This story is short and hopefully to the point.
There’s lots of theory about biology and electricity that could go with it but the world has so much theory—all available—and yet here we are, pondering human batteries.
So my question is, is this how we want to live? Is it what we want to become? Human batteries to feed the internet of bodies?
Human body is very electrical in mysterious ways—and so as usual, the scientists are playing with fire. They have no clue what they are doing. They are ignoring the fact that electricity is one of the main languages our bodies use to communicate internally and externally—and messing with it is, to put it bluntly, a stupid idea! But I guess it doesn’t matter if in the minds of the great resetters, reducing us to the role of walking human batteries is a good thing as it converts useless eaters into useful eaters.
This ridiculous trend of turning life into algorithms will end, and things will come around. But do we really have to go to the very bottom of joyless existence before we wake up? A serious question.
UPDATE: The Expose reprinted my article about “human batteries” that I originally wrote for Dr, Mercola (Dr. Mercloa Substack version here), but strangely the Expose article says at the top that it is by Rhonda Wilson, whom I have never met. I am a little puzzled. :)
I think there was a documentary several years ago narrated by Keanu Reeves about human batteries...
you forgot one last image :)