Given the complete irrationality of the current covid narratives one must assume a rather pronounced sense of desperation among our betters in the top 1/10th of the wealthiest 1%. This intuitively has the feeling of oligarchy throwing a desperate "Hail Mary" pass to itself in hopes of retaining power and privilege as the neoliberal capitalist economic system disintegrates and as people around the world continue to awaken to the fact that our little greedy petty emperors in fact "have no clothes." Thank you for your always insightful and informative posts Tessa.

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Thank you!! And yes, they are acting desperate. Let's hope they eat each other sooner than than they can cause a lot more pain!!

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Thank you, Tessa.

I especially like the checklist from Clifton Duncan and the flow chart from Prof. Freedom. They publicize the truth about this scam in a way which dry, hard, cold facts never could and will reach more people due to that. I will be using them in my own efforts.

The resistance is building. It is well on its way to becoming a juggernaut which will sweep all of this BS out of existence and may very well result in court trials, bankruptcies, and prison sentences of those well-connected people who have been forcing the scam on the rest of us from the very get-go. I suggest we begin with Anthony Fauci and hit him with as many charges of criminal wrong-doing as possible.

Oh, yes, a new world order is coming, but it is not going to be the one which the-powers-that-be (TPTB) have always dreamed about and worked for. Instead, what I see rising is a world of freedom and liberty for the individual person which will dwarf anything which we have ever experienced and which most people cannot even imagine...yet. It will be like waking up from a bad nightmare and realizing you are still alive.

Psalm 23:4 says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." The important thing to remember is not that we are walking in the shadow of death, but that we are walking THROUGH it. The current time we are in is a passage and some of us will reach the other side, probably scarred and damaged, but clear-headed and a lot wiser.

"...I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; [Yes, in full view of my enemies who can do nothing about it except stare and be envious] You anoint my head with oil and my cup runs over.

My cup runs over. It is an absolutely awesome, wonderful time to be alive.

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just put out some real numbers. how many may die from covid this winter? how many would have died of a swag of other things? how many all cause excess deaths now and over the last five years?

point out vaccines at best add only 0.1% to your 'protection' ( i.e. the wonderful work your immune system does ).

point out that therefore we are vaccinating 1000 people to save 1.

and it turns out we're not saving that one.

but we are exposing the 1000 to all the risks of the vaccine.

and with repeated jabs your risk increases.

just publish real facts.

some people will get sick and die. yep. they will anyway. they always did and always will.

just print it. the truth.

and don't forget to print in block screaming capitals that EVERY govt mandated measure is prejudicial to your immune system. EVERY. Prejudicial.

Yet a fractional increase in the efficiency of the immune system is all that vaccines promise.

Print that.

And print that the govt gratuitously bans an anti-viral - the only real co worker the immune systems have.

And govt never mentions all the steps we could take to help the immune system (beyond simply reversing everything the govt says to do).

Just print the truth.

Is all that was ever necessary.

I'll sum i t up for you:

. There is no emergency and never way. We've handled worse that this before without all this bullshit.


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Thanks for this. Laughed out loud at the checklist and the flowcharts. It is mind-boggling to witness so many of my acquaintances falling right into the trap--which they don't even camouflage it anymore, it's just an open pit and people are all "ohhhhhh, this new variant..." spiral eyed "is the the line for the latest booster?" Needed the laugh today--I'm deeply tired of it all right now.

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Wonderful insight and info. It's really sad that there truly is a whole generation that doesn't know that we even have an immune system. Exactly as planned...

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Thank you Rob, and let's hope that nature will give us cures for everything, and the self-appointed masters will disappear into irrelevancy!!

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There's a reason they changed the term 'herd immunity' to only come from a bottle. If they acknowledged acquired immunity, then millions of low-risk people would opt to get the virus instead of the jab. While that's perfectly fine for science, it's not allowed under The Science.

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So true.

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I'm liking this clean, elegant, incisive communication style. Thank you.

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Thank you!!

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Starting January 16, 2022 all Greeks over 60 must be vaccinated or face a fine of 100 Euros a month. https://tinyurl.com/2p8kxh8s It's a shakedown of the elderly whose pensions are already meager. If covid were truly an infectious danger, how will money in government coffers help matters?

