Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

I feel somewhat nervous writing this as my knowledge of autism is very limited -for which I am very grateful as I really cannot imagine how I would cope and I so admire the absolute love that must go into these sufferers on a daily basis. But if I may share the story of one lovely young girl with autism- with apologies for lack of specifics but it is not really my story to tell and I have not asked for permission to share or give names- she was diagnosed with autism after being vaccinated and in desperation her parents heard of a doctor here in NZ in Northland... Kim somebody or other I think....and followed her suggestions, including and mainly dietary, and saw remarkable results. Later, it was discovered that music finalised the deal so to speak and as a result the family are involved not only with their very talented musical path but with setting up a healing centre in London using energy/sound frequencies in healing. The lovely -now young lady- can be seen on U-tube singing along with her family- with zero signs of autism.

On the topic of dementia however, I do sadly have experience with my mother in her latter years, dying at aged 86 well over twenty years ago now, and your post resonated with me.....no vaccines at all would have been a part of her life and nor was she interested in having any of her five children vaccinated. She believes she was healed of scarlet ?rheumatic ? fever as a child in very poor circumstances, through eating what food was available for her and her twelve siblings and that was an

abundance of rose hips- Vitamin C.

When dementia progressed she would often look at us with tormented sad eyes and plead to know if her " brothers love me now ?" or if her mother did....that was the worst aspect of losing her as my mother....the torment. That lines up perfectly with your belief of lack of love. (and I wish to add this....the prayer group I attended prayed for her while I 'stood in the gap' for her - scriptural when the actual person cannot be there to be prayed over - and the next time I visited her in the resthome I was anxious to discover if there had been any improvement and to my delight and relief the torment and anxiety that was in her eyes had disappeared ! and not only that but her fingers - bent over and malformed and stiff from arthritis for years - had loosened up. I can only say and attest that God is good, very good.)

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Lynda, many hugs to you! I am grateful for your courage of sharing the story of you Mom. God bless her soul!!!

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you so much; I so appreciate your response and kind words. Your post evoked some unsettling and sad emotions in me there for awhile.....and I do so hope that the two vague leads I suggested are looked up as the results were remarkable in the instance I know of.

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

The comment that rang true for me, and I have heard more than once, is that parents coping with an autistic kid, or even more than one, is that they have a huge array of treatments. Not only are they physically and morally overcome, but budget considerations loom large. Imagine being the worry, the energy needed to face this challenge 24 hours a day. Also with such an array of solutions, how does one choose?

Contrast that with one doctor who says across the board there are a few pretty basic supplements which over the long haul will slowly work to reduce symptoms. He is called a kook in some circles, yet he is a classically trained European MD.

I have to say, there have been many experts who are attacked that way.

I have great sympathy for the plight of these parents. The Children’s Health Defense is doing whatever it can in behalf of our kids.

I know you know about them, Sasha because I remember seeing articles you authored for them.

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I hear you!!! And I so wish more started thinking along the lines of trying to treat an infection. A lot of antiparasitics are broad range, and of course they WOULD need to talk to an honest naturopath because a child may be very sensitive to dosages but I think it would solve a lot of problems with enough persistence and love. There may be cases that are hard to reverse, but there could be many more that are reversible!

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

I read the other day that there are blood tests that uncover parasites that do not show up in stool samples.

Also the right diet is necessary and hard to impose. What if your kid will shut up while eating pizza but dairy products and grains are deadly?

I even had a friend in France whose kid, as a result of an acrimonious divorce, was treated as though his problem was purely psychological. I knew this child from the age of two, and his suffering from noise or even random sounds, was painful to behold.

These kids have immune systems so flooded that bodies can pick up anything. So of course infections and parasites.

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Poor kid!!! Did anyone try to treat him properly?

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

I hope when they ( dad and son)visit NY this summer to arrange something. I got him started on filtered music a couple of years ago, remotely.

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

When I get him face to face we shall se. We get along well. He is multilingual!

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"We are born into a world that forgot love. It’s our job to bring love back. And heal, in earnest, in totality, heal. With love." Great line Tessa. X j

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Thank you, John!!

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Is Barron Trump autistic? https://autismcoe.com/blog/aba-therapy/unraveling-the-speculation-does-barron-trump-have-autism/#:~:text=conditions%20are%20known.-,The%20Rumors%20Around%20Barron%20Trump,official%20statements%20or%20confirmed%20diagnoses3.

​ RFK Jr.'s Eldest Son (Allegedly) Leaks Phone Call Between Trump And His Father In Which Trump Confesses He Know Truth About Vaccines, That Babies "Change Right Before Your Eyes, "I See It All The Time

Very Good Sign, Despite Trump's Abysmal Record; RFK Jr. Tweets That He Is "Mortified," and Apologized Profusely​ https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/rfk-jrs-eldest-son-allegedly-leaks

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I have to admit I was a little hopeful a few years ago when Bobby was supposedly close to holding an official title in Trump's admin, responsible for looking into the magical vaccines. But clearly, that did not happen, somebody threatened somebody, or one of those things. So, being a practical peasant, I don't think we are looking at a realistic chance at this moment in time, and the reason is not "the globalists," it's more like, the people are led astray too easily, and start loving the bait set up by the people with not-so-good intentions. A lot of internals have to be resolved, I think, and realistically, dealing with internals and the trauma is the absolute best thing every one of us can do to heal the world. The healing starts with us! But a lot of people, and I've done that myself so not pointing fingers, feel that it's easier to "fix" others, or be mad about what others do, instead of taking a very honest look at the internals. it's a journey we all eventually get to make, hopefully in the best way for each of us!

