It seems to me that there is a moral component to the disgust reflex you mention. Just looking at people around me during the *ahem* “pandemic”, it was as though fear had ripped off their metaphorical mask, exposing a deep ugliness underneath (their actual mask remained very much in place).

On one occasion, I was talking with a (former) friend about a local county fair that was coming up. Now, this individual is far from a deep thinker, and while he is an avowed Christian, literally never exhibits any such values. I asked him if he intended to go to which he said assured me that he most certainly would not be as it was likely to be a “super-spreader event.”

Aside from how utterly moronic this statement is, it is also a clear illustration of what he thought of the decent, rural folk who typically attend the fair. I saw countless such behaviours exhibited by those around me – friends recoiling from guys in overalls, family members speaking of certain businesses like they were a rat’s nest – and truly, it upended my world. Over the course of just a few months, I came to realise just how many of the people I loved were in fact, shallow, egotistical bigots. Worse still, they were absolutely adamant that they were the ones being virtuous.

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I agree, the past two years exposed the state of the mind, the deep and the shallow. And it turned out that a lot of people have been living in a autopilot mode, and it became tragically obviously. We have to get through this, and there is hope for everyone in time. So we can just focus on what we can change in the immediate, and let the stubborn ones walk their path as they see fit, as long as it doesn't encroach on us. A lot of pain and a lot of joy!!!

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Yes, I ultimately believe you're right: people's eyes can be opened. I always appreciate your optimism.

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A lot of people I will never forget...the people in my life who turned into ugly,...and the superb thinkers and commentators like you I have found through Substack.

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Tessa, great minds think alike...a guy called Mark Changi (I think) on facebook drew parallels between the psycholgy of fear of contamination and that old kids game we used to play called 'cooties"....

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

"Over the course of just a few months, I came to realise just how many of the people I loved were in fact, shallow, egotistical bigots. Worse still, they were absolutely adamant that they were the ones being virtuous."

That's the kicker: they think they're being virtuous. In fact they're encouraged to think of themselves as superior. Who knew that people could be manipulated so easily by people they hardly know and once didn't even trust? Politicians? Really? They get to decide who's worthy of respect and who's worthy of contempt? And worse? Wow! This has been eye-opening at best, terrifying at worst.

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They expose our civilization for what it is: a cloning factory where "smart" means "a very eloquent and successful parrot" for the middle class and "an effective predator" for the ones in high chairs!

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I like that Predators Vs Parrots.

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you are not alone.

Your last paragraph has described our lives (hubbs and mine)

We also receive a healthy does of shaming as well,

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Our home is right across from a church and I was shocked and disgusted by the amount of masks and distancing I witnessed by people of "faith" who should know better. I'll never get over what I've witnessed over the last 2+ yrs

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I hear you. But as depressing as all that was, now that, in the eyes of the willfully ignorant, Covid is "over", what has really got me is how little desire they have to understand what happened to them. They can see that they were lied to, they can tell that something is wrong, but ultimately, they'd prefer we all just forgot about it rather than undergo the kind of self-reflection that society requires.

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you have brought up a very good point..and an observation I also have trouble forgetting or getting over...They know they were lied to, they know things are not right...but let's just forget it and Kumbaya....

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Great minds think alike, Fear definitely was the driver of the pandemic and it's still flying down the highway!

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Its staggering to watch the arc of this narrative, to see it progress in such a predicted manner. It's like everything we have been saying is coming to fruition 18 months late, topped with the saddness of "vaccine" injuries. The two big ones left for me are: does the RNA get into the cell nucleus and what's the longterm effects on fertility?

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

bigger question is what else is in the shots other than graphene and self-assembling nanostructures, and the longterm effects of all that.

btw your album kicks ass - tessa I think you will like this! https://jacemaxwell.bandcamp.com/album/covidians

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You're too kind. And yes, that is a very good question indeed. Fancy a scenario where half the world injects themselves multiple times with an unknown substance? If it was a fiction novel you'd have a hard time believing it.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

yeah if this was a script we were pitching we'd be laughed out of holllywood.

imo you should mention your record everywhere. this is the place for it. ppl are hungry for good protest songs. mark crispin miller has great taste in music for example and guessing you subscribe...

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But of course. 😊

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

& I need shedding information please .

One good thing, although painful, I know who my friends are now. Lost many to the brainwashing.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

i do pine needle tea. don't steep it too long - half an hour is all you need.

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Pine needle tea is good!!

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Thanks! Been taking supplements & gentle detoxing .

I stewed some grapefruit peels & made a tonic out of it.

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Elections are looming, so they must relax covid restrictions, at least until after voting day. You could have won a pile of cash if you had been able to bet on the coming of these developments. "They" may not be afraid of public opinion, yet, but they are afraid of public voting (at least until they have wrested total control over the ballots), so they must still appear to be benevolent rulers, for now.

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We knew by early April 2020 that people on chronic hydroxychloroquine treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus just didn't seem to be catching COVID much.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

to my surprise the decisions of the CDC made it into the newsfeed. I forgot who had it and it is already gone. But it was there for all to see !!! I would have thought only Substack had it LOL

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A miracle! :)

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

So glad Dr. Mercola did that. Randy Thornhill, UNM emeritus, also has theories about totalitarianism and pathogen stress. No effing doubt the pfowers that be know how to manipulate using this knowledge. The digust response in the insula is something like 40 million years old. UC Berkeley tweeted about xenophobia in response to covid, but was forced by the woke to apologize for the tweet. Thornhill did a correlative study of pathogen prevalence and authoritarian states. It is very creepy.

