A very personal experience: Have been struggling mightily with finding employment. Recently had a wonderful interview with a family looking for someone to be a companion to the elder matriarch. We all really hit it off, good feel, decent pay, etc etc and I left there feeling very happy. Later that evening, I found an email saying they'd loved me but decided they "couldn't risk" having me there since I'd not had the jab. It's cruel. It just feels so CRUEL. But! I shall not give up.

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This sounds painful. I am so sorry!

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I feel that I've been misunderstanding so much in life... I just have to think that there's something I need to learn. Thanks for your kind response. ^_^

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I hire live-in caregivers for my 93 (almost 94) year old dad & PREFER the unjabbed! Prefer not to have sick workers & all that shedding!

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Good for you, and good for your dad, and bless his heart... My dad's nearly 91. xo

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It is their loss and extremely cruel to the elder matriarch that will end up with a woke doubled or tripled down that will not show up on a daily basis due to constant sickness created by the state injectables.

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It could have been the matriarch that made the decision... I just feel sorry about the entire situation, and every day I ask the Divine to help me NOT to succumb to rage/fear/hatefulness... Sometimes it's a real job! But I seem to be growing more and more zen about everything. ^_^

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That I do not buy into. If an elderly person likes you they will accept you without bias.

Glad that you go for zen, I need to convince myself of staying in that mind almost every day since so many in the different medical professions are in the narrative, still, after all this time.

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Hard to say. I liked them all, and they were good people. This incredible divisiveness is a psy-op, we have to remember --- it's all about FEAR. And in my mind, Fear is the polar opposite of Love. Until we can fully absorb that, we are not really ourselves. At least, that's my feeling on it.

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"Forgive them, Sister. They know not what they do."

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I know. I have. xo

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In a saner world, the one we used to live in, your vaxx status would not have even been a part of the conversation. Ponder that and you can see how successfully we have been conditioned to their new normal.

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When interviewing people I NEVER bring it up. I’ve had, however, people offer to show me their vax card. My response is I don’t feel that it is any of my business. That it is their own personal business. It usually comes up in conversation anyway by the other person. Many people who have had it felt they didn’t want it but felt pressured. So sad

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In my opinion, among so many tragedies, the fact that so many people were coerced or coaxed into accepting the deadly vaccines, no matter who applied the pressure, is almost the worst tragedy in this ordeal. I keep asking the same question (to which there is no answer): What on earth do we say to these people when they realize they have been poisoned and they cannot undo the damage that was done? They are ticking time bombs, and learning that fact has to be traumatic. It's akin to being told they have cancer and have only a short time to live. I can't imagine.

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Many don’t do any research, and therefore still don’t know. And some surprisingly seem to do better than others. Only time will tell

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Yes. And I'm not sure all the shots were the same. After two years, you'd think the astonishment would subside... mine still hasn't... I'm still just amazed at the thoughtless compliance... smh.

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I'm not sure the damage can't be undone... The human body, given the right tools, will nearly always heal. Not from like, a bullet to the brain, obviously! But, something like this might be able to be mitigated.

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I would agree with you for most things that happen to the human body. In the case of mRNA, through, if some reports are correct, the messenger RNA alters a body's DNA. How do we un-alter that? And, if it's true that our bodies turn into spike protein factories, can we shut those factories down? I've seen a few articles about detoxing from the mRNA shots, but I'm not convinced these remedies undo the alteration in our DNA and the generation of spike proteins. Goodness knows, the whole world would be a better place if we could undo the damage.

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You're asking me important, and difficult, questions. I don't know! But I believe that given the power of Nature, and given the ability of smart, educated people to use science (the REAL science, not this "religion" that has recently sprung up from the slime), there is every possibility that there COULD be a path... Perhaps without having the "feeling" that anything is possible makes a difference. I think we are taught to be extremely limited in our thinking, to depend on "authority" and to feel that perhaps we are not "good enough" to be able to do this or that. This is a very deep, and perhaps even "mystical" kind of situation. I will say that in the past two years I have experienced a HUGE upsurge in my intuition, in my awareness of, I'll just call it "Spirit," and in a growing awareness in others that we are coming to the end of something, and to the beginning of something else... I am not religious, no dogma required, but I am connected to Something Good, as we all are, and I think that as we seek more connection, we will find answers to questions we know about, and to questions we haven't yet considered. The Human body is an amazing thing, just amazing. Nature, and the way Life works and how stunningly beautiful it is, there is so much to dazzle us, if we pay attention... I can't explain it much further than this, but there is something beyond what we think of as "reality," and it's full of LOVE... I therefore will always try to keep an open mind regarding what is "possible" when it comes to LIFE... To say it from the other direction, I will try not to ever put a limit on that which I cannot fully understand, but which is a Dynamic Force that we cannot explain fully, perhaps, but which is the Creative Drive that has given us everything... Everything.

