Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

Something like this. I am continually discounting the experience, but I finally extricated myself and dealt with the terror part of it. I have trust issues, especially re: men, but I am working on them. Interesting that it's a "thing." Seems like many men have this malady. Men are hard on each other and hold each other up to near impossible standards. They need to be kinder and more compassionate with each other, as women are. (I know the reputation that women have of being horrid to each other, but when the chips are down, we help each other and understand what each other is going through.)

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My observations tell me that balanced men and women have really beautiful and complementary strengths and ways to help each other, while unbalanced women, on average, are more of a menace than unbalanced men. Maybe it's because women are more connected to emotions.

The most important thing could be finding that you have never deserved any crap, and that if your life's purpose has to do with healing the would and showing others how to do it, you most definitely have the energy on the inside to do it, you just want to unlock it when you are ready.

I am sending you hugs. I have faced a bunch of abuse at different times, I know it's confusing but then the point is always growing your wings and reconnecting with the energy of love that is yours by birth and entirely valid. It usually doesn't work intellectually very well, it takes going on the inside and finding that original version of you, before anyone hurt you. And loving yourself all over, every bit of you, every hidden corner. Crying for all the hurt if that's what it takes but loving every bit of you.

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Jul 26Liked by Tessa Lena

Agreed. I am there now. Took a while, but I made it. I have observed that the best way to help people is by being a good example. Talking at them is no help at all, and they sooner or later come to resent it and avoid one's conversation.

I recently met a wonderful man, who I can see has been hurt as well, so we are circling each other with low growls. LOL Hopefully...

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I hope the absolute best for you comes out of it!!! Oh the suspense... :-)

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You're telling me...? LOL

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And, I think there is a “Pavlov’s dog” in our psyche! Something “triggers” a reaction, or feeling that screws you up. THAT is what must be “deprogrammed”! One must tell the mind that…nope, I’m not going there!

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That is very true!!! Thank you for saying it.

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

That’s a great idea! I’m really seeing that the only way out humanity has is healing their childhood trauma. It worked for me! Well now I just gave to deal with the awful reality were living in 🤣

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When you realize that so much is formed by your early childhood (1-7 y/o), if it was brutal, it does affect your life, as it did me. I’m a survivor and I don’t sit in a pity pot-never have! I’m 61, and I’m ready to start over, once again!

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

Hi Tessa,

This series is brilliant. You're always right on the pulse...

I'm curious if you do Counseling sessions? Not group, but individual.

Because, it's difficult to find someone (conventionally trained or not even), who understands all the layers you have described here, and to which you yourself have the capacity to fully explore.

There is a huge barrier to engage with a "therapist" when you cannot express the inner workings of knowing the truth about the world we truly live in, and all its avenues of deceit, including our soul consciousness, which mainstream doesn't even know how to acknowledge.

I'm sure you're super busy, but, I for one, would be thrilled to work through some "traumas" with you.

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Jul 26Liked by Tessa Lena

Hi Tessa

I have recently found a healing modality that was developed by 2 Australians over many years by Jonn Avery and a man (I forget his first name but last name is Mace).

It is a non-talk therapy described in a website called Causism Institute. So effective and quick and, best of all, doesn't require us to talk about our past traumas (thus no need to relive the hurt). The Mace Energy Method, or MEM, is what it is called.

Facebook link:


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There's another way to react to not experiencing love in childhood, experiencing childhood emotional abuse builds another side, another form of dysfunctional adult unable to have that which he deisres, another behaviour altogether. Self denial. Self sacrifice. Self annihilation.

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Yes, that is true, thank you for mentioning it!

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'The rights of the children have "Nowhere To Stand"', KD Lange: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaxV7o__ewA

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Thank you, Brother John!!

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cycles of violence perpetuate the system of domination and that's why the cabal wants to keep us stuck in that vortex.

Tessa what's your secret? your life hasn't been easy. where do you find the inner strength?

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Yes, that is exactly right!!

Thank you so much for your kind word! I pray a lot and I try to be honest and do what's right, that is the secret. :) I think it is very hard to do what's right from just the intellect, I think that praying is necessary (but I am not talking about fear-driven prayer the way many of us were taught to talk to God, I mean talking to the loving spiritual forces with trust that they want to help and make things good, and that they are interested in our joy, happiness, spiritual clarity, and harmonious life, and that they have a deeper understanding and can see things that are difficult or impossible to see as human beings with a limited understanding of the world, by the nature of what a human existence is for.)

Hugs to you!!!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Tessa Lena

back at you and thanks for being an inspiration 1000X times over :)

am convinced that it's possible to have a personal relationship (non dogmatic, not controlling, non-narcissistic) with god/universe/nature, whatever a individual's worldview happens to be. the spirits are not here to hurt us, especially when we are committed to the path we chose to follow this time around (easier said than done, haha)

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa, I'm happy you are focusing on this topic. Look forward to the Philosophy club zoom meeting. For those who have not subscribed, please do so, join the Philosophy club, meet great people, and add your life experiences and thoughts to the discussions too if you like. I think the way it works is if you subscribe, you get the substack chat with the zoom link. ( Look up Tessa Lena substack chat). The meetings are every Friday at 2:00 PM. That time might not work for everybody, but subscribe anyway, Tessa does her best to personally contact you with emails if need be, quite a feat for someone with over 21,000 followers.

