Dark humor aside, I think nobody should consider suicide BUT they hypocrisy is truly astounding, and in fact, this is not even hypocrisy, they just don't think that other people are as worthy as their precious, smart, exceptional selves!
I have been facetiously, for years, saying that I could write a song about Ray Kurzweil on his death bed. I don't want to do it because he is a human being, although a horrible one, but most likely, if asked that particular question, they would fire the manager who allowed that person in. :)
Astonishing, isn't it? The same people who will enjoy this article are constantly pasting "If you feel like suicide call this hotline!" As if they think that will save a life. But then this they are OK with. Talk about doublethink.
These people (elite investors) are weak both physically and mentally having not any real challenges. Its a Hormesis thing, a reason they seek to sterilize the planet of wildness, including unmanageable humans. They won't make it through the next decade is my guess.
I had a conversation with a primary education professional who thought it would be a good idea if the virus made everyone sterile. He is childless himself. I asked him why he didn't commit suicide and he said that it was ok to live in one was already alive.
A lot of childless people don’t hate children. There are mixed reasons. A lot of people who have children, hate their children too. It’s a mixed bag on both sides. To be a decent parent is to sacrifice oneself a great deal and not everyone has the means or internal resources to give more than they have. Most people are not the archetype of the saint.
🙄 I’m sure that’s gonna be a greeeeat and healthy mindset for all rendered sterile by GMO shots
Also, I don’t WANT children thanks and I’m under no obligation to have any…also, humans have failed to impress this past couple of years, being an easily led pack of lemmings with rabies
I hear you. But remember, we are living in rather desperate times... This is no "Golden Age" of a damn thing. So be aware that perspective is heavily influenced by a number of factors, and we are only beginning to see how we have been dominated and beaten down, spiritually, intellectually, physically, by those who are about as worthy to be our "masters" as they are to be considered the "gods" they think they are... Reality is not easily telescoped into any particular moment in time.
I am reading this thread as somebody who has not met any of its participant in real life and assumes good intentions... I think the heated part is a misunderstanding. I genuinely feel like it started with a perhaps awkwardly worded phrase (done that myself, I think we all have) and then turned into an exchange of very good and well-intended people who perhaps use different internal language but without malice, none the less.
I cannot say what to do because everyone has valid feelings but when I find myself in a similar situation, I try to look at my own heated emotions introspectively, try to understand why something triggers me internally, and try to heed the pure, sincere, perhaps different from me, and perhaps wounded, part of the other person to the extent I feel it's productive to connect.
I know it sounds lofty on the level of words.. but I really try to do it (as a result, I sometimes end up being patient with people who act actually genuinely ridiculous... but in the long run, it bring me happiness, actually).
Enough preaching. One love. To all, whether a parent or childless. It can all me meaningful in different ways.
I should have said that I would be less of a person if I didn't have children. It sneaks up on you and I wouldn't have said this a few years ago but something happened with one of my children and I recognized something in myself that just wouldn't be there without my son.
I did say 'I am not sure'. Thanks for your response.
The reason he said this is that he see’s first hand how many children are in his classrooms that will never have a shot. They’ll be disregulated by television, sugar and their poor parents who simply don’t have the where with all to provide the attention they need to become self regulated/aware individuals. Being an educator is to have insight at a local and specific level to how the populate is managed. He may also know that he doesn’t have the resources to provide a kid with the means necessary to break that ceiling. Being a parent isn’t the be all end all of the human experience. Those who are and do well, are blessed. We need good parents, not just people who had kids.
Agreed. It is very difficult to be in a classroom, and is getting worse. The schools can only do a little to change what is happening at home. Thanks for your response.
It was kinda hard to click on "Like," for this post! If ya know what I mean. But when we all can get over being shocked and amazed at what psychopaths do and say-- It's like watching a scary movie, it's soooo ... OMG. I've been watching people doing the OMG thing for two and a half years and frankly, it seems like it's being accepted now, the way scary movies are accepted. I'm compelled to say this, to everyone, and no one singled out:
THIS IS REAL. GENOCIDE IS REAL. GET OFF THE DAMN SCREEN AND TAKE A WALK and think about whether or not life is precious to you, whether you are in love with this planet or not, whether you care about your body, other people, and what you are free to do or not do right now. GET OFF THE DAMN SCREEN and limit your time on it, because we are MESMERIZED.
GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the bugs and the birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the grass grow!!!!!!!!!!
Covid rules in New Zealand means my other half has been forbidden from participation for a year or so. Recently he was able to return and discovered one of his most joyful companions wasn't her usual self, her mother had been given a cancer diagnosis, chosen euthanasia and given her family less than a weeks notice - then she was gone.
I watched my own mother fight cancer for 14 years, she passed at 47. I have spent 6 weeks waiting to be seen for an unusual issue which may well be cancer - I'm 46 ... I am terrified and our healthcare is so messed up it will be easier for me to choose death than get medical diagnosis and treatment. What I wouldn't give for more time with my own Mum, I have missed her for over twenty years, for my own daughter I will choose life, whatever the outcome ....
Whatever they say this is, it's not compassion and the trauma of our formerly joyful companion is the evidence to the broken lives these ruthless 'owners' leave in their wake.
I'm so sorry for your loss and suffering. Cancer is not an automatic death sentence, but death is not the end, either. Sit in silence and ask your questions, without fear. Perhaps you will find some answers coming from within. xo
We were onto this on 4Chan maybe a year and a half ago. A German anon and I were trawling the interwebs for changes to euthanasia policy. We remarked that during a "pandemic", adding more death to the equation seemed nuts.
Like Ukraine, Canada seems to be one of the "model countries" of the Great Reset (more correctly UN Agenda 2030).
Canadian people are now suiciding themselves because they can't afford to live. This should be a huge controversy.
Sadly, you are correct. I had Holodomor 2.0 marked down as the next thing on the agenda last year.
I have never hated being right before.
I'm not sure the plan is an outright cull though (it might be). I think the plan is to create so much chaos that we accept the off-the-shelf "solution" they have for us to end the misery.
Live long and annoy them since it’s about depopulation and genocide through lethal injections. (the immune system is subverted and destroyed for instance by antibody dependant enhancement etc through repeated injections). They tried desperately to stop us knowing this. Calling it out, living long and healthy is the last thing that they want.
If corporations rule the world, then they only feed the ones they need. We are then surplus to the new requirements. Our jobs have been replaced by transhumans and automation. However, you can’t beat innate intelligence. REV UP💥🚀🚀🚀
This doesn't include the recent cargo train crashes carrying fertilizers.
Add in the fact that Western governments are paying farmers not to farm or destroy crops, plus the fake PCR driven avian bird flu and you have a disaster that is entirely synthetic.
Well, I don't think we'll have a choice pretty soon. Our longevity is tanking and the average used to be 78. That being said, when the WEF-controlled The Atlantic publishes something like this, it makes me more determined to live to at least 90.
Compassion is also used as the excuse to kill babies, saves the wee folk from what undoubtedly would have been a life of misery and despair (and perhaps a chance to cure cancer). I often think that we’ve likely slaughtered a person sent to help, now that particular help will never come.
There was a quote from Mother Theresa drawn out of a discussion with Hellary Clinton, regarding a question from the monster about why Mother Theresa thought there hadn't been a female US President to that point.
The response?
'She had probably been aborted'
Makes one think, and helps one see past the daily fog of psyops to the eternal truth.
A society doing that, wholesale, to its own most vulnerable, can and will do anything (and not in a good way). An evil step makes the next one easier to take, makes you more open to evil.
Moral decay in a society doesn't happen all at once. Things have accelerated. And various entities are paving us an express path to it as we speak.
That is speculation. Mother Theresa is not the mouthpiece of God any more than you or I are the mouthpiece of God. No human being speaks for GOD. That is monumental hubris to suggest. Look at it this way: We all have the right to think/do as we see fit. If you wish to consider ALL abortions to be evil, or murder, then ALL death could be considered evil, or murder, and God would be the culprit. Ever thought of that? What we seem to have lost recently, if we ever had it at all, is the idea that just because we may feel strongly about something, it doesn't make us CORRECT.
