You fight in a crazy city as do I in another insane one on the West Coast. Sending love & strength 💗

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Thank you my dear!!! Many hugs to you!!

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And from me to both of you, I so appreciate your efforts!

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Same back atcha, T-B <3

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Let's talk soon. It has been flippin' ages. I will text you sometime this week after I get a few big things done!

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Yikes are they trying to enact a similar law in S.F.?

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Hmm, not aware of that law... but they're constantly trying all sorts of other crazy stuff. We were the first city to lock down back in March 2020 and I'm sure our mayor wears that as a badge of honour!

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Yeah I remember thinking it was strange that she declared a “State of Emergency” before Covid had started spreading. Like, what’s up with that? Hmmm...

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never let a "crisis" go to waste? political power 101: fear of death is powerfully stressful. want to increase state power? get weak-minded people (sadly, this means most of us) to sh*t their pants.

many of us appearing as normal, rational people will suddenly lose our minds under fear-based stress and do anything, even harm our fellow man, in order to feel safe again. wherever, whenever folks in large numbers are trembling in fear there opens a window of opportunity for power-minded state loonies backed by violent, deadly force to ride to the rescue and play the hero. under great emotional stress, those of us who live our lives playing "follow the leader" are all too easily convinced that setting aside rational human decency and embracing temporary, anti-human insanity is a good idea. (but you knew that, right?)

Blind trust in authority means that when "the crisis" is over, we may imagine that whatever drastic measures had to be taken can be "rolled back" by our "benevolent" authorities and "sane governance" returns.

Of course, this is never the case. My feeling on this court case is that NYC, being the most breezily fascistic-minded city in america, is seen as a good place to "beta test" just how low people are willing to stoop to rid themselves of state-mandated fear of their fellow man.

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Of course, the actions taken post-9/11 are a perfect example. They paved the way for intrusions on our privacy, which continues to be eroded with each “crisis”...

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I really do appreciate truth warriors like you and Bobbie Ann Cox. And I do believe that the number of good people supporting you is rapidly increasing. I will be watching Wednesday morning and I pray for a big win. May it be so.

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Yes, may it be so.

Thank you for being the wonderful you!

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Reminds me of the year 1933, when the first concentration camp - Dachau - was opened in Germany. The official term used for these camps was "protective custody camps", to conceal what was actually happening in these camps.

What does it take for everyone to wake up, open their eyes, ears and start using their brain again? Does society really want to repeat Germany's dark history?

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

"You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

Dineh (Navajo) saying.

It can be very lonely to be awake in a mass of zombified individuals. It takes strength and courage (a strong heart) to go against the current, especially in a sewer.

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For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12

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Too me personally the connections between 20th century totalitarianism and/or Naziism - in both Europe and Asia - are so blatant I don’t see how people can ignore them.

Today the roots we can see in China, in the Soviet system, in Italy, in Germany, in Japan and the like are stunningly obvious in retrospect.

Not to mention what we observe in the remainder of the world's nation states currently.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Our fences (such as they are) are being tested. The power drunk love this game. Harari said humans are hackable animals. They’ve collected reams of data since the scamdemic. The totalitarians will keep pushing the boundaries until nothing is off the table. Came within a razor’s edge of executions over defying covid measures. Noam Chomsky and many other spotlighted progressives said, “Get the shot or get shot.”

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Noam Chomsky, the anarchist, turned wannabe dictator, fascist (or Stalinist) and statist overnight.

The good thing about a crisis such as covid is that it revealed and exposed who was what. It separated the wheat from the shaft, so that we (who are more or less awake) have no more illusions whatsoever.

What was exposed cannot be hidden again, what was done cannot be undone or forgotten. We know who the enemies of humanity are, and their agenda.

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The Left talk out of both sides of their mouths. Prior to 3/2020 the same players that relished putting their boots on our faces said they are anti-bullying. So-called activists with all their virtuous causes are students of Saul Alinsky who dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals to Satan. Their dumb ass followers are today’s mask wearers who set their cruise control at 32MPH in a 35 to teach the mile-long line of cars piling up behind them a lesson.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

This nation will fall into the hands of radicals unless conservatives have something better to offer than the status quo.

