In the words of my generation, Right On! Tessa, you stand for freedom, so I stand with you.

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Thank you Dirck!!! xo

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Excellent post Tessa. Thank you.

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Thank you Gary!!!! it is one of those I had to write to let the immediate updates out since the shamelessness of the mainstream narrative is just.... too much!!!!!!

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I am trying soooo hard to limit my flow of notifications but any time now I am going to succumb and subscribe to Tessa's Substack - if so it will be the first Substack I have subscribed to. Interesting new medium. Maybe I need to join it, and re-post the essays for which I have been cancelled off Medium.com.

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thank you for the beautiful videos. they do inspire hope right now. x

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Just wanted to add to the hope column! A HUMONGOUS legal victory in Alberta, Canada today:


This is precedent setting and will have far reaching implications. Please spread far and wide in your networks! Be well and be strong everyone!!! ❤



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Thank you Jan!!!

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Thanks Tessa.

As you know, I'm a family doctor in Austin, Texas, who has been prescribing the best treatments known since February 2020, when the Chinese first recommended chloroquine (Before HCQ was also recommended).

Since August 2020 I have been prescribing Dr. Borody's protocol of Ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, with a baseline recommendation of 5000 units of vitamin D3 (available wherever you shop) every day, for everybody 100# or more. Some might take a higher dose, based on tested blood levels. The cells of our immune systems just don't work right unless their vitamin-D receptors are occupied.

In February I blogged "Treat Your Own COVID":


Please do read that. I am truly trying to serve, and I am blessed enough to have all that I need.

I still get paid regularly for providing medical care to poor-people.

I don't know how long this ride can last, but I'm on as long as I don't get thrown out the door.

That brings up the fear concern. Out of about 30 doctors and nurse practitioners at my clinic, which receives Federal funding, as well as multiple other sources, I'm the only doctor who treats people with oral antivirals. I have shared information. Others know.

Nobody refers patients to me or tells them there is treatment.

The clinic was much relieved when the NIH eventually changed it's ivermectin recommendation from "Don't unless it's in a hospital study!" , to ""whatever you want".

I did treat people all along, anyway.

I have a Texas Medical License, which is one of the better ones to have these days.

Still, medical professionals are being fired for not getting vaccinated in Texas, and by some big, politically active hospital networks.

I'll go down treating COVID, or maybe I'll outlast this medical tyranny.

The vaccine narrative is failing, today, this week, starting late last week. You have listed some reasons for that.

Please see more details here:


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Courageous! May I circulate your post to a few on my mailing list?

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Yes, certainly.

The great-machine has already parsed it.

It's good for humans to see it, also.

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Graphene Oxide is in the Covid19 shot produced in China and is activated via the internet. Booster shots would increase the amount and it totally destroys your insides.

We are the guinea pigs . Watch the video


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Elephants in the Swamp

One must be extremely careful not to get trampled by all the elephants in the room! Living as we do, in a swamp of corruption, deceit, and misinformation where everything is contaminated. Humanity, the bulk of it living in cities, are having to endure life rather than enjoy it. And now many of us, who don't trust the "jab" face the possibility of having our door kicked in and being handcuffed and held, to be injected by an untrustworthy government. Many people can't afford to have their door kicked in. They need that door for protection from predators who live down the hallway, and don't have the money to get a new one.

When I was in Delhi about 16 years ago, I was shocked to discover a city of millions, with cows wandering aimlessly in the streets, blanketed by a smog that was like having grease smeared across one's glasses. There were no clouds, there was no sky and it was around 100 degrees fahrenheit. There were people everywhere. I only had to stay there one night, as I had a ride to Pushcar where the annual camel fair was. The richer you are, the more likely that you will be in a place where the air is fresh. Thus it is with the structural violence that capitalism provides. The poor inherit the pollution/contamination the most and have the least access to medical services. This is structural violence that is often entirely overlooked.

If one speaks of freedom, it is directly related to how much money one has or doesn't have. With money, your options expand, without, it contracts. Capitalism is in this way connected to freedom by degrees. It is easy to imagine that if one is living under the thumb or boot of this constant corruption, that they might feel "entitled" to steal from those who have a lot of money. So crime on the lowest levels gets baked in. Creating the necessity for police which can be used to protect the corrupt state instead of protecting the people from other corrupt people as well as from the corrupt state. So the police become the arm of the corrupt machine.

At least since the advent of the industrial revolution, people have lived under unseemly and unholy conditions that are extremely traumatic. Mental health and morality go out the window. People are often forced to "sell their souls" in order to survive. Victor Hugo, in his classic, Les Miserables, illustrates this by having the hero Jean Valjean go to prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family. So one experiences corruption on every level of society, mainly due to the "structural violence" of capitalism.

The worst corruption of all by far however, is the corruption at the top, which seems to be most often ignored or accepted. Now, the covid 19 experience is finally revealing in bleeding red, white, and blue how truly devastating for humanity is the corruption from the top.

There is the majority of the public who only seem to have one concern, their health safety. Of course, survival is a big motivator. But there are things more likely to kill you than the .01% possibility of the virus. So, things have become clearly skewed away from the reality by the censoring, the propagandizing, and the faulty, dubious sources of information. The manipulation clearly works and has made it possible for the "trojan horse" strategies to be infallible. Surprisingly, it is the right wingers who don't accept the mainstream narrative, and it seems that it is the left that has fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker.

Recently, there is the bombshell announcement by some Spanish doctors who analyzed the vaccine, that it is filled with graphene oxide that is toxic and creates the exact same symptoms attributed to the virus. The fact checkers dismiss this as false as they say that the pharmacy companies that produce these vaccines state that there is no graphene oxide, instead of calling for some independent studies to verify exactly what is in the vaccines. Because, obviously, if this is true, it would point to a huge plot to murder the majority of the population, the eugenicist's wet dream. Since those who control have such a long record of assassinations and mass murder that they call "war", they seem entirely capable of such an egregious, demonic action against their brothers and sisters, yet the vast majority living comfortably or not in the ubiquitous swamp of corruption and deceit, still cannot imagine how anyone in power could be so criminal and cruel.

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Excellent! But under the present system of end-stage capitalism I'm not convinced "the world doesn’t need to be dirty, and we can care for each other, and treat our elders with respect, and allow doctors to treat patients how they see fit..." IF we succeed in exposing and overthrowing PandemicGate we may be on the right path to expose and overthrow the fundamentals of the present system. Here's hoping the solidarity necessary is now forming. Joel Kovel wrote a brilliant book several years ago on these topics, see my short review at https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/the-enemy-of-nature

"Kovel shows that the root cause of ecological ills is the capitalistic system itself, in effect the very nature of capital or “money-in-motion.” What follows from this accusation is the even more unsettling demonstration that no amount of “corrections” of given abuses nor mere simple “reforms” and “controls” applied to the basic rules of the game will suffice to reverse the dangerous nature- and life-threatening trends now evident world-wide. The (Acutal) Enemy of Nature is the capitalistic system itself."

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