That's a direct contradiction, what you just wrote. "We have a moral responsibility that every baby is a wanted baby." First off, not all babies ARE wanted. Second, once the baby is born, they are very often ignored, as in, one out of five children in the USA, not even a highly populated country, goes to bed hungry. Children in other countries starve all the time. Who wants them then? Third, we're not usually talking about BABIES. We're talking about tiny little bits of POTENTIAL baby.
The problem is, when you're dealing with human beings, bringing life into the world or not, creating a situation for a human being that will be helpless for quite a long time, life is not so simple. There are complications. When you have a little clump of cells inside a woman, and there's no brain, nor nerves, nor any kind of ability to THINK or FEEL or be full of some EMOTION, like fear, then why do some people feel compelled to FORCE their opinion on someone else, to force them to do something that will affect at least two, and maybe hundreds, of other people, maybe in a very negative way? I know it's hard for some people to understand, but just because you feel strongly about something, it doesn't mean you're RIGHT. That's why there's a separation of church and state... Because bottom line, religion is not necessarily CORRECT about everything. There's just too much variation in belief, variation in circumstances, unfairness in how people are treated in life, and too many children in unpleasant situations. If you really want to help babies and children, then work for the ones who are already HERE, that need help. And I haven't even really delved into the problem with telling women they cannot choose what happens to their own bodies. Women are not just vessels, and having a child is YEARS of responsibility. WHO ARE YOU to tell her she has no choice? Are you the chosen interpreter for GOD? I think it takes a hell of a lot of hubris to assume that we know the mind of God.
Crazy world - and nice writing, as always. Hey, I've been trying to reach you. You are our guest on our Freedom Hub podcast next Thursday. We should talk about it. Call when you can. My mobile is listed on the bottom of my emails. Jim
Wow.. I appreciate the heads up (considering I live in Ontario and had no idea that such a program existed until now).
It is like they took a page right out of The Giver and passed it into law.
So basically, now that the government has psychologically abused the populace (especially the elderly that were isolated, poisoned with graphene, PEG and anomalous synthetic nanoparticles and then neglected) for 2 years and pushed people (of all ages) to the point of depression (and often suicidal tendencies) looks like they want to expedite the plan to get rid of as many 'useless eaters' as possible in the near future. I suppose when it comes to the elderly they (those that aspire to own the world and everything on it) figure "Why pay all that pension money when you can just make life a living hell for people and then offer them "self-administered" meds for suicide?"
It is indeed disgusting and appalling to witness this darker side of a small minority of Humanity, but I suppose these wake up calls are needed if we are to alter course in a significant way as a species. I feel these types of things will keep getting more and more extreme until we collectively muster the courage to look inward, remember our innate loving, courageous and curious nature and trail blaze a new path forward (spiritually, societally, ecologically, agriculturally and economically). These initiations (taking the form of expressions of malice and depravity) invite us to see the true value of compassion and fan the flame within to become a fire, allowing that to light our way as we banish the shadows that have arisen to remind us of our capacity for light within.
Thank you for your sacred work in shining light into the shadows and holding up a mirror so we can see ourselves and our human family with greater clarity as we strive to shed the programming and embrace integrity, love and remember what it means to be spiritual beings involved in a human experience.
i have no problem with ending my life on my terms, look up what they did to a Japanese guy who got a fatal dose of radiation, they kept him alive for months in the most horrific conditions (think nazis but worse)
EVERYONE 'in the world's has or definitely should have the right to their life, men and women. That's why I'm pro-choice--don't remove the woman's rights, done early on. End of suffering is the same IF it's clear.
And I sure don't advocate misery for no reason.
If you know yourself as you show, then you shouldn't have to
prove to anyone that your time is up. IF. But you know most
are confused, waffling(which is ok). We could get comical:
a man has a horrible DAY, ends it all.
It does seem that people can endure less and less now in
regular society. Look at all the shootings in US, and lots of
colored men( 95%) killing Caucasians. Out of control.
I'd enforce euthanasia for them.
