Tessa ~ you're 'politically homeless' - love that as that's how I feel. I'm a 'political atheist'. This is Spiritual warfare & the evil cabal will stop at nothing. GOD help us to help ourselves for I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny ..

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Beautifully put, Susan, and thank you!!

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We’re all politically homeless. DeSantis is the most independent politician currently seated. He should enter the race and if he wins, pull the ultimate brilliant shockwave and flip independent. It would effectively change the downhill race to the bottom and a new day would dawn to save Western civilization

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Imprisoned for sending a tweet, years ago, or for praying silently in your head... the slippery slope is now a toboggan run. We really need to put the brakes on.

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About Mackey conviction, here is the operative meme first instituted by Stalin and his chief of secret police Lavrentiy Beria; "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." Same thing with Trump prosecutions. We should repeat this phase with its originators over and over again. Much more powerful than "banana republic" meme.

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Absurd, why not put everyone in prison for speaking about anything.

I should just divorce myself from the news but its like seeing a wreck on the freeway. Everybody wants to see the gore. And the gore is whats in the news, government, soft on crime but hard on truth. I really can not believe im still living in America. More like chimerica. What happened to ppl?

The new business about beeno for cows; hoping that those companies, imho, die with their first gasping breath. And if opinion is now illegal...whatever.

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I wish it could be blamed solely on the Democrats, but the Republicans are hardly exempt. They are complicit . The corrupt UniParty globalist Kleptocorporate multinational faction, the clueless, the craven and the hyper- religious fundamentalist ideological factions are only empowering the global Marxist Red/Green WEF/UN/NATO/EU leftist tranhumanists.

They are incapable of messaging, have very little comprehension of the very real threats posed by AI, war, surveillance, or the constant mockingbird propaganda of the MSM and partisan talking points. They cannot differentiate the Constitution from the Bible and have zero self awareness. Nor are they aware of the myriad corrupt, criminal acts and actors perpetrating abominable acts that are pushing America and sovereign nations around the world into amorphous oblivion.

Overturning Roe was a gift. The single issue so divisive as to expedite. the race to the edge of the cliff. Yet they continue to hammer a topic that completely negates their argument for religious freedom, small government, privacy, bodily autonomy, medical freedom, free speech government overreach, activist judiciary and a surveillance state.

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I agree with you, on the higher level, it's Uniparty, and they may "message" differently and appeal to different psychological types but nobody seems to respect the actual constituents underneath, as long as the politicians get to keep their seats. And in the past, they used to at least pretend, but those days are gone. :)

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Bingo! “ Respect for the constituents”. None. We do not have a representative government. I’m very curious as to who Mitch McConnell ( for one) represents? I’ve yet to hear a single citizen say “ I really like Mitch”. Yet he has reigned for four decades. Why? How? Why is he unchallenged by a younger, more modern, appealing Republican candidate? He is repugnant and I’m not ashamed to admit that his physical presence and voice are very much a contributing factor. This is thematic of the GOP. They actively obstruct outsiders from entering political campaigns. Whenever a young, attractive, culturally modern pragmatist with energy, ideas and broad appeal attempts to renovate a dying party, they prefer death to rebirth. I live in Miami and NOBODY looks or sounds like the GOP . But for DeSantis and his brilliant choice of Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Mayor Suarez, Byron Donalds and Winsome Sears, I’m hard pressed to find anything positive aside from being less Marxist.

Now they’ve followed Trump’s lead in savaging DeSantis, which thrills the Establishment globalist warmongering Mitch faction, they have committed national suicide and American mendicide. They despise Tulsi Gabbard, the most invigorating person who gave them a chance of expanding and rebranding. She also took it to the WEF, having been there and best qualified to expose the cancer. Why did they not follow her lead? Or Elon Musk’s? Or Mark Steyn’s, Glenn Beck’s? Instead, they were ousted. Ditto Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkisson, Trish Regan, Monica Crowley, Sonnie Johnson, Blexit, WalkAway, Jexodus, LGBT for Trump, the Persistance, Isaiah Washington, Democrats For Trump, Hindus For Trump…. Ironically, Trump threw them all under the bus, still touts his “ miracle vaccines” the “ millions of lives” he saved and his handling of Covid, including the deadly ventilators, Remdiscivir, travel bans and lockdowns.

The unrecognizable Democrats are a cult of hatred, violence, division, racism, violence, antisemitism, anti- Constitutionalism and death of all thins living and the Republicans are only too happy, whether wittingly or unwittingly to abet their cause.

