This story is a collection of news that caught my eye. I can feel the gratitude from the browser tabs I am about to close. :)
#1. How Fauci vaccinated Santa: a true story
#2. Transparency
#3. Crazy conspiracy theorists?
#4. Or open-minded trend analysts?

On a more sinister note, here's at least $575 million for "family planning" in areas where population growth "threatens biodiversity."
Malthusianism is a disturbing, anti-human ideology that should have ZERO place in any federal program.

(Web Archive link for the Atlantic article)

Michael Sheren, #UNDP Senior Advisor, G20 Chair:
"... because the #Southern part of the world has value far greater than large elements of the Northern []. And we start thinking about & putting prices on water, on trees, on #biodiversity, we find, where does that sit?"
I also found this.
#5. Safe and effective Uranium for Kids
#6. Less adventurous toys for adults
#7. Toys for adults who work at the New York Fed
#8. “Discriminatory attitudes,” the science confirms
Speaking of discriminatory attitudes, here are two kids on French TV making Hitler proud to the sound of applaud and cheering from the adults.
UPDATE: The kids are from Quebec. Thank you
If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps. Thank you from my heart for your support!
I wish to impress upon you some hope.
On page 222 of David C. Korten's book, "Agenda for a New Economy," there's a quote by Howard Zinn (read it carefully, because it matters greatly): "There's a tendency to think that what we see in the present will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, 'unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies' (emphasis added), and the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible."
May I insist that you grab a copy of this invaluable book soon? And for that matter, especially read Chapter 16: WHEN THE PEOPLE LEAD, THE LEADERS WILL FOLLOW, from pages 222 to 232.
See, now. There is hope!
During the Great Recession I was an Admin at the Doomstead Diner website. We talked about how, as the bankers were given the keys to the kingdom instead of rounded up and jailed, the next bubble would be bigger than all the previous bubbles combined. Also aware that humanity was running headlong into resource constraints, we tried to imagine all the ways in which humans would go insane rather than face it honestly.
We had no idea how insane....