I couldn't stomach that video but I read of horrific(less so, but bad)
so-called scientific studies forced on colored people(often women).
the link to why is canada euthanizing the poor doesn't work from this page. i had to bing it in an incognito window and then go to images to actually get to the story.
Well if the vax-caused neurological issues continue, there will be a huge number of people who can be “dealt with” after March 17, 2023. Disgusting is right.
Once anything becomes socially acceptable, certain people will have no qualms about excelling at it, including "letting-people-die-peacefully"... I have seen it. It's not aberrant at all. It's common. It's human. Don't kid yourself.
Figure out if you really know enough to be sure who you are.
Have you ever gone through any tough, painful and horrible time?
Once you've come through it, how would you describe your thought processes? Logical? Balanced? Reasonable? Heck, mine aren't that completely in good times!!
If I'm just in pain all the time, no relief, or I just see no hope?
Maybe you see it but I don't. Present 'euthanasia', and at that period of time, isn't the person going to see it as 'the answer'?
When it's very tough, isn't it normal to 'want out'?
With the economy tanking, and homelessness and drugs increasing,
isn't euthanasia going to sound great?
Oh, things are bad, maybe we can 'go together' to the euthanasia clinic.
People want to have clear absolutes. One answer to many questions. But life is not just black & white, rule-driven absolutes. It requires THOUGHT, it requires COMPASSION, and it requires HUMILITY enough to allow for the fact that not everyone is going to feel the same way about every question. Rigidity is for bricks.
One sometimes thinks that those who think there should be less people on earth should consider suicide.
Dark humor aside, I think nobody should consider suicide BUT they hypocrisy is truly astounding, and in fact, this is not even hypocrisy, they just don't think that other people are as worthy as their precious, smart, exceptional selves!
I agree, I would never recommend suicide to anyone. It is awfully interesting to hear what a hypocrite will say when asked about their own suicide.
I have been facetiously, for years, saying that I could write a song about Ray Kurzweil on his death bed. I don't want to do it because he is a human being, although a horrible one, but most likely, if asked that particular question, they would fire the manager who allowed that person in. :)
Astonishing, isn't it? The same people who will enjoy this article are constantly pasting "If you feel like suicide call this hotline!" As if they think that will save a life. But then this they are OK with. Talk about doublethink.
That has been my argument since day one.
But these "Globalists":
- Live by the sea despite Climate Change and rising sea levels
- Fly everywhere on private jets despite carbon emissions
- Have huge families
- Don't wear masks and don't get vaxxed - https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/2-200-celebs-in-spain-caught-buying-fake-vaccine-passports - and you thought they got saline. Hahahahahaha!
- Luxuriate in baths while telling the peasants to take 20 second showers (Prince Charles)
I may be a lunatic conspiracy theorist but surely this may somewhat qualify as hypocritical?
Someone needs to compute the carbon footprint of a WEF conference.
An excellent point!!
-Someone needs to compute the carbon footprint of a WEF conference.
Africa. Probably not even joking.
Would it accomplish anything, though? They don’t care.
These people (elite investors) are weak both physically and mentally having not any real challenges. Its a Hormesis thing, a reason they seek to sterilize the planet of wildness, including unmanageable humans. They won't make it through the next decade is my guess.
I think it may qualify.
That works for me.
I had a conversation with a primary education professional who thought it would be a good idea if the virus made everyone sterile. He is childless himself. I asked him why he didn't commit suicide and he said that it was ok to live in one was already alive.
There are a LOT of childless people who think that way. They actually HATE children…how does one HATE a child?
A lot of childless people don’t hate children. There are mixed reasons. A lot of people who have children, hate their children too. It’s a mixed bag on both sides. To be a decent parent is to sacrifice oneself a great deal and not everyone has the means or internal resources to give more than they have. Most people are not the archetype of the saint.
I am not sure we can be completely human until we have had a child.
Oh for goodness sake. That is well over the top.
And I'll add, that for a living, I actually fight the trans scourge against women and children. You're welcome.