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Neither party “ celebrates diversity”. The illiberal, no longer recognizable Dems are a cult of identity, but ironically, their supposed diversity and tolerance is anything but. They are celebrating and extremism of competing sameness. The sexualization/trans/ gay/non-binary/ racial/anti-religion but for radical Islam is not “ freedom”, it is depersonhood. The common denominator is an effort to erase what makes humans unique individuals. Without faith, they have no hope. I don’t necessarily mean devotion to a particular religion, but spirituality or the belief there is a greater force than the immediate and more powerful than government. Destroying the nuclear family, friendships and committed relationships of any sort. Even a beloved pet. “ Equity” is a euphemism for sameness and low expectations. If everybody but an elite class is dumbed down, equally poor and life is made miserable, people are easy to control. The sexless, loveless agenda and economic collapse results in population decline. Again, a decreased population is easier to control

The Republicans, on the other hand, are too recognizable. Limited vision, restrictive, have no comprehension that some people ( a very small percentage) are wired differently than the bodies they reside in. They are no less than anybody else, nor is it a choice. Leave them the hell alone. They are not part of this manipulated cult. They are being used and know it. Focus on what’s being forced on our children by understanding the whys.Stop proselytizing and beating people over the head with a Bible. Study the making of the Constitution which pulled from ancient philosophers and teachings from so many different sources. Leave women alone to decide their reproductive choices. If they are going to focus on inflation, lockdowns and the inability to put food on the table, forcing women to bear unwanted or unviable children is forcing poverty, misery and unless they are willing to fund prenatal care, childbirth, welfare, housing , schooling, care for handicapped children, tutoring, adoption… the fuck off. It was the Republican Party that stood against government overreach and 6 Conservative SCOTUS judges who passed R v W. Of course there should be sane, humane, conscientious parameters. But not bans and impossible restrictions. Even the televangelist Pat Robertson of the 700 Club expressed his dismay, with these draconian measures as cruel.

The only remotely sentient and honest observation Biden made was the Republican Party doesn’t look like America. You’d think they’d take heed. Hell, the America they look like died with The Andy Griffith Show. I’m angrier with the GOP than the Dems because it is their job to end this agenda before it ends life as we know it.And now this shit with Trump usurping the atmosphere… again.

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Loyalty to (a) party is foolishness, even for a party-member.

Loyalty must be reciprocative to exist, just like solidarity or love. Also, it must be voluntary and altruist in nature and not contingent on expectations of profit.

So, loyalty can only be given to someone - individual or group - that values you and shows you that in its actions.

Otherwise it is not loyalty but simple obedience.

While Power may settle for obedience out of greed, fear or fanaticism, you the thinking feeling human should never do so lest you loose all your "youmanity".

For me, remembering the simple truths helps:

Never kill anything if not absolutely forced to: never hesitate when forced.

Never be cruel.

Do not take from anyone or anything without permission; never take from nature more than it can replace.

No one can own more than they can carry on their back.

Never confuse need with want.

Do not make yourself a dog to get a bone.

Know yourself.

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Just when you thought our reality could not get any weirder.

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Thank you for all you do, Tessa, you are a treasure.

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Thank you!!! xoxo

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Tessa. it gets worse https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/breaking-news-the-lobbyists-for-the

Looks like we have to go vegan

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I saw that. I was under the impression that mRNA were already used in cattle, and that pet vaccines were moving toward mRNA part. I was trying to find the source for this latest announcement and could not find anything besides Renz' tweet. So I would have to go look for the primary source but I think that philosophically, we are already there, and between chemical toxins and biological contaminations, it's not pretty. IN Russia, I think they've been vaccinating cattle against COVID (with Sputnik or similar) for a while. We need to be resilient now!!

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renz goes into more detail here - haven't watched the whole thing https://rumble.com/v2foga8-tom-renz-missouri-and-mrna-food-supply-part-1.html

i guess they ran out of people in russia. those poor cows

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As a side remark, right now there is so much of it in the MFM where information is not new, and not breaking, and then somebody posts something with sensationalist words, and it starts going around like it just happened and OMG. The former journalist in me feels very tragic about it. I pray for the sense of responsibility to come upon more people with a following but I think love of power has taken over the MFM as well, and we have a long way to go!!

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obviously all the newbs weren't reading you in 2020 - or 2016 for that matter!

so many agendas and petty rivalries. it's really pathetic. we can argue about the fine points once we defeat the enemy!

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Thank you. After DMED, I am not sure if I can go solely with Renz as a source, but it's important to know so if I f find anything else, I will definitely post!! xoxo

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Renz is in over his head in a lot of aspects, IMO. not just DMED. he also turned down Sasha's offer to help. but he is definitely a hard worker.

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I didn't know he turned down Sasha's offer to help, and if he does something useful, great. But usually, sticking with incorrect data and bullishly so causes more harm than good and kills credibility for all. And that point, it doesn't matter if the person was acting on vanity or was CO, it's the same result.

