May 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Luc Montagnier, a Nobel-winner, was investigating bacterial response to radio waves. During the study he found specific responsive bacteria in Alzheimers patients and became convinced that Alzheimers is at least partly bacterial.


Montagnier lost his reputation by considering homeopathy as valid, and also for turning anti-vax, long before 2020.

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Thank you for the link, polistra!! I have seen homeopathy work many times, and as they say, "placebo effect" is phrase that arrogant researchers use when they don't know how to explain the mechanism! :-)

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Love Montagnier. He also said that these vaccines could cause misfolded proteins/ plaques and prion diseases- which would explain the rise in neurodegeneration, especially when combined with EMF.

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Well in our world there is money to weaponize Alzheimer, but not a dime to find the true cause of Autism or God forbid, stop its proliferation.

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i suspect the cause of both is probably similar. I do suspect that there is a lot of validity to the infectious theory, with an additional comment that toxicity is probably playing a big role because the state of "terrain" is important.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

some people will never realize, and others, when you mention anything relating to the jabs, fall into a dead silence

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The increase in Alzheimer's in our generation, points to environmental factors definitely. I wonder if vaccinations play a major role in it as we definitely had more of those then any other generation.

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I suspect that it's a combination of many factors. I think vaccines are a source of toxicity, and many of them seen to be contaminated with all sorts of crap, in addition to including ingredients shown to be toxic. Plus, all sorts of environmental toxins. And I think under those conditions, any microbe that would otherwise know his place, gets bold. Probably varies from one person to another, too.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Oh dear, more baffled doctors?

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I know. They have NO IDEA.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

If a conscious person were to answer your (perhaps rhetorical) question about in-name-only adults finding their lost sense of responsibility, the sensible reply would have to be -


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Hopefully, sooner or later..

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

I understand your hope. Perhaps you can understand my lack thereof.

Thank you again for your work and intention.

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Thank you, Jerry!!

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I'm swiftly adopting a neologism into my active vocabulary!

🗨 AINO = adult in name only 🔥

(Etymology: coined on the template of RINO. Of course 🤸)

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Thank you. It's interesting that your neologism contains the digraph AI.

I've invented a few as well. For example, ABTI a widespread cause of death - Anything But The Injection - and "Expertology" to name just a couple:

"We entered some time back the golden age of expert-ism. In that magical realm experts, fact-checkers, non-profit organizations, NGOs and all manner of assorted doers of good and guardians of the State or Satan or both, who are financially connected to and likewise dependent upon the very entities about which they daily issue forth the fruit of their expertise.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

With regards to respiratory enteroviruses causing myocarditis in infants, review Catastrophic Contagion. https://catastrophiccontagion.centerforhealthsecurity.org Another "scenario" ran by the B&M Gates Foundation, John Hopkins and WHO in Oct 2022 much like Event 201 in Oct 2019 predicted the CoVid pandemic. Same players only this time they predicted a respiratory enterovirus that primarily effected children. This is NOT conspiracy theory. These are conspiracy FACTS.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Alzheimer and it’s link to toxoplasmosis Gondii check your cats (and dogs)

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May 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena


Read the bit at the end of the article about newborns of vaccinated mothers who are breastfeeding and how they ( like the adults vaccinated) have lost all their bifidobacteria which are important for fighting off other infections. Maybe that’s how they’re being immunocompromised.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

"What’s causing it? A mystery is causing it. They are mystified."

