Uff. What an ordeal you've had and what a kind, wise, and strong person you are today (because of it?)

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Thank you, Alissa!!!

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Oct 3Liked by Tessa Lena

Powerful story.

My much earlier experience with a frameup that led to jail in 1969 also helped me to understand the "virus" monsters. I had learned how psychopaths work, and had figured out how to survive their tactics.

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Thank you!! I am so sorry you had to deal with it and so glad you used it for becoming a stronger, freer person!!!

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The experiencs that make us! All of us who refused did ao either because our experiences taught us not to trust (mine involved medical experiences and I would have been dead several times over and with no children if had had not stepped up to save myself with new medical support who actually believed me) or we trusted and believed or were under the care of someone who didn't trust.

Of course our journey starts with our parents and their experiences and imparting.. so we are part of a chain of experiences..

I am dependent on meds for life and won't survive extended anarchy (I have a few years supply of the most critical med stashed), so I must attempt to save myself again by doing my best to fight what is happening.

KEEP on. I Love your posts.

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Thank you, SuperSally888! And thank you for sharing YOUR story!!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank You, Sister Tessa. I read that all slowly, carefully and with interest and visualization.

I'm notably sorry about the supportive friend who needed to stay-tuned to the COVID control-narrative.


Maybe the counter-intel guy might figure out the going-to-Tibet thing some day, or some lifetime.


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Thank you, Brother John!! And lol about the counter-intel guy. :))

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Your ex is a malignant Cluster B, and you can't ever- ever- trust that kind of person. They don't have a conscience to heal. You learned from it- that is enough. No more contact with them, no matter how 'sweet' and 'sorry'.

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I don't foresee contact with him in this lifetime, all that is far in the past. I wish him healing the way the Creator knows, no harm. But no contact is good. :)

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Don't trust the person who has broken faith once.

William Shakespeare

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Thank you. All that happened a very long time ago, I left it all behind also a very long time ago. The story just wanted to be written this morning!

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Yep, COVID was a hit from the abuser.

I call it ww3 and we all faced it all over the world at home.

Whitney Webb said that the biggest issue with humanity is that they trust too easily.

I think we're headed towards questioning authority and experts.

We're finally seeing the predator in front of us.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Thank you, Rob! In my opinion, the key is to figure out how things work, and I mean beyond the gloomy technical detail, how it really works, spiritually. And THEN the world will be a much better place!

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Maybe you can interview Meredith Miller. She's been great pointing out the abuser dynamic of COVID and other things.

Here's a recent presentation that she did.


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Sorry to hear about your predicaments. They resemble my wife's, who was abused by her Canadian husband until she grew up (it took 20 years or so), and refused to take it anymore. Happily, her husband was more like a used car salesman-type hustler, so she managed to get away after she agreed to pay half of her husband's credit card debts. By the way, how were you able to pay a "truckload of money" to lawyers, if you were in your lawyer husband's grasp? My wife never took revenge, either; she is the light of my life, an absolutely wonderful creature, who befriends even the critters in the garden, saves them as needed, and even the songbirds fly after her and "talk" to her, as if she was Snowwhite in the old Disney cartoon...

By now, I hope, you are a US citizen and won't have to take abuse from anyone:


In my youth, I was also tempted with power and money, besides the threats, and my only defense was to tell everyone, so if anything would happen to me, it would be obvious. Of course, that doesn't bother today's crooks. For some miraculous reason, they let me go, too. Anyway, I preferred to die than being anyone's slave, which is still a disposition I maintain:


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Somebody once said that truth is stranger than fiction. Such is your life. Through all of this, you are hopeful and loving. How amazing.

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Touching story little flower. Makes me want to wrap my arms around you with comfort. Would you not come live by the Ocean with me where you would be treated like a treasure? (grin face) I'm going there now. Oh, let me have some fun.

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Oh Tessa! You are/were so brave and filled with love. I hold you in my heart forever. So grateful you are in this world. ❤️ A Canadian Grandma

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You are a lovely woman, my heart breaks for this and what you've been through.... I wish you all the best and may you really be blessed to the max.......Knowing you would be a big blessing!!!!!!!

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The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage.

Jack London

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Did this happen in America??

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Thank you, Peter, the story really wanted to be written, I am glad I wrote it!

Much love to you

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I must say that covid was done by God's own order...I brought its instructions to earth!!! Otherwise, they would make everyone crazy and take away the permission to live from humans!!! And God wants the continuation of life on earth,,,, be happy until then+

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