A housekeeping note:

There is a spammy bot account (pretending to be an erotically minded girl) that seems to be targeting my page. Or rather, there are many duplicate accounts pretending to be that same person. I am working with Substack to do away with it, and deleting and banning each version of this bot as soon as it goes on a commenting spree. Very annoying since it is leaving comments in the middle of good conversations but I suspect we are doing something right here and good for us.

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You mean she's not really showing off exotic pictures of her plants? Damn dyslexia.

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Thank you, Tessa. Artificial Immunity Service fits right in with their Freedom-as-a-Service model. I appreciate, as always, your literate exposés of the fraudulent Coronamaniacs that pose as saviours to their own created crises.

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Thank you Navyo!! It is kind of absolutely stunning how lies are made up and inserted into people with their permission. But this darkness will end. It will end without a doubt..

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And also without their permission (at least subconsciously). I've just had a Jewish friend become very upset with me on FB for comparing our current trend with the build up to the Holocaust, calling it 'my agenda' to compare such a thing. It's so disheartening to read when it's clearly media-manipulated perception. I've never been anti-semitic in my life, nor a right-wing white supremacist that he accuses me of being. It's like hearing a tape recording of the news. It saddens me greatly, but I have hope that as you say, this darkness will end without a doubt.

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I think most people who get angry when their belief system of talking points is implicitly challenged are partially participating victims. I mean they are participating but they don't know what they are doing, don't use their innate senses a lot, like a insect part-paralyzed by a poison. I feel mostly compassionate and I pray that our energy is directed toward protecting ourselves and healing ourselves and them as well. It's a pain in the arse when so many people are not using their senses but it is the existing situation, and we need to deal with it with most wisdom and courage, and with love. It is challenging to be surrounded by so many people in the state of being emotionally poisoned but since this is happening, we have no choice but to figure it out and keep walking in dignity without getting too worked up over how things could have been if they only.... all in time!!!

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Yes, it's definitely a primitive brain state reaction. I agree about the love... I have to tell myself, forgive them for they know not what they do, and be as compassionate and kind as I can while keeping boundaries and staying firm in truth.

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The words of wisdom!!

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I get the shish-kebab when "we" use "their" words and phrases like "conspiracy theories".

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"They" are stealing a lot of good words and changing their meanings. It's good to make fun of the bastards.

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Yes. The classic examples are "liberal" and "progress". Did you know that the Liberal Party in Australia is equivalent to the GOP in USA, or the Conservatives in the UK? Likewise with their colours.

I do taunt "them", in my own ways. Rowuhan. Omibulla. Omicon. Omivaxed. Omiburger. Omiscam.

I noticed a tendency for people to merely use the latest of "their" words and phrases. By doing this, we allow them to dictate debates.

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Hi Tessa, thank you so much for your work and your honesty. Truly inspiring in these insane times.

I've been working on what has turned into some version of a poem-book-exploration of what seems to be the myth of our times - Isis and Osiris - meaning, cutting up the human spirit into pieces and then having the Magical Woman come, put the pieces together, and sing them back to life. This is mine (our) little project on the subject - a cry to the stars. I'm posting it here, because I believe we are all going to make it through together, and that this is part of a bigger story - one in which ultimately the human spirit wins: https://youtu.be/m_zmhbdBQoc.

Much love to you and yours! Klara

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Here's a conspiracy theory that's already quite long in the tooth.

The toxic vaccines are premeditated and tracked secretly, but the code is "broken".

I have personal confirmation that all of the vaccine adverse reactions at the clinic where I recently worked were from a M......20A batch of "vaccine".


Highly toxic COVID vaccine batch doses ALL end in 20A or 21A.

3000 batches reviewed in this video presentation. This corresponds to data from Steve Kirsch et al that almost all adverse events came from 5% of vaccine batches..

Watch the short video running down the list of batches and the adverse reactions in the next column.

20A looks somewhat worse than 21A. Whatever caused these reactions appears to have been baked-in at the factory.

No highly toxic batches fail to have numbers ending in 20A or 21A, though not all batches ending in 20A or 21A are highly toxic.

What's the Secret-Sauce?

Thanks Jeremy for this 10 minute video exercise in SCIENCE.


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Thank you.

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Australia was disarmed under the pretext of the "Port Arthur massacre." While anyone familiar with the story would naturally wonder how a low-IQ mentally challenged man could achieve such an astonishing shot-to-kill ratio in such a short span of time, there is actually much much more to the story, including how they doctored the photo of the young man to make him look deranged, a la Adam Lanza. http://mileswmathis.com/porta.pdf

Not that I believe an armed populace is the most essential part of a resistance, but it clearly is a part.

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