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Are you aware of these two articles about ACAM2000? I think there will be a switch over to the mass use of ACAM2000, and along with it a significant risk of vaccinia virus infections (that look similar to moneypox and get counted as such):



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Thank you, Jennifer!! These are important articles.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

The use of dreadful, anxiety inducing images have far reaching effects. I utilised an adapted Visual Stroop Test, where colours you read are different then the colours themselves compared to when they are same, to show significant latency following images of horrible photographs. I also asked them what the photos were about to ensure the anxiety levels would be increased. These were photos of dying, sickness (hospital), disabilities, war zones, weeping skin conditions, and bodies following bus b*mbings in Israel.

What did I reveal ? 1. Images can induce anxiety (I compared results from neutral group and target subjects). There was greater latency in Colour naming and when words were associated with the images, even greater latency.

When the government and their cronies of MSM repeatedly showed those images of Chinese dropping down (eventually revealed as faked) and overrun hospital wards, they prompted the viewers to increase their own fears of death and illness. When they read anything about Covid, they would then have ‘flashback’ interference that increased the emotional valance of texts they read.

These effects are well established. That the government did this to the public without permission is immoral and unethical. The psychologists from the Behavioural Insight team admitted their actions were unacceptable. A group of Psychologists reported them to the BPS to explore whether they violated the ethical guidelines that all psychologists who are members must follow.

My professional body answered that as it was ‘an emergency’ it was ok to manipulate the public without their knowledge and cause widespread anxiety.

I still see people wearing masks and claiming that they worry about getting SARS-CoV-2 even though they’re quadrupled done. And there’s been a massive increase in anxiety disorders awaiting treatment/therapies on the NHS.

A bit of humour-

So now they’ve said Moneypox is an emergency, will we see loads of photos of backsides covered in weeping rashes? As 94% are men with men sexually active individuals will they do the repeats of the Iceberg from AIDS ads. Can’t see how lines of men at STD clinics waiting to get the Pox jab will work on parents of young children. Though the government has suggested young children get the OFF LICENSE jab. Maybe they’re saying something else what with informing Primary school children all about different sex partnerships. I don’t think this one is going to work quite as effectively. Less then 5 dead across the globe. I’m tweaking in fear.

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I think you are right, and we are likely to see an attempt at riling everybody up over moneypox!!

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All this assumes there is a live virus to transmit. How it is actually cultured? If the PCR and Rapid tests are bogus…..what is really being measured? A genetic particle code?

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Somebody please explain to me what is a “live culturable virus”…….with regard to SARS CoV2???

How do you culture a bioweapon?

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Love cares nothing of the social effects surrounding the human drama of so-called contagious disease. Love remains what it is and is not moved by illusions of conflict where both sides lay claim to "righteousness".

Pretty much nobody here (save Binra) strikes me as someone who really understands what love is, what it means to keep loving in the face of whatever silly "drama du jour" is bedeviling us, that is conning us into states of mind where we are all looking down upon one another for whatever reason. Free-thinkers bashing Covidians is no more "correct" or "noble" than its' reverse. There is essentially no difference from the heart-based point of view. While free-thinkers may indeed be farther down the road of truth, what gain is there if you lose your heart connection along the way? What good is truth if you stumble back down to the level of being manipulated into returning fire?

Fancying oneself as superior to others because of this or that belief, this is the only real disease.

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If you listen to Stefan Lanka he will explain to you how the origins of Germ theory and contagion go way back to the Greeks. Contagion has been used as a weapon to control and depopulate for centuries in Europe. It was unknown in Eastern cultures. It is all based on killer germs that invade the body which need to be fought off by our immune systems. None of this has ever been demonstrated scientifically. But here's the rub. It doesn't have to be. Humans have not proven themselves to be enlightened enough in the numbers required to understand the level of the scam. They accept without question the Black Death that supposedly ravaged Europe in the 14th century was caused by a bunch of rats carrying a supposedly deadly bacteria. They are taught this in the indoctrination camps and laugh at anyone who says it isn't so. So they never question it. Something happened alright but it was a natural event probably caused by a combination of factors including asteroid strikes, failing crops due to the onset of the little ice age, and a massive earthquake in 1348 not far from Venice which was the centre of world trade at the time and through which everything passed. However, the Catholic Church and other princes of the Roman Empire used the ideas of contagion to subdue and control the masses in the ensuing chaos. Yes, they quarantined and murdered people under the pretext of preventing infection. It is the direct descendants of these princes who are active once more on the world stage. They never went away and there is nothing new under the sun. Interestingly Napoleon blamed his defeats in Palestine following the retreat from Egypt in part on his doctors who were telling him plague was ravaging his troops. He castigated them for undermining the morale of his troops. This is why he commissioned Antoine-Jean Gros to paint the famous picture of him at Jaffa touching the prisoner who is supposedly infected by the plague. He was clearly trying to tell us something but few have ever understood its significance. Napoleon was no saint for sure, but perhaps things may have been better had he rid us of the princely houses that have dominated Europe for so long.

If you were controlling the world would you really want to be honest with the plebs and reveal the truth? Contagion and War are the two most powerful weapons the magic money makers possess. Until people free their minds from illusion they will never be free.

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With redundance, disinfection of mucous membranes was global public health policy and the general public and medical personnel in every environment had at reach, anti-infective Argyrol in their pharmacies and first aid safety kits. Argyrol was ubiquitous, found in every workplace first aid safety kit and school nurses' office. Induced amnesia by overstimulation of the senses hooked on addictive electronic devises served the intended result: "numb them down so they won't remember or ask the logical questions". Those who know better or are advised and refuse to 'call it', bear the guilt. Disinfection of mucous membranes undergirded our serenity, as germ warfare long ago was solved.

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deletedAug 12, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Cool :)

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