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Jim, thank you so much for your kind words!! It warms my heart, I mean it. Thank you! And i love your participation in our calls, the sincerity of your soul shines thought, and it is wonderful.

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What causes children to grow up to become passive aggressive people who display passive-aggressive behavior. because that child grew up in a totalitarian environment where there were no expressions of personal autonomy allowed. This child having two sisters and two brothers having no parental oversight other than punishment for crying or needing parent resolution concerning childhood conflict between one another then punished for needing intervention adult supervision concerning unresolved conflicts between siblings will struggle with communication and conflict resolution, and will have difficulty expressing their needs and emotions because they were ignored not allowed in a direct healthy way. It is a coping mechanism for dealing with difficult emotions or situations. For example when my older sister was being sexually abused by a pedophile outside the family the children have learned to keep their mouth shut due to punishment for asking for adult intervention. Consequently leading to the death of my older sister as a result of sexual abuse at 10 years old later in life because that kind of abuse ate her soul from the inside out dying in the Arizona State women’s prison system. This kind of abuse always lead to misunderstandings, conflict, in all relationship throughout life. just recognizing what it is you’re trying to explain goes against everything you were taught growing up keep your mouth shut. A form of psychological abuse causing critical thinking to be diminished when trying to understanding one’s own self let alone the people he interacts with personally on a daily basis. The consequences of this type of abuse causes an emptiness that cannot be filled causing an overall distrust of society as a whole there is no justice only just us. Pay me now or pay me later but one thing is for sure you will pay. The gift that keeps on giving, trauma

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Totalitarian society indeed.

Most of my siblings got caught up in the society as they were younger and born in the US and I was a young immigrant. I somehow still questioned teachers and doctors despite them making fun of my skepticism.

This is one of the mechanisms used to keep people numb to the insanity:


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I worked in the Criminal Justice system for many years. Nearly every single person suffered from horrible trauma as a child (then they have children). I’m not saying that’s an excuse, it’s just very unfortunate for them, and humanity.

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

Very important and useful. Thank you.

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Thank you, Bobbie!! xoxo

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

Sounds familiar.

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If you had to go through something like this, I am sorry, and I congratulate you on being strong!!

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Jul 25Liked by Tessa Lena

I have a tough time taking sympathy and kudos, but thanks.

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Tessa... Powerful tale that I hear several times a day from patients. The number one health issue in Amerika, Inc., is life trauma. Yes, it is usually linked to multi-generational family dysfunction. That. of course, translates into physical dis-ease via dysregulation of the ANS/HPA axis. Our culture here in the Indispensible Nation is toxic almost beyond imagining. Much of the trauma plaguing families is actually rooted in State-created anti-Humankind activities that magnify the pain and suffering for every citizen in this failed state and millions abroad.

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Important topic and look forward to your suggestions. We all experience it. Some have figured out how to deal with it personally but are still impacted by others around us that are still stuck. Words are difficult. And offered love is often not seen or rejected.

Trauma is often unrecognized by the individual for the damage it causes. A person may go through their entire life either not recognizing it and dealing with manifestations and consequences. And this effectively sidelines them from the critical thinking needed to have meaningful, joyful lives and keep the psychopaths in check.

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Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

Daniel 7:27 Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.

1 Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.

We are on the verge of this day. Are you ready?

The restraining power of the Spirit of God is being withdrawn from the earth. Our work must be done quickly. We must put forth every effort in our power to save souls from death. Soon the Lord God of heaven will set up His kingdom, which shall never be destroyed. Now is the time for us to develop a pure, heavenly character. The work will increase more and more in earnestness and intensity until the end. We need an increase of faith. We must watch unto prayer. . TDG 198.5

Our kingdom is not of this world. We are waiting for our Lord from heaven to come to earth to put down all authority and power, and set up His everlasting kingdom. Earthly powers are shaken. We need not, and cannot, expect union among the nations of the earth. Our position in the image of Nebuchadnezzar is represented by the toes, in a divided state, and of a crumbling material, that will not hold together. Prophecy shows us that the great day of God is right upon us. It hasteth greatly. . 1T 360.3

Love cannot live without action, and every act increases, strengthens, and extends it. Love will gain the victory when argument and authority are powerless. Love works not for profit nor reward; yet God has ordained that great gain shall be the certain result of every labor of love. It is diffusive in its nature and quiet in its operation, yet strong and mighty in its purpose to overcome great evils. It is melting and transforming in its influence, and will take hold of the lives of the sinful and affect their hearts when every other means has proved unsuccessful. Wherever the power of intellect, of authority, or of force is employed, and love is not manifestly present, the affections and will of those whom we seek to reach assume a defensive, repelling position, and their strength of resistance is increased. Jesus was the Prince of Peace. He came into the world to bring resistance and authority into subjection to Himself. Wisdom and strength He could command, but the means He employed with which to overcome evil were the wisdom and strength of love. Suffer nothing to divide your interest from your present work until God shall see fit to give you another piece of work in the same field. Seek not for happiness, for it is never to be found by seeking for it. Go about your duty. Let faithfulness mark all your doings, and be clothed with humility. . 2T 135.2

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Thank you, Denise! I pray that the Creator returns to you the good intention that you are giving, and that you see the fruit of it in your own life! You work very hard!

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I was a world-class suffering victim for decades. But I became a most empathetic self-healer, invited "spiritual care" volunteer, and more along that line. This biography covers only about half of my life. It has been heavily censored, as well as greatly admired.


So what went wrong?

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