I agree with you as to the nature of God - that there is far more to existence than just the physical that we can experience directly and deeply, but also that anyone offering the one true path to God in return for allegiance or compliance is a tyrant and not at all holy.

I just finished reading David James Duncan's "Sun House", and I'll be posting a review of it early next week. I found that it wonderfully mirrors the distinction you just made between the truly sacred which exists within all spiritual traditions and the religious tyranny that fills the history books.

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Thank you, Markael, and I agree! I think people who want to impose their theology on others for any reason, are either anxious and sincerely misguided, or outright tyrannical.

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I skipped out of catechism for this very reason, I grew up in nature's surrounds, not much to do with caregiver's as I was the youngest of six kids and was a 'floater'... I was about 5 when I did get completely lost in the forest ~ by myself ~ not too far from home ~ when I had an Angel rescue.

I was also favoring books like Tim Roth's "God Hates Religion" rather than a Bible that say's we are all sinners... how supressing! Not to mention celibacy, Heaven forbid!

Yes, we are strengthened by our knowing we are a man and womb man and that our spirits can by natural means and practice learn how to read the forest and the stories from our natural surroundings. We don't require preaching to.

Although there are those who come with puer hearts and souls to mix in their desire to truly help and heal trauma and those in need. I do appreciate them, if they take theology for some reason, not all get lost in the rules.

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Religious texts are used to shape society. Until people can think critically to figure out what in their religious text of choice is the true vs propaganda written by some very clever men, there can be no solution. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/prophecy-logical-analysis-and-a-surprise

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Thank you Daniel, yes, they are used to shape society, and sometimes, they are even created to shape society. I just read the article you linked, I have a lot to say in response, let me formulate my thoughts and respond. I agree with a lot of it, with some caveats. I think the trajectory is dynamic, within some parameters. But also, people write books for different reasons, and then by the time it gets to interpretations of the books written for different reasons, there is a lot of room for pondering!.

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I have come to differentiate between religious experience (contact with the Divine) and intellectual frameworks (beliefs) constructed so as to form the basis of socializing those experiences. Everyone has a unique relationship with the Creator (think how amazing, touching and humbling that is — the infinite, eternal and universal creator of all reality loves you more than you can ever comprehend — just as though you were alone with Him in the universe).

The precise form of your beliefs matters not one bit to whom I call the Heavenly Father (others choose other names). What matters is your living of a life of projecting His love onto others. Evaluate your own beliefs by their call to loving, self-forgetting service. Estimate your worth to the Creator by your worth to others. Let the fruits of the spirit that naturally ripen in the luminance of consciousness of Divine Love be the measure of your soul.

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Compassion, wisdom and the internal illumination of concepts and lived experience into a positive and constructive framework are all signs I recognize of The Divine.


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I agree, Brother John!

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I like your points a lot and here's some quotes to add to it.

Krishnamurti: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society."

"My own opinion is that belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence."

Robert Anton Wilson

The revolution will not be televised, because as you said it's happening individually. Perhaps accelerated by the shenanigans pulled by the idiot class 😂.


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

― Epicurus

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God is both able and willing - but as other writers have said, He is in favor of freedom. To interpose His good will on the unwilling....that is malevolent. To force one's will on another (just because you are able to) that is malevolent. So if we desire freedom then there must be the choice to oppose the goodness of God. From thence came the origin and fundamental existence of evil. Not everyone will choose to believe what God declares is who and what God really is in verity ....Good and only Good. Suppose the God is lying. How would you know? How would we refer to someone who is able to choose and act in both good and evil fashion? Is that the kind of being you would choose to allow and call "your God"? What type of being do you wish to entertain as being the "best God" to have? There are only 3 choices : one who is 1) both good and malevolent, 2) one who is only malevolent, 3) one who is only good. Remember, whatever you choose as your "selected God" would be tolerant of your freedom to choose or oppose your very own choice, while being obligated to remain in whichever of the 3 character states you chose for them. Would that work for you? Would you want to give "your God" their own freedom to choose which of the 3 type of beings to manifest themselves as? Explain why you think your choice would qualify as being a "better God" than the other 2. What would be a good "acid test" of the character of the God you have chosen as "your God"? Please explain. If YOU were God would YOU be the kind of God to give freedom to all others to choose and be what they want? How would you handle dissenters or those who emphatically state that YOU are not going to rule over them?