Which is a long way to say, my emotional attachment to (s)elections is at zero, or, if not at zero, pretty close to zero. :)

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Good; don't attach emotionally, but focus closely in observation.

We can all see the mechanisms of corruption and societal decay, but WHAT are the mechanisms of renewal, which also happen periodically?

Watch. I think one is suddenly in progress, since Trump was spared-by-providence.


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Thank you, Brother John!

My personal opinion as of this second that this entire thing smells of a whole variety of rats. :-) Or should I say, a diversity of rats? I am always open to sudden and unexpected good political developments, but I think that at this moment those are not likely to take place, I think we are in a time where we need to examine our relationship with our Mystery, and until that happens, the chance is, politics is going be as grotesque as it has been.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

My impression of Baron is that at the very least, he grew up in a very screwed up environment, and he doesn't feel loved, while there is all this glamor, etc. But I really don't know, I have not spent a lot of time thinking about it.

Oh, and he may very well think that vaccines contribute to autism, doesn't make me hopeful about this avenue of change though. We've lived through 2020, thank you :)

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Trump "knows, and sees it all the time", per the RFK Jr. leak, so what does that mean?

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That he is scared to say it out loud and doesn't care enough to do so?

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Let's see if the new-Trump is that way...


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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

I don't think there is a new Trump. I don't have any emotions going in that direction, I wish him the best as a fellow spirit on a journey as a human being on Earth, that's about it, I don't care either way. I don't think the event was real, I am obviously happy he is alive on a rare chance it was (but I think it was not). I wish him the best, and I place my effort in areas where I think they are more effective than thinking about celebrities and their journeys :))

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Tessa Lena

Do keep watching. There are clearly "rats all the way down" to poach the punchline of a story. This is true whoever in the offices of government arranged the fatal (for 2) shootings.

Put your efforts where they will best serve, indeed, but do watch...


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What I think it is is a massive distraction from SOMETHING, funny how easily we think that those other famous people a have more influence on our future than our own internals. I fall for it occasionally but it happens less now.

I stopped thinking about that event about five minutes after I learned about it and watched the footage, but it is hard to not think about it as everybody is talking about it, offering expert takes, etc. It's like there is an energy pull toward the lives of celebrities, and we are tricked into thinking that it is through them that we get saved. He, out of all people, does not inspire any expectations of salvation in me. :)

But again, if the universe uses his choices to do something good for us, I will be happy and grateful for any good things that may come!

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Could extended fasts help with any of this?

The MSM seems to demonize fasting, so I assume it has lots of benefits lol

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I think the honest answer is, it depends. I have done extended fasting a couple of times in my life at different points, one time it positively didn't work, other times it felt useful.

I think if the person is weak, there is a need to be very careful. If the person needs to be taking supplements, again, one needs to be very careful as it may require food.

In general, I have heard miracle stories. I have tried Dr. Schulze detox system a few times, it is very difficult to do but it seems good (but very difficult to do). Then on the other hand, if one wants to eliminate all sugar including fruits for a period of time, his system won't apply. So it's all individual!

I am not convinced that bugs can be vacated by fasting alone, I think it really depends on the person, and the individual case, and the type of bugs. etc. But I also think that if one needs to deal with it, it can be viewed as a spiritual journey, and one gets guidance.

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Jul 16Liked by Tessa Lena

I remember a co-worker many years ago whose son had been diagnosed with autism. She fought and fought to have a certain doctor known in those circles have a compounded heavy metal detoxifier prescribed for her son. She swore it was the only thing that worked for him. I always admired her as a strong, caring mother. I wish I had been more in tune at the time to get into in-depth conversations about this treatment. Clearly, she had done her homework. As usual, it is up to the patient (or their carer) to decide the best treatment, whatever the prevailing dogma is.

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Good for her! I hope the kid healed!!!

it so happens that some of the chelating substances also work against parasites. It's such a mysterious synergy!

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What are the chelating substances?

What do you know about Zeolite?

Do you have experience with the Rife machine?

Thank you.

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On another note - a few years ago I was driving slowly through a park in NNJ. A Filipino nurse was standing with an autistic young woman at a crossing. I stopped, and the young autistic woman swung out in front of my car, with her carer trying to hold her. But that young woman locked eyes with me and I recognized instantly a demon (I have experience with those, alas). I knew that poor young woman was possessed. And more. Not sure if I have shared before, but this is a very good recognition of vaccines and their effect on the spiritual entity inside each of us: https://veilofreality.com/2022/05/24/covid-vaccines-consequences-on-the-soul-spirit-and-life-after-death/ Rudolph Steiner 100 years ago recognized what was happening with the Soul when vaccinated.