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The Constitution, the Nuremberg Code, the ADA, HIPAA, and all the rest of our RIGHTS, just swept away... It's mind-boggling to me. And that's why I refuse to give them up, my rights. I WILL NOT.

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True dat!

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Apr 28, 2022
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Thanks, J.R. xo I'm still in the game. ^_^

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Step one: create an "other."

Step two: demonize the "other" and imply they are the cause of your woes, sicknesses and problems.

Step three: ?

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"You know step 3. And make it look witch-y. See you at Barker Ranch."

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This mixing fear-mongering is exactly what cancelled my family's Christmas holiday for a second year. Previously I never missed one. The vaccines killed Christmas. It ended up working out as I went to Tampa, FL instead and found the place I want to move to after 16 years in NYC.

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Same old authoritarian tricks.

Propaganda Poster: “Jews Are Lice: They Cause Typhus”


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Moderna sent the new injection therapy for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to the FDA for approval. This is despite the survival rate of 99.99996 in those age ranges, and that the 200 young children who died, while sad, were sick kids with many comorbidities. Even that number may be overinflated. It is shocking how bad things are getting, and when future generations are threatened, it is particularly hard to bear. It is everything I can do not to give into profound hatred. Thank you for keeping love in the foreground <3

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I got suspended from Twitter for sharing Washington state death data from the CDC and for showing people how to access the VAERS database (Open VAERS)... VAERS is co-managed by the FDA and the CDC... But propagandists gotta say I'm sharing fake news. They say I could disagree with them, but what's the use. I guess Elon doesn't have full say and power for another few months... according to my husband. Anyway, it makes a person feel crazy when they don't even allow THEIR OWN FACTS! https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/the-effects-of-mass-vaccination-in-washington-state

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The propagandists are horrible!! I am sorry you got suspended!!

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Please don't be so gullible and expect musk to be any kind of saviour.

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The lying bastards have Kool Aid Mixers working for them 24/7 to keep the kool aid flowing to those who guzzle it. It may taste good. It may go down smooth. It may quench thirst. The flavoring agent can be quite effective in masking the taste of raw sewage but it can not mask the effects. Lots and lots of dumbed down people.

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This woman’s narcissism is steroidal only exceeded by her victim mentality. What scares me the most is that this pediatrician has credibility with any parents.

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Loved the Russian quote! Made me laugh.

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The vaxxed are the ones to worry about.

They are mentally in a cult, and have poisons thru their body.

The red cross won't accept their blood

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Word. There are so many ironies I could easily lose my mind entirely.

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Red Cross will accept their blood last time i checked...

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Is it a US/Europe thing? I have heard different, but will reconsider this....

Thank you for info

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Apr 29, 2022Edited
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You are welcome to get yours from the Pygmy fundraiser. Contact info on the site. Appreciate your support. ❤️🙏

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Apr 29, 2022
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Understood, and sorry to hear it. A lot of people are struggling now.

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"When governments rely increasingly on sophisticated public relations agencies, public debate disappears and is replaced by competing propaganda campaigns, with all the accompanying deceits. Advertising isn't about truth or fairness or rationality, but about mobilizing deeper and more primitive layers of the human mind."

Brian Eno

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If I may, here's another Excellent Post in another boat on the same sea: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/a-fear-of-blind-spots?s=r

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Thank you Tessa, lovely. Not much value to be had from my page I'm afraid. Probably better off trimming down your feeds by cutting it off. Not knocking myself but just saying, you know? I don't really do anything much with it at all, not even sure why I have it.

I don't have that 'fire in the belly' that you clearly have.

I get incensed about the covid madness but have nothing original to put there really, to contribute.

Still: lovely to hear from you. Have a good one. :) And reciprocation: xoxo.

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In prison, two convicts are talking:

"What did they arrest you for?" asks the first. "Was it a political or common crime?"

"Of course it was political. I'm a plumber. They summoned me to the district Party committee to fix the sewage pipes. I looked and said, 'Hey, the entire system needs to be replaced.' So they gave me seven years."

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This is so funny!!! Thank you!!

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Just for a little while (unless my ear is not to the ground; I don't read or watch any mainstream media, at all), it seemed like the demonizing of the unvaxxed had waned a bit. I may be wrong. Either way, punishing and "othering" the unvaxxed seems to have taken on a new life. Since the rates of vaccine uptake also have waned, quite a bit it seems, it is logical that they need to turn on those who refused, if only to sell more vaccines. Of course, the adverse societal consequences of creating a whole new underclass are meaning less to these reptiles; would that people could see how meaningless the propaganda has become, too.

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Of course the mRNA-jabbed need to be wary of the unjabbed, because they have been made more-vulnerable to infection by having been jabbed!

The triple jabbed are up to 5 times as likely to get COVID as the njabbed.


(Of course the jabbed must be even more wary of other jabbed folks. Self isolating with a couple of 1 hour sessions of sunlight on most of the body every day might be somewhat helpful and protective, though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eEyWlbToI4 )

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