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God chose to bestow free (moral) will to us (otherwise robots). He told us what to do and what not to do and the consequences. And God must punish evil (anything against His will) because of His holy nature. But He had pity on us and loved us enough to take the punishment on Himself. Credited only to those who wish to have His forgiveness through Jesus payment by willingly giving your life to Him by surrendering your will to do His will. That's my general understanding and Christian belief.

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Most definitely feel God is a feeling that lives within us and all around us. Its not words that matter its the felt sense and I feel that this energy radiates from ones Heart.

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why not connect with the divine through the creation of the divine? it is more direct, and cannot lie or manipulate. the soul of the artist is revealed in his art. Just so the creator is revealed in creation. no middleman, no interpretation. and many lessons to learn. humility among them. Awe of the beauty, the danger, appreciation of life fleeting and fragile. Fierceness to live, gentleness to nurture, wisdom of hard experience. Poetry, at least is challenging to alter and manipulate. Songs of connection of past present and future. books can be great literature, fantasy will always be more compelling than reality, because the world the divine made is designed to teach you. Apparently, we learn faster when we are uncomfortable and the creator has seen fit to put many obstacles before us. this can be observed of all things. The tool of Fantasy, and humans are sub creators in this, can be used to enslave. Mental slavery always starts before physical slavery. This is why books that are not in poetic form are potential prisons. Interlocking concepts that contradict each other. learned helplessness. Unquestioning obedience. No one can understand religion or philosophy well, without familiarity with how the mind works. yet they are taught separate. this is folly. by design it is done.

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I empathize with your anger about our pagan ancestors being converted to Christianity against their will, by sword. That slaughter used to be a repetitive theme in my dreams as a kid when i had no idea what i was dreaming about. Or so I believe. Its a collective, multigenerational imprint aka trauma. I salute people like you who can express it creatively and vent it off.

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Thank you, Jan! I appreciate your comment! It is so interesting that you were thinking about it subconsciously as a kid! I agree, I think a lot of people have it as a part of their circuitry, some realize it, some not. Thank you for bringing attention to it as well!

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we were made to abandon our ancestors. a terrible thing. Humanity was made to have extended families, tribes and clans to protect them, and be well. and a spiritual foundation back to antiquity, reaching into the future. It is my belief grief is the harder without this connection. this support. we are spiritually isolated. so our spirit can be more easily broken.

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I agree that it was a terrible thing, and I also believe that it was a military move on behalf of the ones who want to control others. The best thing we can do for ourselves, I feel, is to reconnect to our Ancestors and remember what actually happened!! By honoring our family going back as far as it goes, we honor ourselves, and the Creator!

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it was purely military. i know this because my ancestor regrets he was part of it. I am honor bound to resist the insanity. Some christians say trump is the anti christ, some say he is the chosen one. both sets will probably kill and die for their belief. just as my ancestor killed heathens, because they would not part with their ancestors, when it was in his heart to protect those who had done no wrong. I just believe the creator endowed us with the potential to discern, with some work by US. in this way we are subcreators here. the bar for entry is belief tho. so, if one person says god says this, i must believe to be a good obedient christian. and never have thoughts, never judge lest ye be judges, on my own. what a fool i was, by meditating and clearing myself of contradictions all this was pointless, https://artemisforestfairy.substack.com/p/the-virtues-revisited

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Yes. I have come to believe that it has all been orchestrated on purpose by a relatively small percentage of the planet's populace. "Religion" has been used by the Ruling Elite to control the masses for many thousands of years, IMO. It is past time for Humankind to awaken to the deceit and reject the tyranny. Sadly, we see on full display the destruction that is visited upon us today by the self-identifying "judeo-christian" fascists of the West. What is the mark of this group? ...genocide, murder, thievery, and tyranny. Witness the recent standing ovations for a genocidal psychopath in the halls of Congress this past week.

Revolting, Depressing. Inexcusable.