Addressing the deep and widespread corruption of government, at all levels, might be a start. No one in their right mind could legitimately argue against keeping the government honest except lobbyists, the military-industrial complex, the corporate media, Wall street, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and the power hungry.

But the public has everything to gain in restoring an honest government, and this is exactly where the population should unite 100%.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Agree 1,000%

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So glad there are so many willing people to try to stand up to these fascist overreach campaigns in these states that people are fleeing from so rapidly. A lot of NY state is beautiful and not affected by the insane policies of NYC or Albany, nor California by what we see daily in SF and LA, but it is a shame that these policies drive out people in droves, lessening the tax base and giving less to those who remain.

It's amazing that NY is appealing something that seems on the face unconstitutional, but dang if NM's communist dictator Wuhan Luhan didn't go even crazier against the constitution! Nothing is surprising anymore, sadly. Thanks to all the fighters!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

"We the people" need to demand that all of the emergencies laws be repealed. These laws give the government "temporary" absolute powers without any accountability. Under emergency, the government can seize your water, your land, all your resources and even you (to be forced to work in civilian defense). There should be no law that allows the government to "suspend" any of your Constitutional rights unless you are a convicted criminal.

But the aim here appears to be to eliminate the Constitution. This has been a long term agenda that both parties have supported, first in the name of fighting terrorism, now in the name of health emergencies.

The term "lockdown" is very different from the word "quarantine". Lockdowns are specifically used in prisons for prisoners. It is shocking and abhorrent to use this word and strategy on a civilian population, but this is deliberate, as the "new normal" is a psyop meant to drive the point home that our so-called rights are mere privileges, permissions that can be suspended anytime the government decides to do so.

Next will come forms of social credit that will permanently solidify this strategy...we will have "permissions" as long as we obey. This is social credit in a nutshell.

This is intolerable, and anger is a very appropriate response to any intolerable situation. Anger is as a burst of energy meant to propel us to act to end such a situation. In this case anger is good and righteous, and an extremely positive force if used in an effective manner to restore freedom and sanity.

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Thank you, Tessa Lena, and thank you Bobbie Anne Cox!

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Thank you, Transcriber B!! xo

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I’m very sorry to hear but glad to be out of NY since 2017 I wasn’t consciously aware of certain regulations or events to come!! I have many I still care about in ny but they are different and apparently I’m a conspiracy theorist..😪 Thank you, Dearest Tessa Lena 🙏🏼 💙🌀

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Get vocal people. Local people are waiting for more voices so the momentum accelerates.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Hi Tessa, Great post. Oh NYC I do love you. Thank you Bobbie for fighting the dragon. I wasn't sure where to post this, but I just came across this info on Canada:


We can make a difference!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

I was a Canadian once...I am glad I gave it up! It is beyond "woke" up there...it has become a totalitarian nightmare.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

We need to support this attorney in every way we can, she is doing this pro bono!

The enemy is old...thousands of years old, it has reared its ugly head through the centuries in the forms of diverse authoritarians, totalitarians, brutal bullies, sadistic torturers, dictators and other despicable, sick creatures humanity has had to fight almost constantly in old Europe and most other parts of the world.

The US was mostly spared from this (unless you were a Native American or Black), but the ugliness has now emerged in full force here, and the choice is the same as it always was: fight or flight, but never submit.

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Reminds me of that movie, Escape From New York.

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We'll be watching!

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All Hail Counselor Cox!


Bravo, Counselor!

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Indeed, she is so great!!

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They are moving forward with their agenda despite our efforts to push back/legal system. Mass resistance is the only way and so many people are sick. Thank you for everything you are doing!

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

They have taken 9rders...between this and the open b9rder policy..new York will be a wasteland

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I love New York very much but it has visibly changed since 2020. I love the land, I have a strong love for the land. But the "cultural" things are just.. God.

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I know exactly what you mean. I live in a state like that. I love the land, lived here all my life, love the weather, the flora and fauna....but culturally, ugh.

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