I don't know about your other readers, but heartfelt, in touch with reality articles like this one are exactly why I follow your stack. I suspect I'm not alone.

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Thank you!!! I am not complaining at all, just observing the dynamic. "Information" attracts a lot more people than philosophy, while in my humble opinion philosophy is almost more important. I mean, good information is useful but without an existential foundation, it doesn't go nearly as far!

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Well I am a philosophy reader. 🙏

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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It was Organic Consumers Assoc., Tessa Lena, that originally brought me here, Jan. 10, 2022. So I guess that was partly informational but not entirely. OCA was celebrating your insightful take on the psyop du jour (COVID-ClownWorld).

Yeah, so it was "heartfelt" that mattered the most to me.

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Thank you, Brek!! I love OCA!! And I am forever grateful to Ronnie Cummins, God bless his soul!

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Sooner or later, evil falls by its own weight... though it might take 70 years or more like with communism. Better fight now than late:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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No, you are definitely not alone. I totally agree and need the heartfelt wisdom that Tessa Lena gives us.

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Suppose that we said yes to a single moment, then we have not only said yes to ourselves, but to the whole of existence. For nothing stands alone, either in ourselves or in things; and if our soul did but once vibrate and resound with a chord of happiness, then all of eternity was necessary to bring forth this one occurrence—and in this single moment when we said yes, all of eternity was embraced, redeemed, justified and affirmed .

—  Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Will to Power: Selections from the Notebooks of the 1880s (translated by R. Kevin Hill and Michael A. Scarpitti). Penguin Books, 2017, p. 566

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I remember really loving Nietzsche, thank you for sharing that quote. I feel like I need to reread him.

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I remember liking Nietzsche in high school, then feeling bad for him based on the circumstance of his life and arguing with his position in my diary.

One day I went back home and found my old diary (from high school) where one of the entries was titled, "Nietzsche's mistakes." :). But of course now I don't remember what my critique was! I would need to re-read his works in order to form an opinion as of this second. :))

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Great article, thank you.

I am so tired of doom and gloom. "They are coming to kill you and nobody is there to save you" never led to anything but furthering the divide.

I stepped into that trap and lost almost everything in the past years.

Those who did best just kept their cool and said "No, thank you".

"The biggest scam in human history was convincing good people that God is a petty, territorial being who discriminates based on the names people use to pray, and who acts like an abusive parent toward those who think from the inside"

Loved that.

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I think a lot of the power of these powerful manipulators can be undone when people start to realize they have always been responsible for the state of their own lives. I also know that you can't just tell people this and they need to come to these conclusions on their own. The best way to help them with this is to tell them parables. Information sinks in faster when it is told through stories with lessons.

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Dillon, That's why I learn so much from the teachings of Jesus recorded in Scriptures. Jesus spoke in parables - stories with lessons.

Mat_13:3  And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

Mat_13:10  And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

Matthew 13:13  Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Mat_13:34  All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

Mat_13:35  That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

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re 'The biggest scam in known history, in my opinion, was a slander campaign against our ancestors who have been labeled as “pagans” (“rural dwellers” in Latin) with an implication that they were void of spiritual connection to the Creator, etc. . ' I think like that too, daily, and I was so excited to read that. We are born perfect, and nothing more is be required in the way of approvals from higher ups. The only entities I find worthy of worship are plants and trees. In return, they heal and sustain me. Pagan.

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Thing about the so called "pagan" cultures (I can only speak about the ones I studied a little) is that they had a deep and loving reverence of the Creator, and were supposed to have a direct relationship with their spiritual mystery. They understood that nature is from the Creator, a part of the creation, and that we are in a relationship with all life. That fact was deliberately distorted and turned upside down by the politicians with not so good intentions who wanted to slander them in order to divorce them from a direct relationship with the Creator, divorce them from their innate powers, steal their stuff, and force them to handle "spiritual" matters through their own managers. This is much like going through the likes of Fauci to obtain immunity! I have full respect when people pray however their heart feels they want to pray, whether it's Christian, Hindu, or in the tradition of one's ancestors from a long time ago. The Creator really is smart enough to know what we mean. It's the notion that the Creator is jealous of the branding that is the psyop, in my opinion. A psyop that is so old that it became a part of culture, local customs, family traditions, etc. And it cannot be healed quickly, it will probably take thousands of years, but in the meanwhile, we can love each other and respect each other's souls regardless of he words we use to pray because words are secondary to reality. Words can't be faked. The essence of what we feel cannot be.

We human beings forget the details of what happened a long time ago but if we were to get into a time machine and see what was going on, we would see that the theological matters were handled by the likes of Fauci!

Also a linguistic comment, to me word "worship" has a bit of a vertical, thoughtless connotation (at least to me, given that English is not my first language), I almost never use it. I use the word "love" because it is such a beautiful, emotional word. We love the Creator whom we cant even understand but we can feel the all-ecompassing loving presence, we can love a powerful friend who is kind to us, we can love an equal, and we can love a child who needs protection. We can also love and feel gratitude to plants and animals who give their live to us to help us. It's all love. And all very mysterious, no word is good enough to describe the beauty.

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Also what I typed sounds to lofty after I typed it... I mean the real version of what I typed, words really don't describe it very well. All I know is that I feel the love, and it's important to me.

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I find your writing refreshing (perhaps precisely) because you don't rely on phrases commonly used, you're more creatively eloquent. I did look up the entymology of the word 'worship' and it has various histories religious and secular and the 'vertical' notion you mentioned as well (in Wiki Eu). Ah, but plants are usually very vertical in their growth, defining verticality in a way, bound to the sun. Adore would be another word that works for me. The other day I saw a boy, maybe 10 years old, walking towards me down the street. There was something about the way he carried himself, his face and upper body more upturned, a slight smile and open eyes to see the world. He was just so beautiful, I cannot forget him. I don't know why but it seems right to mention him to you here. Blessings, j

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Thank you, Jacquelyn!! I once saw a baby on the train, and the baby was so radiant, it was clear she still remembered heaven. It was so beautiful.