The good news is that the evil at the top was on full display to the world and people are waking up.

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Beautifully expressed Tessa. As a kid and heard people talking about God as a mean man in the sky, or who would smite you if you didn't walk enough old ladies across the street, or one that we must fear, I'd wonder why would anyone want anything to do with a God like that? Over time the only thing that has ever made sense to me - if it's not love, it's not God. There are no words to describe times that I feel such deep gratitude it brings me to tears. When people ask "why would God let that happen?" that question must be reframed. Why would we, the humans, let that happen? As you noted, as we heal ourselves, we heal the world. thank you for sharing.

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Well spoken, Tessa. The only possible descriptive I can think of for God is Love. I am as distrustful of religious institutions as of political institutions. But it is the easiest thing in the world to simply ask the question, in regard to human behavior and decisions, is their love in it? If so, it is good, or at worst, neutral. If not, it is evil, and it must be resisted.

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if god is love, we do not need a book to find him.

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"Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission."

Robert Anton Wilson

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Going back through my unread emails and found this. It’s amazing how we can find things synchronized to a moment I.e. the right thing at the right time. I responded to a coffee and covid article a few days ago expressing dismay with the idea of “we won” and now can force our religion on children in schools. Many times I get lots of likes on my comments but this time no likes and one comment picking on my characterization of Mauro biglino as a “biblical scholar “. So we take the big victory and start acting like little people and the cycle repeats. Yes, as you point out God is spirit and not a bunch of words. You are a very good writer and inspire great thoughts, thank you.

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This all makes eminent sense to me. Thanks, as always, for putting such coherent, insightful thoughts together for the rest of us!

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Thank you, Janet!! Hugs!!

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Thank you for this, very 'enlightening'! I was reading and enjoying very much "Anatomy of Forgiveness" and it raised this question: what do you consider to be Spiritual Balance? Then after reading this, I came to my own idea that it means ~ Spiritual Balance does not mean religious ~ it means finding our spiritual essence especially when all the odds are against this to take us away from our spirit. Our soul's path I believe is to navigate our world in spirit, but there has, as you said so eloquently, so much against us to even have lost our sense of spirit, to find it again means letting go of all we take as foundational knowledge at times, or it could be loss of trust faith and hope.

This is inspiring some deeper contemplations to release on at any rate.

Thank you! :)

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Thank you Cheerio!! I agree, and you are very kind!!

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Yes, semantically relayed concepts are fraught with errors. Each of us has their own interpretation and associations with a word or symbol. So when you speak of God or Christ the words are sure to start disagreements. The only real and true knowledge is direct experience.

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Dear Tessa, Based on my years of experiences with the subject of your article, I could have written it. But not nearly on the "high" level" of deep understanding like yours. I thank you from deep in my heart.

Very briefly, I cannot believe how much we are alike in many ways. We are both terror survivor thrivers. Our unimaginable suffering caused us to become the opposite of all expectations.

My life would have been much better if I had not been in a state of emotional shock a la Stockholm Syndrome since I was a baby and for many decades decades thereafter.

Just one interlude in the abuse that I suffered: My parents abandoned me and sent me to our devilish, fake "Christian" relatives who promptly enslaved me, 6000 miles from "home." They literally kept me undernourished and dipped in the main product of their dairy farm. And would no allow me to shower.

From there I crawled myself up to become a world traveler with my wife.

Since I cannot help to speak the truth, my autobiography gets censored by many entities. But is also greatly cherished by others.


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Dear Tessa - I have donated to your writing in the past but thanks to this article I am now a monthly donor!! Thank you for expressing many of my theological thoughts so clearly. I agree with you whole-heartedly. I too grew up atheist and had many bad experiences of organised religion. I am now surrounded by very wonderful spiritual Christians and as cringy as it still sounds to my own ears, Jesus appears to be the path for me. BUT I still abhor any suggestion that my path or any ONE path is the ONLY path to God. Please keep being full of heart and keep writing!

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I so appreciate it, Belle in Hell!! Thank you so much!! And I am so glad you found a way that works for your Soul!! xoxo

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Thank you Tessa, you have found the words that this lifelong Octogenarian sceptic has been searching for!

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