Mar 22, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, thank you for sharing your valuable Soviet experience. Unfortunately, we Americans know little of the true nature of life in the Soviet Union. Even the few things we were taught in school seemed so impossibly dismal that they couldn't possibly be accurate. Now, having known a few people who lived through the Soviet experience, I know how ugly it can really become. It's eerie that all ex-Soviets can IMMEDIATELY recognize the playbook and when they speak about the parallels with current events, the dead-serious look on their faces says it all.

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Nov 28, 2020Liked by Tessa Lena

Sorry to be late to the party. Just wanted to nudge past the fevered egos to say thank you Tessa, for a beautiful & spot on skewering one of the main platforms of the divide & conquer.

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Unfortunately, scientific atheism has arisen in the US and the goal is to rid the world of those who cultivate a spiritual connection. Why? Because they believe that it is non-evolutionary thinking, and everyone who they deem UNevolved must be removed from the planet. If people knew that the father of mass inoculations was a complete psychopath, we wouldn't be subjecting our children to 70+ vaccines or any of these new, experimental mRNA injectables.

I encourage everyone to watch this analysis of Jonas Salk's book from 1972, Survival of the Wisest, to see that the ideology driving today's thrust into his technocratic nightmare, which they all adhere to, is nothing to be supportive of, rather it's to be exposed as the very-unscientific blather of a ruling class who really believe in survival of the most genocidal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C8haClASQI

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Smiling! You need a license to do that. The Department of Smiles will issue a license to smile on an annual basis for $50 a year. Licensees will be carefully selected. Freemen and free women and children will not be issued licenses. Slaves of the state need no license because they never smile. The DOS will be a small department, but enforcement of policy will be onerous to the unlicensed happy free men and women. Smiling without a license will net the state billions of dollars, taken from the states enemies. Coming to a totalitarian regime neat you.

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I was never afraid of COVID and I knew masks were a farce because of my work experience both in mining (wearing respirators in very dusty places) and in medical devices (I know what it takes to stop “a bug”. ) But what I did become afraid of was the mob and the local, state, and federal employees who were enforcing the craziness! I dreaded going to the store where I knew I’d be harassed for not wearing a mask. Sadly, I even wore a mask for a couple months at the store just in case I saw neighbors (yes, I even became afraid of my neighbors!). Luckily my husband and my sons didn’t give a crap what others thought and through them, I got the courage to take it off. But I’m actually grateful for the experience because it peeled off a lot of layers that I needed to be removed from my eyes and understanding. I lost (to a fault?) my cares of what “the neighbors think”. I stopped thinking any person or group held any answers to my life. I saw the church for what it was (compromised by spiritual evil). I realized our own government was behind so many horrific events. I see now how most of western medicine is not there to make us more healthy. The history I was taught was mostly propaganda....Now, I’m trying to learn as much truth as possible WHILE not falling into despair about “losing the religion” that America is the land of freedom. It IS filled with amazing people whom I love very much! But to move on it’s so important to remove the goggles of untruth, face reality square on, and believe that still, Creation is very good.

I appreciate that you and others like you had the insight and skill to give a name to what happened starting 2020. Naming “the thing” is way more than half the battle.

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Spot-on, Tessa. The performative art quality of all the virtue signaling is what drives me nuts. Thank you for being yet another voice calling B.S.

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Please check out with an open mind Gigaohmbiological.com with JJ Couey.

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This is very fine - it reminds me somewhat of Nietzsche’s ‘Morgenrot‘ but comes from your own lived experience. Don’t get bogged down by failed intellectual baggage, or even failed folk morality - maybe also Blake’s ‘Mind-forged manacles’. And yet I guess many of the people who have coped with the dreadful injunctions of the era have drawn strength and personal rebellion from religious faith.

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How dare you think you deserve a life when you should be locked up at home, scared of other humans? Great essay. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Tessa, I believe that video you placed at the end is how I first encountered you. (Or maybe you made a few others like that early on in the plandemic and I saw another one?) Anyway it brings back that time on FB when I was looking for others who disagreed with what we were being told and speaking out. Glad we met!

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Great article. You don’t look old enough to have lived in the Soviet Union!

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, I started watching www.theHighwire.com (Del Bigtree, Jeffery Jaxon about three years ago.

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What an excellent essay.

Shame is an essential part of human existence and under ideal 'natural' circumstance helps us keeping social bonds strong. We strongly care about how other people perceive us. Unfortunately, as you so eloquently pointed out, shame is being exploited by the shameless. Shame has become institutionalized and managed over the generations by a myriad of religions and civilizations.

What few people realize is that even our everyday money is a shame based control mechanism. Money is debt and debt is guilt (shame as you will). The late David Graeber wrote a captivating book 'Debt, the first 5000 years' about this phenomenon explaining how this works.

When you think about it; there is no rational reason to repay odious debts, but our shame compels us to do so anyway. History shows us that people have sold themselves and their families into brutal debt slavery because of this overbearing feeling of guilt. One can argue that we still do so every day.

In a shame based social economic system like ours the sociopath and psychopath shameless few (who are really just a tiny minority) will inevitably float to the top of society and exploit this perceived weakness of the fast majority of people and use it to their advantage. As individuals we want to belong and get along, but when clinically insane people dictate the rules of conduct things quickly deteriorate.

And we still wonder why we live in such a seemingly uncaring world.

In the end we may not be able to quench our deeply rooted feelings of irrational shame. But we can learn to see shame for what is and we can refuse to be shamed by the shameless. Which would indeed be a perfect starting point to gently reconnect with ourselves and better the world in the process.

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"A working class hero is something to be ..."


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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Miserable people hating happy people is a decidedly human trait that’s been going on forever. Anyone who’s ever worked with others for any length of time has undoubtedly come across this. It sucks. And pisses me off that me being happy puts a target on my back but, welcome to humanity.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, you hit the nail on the head. Your understanding helps my understanding, accept my love.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Great article. I'm reminded of a few things that should be reminders or learning points for everyone: (1) With respect to the attempt to govern a society based on communist ideology, it can lead only to enforced joylessness. Now the Russian people may have had some predilections toward joylessness already before the Bolshevik revolution, but this would have simply made communism's principle that "property is theft" (perhaps the ultimate anti-human, anti-social concept in history) easier to enforce. (2) It may be somewhat inevitable that big business and big capitalism tend to appeal to the lowest common denominators, and thus national culture in a capitalist society tends toward porn culture (Porn in the broadest sense of that word, i.e. selling sex, selling instant gratification, etc.). And while I know you don't like ideological debates, Tessa, the stark fact is that western democracies' lurch toward national socialism (the WEF ideal) is the ultimate dehumanizing mix of both communism and porn culture ("You will own nothing and you'll be happy," which translated really means "You have no individual dignity or worth and you will be kept distracted with porn.").

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