Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Tessa Lena

I knew how dangerous fooling with DNA is. It is a crapshoot. By the way, the plants gift us CO2, and we use it for our benefit. My schooling and the people I knew taught me basic things, and whom to fear, so I was always skeptical on all fronts.. I send out articles to my artist friends here and abroad. It's a small circle. That is as far as I can go. And there are people I know who no matter what, believe in the mainstream. So the rest of my effort is towards my beloved art (music) for its ability to feed people's higher power. It's all I can do right now. Hopefully everyone who understands is doing at least that much.

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Yes, and thank you so much, Bobbie!

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Aug 14Liked by Tessa Lena

What I did not understand was how embracing the lockdown, masks and clot shot was supposed to hurt Trump. He was very supportive of masks and locking down and continued to urge his supporters to "Get their Trump shot," long after leaving office.

They loved the mRNA shots but hated their father. Who made a great deal of money by investing in Pfizer and the rest. Just like his friend Fauci.

None of it adds up. The conservatives are crazy in the opposite direction. I have heard some of them argue that Biden started the lockdowns. I told them they were instituted early in 2020 long before he was sworn in. They get furious when I point out unpleasant truths about their idol.

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hard to reason with people whose 'positions' are based solely on emotion

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"So assuming that people magically decided to leave that behind, I think that the solution is available immediately. It's right straight behind that, like in front of our noses. But in practice, whether it's going to happen, highly unlikely. I think it's going to be a long path. People...

may be having to suffer, which I don't enjoy saying. I hope for the kindest. But human beings tend to start looking on the inside, usually under pressure. Without pressure, it's, I think, healthy. I mean, it is just human nature to be distracted, hoax and other things. So we'll see what happens. I hope for the kindest."

Yes exactly! It might not be so painful if people stopped ignoring the painful things going on. If they stop numbing themselves, the solutions are clear and inevitable.


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"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the Middle With You..."

;-/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln7Vn_WKkWU

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Tessa Lena

As I don’t tire to say it, anyone with a brain realizes a distinction between left and Liberalism and inevitably becomes or remains Liberal

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hola tessa and elliot! this was a beautiful interview, filled with the sadness that comes from the feeling of deep love for the wayward paths of our friends, or once friends.

as i listened, i had some thoughts and jotted them down. i've put them here now, slightly edited and with some links added.

~38:28 women in an imbalanced sense are more vicious than [immature] men. … [anti-]patriarchy [ideology] never seemed real to me. The slogan was bullshit from the beginning, I think.

"Gotta save grandma - never mentioned grandpa for various reasons!" Omg! That is so on-point and so funny in the saddest of possible ways. It looked to me that Elliot's eyes had a deep sadness of someone with the wisdom to be able to see the tragedy of being human and somehow know the humour of that tragedy. Not an easy talent.

The 80c on the dollar comment is well addressed by Jordon Peterson in the delightfully anti-woke exchange between the British woke-on-testosterone female news anchor Cathy Newman. Peterson says that gender is a small part of the reason for pay inequality and cites other significant reasons why it exists. Fascinating, funny, and a kind of foreshadowing exchange of what was to come when woke went viral. “Jordan Peterson Debate On The Gender Pay Gap, Campus Protests And Postmodernism” https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54

‘Shallow do-gooders were easily toppled.’ Yes! Even, perhaps especially, the ‘deep intellectual thinkers’ are also very shallow. They are amongst the most shallow, perhaps because they most rely on the intellect and that shallow tool’s dependence on easily digestible moralistic truth-bites. A couple of weeks ago a friend went to a ‘spiritual’ gathering of supposedly dedicated and well practiced yogis with their lead guru. Yup, a significant number of ‘enlightened’ (in reality shallow wobbly) people arrived wearing masks. Conversations generally avoided the convid. He had one short political engagement and the otherwise sane looking person was completely lost in trump disorder syndrome. Wobbly base is such an apt description. The long term plan of the not-so-good-intentioned was to wobble the base to allow the mind virus full bodily access: attack the family, attack and divide the value and love of the other gender. As Elliot elucidated, masterfully done.

