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I don't read the Atlantic generally but I hear that they were in the forefront of the covid propaganda machine so perhaps the whole publication is trying to figure how to get out of this looking good. Or at least ok...

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Laurene Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs, owns controlling stake in The Atlantic. She has fairly deep pockets and can afford to support this magazine for a while. Interestingly, almost all of the corporate media are suffering in the marketplace. Eventually the market will win and these propaganda organs will fail. That's of little consolation to all the individuals who have suffered from the actions supported by those propaganda organs. Emily Oster and her ilk, in a just world, would receive a fair trial and receive appropriate punishment for their actions and words. This would not amount to revenge, but rather a resetting of the parameters of acceptable behaviour in civilized society. Without such reckoning, that mode of operation will flourish as getting away such behaviour will reinforce such behaviour in the future. Regarding forgiveness, that can only happen when the individuals involved actually acknowledge their actions as wrong and apologize, promising never to do it again....just saying...

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I wish the market would win. But in the global communist-fascist dictatorship (for lack of a better word for the absolute horror that awaits us if we don't manage to change course or timelines) that we are heading towards at breakneck speed, the market, or whatever is left of it, will be completely controlled by the governments/BlackRock-Vanguard/cabal. And we will be allowed to buy what they decide is "good" for us. Bye bye "free" market (it's not like the markets weren't controlled and manipulated before, but at least we had some choices).

As to forgiveness, I completely agree. Without atonement, forgiveness is an empty and meaningless shell. The perpetrators haven't learned anything and the ones who have been victimized have to pretend to be forgiving and compassionate (because we want to be "good", and we don't want to feel like we have been treated unjustly, so let's pretend to ourselves that we forgave and forgot instead). I don't buy into hollow New-Agey ideas (anymore), nor into self-deception. Every culture has some form of a justice system for a reason. If justice isn't served, society falls apart. The rules and laws that apply to you and me should also apply to the Emilies of this world. We all know that the cabal is above them - I wish that could be changed, but am not hopeful of it happening - but at least their faithful servants should have to face the consequences of their choices and actions. Instead, what is planned is for the Emilies getting brownie points in their social credit score, for their services to the "Ministry of Truth", while you and I fall into the red zone and are forbidden to take the train for a month (forget plane travel for us plebs).

Ah, do I wish more people woke the f... up! Instead, most of the (educated) people I know are completely clueless and prefer to keep their eyes wide shut to having to face pure evil and its emanations.

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Or not having their asses dragged in front of a court, where they belong, pardon my French.

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