In specifying unvaccinated "Greeks over the age of 60" face fines, does that mean this new measure is not applicable to the tens of thousands of illegal migrants huddling in Greece?

Tessa, your commentary in this essay is beyond clever and astute. I'm booking marking this one!

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This is horrible and disgusting what they are doing!!! It seems like a shakedown of the elderly is what's happening in many countries, including in my birth homeland where they are targeting people who are 60+ and who have declined this product. And yeah stealing the pension funds over the years is most certainly unrelated!!

And thank you for your kind words. Sometimes humor is our everything.

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Does a failed-narrative fail without a helpful push? Just askin'...


The control-narrative promulgated in our world is something like "COVID will kill worthy-vaccinated and unworthy-doubters unless everybody gets vaccinated frequently forever and locks down whenever we say it's necessary". This is different from the original advertising "Vaccines Save!", of course.

This narrative has no limit to how harsh it can become, when a critical mass of people comply with it, no limit at all. See "HISTORY", please.

We have some interesting tribal characteristics, which don't always get studied, and which are different in nature from our individual characteristics, which get studied a lot, all the time. Carl Jung and Hannah Arendt did have the full-immersion opportunity to study Mass-Psychosis, which is also called "Mass Formation" in the case of a scared and anxious group of people being made to focus all of their fears and anxieties upon one specified threat, and one way to fight that threat, in order to prevail and survive.

Mass Psychosis is well explained in this 20 minute illustrated video, which I have posted before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M

Survival of a human group primarily depends upon the group working together in concert, which is a thing we do well. It seems that we do even better when we correctly understand the problem, and work together with a rational plan to overcome the adversity, but that seems to be optional for group cohesion.

The predominant form of "reality testing" employed by humans is to ask those around you what they think. That seems to illustrate that group cohesion is a more important trait to inherit than brilliant intellectual analysis.

Brilliant analysis, or even a pretty good assessment of facts and mechanisms at play, give a tremendous advantage to a cohesive group, working from that template, over a cohesive group working with "bad facts".

Our "owners" usually have "better facts", information-asymmetry, because they can hire good analysts. When the interests of the owners and the common people diverge greatly, the condition of "Class War" arises. Class War recurs in our history, but the winners write history, so it is often presented in a way which just makes it look weird and mysterious.

"Why did people do that back then? They were crazy back then."

The difficulty for the "owners", the ruling elites, is that they have to get "half of the people to kill the other half of the people" in order to maintain their position of control. This is always horribly bad for both halves of the people, but it is repeatedly accomplished through "Mass Formation".

It goes bad for the elites a lot of the time, too. They are quite happy to stab each other in the backs, whenever they can safely do so. Many times, when there is "blood in the streets", a group of elites will lose command of the dominant narrative.

The current dominant narrative is really weak, and has faded from being merely incorrect, to clearly the opposite, in terms of facts.

mRNA vaccines, in particular, had a lot of deaths and side effects, which were glossed over, because they "saved lives" (more often than not, for 2-3 months or so), but it appears that they actually drive coronavirus infections and hospitalizations higher after 6 months, and they seem to about double the "excess deaths" in a cohort which receives them.

I have been covering those trends, and they are well covered here at The Automatic Earth, "It's Time To Dump Pfizer". https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2021/11/its-time-to-dump-pfizer/

Dominant narratives are easier to break at some times than at others.

I keep coming back to "We Are Winning The War In Vietnam", which was the instructive narrative failure of my childhood and teen years.

Dad was over there for a year, a US Marine, and we lived on bases and in military towns, for the most part. I was a kid who paid attention and thought for himself ("problem child"). The Tet Offensive of early 1968 really rubbed people's faces in the ugliness of not-winning.

Walter Cronkite broke ranks and began gently considering that body count "winning" might never lead to "victory" as we had thought of it in WW-1 and WW-2.

The TV news anchors cannot do that again, but the internet has not yet been fully brought under control at the small-blog and email level.

What is organically coalescing is a more factual narrative among those who reject the dominant narrative. there are 2 levels.