Mae West ‘I’m not judging! I’m condemning.’ Rotfl! It was after Hollywood cleaned-up the language and images that Mae West fell from favour. She was too blunt, sharp and accurate to survive the censorship. The Hays Code was kind of Hollywood self censoring itself. That effectively ended the brilliant and astute Mae West’s career. On the Hays Code: https://www.bfi.org.uk/sight-and-sound/features/deep-focus/pre-code-hollywood

“I don’t know what’s next, I really don’t know.”

Yes! The confusion before a new step is taken, with the challenge of resting with equanimity in what John Keats called ‘negative capability.’ Jordan Peterson also talks about that because when we are going into new territory, it is new territory! LoL! And there has been some kind of shift for those of us who woke up. The wake up has been from a much deeper place and it has a particular power to it. Elliot seems to be particularly sad, perhaps a bit forlorn. Please pass on to him that he really isn’t alone. And that the energy of life is much much stronger than the energies that are trying to stifle life. And it is likely a long time coming.

I really enjoyed this. (And your ‘ted’ talks too.)

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Thank you, Guy!!! In turn, I really enjoyed your comment, it is so well thought through, as usual!! Hugs!

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I'm still not sure where the 'wage disparity' narrative comes from. In all my working life, I've never had a disparity in pay between male and female staff. Half my bosses have been women, and just as likely as the men to be good or terrible. At one time, that might have been true, but I've never experienced that during my working life nor had any friends say it was their experience, amongst a wide social sphere. In 30+ years, I've worked the most basic positions up to store manager. Never an issue. But I HAVE experienced my supposedly 'liberal' sphere behave Very illiberally. And yes, the same observations of hypocrisy and betrayal: from No-GMO to pro-GMO, from 'my body, my choice' to 'fuck you, do what I tell you!', from critical thinking and emotional intelligence to 'trust the experts'. DARVO. Cluster B groomers and groomed.

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Thank you, Jennifer! I have never looked into it, so I don't have an opinion. I also never asked my male co-workers what their salary was, at any job I had. so I don't have any sort of educated opinion on this. Some people say it's true, some people say it's not.... I never got to researching it, so :) I appreciate your comment, made me wonder...

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An interesting conversation! Couple things your guest said were/are helpful to me. To hear articulated the fact that the world we thought/assumed we lived in was not the world we actually lived in. Somehow it's helpful to me to think of it in that way. The Covid era sure busted a lot of our illusions!! I like too the way Elliot put it that the left left him. I've been thinking for ages that I left the left - but it's more accurate to say that they left me. Not sure where they went! For me, it was a painful loss. Losing my "tribe." There was a lot of grief in that for me. My tribe now is very small. I think of it sometimes as "shrinking the circle." I still care about everybody - but I don't feel the closeness to as many people as I used to, by a long shot. I was - like maybe the majority of humans? - very naive in many ways. Kinda lost that in the past 4 1/2 years. In any case, I enjoyed your conversation!

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

My friend Jacquelyn shared these thoughts with me today.

This is a truth: all men live by faith. It takes faith to breathe and live, to cross the road, to care for the body and to love someone, especially the unloving.

Every man has been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3) and by this faith a man lives according to his own conscience. The more he experiences faith the more experimental knowledge of that faith he has and his confidence increases.

He does not have to believe in Jesus to have and do this faith. It is a free gift to him. It is given to him in hopes to convince and reconcile him to God. That means, he can use it to glorify himself or God.

Faith is believing in things unseen but hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). That means we believe or hope in things that do not appear to be real, attainable, or simply have not happened yet.

For example

A man/woman may put their hope in winning the lottery. It takes faith to purchase a ticket. It hopes for the unseen.

A man/woman may put their hope in on Jesus' so return or a better world to come. This takes faith and hopes for the unseen.

To the Christian the unseen in this world is Jesus Christ. He has purchased every soul with His own soul (Isaiah 53:10). When we look at another person, we see the blood of Christ. Anything apart from the blood of Christ is a lie.

Here are some lies that are passed off as truths.

"She is good for nothing." This is a lie, because she is purchased by the blood of Christ and has value in the sight of God. Anything that supports the case is a lie. The person who judges is "condemned already" and will be "without excuse" before God.