🙄 I’m sure that’s gonna be a greeeeat and healthy mindset for all rendered sterile by GMO shots
Also, I don’t WANT children thanks and I’m under no obligation to have any…also, humans have failed to impress this past couple of years, being an easily led pack of lemmings with rabies
I hear you. But remember, we are living in rather desperate times... This is no "Golden Age" of a damn thing. So be aware that perspective is heavily influenced by a number of factors, and we are only beginning to see how we have been dominated and beaten down, spiritually, intellectually, physically, by those who are about as worthy to be our "masters" as they are to be considered the "gods" they think they are... Reality is not easily telescoped into any particular moment in time.
What crap.
Ninkotim: That is one of the most ridiculous comments I have ever read. What is wrong with you?!
Me, or the person who thinks you gotta reproduce to be human? Or those who fell for COVID1984 and will probably fall for all the rest of it to?
I am reading this thread as somebody who has not met any of its participant in real life and assumes good intentions... I think the heated part is a misunderstanding. I genuinely feel like it started with a perhaps awkwardly worded phrase (done that myself, I think we all have) and then turned into an exchange of very good and well-intended people who perhaps use different internal language but without malice, none the less.
I cannot say what to do because everyone has valid feelings but when I find myself in a similar situation, I try to look at my own heated emotions introspectively, try to understand why something triggers me internally, and try to heed the pure, sincere, perhaps different from me, and perhaps wounded, part of the other person to the extent I feel it's productive to connect.
I know it sounds lofty on the level of words.. but I really try to do it (as a result, I sometimes end up being patient with people who act actually genuinely ridiculous... but in the long run, it bring me happiness, actually).
Enough preaching. One love. To all, whether a parent or childless. It can all me meaningful in different ways.
I should have said that I would be less of a person if I didn't have children. It sneaks up on you and I wouldn't have said this a few years ago but something happened with one of my children and I recognized something in myself that just wouldn't be there without my son.
I did say 'I am not sure'. Thanks for your response.
The reason he said this is that he see’s first hand how many children are in his classrooms that will never have a shot. They’ll be disregulated by television, sugar and their poor parents who simply don’t have the where with all to provide the attention they need to become self regulated/aware individuals. Being an educator is to have insight at a local and specific level to how the populate is managed. He may also know that he doesn’t have the resources to provide a kid with the means necessary to break that ceiling. Being a parent isn’t the be all end all of the human experience. Those who are and do well, are blessed. We need good parents, not just people who had kids.
Agreed. It is very difficult to be in a classroom, and is getting worse. The schools can only do a little to change what is happening at home. Thanks for your response.
The schools are part of the problem, at least here in the US/West. Talk about indoctrination!!! It's rather shocking, the level it's come to now.
It was kinda hard to click on "Like," for this post! If ya know what I mean. But when we all can get over being shocked and amazed at what psychopaths do and say-- It's like watching a scary movie, it's soooo ... OMG. I've been watching people doing the OMG thing for two and a half years and frankly, it seems like it's being accepted now, the way scary movies are accepted. I'm compelled to say this, to everyone, and no one singled out:
THIS IS REAL. GENOCIDE IS REAL. GET OFF THE DAMN SCREEN AND TAKE A WALK and think about whether or not life is precious to you, whether you are in love with this planet or not, whether you care about your body, other people, and what you are free to do or not do right now. GET OFF THE DAMN SCREEN and limit your time on it, because we are MESMERIZED.
GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the bugs and the birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch the grass grow!!!!!!!!!!
Covid rules in New Zealand means my other half has been forbidden from participation for a year or so. Recently he was able to return and discovered one of his most joyful companions wasn't her usual self, her mother had been given a cancer diagnosis, chosen euthanasia and given her family less than a weeks notice - then she was gone.
I watched my own mother fight cancer for 14 years, she passed at 47. I have spent 6 weeks waiting to be seen for an unusual issue which may well be cancer - I'm 46 ... I am terrified and our healthcare is so messed up it will be easier for me to choose death than get medical diagnosis and treatment. What I wouldn't give for more time with my own Mum, I have missed her for over twenty years, for my own daughter I will choose life, whatever the outcome ....
Whatever they say this is, it's not compassion and the trauma of our formerly joyful companion is the evidence to the broken lives these ruthless 'owners' leave in their wake.