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I updated the comment settings to "all." Sorry, was set to "paid subscribers" only when I sent it. It's the fat fingers!

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Thanks. Where I come from (A Course in Miracles), Love is - regardless of what we do - we may deny it or ignore it, but once we get our ego out of the way, what is left is Love. And that is the only job, and every interaction is either love or a call for love. And the appearance of an autistic child is a call for love. I think you were very close in your last article, saying that autistic behavior was a defense against being violated, and that makes sense, especially once we realize that probably 95% of autism is vaccine damage. But it happens in the context of a family, and as such you need to look at the whole picture, and it is not about just "fixing" the autism.

Here is where I like to quote my MD father:


If you are stuck at a traffic light with an allopathic MD in the passenger seat, he is likely to loan you his hammer, in order for you to knock out the red light. Subsequently, he will pretend ignorance about the cause of the accident, but he will happily patch you up and send you a bill.


Healing happens at another level, just fixing the effects gets us nowhwere fast, for we miss the message.

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Thank you, Rob. I will check them out! We don't have to choose ONE factor, right? :)

In all seriousness, if one has aluminum toxicity AND, say, a mold infection, or toxo, their family member can't get aluminum toxicity from them but they can pick an infection, and it's very important in practical terms!! If one pretends in such a case if it's just aluminum, one will simply get sick, too, very likely, and there is no benefit to that!

And remember, you said yourself that at least some bacteria can cause some disease... :)

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If someone gets very sick by mercury or lead poisoning, or toxic chemo everything else is secondary IMO.

Err with chemo they blame the cancer even though chemo is a carcinogen that causes cancer!

On the other hand, if someone has 3 comorbidities and catches the flu or COVID or bird flu and dies, it's always the virus that caused it 😂 🤡.

That's why I push back at viral and bacterial causes because it ignores huge huge things.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

An epistemology question: do you think it's beneficial to push back on factual causes of illness, if they cause suffering? One can get sick without any aluminum, and maybe one can get also sick from a mountain of toxins alone without any additional bugs, but is it beneficial to push back against facts? That would only mean that you are reaction to emotions, and it's fine, we have all done that. But on my end, I want to help people, and this is what I am researching. PS. Sorry, I edited the comment to keep it to the point. I do appreciate our debate but I don't understand why there is a need to push back against ANYTHING that helps people.

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Sometimes things are extraneous.

I don't think emotions are. Those are indeed key to healing.


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I don't think emotions are extraneous to health, either, quite to the contrary., I think they are very important. But it is not what I was saying, I meant that, based on what you said and the overall dynamic of our conversations, it seems like you have a feeling about other factors that cause neurological issues, or some trauma, and based on your feeling, you are protesting other factors., despite the fact that they are real. play a significant role in health as well, and need to be looked at. It's like you are very fond of the left hand, and every time somebody mentions the right hand, you go, "But what about the left hand?" :) But I am not saying the left hand is not important! I am saying that plenty of people are looking into toxins, while I have been looking at the role of infections in neurological and other chronic issues for a couple of years now, mostly in loneliness. like pulling teeth. While people are suffering and ARE giving those infections to others which NO ONE is talking about. What I am saying is not to ignore toxins but to take precautions and pay attention to antiparasttic / antifungal etc supplements and herbs if you have a loved one with neurological symptoms. It can save somebody's life!!!!

So the pushback against that is really not justified.

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A meat based ketogenic diet will also greatly improve both autism and dementia. Dr. Anthony Chaffee talks about this frequently, and it's backed by actual studies. You can find him on YouTube to learn more.

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Hi Tessa,

have you looked at the work of Dr Samantha Bailey and her husband Dr Mark Bailey? I think you would find them stumulating.


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Thank you, Shane! Yes, I have, I actually own "Virusmania." I have changed my mind about their work a few times back and forth, right now the topic of viruses is not my focus, as there is way too much viciousness there. I suspect the truth lies somewhere diagonal or in a completely different place from both extremes, and I have honest and intellectually brilliant friends in both camps about it. My focus is on trying to help, and what I found about neurological disease has to do more with bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections that are undeniably real and impact people.

How, in your view, does the subject of viruses relate to what I wrote in the article? xoxo

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CANCER Step Outside The Box, 6th Edition, by Ty Bollinger.


Cancer “Treatment.”

1. Suppress alternative cancer treatment and persecute those who advocate such treatments.

2. Brainwash the public to believe that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery (the big 3) are the only

viable options to treat cancer.

3. Advertise and sell the “Big 3,” since the goal of the Cancer Industry is to make money.

Allopathy is based on a BUSINESS MODEL. This is problem in the nutshell….

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My mother has dementia and so does my husband, but not to the extent of my mother. She is 93, he is 84.

I have been giving them antithelmintic supplements and doing mold detox on them.

What, exactly, do you suggest to bring them back? I had a blood test for parasites done on them, which came back negative for both. I know they both have worms, fungus, mold, and probably archaea, but I have been shooting in the dark, trying to find something that will work for them.

What are your suggestions, please? Thank you.

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