The more accessible level is that crony-capitalist corruption has led to the situation where Pfizer got a lead, kept the lead by getting captured government regulators to suppress any solution other than "vaccines", and this has continued, even as "vaccines" are now seen to become counterproductive to survival after 6 months of time.

The second level, which is not very inconsistent, posits that this is at least partially intentional, if not originally, then as an adaptation to the lab leak spreading a weaponized viral pathogen uncontrollably in our highly connected world.

We are not starving. We are not in as bad an economy as we were in the late 1970s and early 1980s. I think that's about to happen, and for some similar reasons. Faith-based-money has been debauched, and the default is under way, as Nixon had to default on the gold standard when the Vietnam War drained America's vast treasure chest. America reached peak oil that same year of 1971. Consequences were felt for a dozen years after that. Now, the global finance markets and all national currencies are debauched, and the whole world has been wringing out more oil from expensive reserves, paid for with faith-based "investment" money.

We can again expect a failure of currency and a big increase in the price of oil, but globally, not just nationally. Global elites see this, appear to have gotten sold a narrative plot at Event 201 in October 2019, and are trying to stick with it.

I think the "Vaccines Save, Do As We Say" narrative is already failing in some places. It's a Swiss Cheese. It's hard for me to judge, because I don't get all of the actual facts about things.

The elites really don't have clear information either, not right now. They are sheltered from bad news from the information battlefields. We who are firm and resolute with the more factual narrative are not losing ground. They are also widely separated in the world, and need to look to their personal and regional and national survival first. They know not to trust each other, but not to open themselves to attack by an intact alliance of other elites. That can collapse fast.

We can't see how many of us there are, but we can see the "better facts" and firmness of resolution within our smaller groups of socialization. We need to prevail in this narrative contest. This is our historical window of opportunity. Yes, for winning we will get a period like the decade from 1973 to 1983, likely worse, since energy-based industrial economy will be in terminal decline. We will have to reconsider every single aspect of how we spend our time and energy. We will need to do this cooperatively and adaptively. When we get together on this realistic narrative track, we should be able to start solving the real problems in our real lives, and not killing each other for the failing paradigm of the parasitic and wasteful elite owners.

They should learn to ride bikes and grow vegetables, too. It will be good for them.

Look for every opportunity to demonstrate the truth and to demonstrate the ridiculousness of narrative falsehoods, Brothers and Sisters!

"Joe Biden":

“I expect the new normal to be, everyone ends up getting vaccinated and the booster shot, so we reduce the number of people who aren’t protected to such a low degree that we’re not seeing the spread of these viruses,” he told reporters.​ [Not how these "vaccines" work, is it?]

People who are fully vaccinated “can celebrate the holidays much more safely than where we were last year,” Biden said, adding

“That’s a blessing none of us should take for granted.”

He also urged Americans to “wear your masks when you’re indoors in public settings around other people to protect you, to protect those around you.”


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Okay the elephant in the room just took a huge steaming dump. Even hardcore, diehard believers gotta be smelling at least a little stinky something right about now.

Or not.

I find it just astonishing to watch cult mentality extending itself further and further out onto the thinnest branches of neverneverland reaching for ever more bizarre justifications to carry on believing in the righteousness of this pathological self-abuse.

Oh well, I guess the contract does say "I pledge my life to one billion years of service" so....

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Tessa with all the love and respect in the world I don’t agree. I want to let you know that there are a few hypothesis that we should consider. I agree with the control aspect of the pandemic, not with severity of COVID.

ADE is a big problem that virologist are watching very closely. Might be worried about this variant for vaxxed. One Professor of Virology told me straight up, shouldn’t get vax because worried about ADE. In contrast all other professors (not virologist) are encouraging it.

There is an important hypothesis that COVID is a deattenuating vaccine, this is from a Molecular Virologist and researcher at GenBank. See https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/

There are a lot of things that could be implemented to make it more mild, but the greed and hubris of leaders are blinding truth.

All the Love,


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Hi Eli, thank you for the love and respect, and you have mine! What part do you disagree with? I never said COVID could not be severe. I believe it can be ESPECIALLY when not treated correctly, and I believe I had it at one point, whatever it is (was awful). And thank you for the links, I'll look!

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