
This story is the first in the series of upcoming articles on the theory of knowledge and how it relates to the Great Reset.

Tessa Fights Robots is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

It came out of my attempt to write a good response to

who objected (I think) to what I wrote on Christmas Eve.

Tessa Fights Robots
Merry Christmas and a Chance to Come Alive & Drop the Talking Points
This piece just wrote itself. Scary as it is, I am not even going to edit, I am clicking “send” because my soul wants these words to be heard, no matter the price. This is going to be one of the most important posts, written on Christmas Eve. I am going to address a question that is thousands of years old, and I am going to do it from the heart. Whether…
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Since I like and respect Paul quite a bit—he is brilliant, I love his work, we “recommend” each other’s Substacks, etc.—I decided to turn our dialogue into an opportunity to think out loud about the most important and intimate thing in the world, our relationship with the mystery of life.

First, I decided to ask the question: how do we know what we know, and how do we know that what we know it’s correct?

I am planning to publish a long article once I find satisfying words—but because the topic is so important and vast, I decided to start with a short video with my immediate thoughts, recorded with love.

For additional context, here are just some of my older articles on related philosophical points. Clearly, I think about this a lot. :)

Tessa Fights Robots
The "Chaos Agents" and the Marketing Tricks; Also Love
This story is about four things: marketing, the Great Reset, the way of cutting through crap with a pure heart, and my take on what Mathew Crawford calls chaos agents, etc. I’ve been writing this story in my head for months, and I am very happy to let it out…
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Tessa Fights Robots
On False Prophets and Lying as Form of Sorcery
This story is a fictional fable about human relations and the historical impact of charlatans. I’d like to share it for no particular reason. Imagine a hypothetical traditional village. In the village, there is a council of elders who have spent decades in pursuing difficult wisdom and genuine spiritual practice (“practi…
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Tessa Fights Robots
This story is about the syndrome of our times—being super-squeezed—and the civilizational and individual consequences of violating our biological clock. It is also about what happens when we collectively abandon the “claim” to our intimate spiritual space where we stretch and grow our souls at our internal pace. I started typing, and the story got too l…
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Tessa Fights Robots
The Myth of Progress
After I published my interview with Paul Cudenec a couple of weeks ago, it inspired me to think more about what “progress” is, and how we got to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And here is what I am thinking at the moment. The notion of Nature vs. Technology…
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Tessa Fights Robots
The Great Reset and the Myth of Progress: A Conversation with Paul Cudenec
This story is about my conversation with Paul Cudenec, a.k.a. Winter Oak. Paul is a great philosopher who has done spectacular work on the Great Reset and has written in depth about the monstrosity of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and various players involved in it…
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Tessa Fights Robots
Anatomy of Forgiveness
This story is one of those really important stories that I meant to write forever but could not find the right words. To be completely honest, I am still looking for the words but I am going to start typing and see what comes out … Will probably be imperfect but so be it…
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Tessa Fights Robots
The Ghost of Self-Importance
A note to the new readers, with thanks: sometimes I write analytical pieces about COVID, the Great Reset and tyranny, and sometimes I write philosophical pieces since I believe that the answers to most things in life, including the ugly Great Reset, are spiritual first, and analytical second…
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Tessa Fights Robots
The Great Reset and the Tyrant in the Mirror
As I am typing this, it feels like one of the most important stories I have birthed so far. This story is about the likely spiritual underpinnings of the Great Reset and the difficult but necessary steps that we might have to take in order to end the circle jerk for good, and see the heart…
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Tessa Fights Robots
Resisting the Great Reset Without Being Scared
This story is about dealing with the bulldozer with grace and without fear. It is also about staying humble and not accidentally becoming the ugly thing we want to go away. There is a Great Reset context to all this—but first, I want to deal with the timeless…
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Tessa Fights Robots
"Emotional Physics": A Poetic Analysis of the "System of Domination"
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of a 24/7 onslaught of carefully manufactured propaganda. It’s depressing how well it works! But as the pressure is mounting, and the insanity is thickening (please see this historically unbelievable “vaccine = freedom…
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Tessa Fights Robots
A Prayer for the Imperfect
May all of us, imperfect as we are, be met with love. May we forgive ourselves for all our mistakes and all the injustices done to us, and may we embrace it that in our adulthood, we are authorized to fix what we no longer like, and do so from the heart, with passion, as creators and dignified participants of this world…
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Tessa Fights Robots
No Fear in the House of Love
This story is a short philosophical story about honesty and love. It is also about keeping our heads and spirits high regardless of the circumstance. There are times for investigative journalism but tonight philosophy seems rather appropriate. If you missed my latest about the…
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See now why I just recorded a short video for a start? :)

I would like to end the story with a talk by the Dagara elder Sobonfu Some, who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. I am grateful to Sobonfu for her kindness, wisdom, and the generosity of her heart. This talk makes me happy every time I come back to it.

If you are in the position to do so, I encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT. Thank you from my heart for your support!


Tessa Fights Robots is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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