Soraya, I am so sorry!!! Sending you thoughts of strength and peace!!
I'm so sorry for your loss and suffering. Cancer is not an automatic death sentence, but death is not the end, either. Sit in silence and ask your questions, without fear. Perhaps you will find some answers coming from within. xo
We were onto this on 4Chan maybe a year and a half ago. A German anon and I were trawling the interwebs for changes to euthanasia policy. We remarked that during a "pandemic", adding more death to the equation seemed nuts.
Like Ukraine, Canada seems to be one of the "model countries" of the Great Reset (more correctly UN Agenda 2030).
Canadian people are now suiciding themselves because they can't afford to live. This should be a huge controversy.
Coming soon to a country near you soon.
I know I haven't commented here before and you probably don't know me, but I was introduced to you by Riley at https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/
I'm a huge fan, thank you for all you do!
We're getting into the early part of a big cull of us, the human herd, by our owners.
Sadly, you are correct. I had Holodomor 2.0 marked down as the next thing on the agenda last year.
I have never hated being right before.
I'm not sure the plan is an outright cull though (it might be). I think the plan is to create so much chaos that we accept the off-the-shelf "solution" they have for us to end the misery.
Live long and annoy them since it’s about depopulation and genocide through lethal injections. (the immune system is subverted and destroyed for instance by antibody dependant enhancement etc through repeated injections). They tried desperately to stop us knowing this. Calling it out, living long and healthy is the last thing that they want.
If corporations rule the world, then they only feed the ones they need. We are then surplus to the new requirements. Our jobs have been replaced by transhumans and automation. However, you can’t beat innate intelligence. REV UP💥🚀🚀🚀
Grow vegetables. Ride a bike. Be a friend. Store some water, food and fuel.
Don't confront.
Prepare to survive.
Get eaten last! LOL
I like your (dark) sense of humor, lol.
It won't let me "like," apparently, so... I LIKE.
List of fires/plane crashes in American/North American food production facilities: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1653757326303.jpg
This doesn't include the recent cargo train crashes carrying fertilizers.
Add in the fact that Western governments are paying farmers not to farm or destroy crops, plus the fake PCR driven avian bird flu and you have a disaster that is entirely synthetic.
I sincerely hope that Hell actually exists.
Of course it exists! Look around you! ;)
But the devil is scared shitless of them😱
Well, I don't think we'll have a choice pretty soon. Our longevity is tanking and the average used to be 78. That being said, when the WEF-controlled The Atlantic publishes something like this, it makes me more determined to live to at least 90.
A snapshot of what's-happinin: Think Much Smaller
Compassion is also used as the excuse to kill babies, saves the wee folk from what undoubtedly would have been a life of misery and despair (and perhaps a chance to cure cancer). I often think that we’ve likely slaughtered a person sent to help, now that particular help will never come.
"... now that particular help will never come." Do you really think the Universe would give up so easily? ^_^
There was a quote from Mother Theresa drawn out of a discussion with Hellary Clinton, regarding a question from the monster about why Mother Theresa thought there hadn't been a female US President to that point.
The response?
'She had probably been aborted'
Makes one think, and helps one see past the daily fog of psyops to the eternal truth.
A society doing that, wholesale, to its own most vulnerable, can and will do anything (and not in a good way). An evil step makes the next one easier to take, makes you more open to evil.
Moral decay in a society doesn't happen all at once. Things have accelerated. And various entities are paving us an express path to it as we speak.
That is speculation. Mother Theresa is not the mouthpiece of God any more than you or I are the mouthpiece of God. No human being speaks for GOD. That is monumental hubris to suggest. Look at it this way: We all have the right to think/do as we see fit. If you wish to consider ALL abortions to be evil, or murder, then ALL death could be considered evil, or murder, and God would be the culprit. Ever thought of that? What we seem to have lost recently, if we ever had it at all, is the idea that just because we may feel strongly about something, it doesn't make us CORRECT.
We have a moral responsibility that 'every baby is a WANTED baby'.
Even God doesn't FORCE.