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i don't think he's CO.

just obtuse.

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Tessa, you're a priceless human being. Extraordinary work - from the heart, soul to soul. And you speak with such interesting and inspiring people. I sense that people are starting to put it all together, though what they'll do when the whole truth of it all manifests in full is anyone's guess. Little by little, we'll find out who "they" are - the ones running the giant matrix of syndicated criminal rackets and Ponzi swindles. Truth be told, these racketeers have been operating and improving their game for about 1,300 years. It's taken me many years to learn the history, but things now make a lot of sense to me. Keep up the wonderful work - and we'll get to that place where humanity starts to live up to its highest potential. C

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Thank you, Charlie!!!

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I wonder when the political sheep will wake up, I'm betting on the implementation of the CBDC's and the confiscation of deposits, pensions and 401Ks.

They don't care about their health as they seem disconnected from their temples. They don't care about their children and grand children, as they think of how much better and harder they had it. They don't care about the environment around them, as I said they are disconnected from their temples.

It's quiet disheartening really.

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They'll wake up when they're no longer comfortable.

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Never insult HRC, she can kill anyone on earth, she has a license to kill

Never insult HRC, she can have anybody sent to a J6 prison forever, all she has to do is click her heals;

Funny she's not even in power, but she runs everything with Obama from Martha's Vineyard.

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Just a meme, or did he try to set up a fake response to every doofus who sent a text?

Even so, not the sort of prank deserving of jail time.

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Lots of people were tweeting stupid things like that, and it was people from both parties. It was obvious trolling, we do not have voting by text, it is (or it should be) a well-known fact!!

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Thank goodness for the government, who exist to protect the easily distracted.

#VoteForSantaKlaus #I'mWithStupid

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But when some random person makes a fake tweet about Dr Malone, trust Dr Nass, it's an attack against him!

Why do we allow for contradictory reasoning?

Hero worship perhaps.

The Democrats believe that spoof was to screw them over. Same on the other side.

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I am not quite following your logic here. Can you please clarify?

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Sorry for the confusion!

There was a fake tweet about Malone and Dr Nass did a post on it saying there trying to mess with him.

When her post came out, I said anybody can make a fake tweet, just like you said here about this election stuff.

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Thank you for the clarification. So where is the contradictory reasoning? It is true that anyone can make a fake tweet, and it is true that people with not so good intentions do smear people who are doing something useful. Both true.

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It's the double standard / unequal treatment that's objectionable. Similar game played by left -- text your vote for Trump -- was left alone. Free speech for some is not free speech.

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Equality before the law is long dead.

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Tessa, I know you’re very busy, but would you please consider writing a more expansive story about “memes;” where they came from, what’s their purpose… What I mean is, while many believe they know what they are, I don’t believe most really get what they are, such as the purpose of micro-managed social media platforms like Facebook/Meta, YouTube, Twitter…which people believe were created for communicating ideas, when in fact, they are tools created by monster to collecting data, “correcting” individual minds away from what’s real” and to punish those who don’t conform with isolation, prison, suicide & murder. Moles, Trolls and the Bots (real and unreal) of all platforms are just low-level aids for harassing individuals or groups; creating specific reactions; starting fights & wars—which will take an entire book to explain.

I’m currently working on part two of an introduction to a book explaining what Gatekeepers are (including “their” moles, trolls and bloody bots), their purpose & function (especially during election cycles and FalseFlag train-wrecks, scamdemic “news” events…), and exposing the most powerfully-evil of “them.” But it’s incomplete, and I’m looking for a well written investigative story on memes from a sharp, seasoned, Independent author going into great detail, which doesn’t exist, yet. There are many opinions and scattered data about memes, which doesn’t help—almost on purpose. Who created the first meme? What’s the story behind the first meme that went viral, when was it developed and for what purpose? Several manipulative mainstream financial-news writers have used the phrase “meme stocks,” repeatedly, in conjunction with “block-trading” scams, and there are also independent businesses and (Political Action Committees) PAC-rat members who develop memes, too. But now that you bring to my attention American citizens are being imprisoned for memes, I’m searching for a better understanding, especially of the individual prosecutors and who they really work for, and the names & stories of those they do vs. those they do Not prosecute, if you please.

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Apr 5, 2023
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The GOP Establishment and the fundamentalist far right are afraid of DeSantis. He is no longer one of them.

Ideally, we’d have a new party that knows how to win. Between the Mitch grift and the anti-abortion obsessed… and Trump… 2024 will be the year of permanent one party rule.

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He actually would expose the cabal. He’s smart enough to have discipline. Trump needs to have his jaw wired before he destroys the few decent Republicans by burning thr entire party down. Ideally, I’d like to see the entire party purged and rebranded

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