This touched my heart in such a profound way, Tessa. Extremely sad, no doubt. I have children and grandchildren, as well as young relatives. The struggle has really been and continues to be quite challenging.

I hope her loved ones can find closure and peace somehow.

May her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’œπŸ™πŸΌ

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There is a war upon children, also. I feel so much stress in the world, and it is not because I am fearful by nature. I feel what we all feel and I know that is what I feel, which helps me work with it. It is not blind, "free floating anxiety". I understand the times we have entered, and I have 63 years under my belt, and family, and friends, and spiritual support.

Those of us who see and have any options, must do what we can to support love and cooperation, the only healthy way forward.

The "Great Reset" is a plan to treat people like cyborg cattle, which would end our species.

We can do better, and we will do better to the degree that we are guided by the spirits of truth and love.

www.johndayblog.com does not have happy stories very often, but seeks to reveal the face of the machine, and some of it's workings.

We are to co-create something humane. It's not on a pick list.

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πŸ’”May this poor child find peace. There is a war upon kids’ hearts and minds. We must protect them at all costs.

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Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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The children. The children. We have to save the children.

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πŸ’” I don't even have a child but I feel and see the horror of what is happening and am so powerless sometimes. May your words and prayers be heard.

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The immense damage we are doing to our children, in so many ways, in this madness is unforgivable. My this child Rest In Peace. I am sorry for your friend’s loss. We all should be praying for the little ones.

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We must be the rememberers. I too have lost a daughter of 27. She is blessed.

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I am so sorry for your loss. God bless her soul!!

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Thank you Tessa. Writing has also brought me a healing, and an ability to find gifts in suffering. I wish it didn't have to be but I accept I am living out my story xxx

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Yes, my daughter is blessed - that was five years ago. I meant the dear girl that has found it hard to stay.

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Sadness everywhere. I find some solace here in your words and in the spirit of the folks drawn to your writings. This is a beautiful site.

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May it be so, May it be so, May it be so.

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Thank you for your pure expression and for inviting us to grieve and love together.

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as sad a loss as possible , so sorry to hear of this type of circumstance

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ironically, just tonite i received word from my brothers daughter, whose son was only 18 months when he died in a mindless tragedy at a daycare center, she let us know she just finally got word from the mom of the little girl who was the recipient of an organ they donated , and she's doing well . the circle of life can certainly have some odd tangents

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Thank you, Tessa.

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Bless you sweet Tessa for your caring heart. We cry with you. 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.' Psalm 126:5

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