That's a direct contradiction, what you just wrote. "We have a moral responsibility that every baby is a wanted baby." First off, not all babies ARE wanted. Second, once the baby is born, they are very often ignored, as in, one out of five children in the USA, not even a highly populated country, goes to bed hungry. Children in other countries starve all the time. Who wants them then? Third, we're not usually talking about BABIES. We're talking about tiny little bits of POTENTIAL baby.
The problem is, when you're dealing with human beings, bringing life into the world or not, creating a situation for a human being that will be helpless for quite a long time, life is not so simple. There are complications. When you have a little clump of cells inside a woman, and there's no brain, nor nerves, nor any kind of ability to THINK or FEEL or be full of some EMOTION, like fear, then why do some people feel compelled to FORCE their opinion on someone else, to force them to do something that will affect at least two, and maybe hundreds, of other people, maybe in a very negative way? I know it's hard for some people to understand, but just because you feel strongly about something, it doesn't mean you're RIGHT. That's why there's a separation of church and state... Because bottom line, religion is not necessarily CORRECT about everything. There's just too much variation in belief, variation in circumstances, unfairness in how people are treated in life, and too many children in unpleasant situations. If you really want to help babies and children, then work for the ones who are already HERE, that need help. And I haven't even really delved into the problem with telling women they cannot choose what happens to their own bodies. Women are not just vessels, and having a child is YEARS of responsibility. WHO ARE YOU to tell her she has no choice? Are you the chosen interpreter for GOD? I think it takes a hell of a lot of hubris to assume that we know the mind of God.
The woman must be OK with what's connected to her, she totally
controls, influences that environment. Men ALWAYS have the right to their body, usually; every HUMAN needs this. Imagine with me now,
if Hitler had just not been born. Well, his mother seriously sought
an abortion. Mostly, when those kids aren't born, you're saved grief.
Statistically, they'll be on drugs, LGBTQ and destroy society.
To be a creative person requires a good upbringing.
You'd just enslave women, misogyny.
Crazy world - and nice writing, as always. Hey, I've been trying to reach you. You are our guest on our Freedom Hub podcast next Thursday. We should talk about it. Call when you can. My mobile is listed on the bottom of my emails. Jim
Thank you Jim, greatly looking forward to our interview, I will call you tonight!!
Wow.. I appreciate the heads up (considering I live in Ontario and had no idea that such a program existed until now).
It is like they took a page right out of The Giver and passed it into law.
So basically, now that the government has psychologically abused the populace (especially the elderly that were isolated, poisoned with graphene, PEG and anomalous synthetic nanoparticles and then neglected) for 2 years and pushed people (of all ages) to the point of depression (and often suicidal tendencies) looks like they want to expedite the plan to get rid of as many 'useless eaters' as possible in the near future. I suppose when it comes to the elderly they (those that aspire to own the world and everything on it) figure "Why pay all that pension money when you can just make life a living hell for people and then offer them "self-administered" meds for suicide?"
It is indeed disgusting and appalling to witness this darker side of a small minority of Humanity, but I suppose these wake up calls are needed if we are to alter course in a significant way as a species. I feel these types of things will keep getting more and more extreme until we collectively muster the courage to look inward, remember our innate loving, courageous and curious nature and trail blaze a new path forward (spiritually, societally, ecologically, agriculturally and economically). These initiations (taking the form of expressions of malice and depravity) invite us to see the true value of compassion and fan the flame within to become a fire, allowing that to light our way as we banish the shadows that have arisen to remind us of our capacity for light within.
Thank you for your sacred work in shining light into the shadows and holding up a mirror so we can see ourselves and our human family with greater clarity as we strive to shed the programming and embrace integrity, love and remember what it means to be spiritual beings involved in a human experience.
Much love and respect from southern Ontario <3
i have no problem with ending my life on my terms, look up what they did to a Japanese guy who got a fatal dose of radiation, they kept him alive for months in the most horrific conditions (think nazis but worse)
fair warning i think this is the worst thing any human has done to another in the history of mankind and the images are disturbing
EVERYONE 'in the world's has or definitely should have the right to their life, men and women. That's why I'm pro-choice--don't remove the woman's rights, done early on. End of suffering is the same IF it's clear.