"I feel depressed." This is a lie because God has given light to all men. There is no light in depression. Anything that supports the case is a lie. The person who judges is "condemned already" and will be "without excuse" before God.

The person who makes a case against another person based on sight where reason and logic tempts one's own self to bitterness and resentment has not the character of love. Resentment and bitterness is a lie and so is the case against the person. Anyone who trusts in it is a liar and the truth [which is love] is not in him.


If you are anxious, you lie because there is no anxiety in God and He is truth. Thoughts and feelings based on lies instead of love.

If you run from your problems or fight against them endlessly, you lie because we are called to stand strong and be at peace and rest in God and He is the truth. Thoughts and feelings based on lies instead of love.

If you hate, you lie because there is no hatred in God; and God is love. Thoughts and feelings based on lies instead of love.

It does not take faith to see someone is unloveable, lazy or destructive. It takes faith to see the love God has for him.

Anything outside of the mind of God is a lie.

To God, faith is the only thing real. Therefore, everything outside of faith is not real; the unseen is real while the seen is not real. When Christ laid down His life from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8), it was real to God even though He had not been crucified yet. Before Christ's life lived out here on earth, it was in heaven. Therefore, Adam who forfeited his life had a life already for him to live, but this life had to be lived by faith to inherit eternal life.

We can in faith begin to see the good in everything, even the earth which has been cursed for our sake. Seeing the good is to draw us closer to God, who is good.

We all have freedom to choose the mind of Christ over the mind of evil. And in Christ we have the power and strength to perform love.


Begin to see the unseen in everything. Do not stop at sight. Go beyond it no matter how you feel. Love, the substance your heart desires. Don't be bitter if you do not receive love. Love even more, but exercise respect here. If a person does not want to be loved, do not force your love upon them! Love from afar.

When someone comes to steal your joy however and to whatever degree, you can refuse to believe it, but don't refuse in the hardness of heart.

The temptation we have when someone steals our joy is to harden our heart (bitterness, impatience, anger) so we do not get hurt. We put distance between them and ourselves, but this in and of itself is bitterness and bitterness is a lie. We justify bitterness because we have been treated with bitterness or so we think. God has treated us with love and that is greater than bitterness. Let us choose love instead.

Our love is not based on whether others receive it or how they judge us, but what is in the mind of God. God's thoughts toward us are thoughts of peace and not of evil.


If you want more love in your life, then love more. That's going to require faith. If we live outside of sight, we will be free to love.

Hearts will wax cold, become stiff on a large scale very soon, but because their heart becomes stiff does not mean our heart has to. Let it be warm and soft. We have light and that light needs to shine in darkness no matter what.

Paul in his writings tells us that we have desire to do good, but do not know how to perform the good. If we really want to love someone who doesn't love us, it's going to take the faith of One who knows all things and is greater than ourselves to do it. We need the love of Christ in our soul. He gives the mind of God where we have our peace and joy amid every storm.

If you forgive all those who have wronged you with the understanding they have wronged God first, it becomes easier to commit to forgiveness. Pray God forgive them and help you forgive them too.

We don't have to be around people who have been mean to us, but we can forgive them in faith.

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Re: how did they do it? Take a jab or lose your job - that's how. And congratulations on the very first post here in 5 years or so, only slightly touching on the crimes of extreme feminism as the main helping hand in creating the distortion, confusion and destruction all over the Western World! May there be much more joint effort opposition to it:


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Hi Tessa, I think you should have allowed your guest Elliot Crown to talk a bit more.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

Elliot would be extremely happy to see that comment, I will show it to him! :)

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this was a tough one but i'm glad you ran the interview. elliot is a brilliant guy and speaks to what so many of us went through as new yorkers in 2020: being depersoned, losing our jobs, blacklisted in our fields, losing friends to both free states and plandemic propaganda.

Tessa, you asked how sincere were our musician-activist colleagues before the plandemic? 100%, at least from my point of view. i also think they thought they were sincere when they fell for the plandemic propaganda. they just didn't recognize that it was propaganda. they'd been brainwashed to loathe trump so much that they were bound to do the opposite of whatever he did: if he had said that drinking water was good for you, they all would have gone to beer-and-vodka-only.

ultimately this is a spiritual war and i suspect elliot will get those 4 lost years back next time around.

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