their only real defense is to be covered by the blood of Jesus. There is indeed power in the blood. The Satanists know this, that is why they do blood rituals. Unprecedented supernatural activity is coming and people without a compatible paradigm will be easy pickings.
Let me propose that the reason we are ruled by sociopaths is that they provide a service to the species, which is that they kill off a lot of the people when the people overgrow the resource base that feeds them.
Look through history and see if that holds water, please.
This is what any manager of livestock does when there are signs of over-grazing.
We are the herd.
The herd has to be "herded" towards the population reduction with ideas, memes, feelings, fears... This appears to be happening.
A lot of scary and disorienting things can be thrown out at us. With social media and AI, our herd-responses can be very well tracked in real time. If we start to stampede in the wrong direction, adjustments can be made.
Look! Where did COVID go?
Some outliers are starting to go towards vaccine-"democide" (as in video, death by government).
It is getting to be time for the all-powerful WAR! narrative, the narrative within which anything "necessary" can be imposed on anybody. Anybody who disagrees is a "traitor" and can be dealt with in any way, without any rights. It helps to have a class of internal enemies. Jews won't work this time, and "unvaccinated" lost momentum, so there is always RUSSIANS, though there are hardly enough of them for a good meal.
Maybe "White Supremacist Nationalist Domestic Terrorists" can be used. It's getting beta-tested. There are a lot of them, and they do make trouble for the owners, but they also do a lot of the necessary work.
Such a quandry...
This will keep having to be adjusted based on AI feedback and message-shaping.
"Sadly" there is no other way to reduce the herd rapidly enough to save the system, and it is the unique responsibility of those who like killing the herd to do this (otherwise) unpleasant job.
Get in line, please and start moving forward slowly.
This will be quite pleasant.
Trust me...
...complacency 360 doesn’t cut it ... this is war... and if we don’t win, everything’s cancelled including childhood... and love... sorry.
Scamdemic HOW?
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | English
I’m actually old enough to remember that THAT was the real LBJ (in the Daisy propaganda ad). It makes me cringe when I hear younger people who actually believe that LBJ was anything but a power hungry sociopath and absolutely used civil rights to change the D narrative.
Why bother with Nuclear fallout, when the Geo-engineers are already spraying all kinds of dusts up there? Gates suggested some kinds of dust (he didn't specify) could be used to dim the sun... to avoid global warming????? All the fools who wish to play god are at last being exposed to full view, so we can take their measure.
Those videos you showed, Tessa, are what I saw as a teenager. They put me in a permanent state of disaster expectancy for decades, I always had a survival arsenal of tent, fire tools etc where I lives, whilst trying to carry on a normal life, earn a living, bringing up my child etc.
That propaganda affected my mindset for so long. It's still a part of me, once more exacerbated by what 'they' are up to now.
Playing on peoples fears has always been the way of despots, conquerors', war monger and control freaks, to put it crudely.
As long as we remain unaware of the games being played with our minds, of the manner in which we've been brainwashed by our education and a media made up of people who could, if they so wished, hold onto and propagate truths and ethics instead of playing into the hands of despots, we remain vulnerable to those manipulations.
It's so upsetting that many are still fast asleep to the games being played on them, especially as there appeared to be such a massive awakening in the 'Hippy' days of the 60's and 70's... Just read 'The Aquarian Conspiracy' by Marilyn Ferguson. Many of the sentiments voiced there are the same as those being voiced now by those with hearts and minds connected. The book was published in 1980, twenty years after 'Hippy' type thinking had been in the public eye... It's now another forty years on from the 80's and the public still believe the MSM who seem determined to carry on prostituting themselves to maintain their income, which is actually an insult to prostitutes, who don't do much harm, unlike the MSM lackeys who have helped in no uncertain way to keep people ignorant of what really transpires amongst those who we have allowed to act as our 'leaders'.
The only thing that seems to have changed for the better is that we can see the chicanery and evil being done and we can more clearly see who are involved in pushing that agenda, so I suppose I should be thankful for small mercies and carry on holding fast to the concept that awakening IS taking place and we will create a kinder more creative, beautiful way of life once we've worked out how to overcome the absolutely idiotic evil being manifested by those with mental illness and supported by the fearful.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest! I would love to see the positive side of the Aquarian Era more manifest than it yet is.
Hiding under a desk is on par with putting on a giant face diaper or having a picture of our naked bodies taken at an airport (for our safety). It only serves to make people "feel" like they are doing something. And only the ignorant fall for this. And, unfortunately, there is no shortage of voluntary ignorance in society today. Thanks for the great update Ms Tessa