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energies. vibration(s). chords. A chord with 100, 100 thousand, notes in it, so we are born. Seems we slowly can lose the higher end notes, and settle into the lower. Like riding a wave that is dissapating, making the most of that ride. Or it is a crazy crashing wave for some. Fun sound experiment, sing a comfortable note, a fun note, any pitch, a note you could sing for 3 seconds easily. What is that note? Mine, today, a flattish D4+b4 =(the 4th D (from the left, low) on the piano) plus the Db right next to it. The note in between is what I sang, today, the upper middle voice. I grew up playing horns, would be wonderbear to play music with you someday live or virtually. I on horns probably tbone flugelhorn and even Euphonium sometimes, baby tuba. For now, play the first 'song' here and its hours of well recorded drumset drumming (all styles, a mix) by a Jim Dooley, all free. https://soundcloud.com/jimdooley/sets/acoustic-royalty-free-drum. I jam to it often, he is a riot. Happy 4th.

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Jacquelyn, the pagan has misunderstanding of True God/Creator and so in vain turned to worship the plants, trees, even so-called 'dieties' and other created things rather than the Living Creator of all those. But even these created things speak loudly of a Creator, Designer and Source and Sustainer of life and all things beautiful. That is who we should seek after, and we hope to find Him/Truth.

 Read about Paul's encounter with the philosophers of Athens (who were considered 'pagan'). He did not condemn them but hoped to help them understand the meaning of things, and their worship and using the Spirit's language:

Paul Addresses the Areopagus

Act 17:22  Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. 

Act 17:23  For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. 

Act 17:24  God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 

Act 17:25  Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 

Act 17:26  And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 

Act 17:27  That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 

Act 17:28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 

And Paul also admonished the Romans who also worshiped many self-made merely human "gods like Ceasar" or "dieties":

Rom 1:25  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Humans each use a slightly different set of words to try explaining concept. I like to borrow the words/language of writers in the Scriptures and not just my own. Our words are 'imperfect' compared to the Creator's language of love. We do our best to express ourselves. - we "groan" a lot. : )

This same concept is also what Tessa is saying in her words in reply to you below. [Politicians are a modern version of ancestral "dieties"]

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Well written and thought provoking. Thank you, Tess.

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Thank you, Kevin!!

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Your post made me happy. There is still hope for the species. Keep on "loving," you've got the hardest part mastered. Thank you for being a gentle soul. Regards

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Thank you, Jean-Baptiste!! Your comment made me happy, too!!

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Absolutely, I always read your writings. I admire a gentle soul with grit. Anyone fighting robots, or the evil, has me right there with them. If you just soothe and heal "one soul," or open one heart, you've accomplished your mission on this realm. Sometimes we forget that our writings can make the difference in the lives of our broken people, and that is what we are here for. Just "one." Thank you.

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I am so touched. Thank you!!! Really, thank you.

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This was wonderful Tessa! Thank you! Your mentioning of wounds made me think of a quote I'd heard about how we grow stronger in the broken places. It is sure relieving when one can look back and see how strength builds with time, yet sometimes it is a bit much for one to grasp when fresh. I've been personally catching myself experiencing "aha" moments, recalling past wounding instances in a different light. I am so grateful for these moments when they happen. They keep me going, much as your philosophical sharings do. Much gratitude to you! 🙏

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Thank you Kelly, what you said is beautiful! Hugs!

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I think there is a stage in the awakening process where information is really important and serves a vital role, but after a while, the details of who did what and how they tricked people and in what ways they profited are less important than what we do with that knowledge. How we respond is the next piece of the process and having a strong foundational philosophy to guide that response helps us to navigate the anguish and the difficult emotions we experience as we awaken to a world that is not as we wish it to be.

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I agree!

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This was so beautiful and so real! I think you are a soul sister ! I feel very similarly. We just need to find, embody and spread our peace, our love, our beauty and let the monsters eat each other up. I also found it deeply healing to connect to my ancestors older pre Christian spirituality.

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Thank you, Joy aka Shield Maiden!! And yes!!

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I totally agree - The single most ruthless scam has been convincing people that they don't have access to Spirit. Now is the time to call ourselves back to our true loving nature.

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Thanks for another timely and useful article Tessa. It reminded me of one of your previous articles where you talked about the importance of recognizing the tyrant in the mirror and how meaningful change can only begin at that point. The world still changes just one person at a time. Thanks again for all you do.

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Thank you, William!! xoxo

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Absolute Genius! (As usual)

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Thank you, Moose!!

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Tessa wrote: "The only thing that can stop them in earnest, in due time, is if we stop generating the kind of energy that feeds them. Everything is energy, it’s not a platitude."


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My re-reading started with a wonderful book on Nietzsche and the Politics of Soul. This book offers a conversation and Nietzsche emerges from the discussion not as a Nihilist but as a thinker whose primary task as the overcoming of Nihilism through the heroic struggle of individualism. Princeton paperback by Leslie Paul Thile. Now I am reading a critical anthology of writers discussing Nietzsche's "Anti-Christ" as a follow on. I think the final critical book I am reading this summer on Nietzsche will be by Nel Grillaert-What the God-Seekers Found in Nietzsche: The Reception of Nietzsche's Ubermensch by the Philosophers of the Russian Religious Renaissance.

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With so much dysfunction in the world the quest for spiritual clarity certainly does require diligent and constant work. Your writing is a valuable guide in that effort and that is why I appreciate you so much Tessa. Thank you for doing what you do.

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Thank you, William!!

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