Were the pregnant mothers injected with the mRNA experimental toxic gene therapy and did this toxin travel to the placenta during gestation. 🤔

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We also know that the blood brain barrier leaks when exposed to EMF, and protein synthesis (plaques) along with neurotransmitters like dopamine are destroyed by blue light: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/the-1-emf-youve-forgotten-about

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I see a lot of people, cognitively deteriorating, and they’re no longer able to do the jobs They used to be able to do well. They miss appointments and so on.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Author

I have a theory, and for some reason, I think that my theory, mostly ignored as it is now, will be mainstream in like 20 years (if anyone is still around with their marbles intact), and my theory is that a tremendous amount of people have undiagnosed toxo, and doctors have no idea because they've been taught outdated info, plus arrogant, plus too busy to read up on the latest research, etc. And this is in no contradiction with environmental toxicity, or toxicity of the COVID "vaccines," etc. And I am sure there are different scenarios playing out in different people but I think I am on the money here. And I am trying to chase anyone who would listen to please pay attention to the latest research and take it into consideration!

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May 21, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Good day, just used the link below you graciously provided in your reply and works perfectly. Thank you for your time and great work.

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I am glad it worked!

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Ummm, maybe you should talk to Dr Chris Exley.


He was doing a study on Alzheimer's brains in the brain bank.

99% of them had high amounts of aluminum in the brain.

Sorry, it's not a disease you catch... It's a poisoning response.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Author

I am well aware of the aluminum hypothesis, and there could be a lot of truth to it since a lot of smart people have been calling attention to aluminum toxicity. My question to you is, how do you know that the explanation that speaks to you is the final and ultimately correct opinion, and therefore, other theories should not even be considered? :) How do you know with total and absolute certainty that it is aluminum and aluminum only? I think even the scientists who research aluminum don't claim that it is only that, full stop, everything else needs to be dismissed. :) Could it be that several factors are contributing? Could it be that certain bugs love aluminum? How do you know?

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I'm not on the fence with that idea.

Toxins like aluminum and or mercury will cause issues.

Until that is addressed, I really think other theoretical causes are a smokescreen.

It's simple, poison in body. Causes issues. But if they can blame a virus, well that's how polio happened... To cover up for the real cause, known by many dissenters, DDT and arsenic based pesticides used at the time.

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i actually wrote about that (DDT and arsenic and polio). https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/curious-case-of-polio-ddt-and-vaccines

But I think that for practical purposes, if several causes are involved, then demanding that all other causes are not considered until.... the global problem of toxicity is solved (!!!) is cruel. Obviously it's good to avoid toxicity as much as possible, That's not even something people argue about. But if other factors can be addressed, then I think anyone suffering from a disease would greatly appreciate ways to address it that are easier to accomplish than defeating global toxicity. And diseases are often caused by pathogens, yes, in an environment that is perhaps to friendly to them, due to toxicity, but by pathogens none the less. Most things in the world are alive, and personally, I am not subscribed to mechanical theory of the universe, I am subscribed to the theory that presumes that everything in the world is alive.

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An island nearby In Micronesia I read about, was is Samoa or ? can’t remember, there are more depressed than somewhere else in the world, something to do with a plant, tree or the soil. Curiously someone coming from abroad there’s no influence, so the locals must have some vulnerability or susceptibility to these outer factors. Now here’s my story please don’t and I’m almost certain some will shoot me for it, I’m not a antisemitist nor a holocaust denier, not even a fan of racial supremacy in short racism, I’ve more friends among the Jews than I have enemies, sure I do have enemies too. I think 2 decades ago a Jewish friend of mine said there was more Alzheimer in Jewish communities than in non Jewish, and he already talked about Bill Gates if he could do something about in the near future! My point is is there also a genetic susceptibility or make up in some communities more than in others? Please no offense I mean well for everybody.🐣

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

It speaks volumes about the toxicity of our current cultural discourse, this fact that you have to profusely apologise to preempt vicious attacks along too familiar lines 😟 A lengthy disclaimer is necessary before stating the most basic observation: people differ in genetical makeup, and certain features accumulate in those with common ancestry. Shouldn't be a controversial statement in the least. But it somehow is, sure like all get-out! 🤦

PS Is it still acceptable in polite society to mention that sickle cell anaemia is more prevalent in groups of African descent?

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my thoughts exactly!

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Must be Donald Trump's fault.

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