And I sure don't advocate misery for no reason.
If you know yourself as you show, then you shouldn't have to
prove to anyone that your time is up. IF. But you know most
are confused, waffling(which is ok). We could get comical:
a man has a horrible DAY, ends it all.
It does seem that people can endure less and less now in
regular society. Look at all the shootings in US, and lots of
colored men( 95%) killing Caucasians. Out of control.
I'd enforce euthanasia for them.
I couldn't stomach that video but I read of horrific(less so, but bad)
so-called scientific studies forced on colored people(often women).
the link to why is canada euthanizing the poor doesn't work from this page. i had to bing it in an incognito window and then go to images to actually get to the story.
Very unsettling. Important to know though. Thank you.
Well if the vax-caused neurological issues continue, there will be a huge number of people who can be “dealt with” after March 17, 2023. Disgusting is right.
A tough, horrible topic, I'd rather not see. But the man living to 75 wasn't for
euthanasia or anything, just not taking medical treatments that MIGHT extend his life, and, as he said, likely poorer quality like his dad.
I never accepted medical treatment always thinking the 'cure' likely would
cause other problems.
That man wouldn't, it seems, try in any way to lengthen his life.
I would try because those things improve life we do have.
But euthanasia, to me, can be very bad legally. When mental conditions
are added next year, think of the possibilities to 'dispense' with a
rich, elderly person.
Have you been reading up on 'gas- lighting'? I thought I saw Trudeau
doing this in parliament. I'd say he could pull it off.
Some people can twist other people's minds, make them believe
a) they've lived long enough b) they're broke( yes, this can be done)
c) they're a burden to society, helping no one.
And the , they get the $$$ .
There was a book written, it's likely free to read now,
'Women and madness'. This took place maybe 1700-1800-1900's,
and women (who were fine, but inconvenient) were put into inane asylum by wealthy relatives, husbands. Often it was the woman's money.
So, this has been going on for a long time.
Margaret Trudeau was 'fixed' under a very evil, renowned psychiatrist.
I think 'reprogrammed'.
Our brains can be altered, twisted around. We hear 'brainwashed,
mind control'.
To me, euthanasia seems linked to all that.
We heard BLM, but this is 'YDM', you don't matter.
I don't think we should buy into that.
Very important post, Tessa, yes, and sickening.
Once anything becomes socially acceptable, certain people will have no qualms about excelling at it, including "letting-people-die-peacefully"... I have seen it. It's not aberrant at all. It's common. It's human. Don't kid yourself.
Figure out if you really know enough to be sure who you are.
Note: Not directed at anybody. Not an attack.
Have you ever gone through any tough, painful and horrible time?
Once you've come through it, how would you describe your thought processes? Logical? Balanced? Reasonable? Heck, mine aren't that completely in good times!!
If I'm just in pain all the time, no relief, or I just see no hope?
Maybe you see it but I don't. Present 'euthanasia', and at that period of time, isn't the person going to see it as 'the answer'?
When it's very tough, isn't it normal to 'want out'?
With the economy tanking, and homelessness and drugs increasing,
isn't euthanasia going to sound great?
Oh, things are bad, maybe we can 'go together' to the euthanasia clinic.
That will be the next step...groups.
People want to have clear absolutes. One answer to many questions. But life is not just black & white, rule-driven absolutes. It requires THOUGHT, it requires COMPASSION, and it requires HUMILITY enough to allow for the fact that not everyone is going to feel the same way about every question. Rigidity is for bricks.
Unbelievably!! complicated, life's end ultimate question.
Definitely I feel unable to judge. Even IF they explain it,
that's some surface stuff.
It reminds me of someone I consider an excellent therapist.
I guess his clients thought so too.
This man took his 2 week holiday and returned and saw his clients. One man said 'I planned to commit suicide but then
you went on holiday, and I had to see you, talk to you.
The man didn't do it. This therapist was so good, a man delayed suicide, then forsook it.
I'd sure love to have taken training under him.
I wish I could do that, but I'm not him.
Another great therapist wrote Sonshine, years ago but
the principles are timeless.
I think most people hate thinking, want to be told.
Governments love those.