Btw - I was listening to David Rockefellers Autobiography and he brags about his University created and partly funded Fauci’s Health and Human Services Division. The University was then given the right to provide Medical Degrees. The University was originally called The Rockefeller’s Centre for Population Control. Rockefeller also f…
Btw - I was listening to David Rockefellers Autobiography and he brags about his University created and partly funded Fauci’s Health and Human Services Division. The University was then given the right to provide Medical Degrees. The University was originally called The Rockefeller’s Centre for Population Control. Rockefeller also funded this event at the Milken Institute which I am sure you are familiar with:
If you have doubts about something or if you want to dig more about anything is happening and happened in this world is imposibile not to find that the names of rockefellers or rothschilds are behind almost all of them, connected with them. ...
Btw - I was listening to David Rockefellers Autobiography and he brags about his University created and partly funded Fauci’s Health and Human Services Division. The University was then given the right to provide Medical Degrees. The University was originally called The Rockefeller’s Centre for Population Control. Rockefeller also funded this event at the Milken Institute which I am sure you are familiar with:
If you have doubts about something or if you want to dig more about anything is happening and happened in this world is imposibile not to find that the names of rockefellers or rothschilds are behind almost all of them, connected with them. ...
Always self serving evil hidden behind philanthropy.